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To be the first player to get all four of your pawns from your color
START to your color HOME.
Gameboard • Deck of cards (no 6s or 9s) • 16 Pawns
Choose four pawns of the same color. Put all four on that
color START space. (For a faster gameplay, place three of
your pawns on your START. Put the fourth pawn on the circle
Shuffle the card deck and place it facedown on the “Place
Pack Here” on the gameboard to form the Draw pile.
Pick a player to go first. Movement is clockwise around the
board (unless instructed otherwise!) and play passes to the left.
turn you do not have a pawn on the track,
and you do not draw a card that lets you start a pawn, you must
forfeit (skip) your turn.
, take the top card on the Draw pile and move
accordingly (see “The Cards,” right) if you can. Place the card
faceup on “Discard Here.”
To move a pawn from your START out onto the track, you
, do as it says, then draw
again and move if possible.
You may JUMP over your own or another player’s pawn that’s
in your way, counting it as one space. BUT...if you land on a
space that’s already occupied by an opponent’s pawn, BUMP
that pawn back to its own color START space.
. If you have successfully
moved a pawn backward at least two spaces beyond your own
own SAFETY ZONE without moving all the way around the
Two pawns of the same color may never occupy the same space.
If your only possible move would make you land on a space already
occupied by one of your own pawns, you forfeit your turn.
If at any time you cannot move, you forfeit your turn.
But if at any time you can move, you must move, even if it’s to
If you run out of cards in the Draw pile, shuffle the Discards
If you get all four of your pawns HOME first, you win! If you
play again, the winner goes first.
You must bring all four of your pawns into HOME by
exact count! Once HOME, do not move that pawn again for the
sent you there, any time you land
by exact count on the triangle at
the beginning of a SLIDE that is
your own color, slide ahead to
your way—including your own!—
back to their own START spaces.
If you land on a SLIDE of your
own color, don’t slide, just stay put
SAFETY ZONE. All other rules
apply. No pawn may enter its
SAFETY ZONE by a backward
move; however, a pawn may move
subsequent turns move back into
the ZONE as cards permit.
the outside track, you may not move your pawn
forward beyond your own SAFETY ZONE entry.
However, you may pass the entry space on a backward
card) or as the result of a “SORRY!”
from START and put onto this circle; your turn ends. If you
, move a pawn out AND draw again! You may not have
two pawns on an entry circle at the same time. If another player’s
pawn is on your entry circle, BUMP it back to its own START.
Either start a pawn OR move one pawn forward 1 space.
Either start a pawn OR move one pawn forward 2 spaces.
Whichever you do—or even if you couldn’t move—DRAW
AGAIN and move accordingly.
Move one pawn forward 3 spaces.
Move one pawn forward 5 spaces.
Either move one pawn forward 7 spaces—OR split the
forward move between any two pawns.
must be able to use the balance of the move for
Move one pawn forward 8 spaces.
Either move one pawn forward 10 spaces—OR move one
Move one pawn forward 11 spaces—OR switch any one of
your pawns with one of any opponent’s.
You may forfeit your move if you do not wish to change
places and it is impossible to go forward 11 spaces.
for pawns in play on the open track—not
If your switch landed you on a triangle at the beginning of
another player’s slide, slide to the end!
Move one pawn forward 12 spaces.
Take one pawn from your START, place it on
any space that is occupied by any opponent, and BUMP
that opponent’s pawn back to its START. If there is no
pawn on your START or no opponent’s pawn on any
space you can move to, you forfeit your move.
RED is always YELLOW’s partner, and GREEN is
All regular rules apply and you may move—or BUMP!
—your own or your partner’s pawn in accordance with the
If you land on a space occupied by a partner’s pawn,
BUMP it back to its START!
be used. If there’s no one else to pick
on, this means you might send your own or your partner’s
means you may split a move among any or all eight of
, you may start or move a pawn of
either partner; if it was a
, when you draw again, you may
use that card for any of your team’s eight pawns.
The first partnership to get all eight pawns
into their respective HOMEs wins the game.
Shuffle the deck and deal five cards facedown to
each player. Place the rest of the deck facedown on
On your turn, select one card from your hand and move
according to its instructions. Discard it and draw a new
card to bring your hand back up to five cards.
If none of the cards in your hand allows you to move,
discard any one card and draw a new one. Your turn ends;
do not move a pawn until your next turn.
The first player to get all four pawns HOME wins.
All players score 5 points for each pawn
on HOME. The WINNER also scores as follows:
if no opponent has more than two pawns HOME
if no opponent has more than one pawn HOME
if no opponent’s pawn reached HOME