Hauppauge ImpactVCB-e Quick Installation Guide for Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP

Quick Installation Guide for Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP
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Contents of the package
ImpactVCB-e video capture PCI-E board
Half Height bracket for low profile sys-
WinTV v7 installation CD-ROM*
* Make sure to keep the installation CD-
ROM in a safe place, it will be required for later software updates.
How the ImpactVCB-e works
ImpactVCB-e is a Windows video capture PCI Express card. It can be used for digitizing and compressing video from video cameras, video tape recorders, Set-top boxes and other de­vices which create analog video signals.
The included WinTV v7 application is used for displaying live video on your PC screen and to create video recordings and still images.
When recording live video with the WinTV v7 application, ImpactVCB-e creates a .TS (trans­port stream) file. Using options in the WinTV v7 application, you can also create .MPEG files.
ImpactVCB-e uses WDM capture drivers, which will be compatible with most video applica­tions that support this type of drivers.
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Installation Overview
1.Install the ImpactVCB-e board in your PC and connect AV cables.
2.Install ImpactVCB-e Windows device driver.
3.Install the WinTV7 application.
4.Begin setting up WinTV 7.
5.Using the WinTV7 Application.
1. Install the ImpactVCB-e board in your PC and connect AV cables
To install:
Switch off the computer and remove the com-
puter cover. The manufacturer of your PC supplies instructions on removing the PC cover.
Locate a free PCIe slot (a short white slot).
Unscrew and remove the metal cover plate which covers the back of the empty slot.
Plug the WinTV board into the PCIe slot, and
screw the WinTV metal cover plate to the PC’s chassis.
Connect your A/V source (Composite or S-
Video) to the ImpactVCB-e board.
ote: Your PC could be damaged by electrostatic discharge. Avoid this by contac­ting the earthed chassis of your PC, before you open it or touch the PCIe card.
ote: If you are using a low profile computer or chassis, you can replace the full height bracket on the ImpactVCB-e with the supplied half height bracket to fit into
your low profile systems chassis.
2. Installing ImpactVCB-e Windows device driver
For all versions of Windows:
Turn ON your PC and allows Windows to load fully. Insert the WinTV Installation CD-ROM in your PC’s CD-ROM drive. The 'Hauppauge WinTV Installation CD' window will appear on the screen. Select your preferred language.
Click the button labeled 'Step 1: Install drivers'. A blue screen will open and begin installing the drivers for your WinTV. Once the drivers have in­stalled, click on the Finish bar to exit.
Windows XP only:
After you install your WinTV device and boot Windows, a 'Found New Hardware' wizard will appear, please cancel it and allow Windows to load fully before proceeding. After Windows loaded fully insert the installation CD-ROM and proceed with driver installation as mentioned above.
ote: If the CD does not autorun navi-
gate to the CD and run the 'Setup' file.
3. Installing the WinTV7 Application
Click the button labeled 'Step 2: Install WinTV'. The setup application will then open. Click 'Next' and follow the instructions of the installer to install the WinTV7 application.
During installation you will be asked to con­firm/select the video standard you are going to use (NTSC / PAL / SECAM).
Once complete, click OK, then Exit.
ote: The latest software updates are
available at www.hauppauge.com.
4. Begin setting up WinTV7
After the installation is complete, you will need to configure your AV input in WinTV7 as part of the initial setup. Then you can start watching Live video, record videos or make snapshots.
To run the WinTV application double click on the WinTV v7 icon on your Windows desktop. When you run WinTV for the first time, the WinTV Device Setup Wizard appears. Select 'Exter­nal Inputs' and click Next to continue.
You will be presented with the option to add a Composite and S-Video Input. Please select your country and click Next.
5. Using the WinTV7 application
WinTV v7 has many features, including live TV/Video, recording and pausing of TV/Video, playback of recordings in a window or full screen, and still image capture.
Close WinTV
OSD button
Configuration menu
Folder button
Full Screen
Fast back
Skip back
Record Volume
Fast forward
Skip Forward
Pause Channel up and
Channel down
Watching Video
To watch your External video inputs like S-video or Composite video, click on the TV button. You can also select Live TV from the Context Menu (a right click in the TV
window brings up the Context menu), or press Alt T on the keyboard.
Playback Recorded Video
To open a file for playback, click on the 'Open File' button or select 'Open File' from the Context Menu. The file will then be played back in the WinTV window.
Changing channels
You can choose the video channel from the list of available channels by opening the Context menu (right click into the TV window) and select Find
Channel, or press Ctrl + L to open the channel list.
Pause TV / Video
WinTV automatically generates a Pause file after changing channels. You can Skip Back at anytime or click the Pause button to pause the TV program.
While watching Video, the following controls can be used:
-Press the Skip Back button to skip back 1 minute.
-Press the Rewind button to skip back 10 seconds.
-Press the Fast Forward button to skip forward 30 seconds.
-Press the Skip Forward button to skip forward 1 minute.
ote: Changing the video channel will reinitialize the pause buffer.
Record TV
Click the Record button to start recording the current video channel. WinTV will auto-
matically generate a file name and start recording your video. The format of the file name is [Channel Name]_[Date]_[Time].ts. While recording video, you can Pause / Skip For­ward / Skip Back.
ote: If you would like to record in .MPG format or both .TS and .MPG format you
can do this by selecting the option 'Auto Convert MPEG-2 Recordings to .mpg'
under the Advanced Options of WinTV Settings.
