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HWABN25- QIG 2012.08.29
C. The HWABN25 will ask you if you wish to apply these settings. Click “Apply” .
Congratulations! You have set up the HWABN25 as an Access Point.
Please connect the HWABN25 into your network with an Ethernet cable in
order for the HWABN25 to function properly in Access Point Mode.
B. Hawking recommends you choose a security setting to protect your network from
unauthorized users.
In the drop down box, please
select “WPA (pre-shared
key)”. In the pre-shared key
field, please create a
password, at least 8
characters. If you wish to not
use security or use a different
type of security you can
choose your selection from
the drop down menu. Then,
click “Apply”.
5 Conguring the Universal Repeater (Range Extender) Mode or Access Point Mode
(For other modes, please refer to the User’s Manual on the CD).
UNIVERSAL REPEATER MODE (also known as Range Extender Mode)
Click ‘Scan’ to find your wireless Internet connection. Select a network you would
like to extend and click ‘Connect’.
If the signal strength is
low or your network
does not appear, you
may need to adjust the
location of your
HWABN25. Click
‘Scan’ to try again.
A. In the drop down menu, choose
“Universal Repeater”
D. The setup of your HWABN25 is now complete. Click ‘Apply’ to complete your
setup. The HWABN25 will automatically reboot and start repeating and extending your wireless network.
After the reboot, the HWABN25 will join the original network. It will automatically be
renamed to your original wireless network, unless otherwise specified during the set up
process. If you wish to modify this name, please refer to the user’s manual.
original wireless network
extended wireless network
In this mode, the HWABN25 will repeat the wireless signal of an existing
wireless router/access point. It will act as a wireless relay and create a larger
seamless wireless network for your devices to connect to.
C. If the network you are connecting to is encrypted, the Quick Setup will prompt
you to enter a security key. Enter the key and click ‘Continue’.
If there is no security on the original network, this step will automatically be
If you do not know the security
key of the network you are
connecting to, please consult
your network administrator.
In the Access Point Mode, the HWABN25 broadcasts Wi-Fi Signal from a wired
Network (e.g. a wired router) and allows your Wi-Fi enabled devices to connect
wirelessly to your Network. Note: The HWABN25 must be plugged into the
router or network after setup.
wired network
wireless network
A. In the drop down menu, choose “AP”
(Access Point).
The Main ESSID will be the
wireless name of your network:
Default: Hawking_HWABN25
Click “Next”.
If you wish to modify this name,
please refer to the user’s manual.
DO NOT place the HWABN25 outside the range of your wireless source.
Make sure the HWABN25 is placed in a location where it can receive a strong signal from your desired wireless Internet connection. The Reapter Mode will not work without a signal it can repeat.
Place the HWABN25 within the range of your wireless source.