Patented heated glass technology
offers double the holding capacity
with Glo-Ray
Mini-Merchandiser with
color, breath protector, and accessory
sign holder (sign not included)
Glo-Ray Model GRSDH-36
Horizontal Single Shelf Merchandiser
Glo-Ray Model GRSBF-72-I
Built-in Flush Heated Shelf
High Marks in Self-Service!
Hatco has a complete range of
hot food merchandisers that enable
students to serve themselves a choice of
quality and nutritious cuisine.
Hatco Merchandising Warmers hold food
safely at peak serving temperatures
longer while minimizing the risk of foodborne illness. And where personnel
shortage is a concern, the self-serve
concept can improve the bottom line.
Choose from an array of shapes, sizes,
and options to fit all serving locations
from buffet lines, to mobile food carts,
and snack bars to concession stands.
Hatco Display Warmers are available in
Designer colors to compliment any décor.
With equipment built for high performance,
long-lasting durability, and safety, Hatco
offers A+solutions.
Designer Glo-Ray Model GR2S-30
Heated Shelf with
Designer color
inset panels and accessory pizza pans
Designer Glo-Ray Model GR2SDS-30D Slanted Shelf
Merchandiser with
Designer color inset panels
Designer Glo-Ray Model GR2SDH-30
Merchandiser with
Designer color inset panels
Glo-Ray Model GRSDS/H-36DHW
Merchandiser with high wattage on the
horizontal top shelf for fries and onion
rings and standard wattage on the slanted
bottom shelf for wrapped or boxed food