Haulotte Quick Up 7, Quick Up 9, Quick Up 11, Quick Up 12, Quick Up 13 Operation And Maintenance Instructions

Quick Up 7 - 8 - 9 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14
242 032 9580 - E 07.08 GB
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Why use only Haulotte original spare-parts ?
Components, substitutions, or modifica tions other than t he ones recommended by Haulotte may recall in question the initia l security conditions of our Haulotte equipment. The person who would have intervened for any operation of this kind will take responsibility and recall in question the EEC ma rking validity granted by Haulotte. The EEC declaration will become null and void and Haulotte will disclaim regulation responsibility.
The contractual warranty of fered by Haulotte for it s equipment will no longer be app lied after spare-parts other than original ones are used.
The manufacture and unfair competition of fake spare-parts will be sentenced by public and penal law. The usage of fake sp are-parts w ill invoke the civil and penal liability of the manufacturer, of the ret ailer, and, in some cases, of the per son who used the fake sp are­parts. Unfair competition invokes the civil liability of the manufacturer and the retailer of a “slavish copy” which, t aking unjustifi ed adva ntage of this operation, distorts the normal rules of competition and creates a “p arasitism” act by divertin g ef forts of design, perfection, research of best suitability, and the know-how of Haulotte.
Using Haulotte original spare-parts means guarantee of :
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The latest technological evolution
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The Haulotte warranty
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Using Haulotte original sp are-parts allows you to t ake advant age of 40 000 references available in our permanent stock and a 98% service rate.
Operation and maintenance
You have just received your Quick Up machine.
This machine will give you total satisfaction if you follow these operation and maintenance instructions carefully.
This manual is intended to help you.
We insist on the importance of:
• compliance with the safety instructions concerning the machine itself, its use and its environment,
• use within the limits of the machine,
• correct maintenance, which will affect the machine’s lifetime.
During and after the warra nty period, ou r Aftersales de partment is available to provide any services you may require.
When contacting your local agent or our aftersales department, specify the exact machine type and its serial number.
When ordering consumab les or spar e p arts, use this ma nual and the "Spare parts" catalogue to ensure use of original parts, which is the sole guarantee of interchangability and proper operation.
This instruction manual is supplied with the machine and is mentioned on the delivery note.
REMINDER:Quick Up machines conform to the clauses of the Machines Directi-
ve, 89/392/CEE dated June 14 1989, amended by directives 91/368/ CEE d ated Ju ne 21 1 991, 93/44 /CEE da ted Jun e 1 4 19 93, 9 3/68/ CEE (98/37/CE) dated July 22 1993 and 89/336 CEE dated May 3 1989; as well as to directive 2000/14/CE and directive EMC/89/336/ CE.
Operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance
1 - GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS - SAFETY ............................................................ 1
1.1 - GENERAL WARNING ................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 - Manual ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 - Labels ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.3 - Safety....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 - GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................... 2
1.2.1 - Operators................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.2 - Environment............................................................................................................................. 2
1.2.3 - Using the machine ................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 - RESIDUAL RISKS ....................................................................................................... 4
1.3.1 - Risks of trembling or overturning ............................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 - Electric risks............................................................................................................................. 4
1.3.3 - Risks of explosion or burning................................................................................................... 4
1.3.4 - Risks of collision ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 - VERIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 - Periodic checks........................................................................................................................ 4
1.4.2 - Examination of machine suitability........................................................................................... 5
1.4.3 - State of repair .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.5 - REPAIRS AND ADJUSTMENTS................................................................................. 5
1.6 - VERIFICATIONS BEFORE RESUMING OPERATION............................................... 5
1.7 - BEAUFORT SCALE ................................................................................................... 5
1.8 - MINIMUM SAFETY DISTANCES ................................................................................ 6
2 - PRESENTATION ......................................................................................................... 7
2.1 - IDENTIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 7
2.2 - MAIN COMPONENTS ................................................................................................. 8
2.3 - TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ............................................................................. 9
2.3.1 - Quick Up technical characteristics........................................................................................... 9
Operation and maintenance
2.4 - SIZE .............................................................................................................................9
2.4.1 - Size .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 - LABELS......................................................................................................................10
2.5.1 - List of labels ........................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.2 - Common "red" labels ............................................................................................................. 11
2.5.3 - Common "yellow" labels......................................................................................................... 12
2.5.4 - Common "orange" labels ....................................................................................................... 12
2.5.5 - Miscellaneous common labels .............................................................................................. 12
2.5.6 - Specific "red" labels................................................................................................................ 13
2.5.7 - Positionning labels ................................................................................................................. 13
3 - OPERATING PRINCIPLE...........................................................................................15
3.1 - HYDRAULIC CIRCUIT...............................................................................................15
