Hasselblad 1100181 User manual

Instructions Manual
Parts and controls
Custom Key assignment
AF/MF button/AEL button
Table of contents
is instruction manual - Operations - describes the basic operation of the camera, and some advanced operations using the major functions. See Getting Started for information on how to set up the camera, and the Handbook on the CD-ROM (supplied) for more detailed functions and operations.
Parts and controls
Recording ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................3
Playback ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................5
Setup ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Triple-dial-control operation .................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Control Dials .....................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Settings modes ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Custom key assignment
Assigning functions to the custom keys ...................................................................................................................................... 18
Functions that can be assigned.........................................................................................................................................................19
AF/MF button/AEL button
Switching the focusing mode with the AF/MF button ...................................................................................................... 21
Locking the AE with the AEL button .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Menu list ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Unique digital shooting functions ................................................................................................................................................... 32
Handbook ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Function restrictions ................................................................................................................................................................................. 35
Number of recordable images ........................................................................................................................................................... 37
Screen icons ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................................................................................................43
Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 43
Index ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Parts and controls
All the major camera parts, controls and buttons that are used for recording, playback and setups are described here.


Navigation button
Selects the adjustment settings for Triple­dial-control operation.
Control Dial R
Sets the items that appear at the top right of the screen.
Control Dial L
Sets the items that appear at the top left of the screen.
ON/OFF (Power) switch
Turns camera on and off.
Parts and Controls
Shutter button
Shoots still images. Allows you to focus on the subject when it is pressed half way down.
Zoom ring
Zooms in or out the subject (when a zoom lens is used).
(Flash pop-up) button
Releases and activates the built-in pop-up flash. Press the button when you want to use the flash. Push the flash unit down to retract it when not in use (page 36).
MOVIE button
Records movies. Press to start recording and press again to stop recording (page 33).
AF/MF button/AEL button
At AF/MF, the focusing mode switches between auto and manual while the button is held down (page 4). At AEL, AE is locked while the button is held down (page 22).
Selects the drive mode
DISP button
Switches the screen display.
Control Wheel
Sets the items that appear to the right of the screen. Turn the Control Wheel.
Compensates for the lighting situation.
* Be careful when releasing the pop-up ash and avoid pinching your ngers when retracting it again. Keep
the ash retracted when not in use.


(Playback) button
Switches between the shooting mode and the playback mode.
(Delete) button
Deletes the image when the is displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.
Parts and Controls
DISP button
Switches the screen display.
Displays the image index.
Control Wheel
Selects the image.
(Enlarge Image) button
Enlarges the image on the screen when pressed while is displayed at the center on the right side of the screen. Turning the Control Wheel adjusts the amount.


Soft key A
Activates the func­tion displayed at the upper right corner of the screen.
Soft key C
Activates the func­tion displayed at the center on the right side of the screen.
Navigation button
Selects the adjustment settings for Triple-dial-control operation.
Control Dial L
Sets the items that appear at the top left of the screen.
Control Dial R
Sets the items that appear at the top right of the screen.
Control Wheel
Sets the items that appear to the right of the screen. Rotate to set.
Soft Key B
Activates the function displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.
The Triple-dial-control allows you to adjust various shooting settings quickly and intuitively, using the three dials and the Navigation button.

