R2 functions
best at temperatures
below 77º F
Quick Reference Guide
Tips & Tricks on How to Use Your Astromech Droid
Powering Up
1. Ensure R2 is assembled and batteries are installed per manual.
2. After you turn the Master Power Control Switch on, R2 will need to warm up for 30-45 seconds.
Yo u will know he’s warming up because his Droid Mood Status Indicator will flash between red and
blue. During that time, he will not fully respond to your commands.
3. Press Wheel Lock Control button to unlock wheels (glows red when wheels are locked).
NEVER use R2-D2 near stairs or on a table UNLESS R2’s wheels are locked.
Communicating With R2
It can take some time to get used to communicating with R2. Following are some tips to help you get
started. Refer to the manual for more detailed information.
1. R2 responds best when in a quiet environment.
2. Speak slowly and clearly so R2 understands you.
3. Leave time between each command so R2 can acknowledge you with a beep. For example: Say
“Hey R2” …R2 will respond with a series of “beeps”. Then say “Game Mode” …beeps…Then say
“Dance Program”.
4. R2 may start talking or moving without a command from you. This may happen because:
- R2 likes to talk
- He did not understand you
- He is responding to other sounds or voices in the room.
5. R2 cannot hear you when he is moving or speaking.
Helpful Hints With time you will understand that R2’s different beeps and whistles will represent
yes, no, or I don’t understand. If you aren’t sure what R2 is saying, use the commands below.
1. A great way to get R2 to stop what he is doing is by tapping him on the head to interrupt him.
2. Use the “Reset System” command as often as needed to get R2 back to Companion Mode.
This is a great way to start any new commands or if you are not sure what mode R2 is in.
NEVER use R2 outside.
And NEVER use R2 near stairs or on a table UNLESS R2’s wheels are locked.
See other side for a map of R2’s commands.
Please note. This is just a guide. Please read and refer back to the instruction manual for details on
R2’s features.

Command Guide
Say: “Hey, R2!”
Companion Mode
"Go on patrol"
"Don't move"
"Behave yourself"
"Time out"
"Be quiet"
"Speak up"
"Light beam"
"Play message"
"Do you remember"
"Game mode"
"Command mode"
Command Mode
"Switch off"
"Luke Skywalker"
"Darth Vader"
"Princess Leia"
"Han Solo"
"Jabba the Hutt"
Game Mode
"Light tag"
"Room Guard"
"Dance program"
"Spin the Droid"
"Execute course"
"Turn around"
"Go forward"
"Turn right"
"Turn left"
"Plot course"
Course Mode
"Execute course"
"Delete course"
"Turn around"
"Go forward"
"Turn right"
"Turn left"
"Reset System"
"One unit"
"Two units"
"Three units"
"Four units"
"Five units"
"One unit"
"Two units"
"Three units"
"Four units"
"Five units"
Can be used in any mode.
Remember: Always speak slowly and clearly and wait for R2’s response between commands.
Product and colors may vary.
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