Clicking the Stop button will stop live video, or terminate a manual recording. Click
the TV button to start playing live video again.
Clicking the Snapshot button will create a still image of the currently displayed video
and automatically save it in the snapshot directory, which can be configured in the WinTV Settings under Capture. Note that the quality of the still image depends on the size of the video image, the larger the video image, the better the quality.
The Context Menu
Right click inside the TV window to display the Context Menu. The Context menu has several options.
View Mode: Normal View, No Title and Full Screen are avail­able. In Normal view, all button and controls are visible. In No title mode only the Video image is displayed. Full screen mode will fill your screen with the video picture. You can also switch between these modes by double clicking inside the TV window, or by pressing Ctrl W on the keyboard.
ote: The application size in No title mode and Nor-
mal view can be stretched and shrunk indepen-
dently and will retain their settings when you change mode.
"Always On Top" Mode: The WinTV application window will remain in view over any other applications even if it is not se­lected. To turn on, select Stay On Top (or Alt O). To turn off, select this option again.
Configuration button
Click the Configuration button to open the WinTV settings dialog.
General: You can select the language of the user interface. The preferred Audio and subtitle languages are applicable for TV only. You can also specify the video renderer to be used and the shape of the TV window.
Capture: Specify the folders where videos are recorded, and the pause buffer files and snap shot picture files are stored.
Devices: To configure the ImpactVCB-e device, first select the device from the list, then click on 'Tuner Setup'. This will display the Device Setup Wizard.
All Channels: Shows a list of all your channels. You can enable or disable channels with the select box in the first column. The right click context menu allows you to select all channels, to delete the selected channel(s), to watch the selected channel or to display details about the channel.
Favorites: You can add/rename or remove selected channels to the favorite list. Parental Control: Not applicable for video capture models. Advanced Options: You can set various options such as convert TV recordings to .MPG file
type and enable game mode, view the WinTV log files directory and allow 3rd party decoders here.
Notes on system compatibility
For recording analog channels you need a P4 2.8 CPU or higher speed. In some cases a faster processor might be required. Slow or jerky video indicate system performance prob­lems.
Not getting proper display of live video
Improper display or distorted video at the bottom of the display area can be caused by VGA overlay or video buffering, in your PC or laptop: a graphics system which cannot keep up with the high data rates or video overlay. Here are some tips on improving graphics perform­ance:
- Use the latest graphics driver: graphics drivers are often ‘tweaked’ to improve performance, especially on built-in graphics on laptops. Check the Microsoft Windows update site to download the latest graphics driver for your computer, or check your computers manufac­turer website for the latest graphics driver.
- You can try a different video renderer. To do this, open the WinTV Settings dialog (click the “gear” icon), and in the General tab change the Video Renderer option. The Video Render is a software interface to your graphics card. The default mode used is EVR. Especially on Windows XP the display performance may be better when selecting VMR7 or VMR9 in­stead. Changes to this setting require restarting live TV/Video. (Note that the snapshot function only works with VMR7 or EVR.)
Video Standard Selection (PAL / NTSC)
The WinTV7 installer sets the video standard according to your selection during installation. (When you set up the video channels in the Device Setup Wizard, the video standard selec­tion is currently ignored.) PAL BGHIDK is the commonly used format in Europe, NTSC is the broadcast format used in North America.
If you selected PAL during installation, and later connect a NTSC video source, you will see a garbled video image in WinTV. To correct this, you need to uninstall the Hauppauge WinTV7 application, and select the proper video standard when reinstalling it.
A quicker way to change the video format without reinstalling WinTV7 is this: Locate the file 'GenPCI.ini' in the C:\Program Files\WinTV\TVServer folder. Open this file in notepad and find the section [ImpactVCB-e]. In this section change the line 'SOURCE_1_TUNER_FORMAT=16' to 'SOURCE_1_TUNER_FORMAT=1' (1 = NTSC, 16 = PAL). Then restart Windows or just restart the 'HauppaugeTVServer' service in the Windows Control Panel under Manage / Serv­ices.
Uninstalling the WinTV driver and application
Run the hcwclear.exe from the installation CD. Select OK. A black screen will briefly appear and once it has disappeared the software will have been removed.
Game Mode
If a video camera or a gaming console is connected to the ImpactVCB-e, you will notice that there is some delay in the video displayed. This is because live video is first compressed into the MPEG-2 format, and buffered onto the hard disk drive, before it is displayed. If you need near real time video display, you can enable the so called Game Mode. To do this, open the WinTV settings and in 'Advanced Options' select 'Use Game Mode for analog (slip disabled, requires reboot)'. Then close the WinTV application and restart Windows.
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FCC Statement FCC ID: H90WINTV CE Statement: This equipment has been tested and complies with EN 55013, EN 55020 and IEC 801- 3 part 3 standards. CAUTION: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance to the FCC Rules could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Supplementary Television Broadcasting Receiving Apparatus - Appareils sup- plémentaires de réception de télévision, Canada. Nordic note: Ma kun tilkoples kabel-TV nett via galvanisk isolator
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE): The device may not be disposed of with household rubbish. This appliance is labeled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EG concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equip­ment - WEEE). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU. To re­turn your used device, please use the return and collection systems available to you.
© 2011 Hauppauge Computer Works
QI-IMPACT-VCB-E-WTV7-V1.0-ENG - 2011/10/21