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1) POWER ON: After you have correctly connected your router to
your Computer and Cable/DSL modem, please power on all units.
2) INSERT THE SETUP CD (FOR MAC OS X ONLY): Find the Setup-CD in your package and
insert it into your CD-Rom dr ive. Wait for the Auto-Load Folder to load. If the page does not
load, please click on the “HWRGM1A Setup CD” icon on your desktop to load the folder. Once
the folder is open, click on the file “CLICK HERE TO START.” This should open up the Setup
Wizard Window. If this still does not work you may open your web browser and enter the
following into the URL field:
- Type in in your URL section and hit ENTER.
Note: PC Users please skip this section and advance to the Windows installation instructions
directly following the Mac installation.
1-Insert CD and wait for the
Autoload page. If the autoload
page does not open double clic k
the CD-Rom Icon
2-Open the CLICK HERE TO
START file
3-Select SETUP WIZARD from
the menu
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Click on the “Setup Wizard” tab to begin configuration of your Router. If your web-browser
does not auto-load or cannot find the page, please skip to STEP 4, the Computer Configuration
page . You may return to this step after you have correctly configured your PC or Mac.
When the Login pop-up for the Router
appears, please enter “admin” for the
username and “1234” for the password to
access the configuration screen. (Note: By
default, the username and password is
admin/1234, if this does not work, reset the
router and try logging in again.)
When the menu bar on the left loads, select
the “SETUP WIZARD” option in the main
HWRGM 1A Hawking Technologies, Inc. P 5

To setup the internal clock of your Router please select the appropriate Time Zone of your specific
geographical location. You do not need to change the Time Server Address.
You can also adjust your time settings to support Daylight Savings Time. To do so click Enable
and enter the correct times for Daylight Savings.
Select NEXT to continue.
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