Hi-GainTM Wireless-G USB Network Dish Adapter Part No. HWU9DD
Start Here
Important: Do not connect the USB adapter until you install the driver from the CD
and are instructed to do so. Otherwise, the USB adapter may not operate correctly.
Find Your Operating System
(See the reverse side for Mac Installation Instruction. Refer the manual on the install CD for Windows XP Instruction)
Windows Vista /7
Insert the Setup CD and a menu page will
automatically appear on your screen. Select Driver
& Utility Install. Then, select a language and “next”.
When the installation is
complete you may be
prompted to restart your
Wait until the installation completes. Then select
“Next” in the following screen.
After the restart, plug in your Adapter. Windows will
indicate that your network is not ready, select OK.
Package Contents
Package Contents
• 1 x Wireless-G USB Dish Adapter
1 x Wireless-G USB Dish Adapter
B Extension
• USB Extension Cable
CD: User Manual & Driver (Mac & PC)
• CD: User Manual & Driver (Mac & PC)
or Mac Laptop or Deskto
• PC or Mac Laptop or Desktop
Windows XP/Vista or Max OS X 10.4 or later
• Windows XP/Vista or Max OS X 10.4 or later
One Available USB port
• One Available USB port
An available Wireless 802.11b/g/n Network
• An available Wireless 802.11b/g/n Network
If you want to change any settings, click Back.
Otherwise, click “Install” and wait while the Wizard
installs the HWU9DD Driver and Utility.
. It is recommended for Windows 7 and Vista users to
use the Windows Zero Conguration Utility. To
connect, go to “Connect To A Wireless Network...”
Connect To A Wirelelss Network (Windows Vista)
1. The Adapter will automatically search
and locate an open network. Select a
location for the network.
2. Select a location for your network. If your selected network is
encrypted/password protected, please enter the network security key and click “OK”.
If you don’t have the network security key, please contact your network
Windows XP
Insert the Setup CD and a menu page will
automatically appear on your screen. When
prompted, select “Run” to continue.
Restart your computer when prompted to do so.
Plug in the HWU9DD after your computer restarts.
Select a language, then click “next”. Wait until the
setup completes, then select “Next” on the
following screen.
Your computer will recognize the HWU9DD adapter,
please wait while it locates the newly installed
Connect To A Wireless Network (Windows 7)
1. The Adapter will
search and
locate an open
Select a location
for the network.
3. If your selected network is
encrypted /password protected,
please enter the network security
key and click “OK”. If you don’t
have the network security key,
please contact your network
2. Select a location for your
network. You can locate
search for the available
network by clicking on the
wireless icon on your
system tray (bottom-right
Click “Install” and wait while the installer congures
the HWU9DD Driver and
Finally select “Finish” to complete your software
Connect To A Wireless Network [Using Hawking Wireless Utility]
A. To manually connect to a
network, go to your system tray
on your bottom right hand corner and click on the
Hawking Wireless icon .
From the Hawking Hi-Gain USB
Wireless-G Dish Adapter
Wireless Utility. Select the
“Available Network” tab. Then
choose a Wireless Network.
© 2008 Hawking Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners. Apple and Mac are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. No aliation implied or expressed.
If your desired network is password protected, please
enter your password in the Network key eld and
re-enter it in the Conrm network key eld.
Congratulations! You are now connected. To view
your link status, click on the General tab. For more
information, please refer to the User’s Manual on the

Installation for Mac OSX
Hi-GainTM Wireless-G USB Network Dish Adapter Part No. HWU9DD
Important: Do not connect the USB adapter until you install the driver from the CD and
are instructed to do so. Otherwise, the USB adapter may not operate correctly. Be sure to
save all your work before continuing. Your computer will automatically restart after the
driver installation.
Mac OS 10.4 or later
The Installation Screens may vary depending on your Mac OS.
Insert the Setup CD and a menu page will
automatically appear on your screen. Select “Click
Here To Start”.
Software License Agreement: select
“Continue” and “Agree” in the following
Select the Mac OS X consistent with your computer.
If you are uncertain about which Mac OS you are
using, click on the APPLE icon on the upper-left
corner of the Finder Menu bar and select “About
this Mac” to view your current Mac OS X version.
Select a destination and click “Continue”.
Select “Install ” on the following screen.
Package Contents
Package Contents
• 1 x Wireless-G USB Dish Adapter
1 x Wireless-G USB Dish Adapter
• USB Extension Cable
USB Extension
CD: User Manual & Driver (Mac & PC
• CD: User Manual & Driver (Mac & PC)
C or Mac Laptop or Desktop
• PC or Mac Laptop or Desktop
Windows XP/Vista or Max OS X 10.4 or later
• Windows XP/Vista or Max OS X 10.4 or later
One Available USB por
• One Available USB port
An available Wireless 802.11b/g/n Networ
• An available Wireless 802.11b/g/n Network
Welcome to the Hawking HWU9DD Hi-Gain Adapter
Driver Installer. Select “Continue”. Read the
Important information in the following screen and
click “Continue”.
If your computer is password protected,
please enter your password to continue.
Then, select “Continue Installation” in the
following screen.
Please wait while the wizard
installs the HWU9DD Driver.
Select “Restart” when
Connect To A Wireless Network (Mac 10.5 or later)
After plugging in the Adapter, the Hawking HWU9DD Wireless Utility will
automatically pop up. You will be asked to enable
your WLAN card. When the NOTICE appears,
select “OK”. Then, select “Network Preferences.”
Please note the “Ethernet Adapter (en15)”network interface. You will need
to enable this in the Network preference. The screen
above shows “Ethernet Adapter (en15)” network
interface, however the en number will vary from
one computer to another.
Enabling the USB Adapter in your Network Preferences.
Note: In order for the Wireless-N Adapter to work
properly, you must turn off any previously installed airport
cards. To do this, go to the top right hand corner of your
finder and select “Turn Airport Off”.
Connect To A Wireless Network (Mac 10.4~10.4.9)
After plugging in the Adapter, the Hawking HWU9DD Wireless Utility will
automatically pop up. You will be asked to enable
your WLAN card. When a NOTICE comes up,
select “OK”.
Enabling the USB Adapter in your Network Preferences.
Note: In order for the Wireless-G Adapter to work properly,
you must turn off any previously installed airport cards. To do
this, go to the top right hand corner of your finder and select
“Turn Airport Off”.
a) Click on the APPLE
icon in the top
left-hand corner and
then select SYSTEM
b) Select
in the Hawking
Wireless-G Adapter after
your computer restarts.
Select “Ethernet Adapter (....).” Then click “Apply.”
In the “Available Network”tab, select a wireless
network and click on “Connect.”
Encryption/ Password Protected: If your
selected network is password protected, please enter
the network key and confirm it.
Congratulations! You are now connected. To view
your link status go to “Link Status” tab. For more
information, please refer to the manual located in
the CD.
Select the Newly Installed Port and click “Apply.”
Now go to the Hawking HWU9DD Wireless
Utility and select a wireless network and click on
A New Network Port has been detected.
Support Informatio
Tel: 1.888.202.3344 Email: techsupport@hawkingtech.com RMA: rma@hawkingtech.com www.hawkingtech.com
Encryption/ Password Protected: If your selected
network is password protected, please enter the
network key and confirm it.