1. General information
1.1. Technical data
1.2. Engine illustrations
1.3. Type plate data
1.4. Modification survey
2. Additional equipment
2.1. Fuel supply system
2.1.1. Fuel tank 2.1.2. Fuel filter
2.1.3. Fuel feed pump
2.1.4. Fuel solenoid
2.2. Airfilter system
2.2.1. Oilbath-airfilter
2.2.2. Dry-type airfilter
2.2.3. Maintenance indicator, mechanical
2.2.4. Maintenance indicator, electr ical
2.3. Exhaust system
2.3.1. Exhaust silencer and exhaust pipes
2.4. Electrical equipment
2.4.1. Starter
2.4.2. Alternator
2.4.3. Voltage regulator
2.4.4. Glow plug 2.4.5. Gearring
2.5. Engine-monitoring system
2.5.1. Temperature switch
2.5.2. Oil-pressure switch
2.6. Power-take-off, mechanical
2.6.1. Stubshaft
2.6.2. Flexible coupling
2.6.3. Centrifugal clutch
2.6.4. Power-take-off flange
2.7. Power-take-off, hydraulic
2.7.1. Mounting parts for hydraulic pump
3. Basic engine
3.0. Cross-reference list
3.1. Injection equipment
3.1.1. Fuel pressure pipes
3.1.2. Injector
3.1.3. Injection pump
3.2. External components
3.2.1. Cooling air duct
3.2.2. Oil filler
3.2.3. Lub.oil line
3.2.4. Crankcase breather
3.2.5. Air-intake manifold
3.3. Cylinder head area
3.3.1. Cylinder head cover
3.3.2. Cylinder head
3.3.3. Pushrod and pushrod tubes
3.4. Cylinders and pistons, big-end
3.4.1. Cylinder
3.4.2. Piston
3.4.2.a Characteristics of pistons and
data of bumping clearance
3.4.3. Crankcase cover
3.4.4. Oil sump
3.4.5. Conrod
3.5. Components, flywheel-side
3.5.1. Oil pump
3.5.2. Flywheel
3.5.3. Timing cover
3.6. Crankcase and internal
3.6.1. Crankshaft
3.6.2. Governor lever
3.6.3. Camshaft and governor
3.6.4. Crankcase
3.6.5. Speed control, internal components
3.6.6. Speed control,
external components
3.6.7. Speed control with integrated
injection timer
3.6.8 Stop lever
3.7. Individual repair
3.7.1. Replacing oil seal rings
(P.t.o.- and flywheel-side)