Hawking HWUN3 Quick Installation Manual

Windows Vista Windows XP Mac OS
Part No. HWUN3
HI-Gain Wireless-N USB Adapter
- One Hi-Gain Wireless-N USB Adapter with Cap
- One External Dipole Antenna
- CD (Drivers and User’s Manual)
- QIG (Quick Installation Guide)
Step 2: Installation Instructions are divided into
three sections: (Windows Vista, Windows XP,
and Mac OS)
For Windows • Vista, go to page 2 For Windows • XP, go to page 8
For • Mac OS, go to page 13
This document only contains quick setup instructions. For more settings, please refer to the User’s Manual located on the CD.
Support is available via website, email, and telephone:
Website: www.hawkingtech.com/support E-mail: support@hawkingtech.com Tel (Toll Free US & Canada): 888-202-3344 Tel (International): 949-790-0810
- page 1 - - page 2 - Setup Instructions: Windows Vista
Windows Vista
Step 3: Instructions for Windows Vista
Important: Do not connect the Wireless-N USB Adapter into the USB port until you have installed the driver from the CD and are instructed to do so. Otherwise, the Adapter may not operate properly.
1. Driver & Utility Setup:
a. Insert the Setup CD. Select Open Folder to view files option.
b. Select autorun.exe
2. The Setup Wizard
will load up. Select
Driver and Utility Setup (Windows Vista)
Windows Vista
3. User Account Control: Select Allow to continue. Then, wait
for the InstallShield Wizard to guide you through the setup.
4. Read through the
License Agreement. Select “I accept the
terms of the license agreement” and Next”.
5. Now, you are ready
to install the program. Select Install.
Setup Instructions: Windows Vista - page 3 -
Windows Vista
6. Please wait until the Install
Wizard completes. Then select Finish to exit the wizard.
7. Now, Plug-in your HWUN3 Wireless-N Adapter into an
open USB port on your desktop or notebook.
a. After plugging in the Adapter,
Windows Vista will automatically search for new updates.
b. A Found New Hardware
screen may pop up at this point. If so, select Locate
and Install Driver software (recommended).
- page 4 - Setup Instructions: Windows Vista
Windows Vista
8. Connect to a Wireless Network:
a. Double click on the bottom
“network icon” or
b. Right click on the Start
menu and select “Connect
9. Select a Network and click Connect. Please wait until the
adapter connects.
Setup Instructions: Windows Vista - page 5 -
Windows Vista
If you are connecting to an unsecured network, go to Step 10. If you are connecting to a Security-enabled Network, go to Step 11.
10. Unsecured Network: Select Connect Anyway to
continue on with an unsecured network. Then, go to Step 12.
11. Security-enabled Network: Type in the network security
key or passphrase. If you do not have the security key or passphrase, please obtain it from your network administrator.
- page 6 - Setup Instructions: Windows Vista
+ 16 hidden pages