Hauppauge WINTV HVR-2250, WINTV HVR-1850 Configuring built-in IR blaster for use with WinTV v7

Configuring the WinTV-HVR-1850 and WinTV-HVR-
2250 built-in IR blaster for use with WinTV v7
The IR Configuration Utility is used to configure the WinTV-HVR-2250 and WinTV-
HVR-1850’s built-in remote control IR blaster for use with either WinTV v7 or Windows Media Center.
ote: the remote control is initially configured for Windows Media Center. If you want to use the IR blaster with WinTV v7, you must run this utility.
To run the IR configuration utility, go to the WinTV program group and click on HCWCIR-
Config_Tool.exe (this file can also be found on the WinTV V7 installation CD in the MISC
To configure the IR blaster for use with WinTV v7, remove the check from the box labeled Hauppauge WinTV.
To configure as a Windows Media Center remote control, put a check in the box labeled Hauppauge Consumer Infrared Receiver
OK to save the changes.
ote: your computer must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
Learning remote control codes for your set top box
In WinTV v7, the IR RemoteBlaster lets the WinTV-HVR board change the channel on a satellite or cable TV set top box by transmitting ‘channel change’ commands to the box via an Infra Red (IR) transmitter.
ote: You will need the remote control from your set top box to complete the configuration in this section.
ote: this proceedure is only necessary if you are using WinTV v7. If you are using Windows Media Center, it will configure the IR blaster auto-
The IR RemoteBlaster consists of two components:
1. IR Blaster cable. This cable has an IR cable jack and an IR transmitter. The IR
cable jack plugs into the back of the WinTV board, and the IR transmitter needs to be positioned over the IR receiver on your set top box using the self stick tape sup­plied on the front of the transmitter.
2. IR Blaster Config program (BlastCfg.EXE) for configuring the codes for the IR
During the installation of the WinTV applications from the Installation CD-ROM, the Hauppauge IR Blaster applications will be automatically installed.
Every time you boot Windows, the IR32 application should automatically run. You will notice a small IR icon in your system device tray.
Configuring the IR Blaster
The IR Blaster Configuration program, can be found in the Program Groups / Haup­pauge WinTV. Run BlasterCfg.EXE
First make sure the IR transmitter is positioned over the remote sensor on your set top box. Remember, the IR transmitter has a very short transmission distance and needs to be positioned over the remote sensor on your set top box.
To access the learn function, click on
You will need to ‘learn’ the 0 through 9 keys, plus Power on and Enter. To learn the new keys:
- hold the remote control from your set top box as close to the IR receiver
and learn sensor
as possible
- in the Blaster config program, click the button you would like to learn (for example: 1)
then depress and hold the corresponding key on your set top box remote
control. You will be instructed in the message box when to release the key onyour remote control.
- Do this for the keys 0 to 9 plus On and Enter
You should receive a LearnKey(key#) Succeeded message. Then move on to the next key.
If you receive a LearnKey(key#) Failed error, this means that the key was either held down too long, or not long enough, or that the remote was not held close enough to the IR sensor on the HD PVR. Try again.
Once you are finished with the numers 0 to 9 and On and Enter, you can test the learning
by clicking the
Send button in the Blaster
Configuration program. It will send the
numbers 123 to your set top box. Your set top box should now be on channel 123.
Close the Blaster Configuration program and your configuration will be saved.
Message box
Key numbers
Send button
ConfigIR_v1 09/24/09