3.2 - ELECTRIC CIRCUIT..................................................................................................15
3.2.1 - Stabiliser control..................................................................................................................... 15
4 - USE.............................................................................................................................17
4.1 - UNLOADING - LOADING - MOVING.........................................................................17
4.1.1 - Manual loading....................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.2 - Manual unloading................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.3 - Unloading with a lift truck ....................................................................................................... 19
4.1.4 - Unloading by lifting ................................................................................................................. 19
4.1.5 - Moving.................................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 - OPERATIONS BEFORE FIRST USE ........................................................................21
4.2.1 - "Mast" control panel ............................................................................................................... 21
4.2.2 - "Platform" control panel.......................................................................................................... 22
4.2.3 - Checks before use ................................................................................................................. 22
4.3 - STARTING UP ...........................................................................................................23
4.3.1 - Power on................................................................................................................................ 23
4.3.2 - Machine stabilisation.............................................................................................................. 23
4.3.3 - Up/Down................................................................................................................................. 23
4.3.4 - Testing the platform control panel.......................................................................................... 24
4.3.5 - Stopping the machine............................................................................................................. 24
Operation and maintenance
4.4 - EMERGENCY AND RESCUE OPERATIONS .......................................................... 24
4.4.1 - Emergency lowering .............................................................................................................. 24
4.4.2 - Rescue lowering .................................................................................................................... 24
4.5 - USE AND MAINTENANCE OF BATTERIES............................................................. 25
4.5.1 - Starting operation................................................................................................................... 25
4.5.2 - Discharge............................................................................................................................... 25
4.5.3 - Charge ................................................................................................................................... 25
4.5.4 - Servicing ................................................................................................................................ 25
5 - MAINTENANCE ......................................................................................................... 27
5.1 - GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................... 27
5.1.1 - Periodical servicing................................................................................................................ 28
5.1.2 - Operating instructions............................................................................................................ 29
6 - OPERATING INCIDENTS.......................................................................................... 33
7 - HYDRAULIC DIAGRAM ............................................................................................ 35
7.1 - AC VERSION............................................................................................................. 35
7.2 - DC VERSION ............................................................................................................ 36
8 - WIRING DIAGRAMS.................................................................................................. 37
8.1 - AC VERSION............................................................................................................. 37
8.2 - DC VERSION ............................................................................................................ 38
9 - REGISTER OF INSPECTION AND REPAIR............................................................. 39
Operation and maintenance
Operation and maintenance
1.1.1 - Manual
This manual aims to help the operator to get to know the Quick Up machine to provide for efficient and SAFE use. However, this manual cannot be a substitute for the basic training required by any site equipment operator.
The comp any ma nager is r equired to infor m ope rators of th e recommendations in th e instru ction man ual. He is also r esponsible for applying any "user regulations" in force in the country of use.
Before using the machine, it is essential to be familiar with and undertsand all these instructions to ensure safe and efficient use of the equipment.
This instruction manual must be available to all operators. Extra copies can be supplied on request.
1.1.2 - Labels
Potential h azards an d ma chine instru ctions ar e in dicated by lab els an d plates. Read the instructions on these labels and plates.
All labels use the following colour code:
• Red indicates a potentially fatal hazard.
• Orange indicates a hazard that may cause serious injury.
• Yellow indicates a hazard that may cause material damage or slight injury.
The company manager must ensure that all labels and plates are in good condition and legible. Extra copies can be supplied by the manufacturer on request.
1.1.3 - Safety
Ensure that any person entrusted with the machine is able to comply with the safety measures required by its use.
Avoid any work cond itions liab le to affect safety. Any use that do es not conform to th e instru ctions m ay incur risks an d da mage to pe ople an d materials.
To attract the reader’s attention,
instructions are indicated by this
standard symbol.
Ensure that all plates and labels related to safety and hazards are complete and legible.
Operation and maintenance
1.2.1 - Operators
Operators must be aged over 18 and hold an operating permit issued by the employer after verification of physical aptitude and practical platform operation tests.
Only trained operators may use
Haulotte self-propelled platforms.
There must be at least two operators so that one can:
• react quickly in an emergency,
• take over the controls in the event of accident or failure,
• monitor a nd p revent ve hicles and ped estrians from mo ving ar ound the platform,
1.2.2 - Environment
This machine is for indoor use only.
Never use the machine:
• on soft, unstable or cluttered ground,
• on a slope that is greater than the permitted slope,
• with a windspeed high er than the pe rmitted limit. If th e machin e is used ou tside, use a n a nemometer to check that wind speed is less than or equal to the permitted limit.