Triple-dial-control operation

e Triple-dial-control provides an alternative to adjustments or settings changes. Even though you can set these functions separately elsewhere on the menu, the Triple-dial-control allows simultaneous interactive adjustments and settings on a single screen.
Navigation button
Items set by turning the Control Wheel
Items set by turning the Control Dial R
Items set by turning the Control Dial L
Press the center of the Control Wheel, and turn it to select
a shooting mode from P, A, S, or M.
When So Key C Setting is set to
Custom, select a shooting mode by MENU  Shoot Mode.
Press the Navigation button to select the desired settings.
Make each setting by turning the Control Dials L/R and the
Control Wheel.
Navigation button
Each time you press the button, the item toggles as follows.
Exposure Settings
Focus Settings
White Balance Settings
D-Range Settings
Creative Style Settings
You can select the settings you want to use by selecting MENU  Setup  Function Settings. In addition to the settings shown on the le, you can also select settings from Picture Eect Set- tings and Custom Settings (page 9). e Exposure Settings item is perma- nent and cannot be altered.
Preventing the dials from operating incorrectly
You can lock the Control Dials L/R and the Control Wheel.
Hold the Navigation button down.
To unlock them, hold the Navigation button down again.You can choose to lock the Control
Wheel only, or not lock any of them by selecting MENU  Setup  Dial/Wheel Lock.
Control Dials functions
e Control Dials and the Control Wheel have dierent tasks, depending on the settings currently in eect.
Control Dial L Control Dial R Control Wheel
Exposure Settings
Focus Settings (AF mode)
Focus Settings (MF mode)
White Balance Settings
D-Range Settings
Creative Style Settings
Picture Eect Settings
Custom Settings
Exposure Settings is permanent and cannot be altered.
Picture Eect Settings and Custom Settings cannot be selected in the default setting. You can change
Shutter speed/ Aperture/Program shi
Focus area Flexible spot
Enlarging position (up/down)
Mode/Color temperature
DRO level/HDR level Exposure compensation Mode
Mode Option Option
Mode Option
Custom Settings 1 mode Custom Settings 2 mode Custom Settings 3 mode
the various settings by selecting MENU Setup Function Settings.
Aperture/ Exposure compensation
position (right/le)
Enlarging position (right/le)
Color temperature (B-A)
Flexible spot position (up/down)
Enlarging position (up/down)
Color temperature (G-M)
Settings modes
is table describes the settings that can be changed for each mode choice.
indicates the default setting.
Exposure Settings
Shooting mode Control Dial L Control Dial R Control Wheel
Manual exposure
Shutter Priority
Aperture Priority
Program Auto
You can set an exposure compensation by turning the Control Dial R when Anti Motion Blur or
Sweep Panorama is selected.
Focus Settings (AF mode)
Shutter speed Aperture ISO
Shutter speed Exposure compensation ISO
Aperture Exposure compensation ISO
Program shi Exposure compensation ISO
Sets Autofocus Area.
In Flexible Spot, move the selection area to the right or left.
In Flexible Spot, rotate the dial to to move the selection area up or down. Finely adjust the position by pressing top/bottom/right/left.
Control Dial L
(Multi) e camera uses the twenty-ve AF areas and focuses automatically.
•When the Face Detection function is active, AF prioritizes faces.
(Center) e camera uses the AF area located in the center area exclusively.
(Flexible Spot)
Moves the focusing area to focus on a small subject or narrow area. Press So
Key B to bring the focusing area back to the center.
Focus Settings (MF mode)
You can set an enlarged focus selection area for manual focusing.
Moves the area up or down.
Moves the area right or left.
Moves the area up or down. Press the top/bottom/right/left to finely adjust the position.
You can adjust the scaling with So Key B or C.
White Balance Settings
Sets the mode.
Adjusts the color between B (blue) and A (amber).
Adjusts the color between G (green) and M (magenta).
Control Dial L
AWB (Auto WB)
e camera automatically detects a light source and adjusts the color temperature.
If you select an option to suit a specic light source, the color temperature is adjusted for the light source (preset white balance).
(Fluor.: Warm
(Fluor.: Cool
(Fluor.: Day
Adjusts the color temperature according to the light source. Achieves the eect of CC (Color Compensation) lters for photography. To select a color temperature, press So Key B followed by turning the Control Dial L.
Allows you to use the white balance setting retained by Custom Setup.
Setting the custom white balance
Selecting Custom with the Control Dial L and pressing So Key B will display the Custom Setup screen. Hold the camera so that the white area fully covers the AF area located in the center, and then press the shutter button down. e calibrated values are stored for later use.
D-Range Settings
Control Wheel
(O )
Sets the optimum level.
Sets the exposure compensation value (–5.0 EV to +5.0 EV).
Sets the mode.
This figure shows the histogram before the D-Range Opti- mizer or the Auto HDR is applied, not that of the image that will actually be shot.
Does not use DRO/Auto HDR.
By dividing the image into small areas, the camera analyzes the contrast of light and shade between the subject and the background, producing an image with optimal brightness and gradation.
Control Dial L
AUTO, Lv1 – Lv5 (D-Range Opt.)
AUTO, 1.0 EV – 6.0 EV (Auto HDR)
(Auto HDR)
Shoots three images with dierent exposures, and then overlays the bright area of the underexposed image and the dark area of the overexposed image to create an image with richer gradation. One image with proper exposure and one overlaid image are recorded.
e D-Range Optimizer optimizes the gradations of a recorded image in each area of the image. Select the optimal level between Lv1 (weak) and Lv5 (strong). Automatically adjusted at AUT O setting.
Using the Auto HDR, sets the exposure dierence, based on the contrast of the subject. Select the optimal level between 1.0 EV (weak) and 6.0 EV (strong). Automatically adjusted at AUT O.
Using the D-Range Settings eectively
By combining the DRO/Auto HDR manual setting (exposure dierence/ DRO-Level) and exposure com- pensation, you can control the range of the contrast of light and shade (gradations) to be reproduced.
With DRO, set a DRO-Level to reproduce the shadow tones, and set a minus value of exposure com­pensation to reproduce the light tones. A large minus compensation and DRO-Level setting may cause noise. It is recommended that you check the result rst, by enlarging the playback image, etc. With Auto HDR, set the exposure dierence to adjust the overall reproduction range, and shi the range towards lighter tones (minus compensation) or darker tones (plus compensation) with the expo­sure compensation setting.
Creative Style Settings
Sets the mode.
Adjusts the contrast, saturation, or sharpness.
Selects the contrast, saturation, or sharpness.
Control Dial L
( Vivid)
For shooting various scenes with rich gradation and strong colors.
Saturation and contrast are heightened for shooting striking images of colorful scenes and subjects such as owers, spring greenery, blue sky, ocean views etc.
Saturation and sharpness are lowered for capturing images in a quiet tone. is setting is also suitable for capturing images to be modied with a computer.
Control Wheel
(Black &
For capturing images in a clear tone to display so colors in the lighter areas. Suitable for capturing radiant light.
For capturing images with deep and intense color. Suitable for capturing the solid feel of the subject.
For capturing images with bright and simple range of color. Suitable for capturing a light ambience and feel.
For shooting skin tones in a so manner. Ideally suited for shooting portraits.
Saturation, contrast, and sharpness are increased to produce vivid and crisp scenery. Distant landscapes also stand out more.
For capturing the intense red of sunsets.
Contrast is reduced to capture a nightscape that is more faithful to the actual scene.
For capturing autumn scenes, vividly highlighting the red and yellow of colored leaves.
For shooting images in black and white monochrome.
For capturing images in sepia monochrome.
e greater the value selected, the greater the dierence will be between the lighter and darker areas of the image resulting in increased impact.
e greater the value selected, the more vivid the colors will be. When a lower value is selected, the colors in the image become weaker and toned down.
e greater the value selected, the more the sharpness will be emphasized. e lower the value selected, the soer the image will be.
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