Party Games
The game that ties you up in knots.
The game that ties you up in knots.®
Round Robin: Form several 2-player teams. Each team, in turn, plays
every other team. Players keep track of wins and losses. The team with
the most wins wins!
Elimination Game: Form several 2-player teams. Play against each
other, with losing teams dropping out. Winning teams play each other
until only one winning team is left!
AGES 6+ / 2 to 4 Players
Contents: Vinyl mat, spinner with arrow, plush bag
Out “twist” your opponent(s) by placing your hands and feet on the
mat’s colored circles.
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Setting Up the Game
These setup and game play rules are for 2 or 3 players. For a 4-player
game, see Team Play inside.
1. Spread the mat face up on a flat surface, indoors or outdoors.
2. Players take off their shoes and set them aside. If you’re playing
outdoors, you may want to anchor the mat corners with your shoes.
3. Designate an extra person as the referee. The referee is not considered
a player; during the game, the referee will spin the spinner, call out the
moves, and monitor the game play.
4. Position yourselves on the mat according to the number of players,
as explained on the next page.
For a 2-player game: Players face each other from opposite ends of
the mat, near the word Twister®. Place one foot on the yellow circle and
the other foot on the purple circle closest to your end of the mat. Your
opponent does the same on his or her end.
For a 3-player game: Two players face each other on opposite ends
of the mat, near the word Twister. Each player places one foot on the
yellow circle and the other foot on the purple circle closest to his or her
end of the mat.
The third player faces the center from the pink-circle side of the mat,
placing one foot each on the two middle pink circles.
Strategy: Try moving toward an opponent’s portion of the mat, forcing
the player to go over or under you to place a hand or foot!
Being Eliminated: Any player who falls, or touches the mat with an
elbow or knee, is immediately out of the game. (If you feel that a new
position is impossible, or will cause you to fall, you may eliminate
In a 2-player game, the game ends and the remaining player wins. In a
3-player game, the remaining two players keep playing until one player
is eliminated and the remaining player wins.
How to Play
The referee spins the spinner, then calls out the body part and the
color that the arrow points to. For example, the referee may call out:
“Right hand, pink.” All players, at the same time, must then try to
follow the referee’s directions as explained below.
• Each player must try to place the called-out body part on a vacant
circle of the called-out color. For example, if the referee calls out
“Right hand, pink,” each player must try to place a right hand on
any vacant pink circle.
• If your called-out hand or foot is already on a circle of the called-out
color, you must try to move it to another circle of the same color.
• There can never be more than one hand or foot on any one circle. If
two or more players reach for the same circle, the referee must decide
which player got there first. The other player(s) must find another
vacant circle of the same color.
• Never remove your hand or foot from a circle unless you’re
directed to by the referee after a spin. Exception: You may lift a
hand or foot to allow another hand or foot to pass by, as long as you
announce it to the referee beforehand, and replace it on its circle
immediately afterward.
• If all 6 circles of a color are already covered, the referee must spin again
until a different color can be called out.
How to Win
The last player left in the game is the winner!
Team Play
For a 4-player game, form 2 teams of 2 players each. Teams face each
other on opposite ends of the mat, standing side-by-side with each foot
on a circle so that all 4 circles closest to the Twister name are covered.
Just as in a 2- or 3-player game, the referee spins the spinner and calls out
a hand or foot and a color circle. Play as in the 2- or 3-player game, with
this exception: members of the same team can cover the same circle with
one hand or foot each.
As soon as a player falls or touches the mat with an elbow or knee, the
player’s team is eliminated and the other team is the winner.
2-Player Game with No Referee
If there are only 2 players and no referee, you can play without using
the spinner. One player calls out the body part; the other player
calls out the circle color. Players alternate turns calling out the body
part first. Otherwise game play is the same, with the last remaining
player the winner.