• near electric lines (find out minimum distances according to voltage),
• in temperatures of less than -29°C (particularly in cold rooms), consult us if work is to be carried out at less than -29°C.
• in an explosive atmosphere,
• during storms (lightning risk),
• in the dark without floodlighting,
• in the presence of intense electromagnetic fields (radar, or high cur­rents).
1.2.3 - Using the machine
It is important to ensure that in normal operation, i.e. platform operation, the platform/turntable station selection key must be removed and kept on the ground by a person present and trained in emergency/rescue manoeuvres.
Do not use the machine with:
• load greater than the allowed load,
• more people than the authorised number,
• a lateral force in the platform greater than the permissible limit (See Chap 2.3, page 9).
X km/h
Y km/h
Operation and maintenance
To reduce the risk of falls, op erators must comply with the following instructions:
• firmly hold the barrier when the machine is moving,
• wipe all traces of oil or grease from the steps, floor or hand rails,
• wear personal protective gear suited to the work conditions and appli­cable lo cal re gulations, in p articular whe n wor king in ha zardous areas,
• do not disable the safety end of travel sensors,
• avoid hitting stationary or moving obstacles,
• do not use ladders or other accessories to increase working height,
• do not use the barrier as a means of access to climb into or out of the platform (use the steps provided on the machine),
• do not climb on the barrier while the machine is raised,
• do not use the machine without setting up the platform’s protective bar or closing the safety gate,
• do not climb on the covers.
All Quick Up mach ines a re e quipped wit h app roved an chor point s that will ac cept a single harness per point of anchor. These a nchor points are indicated by the label opposite.
If local and government regulations in force in the country of use im­pose the wearing of a harness, we recommend use of these approved anchor points.
Do not use the machine as a crane,
goods lift or elevator.
To avoid risks of ove rturning, ope rators must comply with th e following instructions:
• stabilisers must always be engaged wh ilst the platform is raised and must not be released until the platform is in the fully stowed position,
• do not disable safety end of travel contactors,
• respect the maximum load, and the number of people authorised in the platform,
• spread the load and place in the centre of the platform if possible,
• check that the ground resists the pressure and load per wheel,
• avoid hitting stationary or moving obstacles,
• do not use the machine with a cluttered platform,
• do not use the machine with equipment or objects hanging from the guardrails,
• do not use the machine with elements that may increase its wind re­sistance (e.g.: panels),
• do not perform machine maintenance operations while the machine is raised without implementing the necessary safety precautions (gantry crane, crane),
• perform daily checks and monitor correct operation during periods of use.
NOTE: Do not tow the Quick Up (it is not designed to be towed and
must be transported on a trailer).
200 N
(20 kg)
Operation and maintenance
1.3.1 - Risks of trembling or overturning
The risks of trembling or overturning are high in the following situations:
- sudden action on the control levers,
- platform overload,
- ground collapse (be careful during thaw periods in winter),
- gusts of wind,
- hitting an obstacle on the ground or overhead,
- working on raised pavements, etc.
1.3.2 - Electric risks
If the machine has a 220 V, 16A max.
socket, the extension must be
connected to a mains socket,
protected by a 30mA differential
circuit breaker.
Electric risks are high in the following situations:
- contact with a live line,
- use during storms.
See “Minimum safety distances”, page 6
1.3.3 - Risks of explosion or burning
The risks of explosion or burning are high in the following situations:
- work in an explosive or inflammable atmosphere,
- use of a machine with a hydraulic leak.
1.3.4 - Risks of collision
- Risk o f crushing people lo cated within the m achine’s op erating area.
- The operator must evaluate any overhead risks before using the machine.
Comply with current legislation in the country of use.
In FRANCE: Order dated March 1st 2004 + DRT 2005-04 instruction dated march 24th 2005 specifying:
1.4.1 - Periodic checks
The machine must be examined every 6 months to detect any defects that may cause an accident.
These examinations are carried out by an external organisation or a person specially appointed by the company manager and reporting directly to him (employee of the company or otherwise) Articles R 233-5 and R 233-11 of the Labour Code.
The results of these examinations are recorded in a safety log kept by the company ma nager, available at all times to the fa ctory inspector and the company’s hea lth an d safety com mittee, if the re is on e. The list of an y specially appointed persons is also to be available similarly (Article R 233­5 of the Labour Code).
NOTE: This log can be obtained from professional organisations and
from the OPPBTP or private prevention organisations.
The appointed persons must be experienced in the field of risk prevention (Articles R 233-11 of decree no. 93-41).
No-one may perform any verifications during machine operation (Article R 233-11 of the Labour Code).
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