3 - 6 players
Be the first player to score 3 points and you win!
• Grab a pen and paper (not included) to keep score.
• Place the game mat where everyone can reach it.
• Place the targets about 5 feet from the game mat.
• Load the blasters and place them on the game mat –
blasters should be loaded but not cocked.
• Pick a player to shufe the cards and start the
rst round.
The game is played in a series of rounds. In each round
every player will deal cards to himself/herself.
On Your Turn
When it’s your turn you will deal cards to yourself, one card at
a time. Your goal is for the sum of your cards to get as close to
21 as possible without going over.
Adding Up Your Card Values
ACE = 1 or 11 (your choice)
NUMBER CARD = the number on the card
FACE (Robots and Heroes) CARDS = 10 points
First, deal yourself a card facedown and secretly look
at it. Then deal yourself a card faceup.
Add the value of your facedown card with the value of
your faceup card. Decide if you want to hit or stay.
HIT – If you decide to hit, deal yourself another card
faceup. You may then decide if you want to hit again or stay.
STAY – If you decide to stay, your turn is over and you
pass the card deck to the player to your left.
BUST – If at any time a card causes your total value
to go over 21, you bust. Put your cards faceup on the
discard pile. Your score for this round is 0 and your turn
is over. Pass the card deck to the player to your left.
If you ip over a Robot card, all other players grab a
blaster and race to blast the matching Robot target.
Did someone hit the matching Robot target?
The player who hit the Robot target keeps the target
Feel free to make up your own Nerf® editions of classic card games!
We will be happy to hear your questions or comments about this
game. US consumers please write to: Hasbro Games, Consumer
Affairs Dept., P.O. Box 200, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. Tel:
888-836-7025 (toll free). European consumers please write to:
Hasbro UK Ltd., Hasbro Consumer Affairs, P.O. BOX 43, Caswell
Way, Newport, Wales, NP19 4YD, or telephone our helpline on 00
800 2242 7276.
© 2010 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. All Rights Reserved.
TM & ® denote U.S. Trademarks. U.S. Patent Nos 5529050,
7287526 and 6083127.
in front of him/her. It may come in handy on that player’s
turn if he/she busts. See Using Collected Robot Targets.
Did all players miss the matching Robot target?
If so, YOU take the matching Robot target and put it in
front of you.
After someone takes the target, continue playing as
normal, deciding whether to hit or stay.
If you ip over a Hero card, any player who touches a
blaster is automatically out of the round. He/she scores
0 for this round.
On your turn, if you ip over a card that causes you to
bust you may use your collected Robot target to cancel
one of your cards. Place the target back into the lineup
and discard the last card you ipped over. Now, continue
deciding to hit or stay, as before.
After all players have had a turn, the round ends. Everyone ips their cards faceup to compare total values. The
player who got closest to 21 without going over wins a
point. There can be two or more winners if there is a tie
for the highest hand (for example, if two players each had
cards with a total value of 21). Place all used cards faceup
in the discard pile, but keep your collected Robot targets.
The person to the left of the person that started the
previous round starts the next round. Keep playing
rounds until one player scores 3 points.
The rst player to win 3 points is the winner. If more
than one player reaches 3 points at the same time, those
players tie.
If you run out of cards during a round, reshufe the
discard pile. Anyone with Robot targets must put them
back in the lineup.
171 15
For 2 to 6 Players / AGES 8+
• 2 single shot Nerf® Reex Blasters® with 4 Nerf
Whistler darts • standard style card deck with Robots
and Heroes for face cards • 9 Robot targets with stands
• 1 cardboard game mat
• Insert each target into a stand.
Do not aim at eyes or face. To Avoid Injury:
Use only darts designed for this product.
Do not modify darts or dart blaster.
3 - 6 players
(or more with additional Nerf® blasters, not included)
Score the most points by shooting the Robot targets
and collecting cards.
• Place the game mat where everyone can reach it.
• Place the Robot targets about 5 feet from the game
mat, making sure everyone has an equal chance of
shooting them. They do not have to be next to each
other. Try placing them on the edge of a long table,
on a counter or even on the oor.
about 5 feet
Aim and Fire!
• Load each of the blasters
with a Nerf® dart (do not cock
the blasters) and place the
blasters on the game mat.
Players should keep their hands at least 12 inches away
from the blasters until it is time to shoot.
• Choose who will be the rst dealer. The dealer removes
the jokers, shufes the card deck, then places the deck
facedown next to him/her.
Play in Rounds
The dealer ips over cards, one at a time, so everyone
can see them. Place the cards faceup on top of each other
to form a pile. Watch carefully for what gets ipped over.
To Load:
Insert dart into
blaster muzzle.
The first player to hit the correct target wins all of the
cards in the faceup pile. If both shots miss the target,
or if there is no clear winner, the dealer keeps the
cards in the faceup pile.
gets to keep them as well as all the cards in the
faceup pile. If no one touches a blaster, the dealer
continues ipping cards.
Nothing happens.
The dealer ips over another card.
(face card of Spades, Diamonds or Clubs):
All players, except the dealer,
race to grab a blaster,
cock it, and
re at the matching Robot’s target.
Cock it!
To Cock:
Slide the blaster shaft back until it clicks.
A HERO (face card of Hearts):
No player is allowed to touch a blaster.
If any player touches a blaster, he/
she must give up 3 cards from their
scoring pile (if they have any). The
dealer randomly draws these and
The round ends when any player (this includes the
dealer) collects the card(s) in the faceup pile. The
player to the dealer’s left becomes the next dealer.
The game ends when all of the cards in the dealer’s
pile have been ipped over.
Players add up their points: face cards are worth 5
points; all other cards are worth 1 point. Any leftover
faceup cards in the dealer’s pile are scored by the dealer.
The player with the most points wins!
What do you consider a hit?
Any time your dart even touches the correct
target… it’s a hit. The target does not have to fall
over. If your dart hits a wall, bounces back and hits
your target… it’s a hit. However, if your dart hits
the wrong target and the target falls over and hits
the right target… it’s NOT a hit. Your dart must hit
the correct target.
What if 2 players grab the same blaster?
Whoever’s hand is on the bottom gets the blaster.
If your hand is on top, let go!
What if 2 blasters aren’t enough for my
huge group of friends?
You can use any Nerf® blasters you have so more
people can play.
Who picks up the darts and the knocked
over targets?
The winner of each round cleans up and sets
up for the next round. Feel free to do a victory
dance on the way.
I don’t have a long table – where should I play?
Try putting the targets on the kitchen counter and
sitting around one side of the dinner table. Or sit
on the oor with the targets on the oor or on a
coffee table. You could also put different targets in
different locations around the room so you have to
search, and then shoot.
Why are there Jokers in the game?
These are not used for the ofcial games, but feel
free to shufe them in and make up a special rule
for when they come up. Here are some ideas:
• When the Joker comes up, race to shoot some
other target you have in your home (not your
brother or sister).
• When the Joker comes up, the rst player to
shout a word (you pick the word) wins the
faceup pile.
• When the Joker comes up, each player passes
his/her scoring pile to the player on his/her right.
2 players
Collect more cards than your opponent to win.
Remove the jokers, shufe the card deck, then deal each
player 26 cards. Each player takes their pile and keeps it
facedown in front of him/her. This is your draw pile.
• Place the game mat between you.
• Place the targets about 5 feet away from the game mat.
• Load the blasters and place them on the game mat
between you – blasters should be loaded but not cocked.
• Use one hand to ip over your cards; your other hand
should be off the table but at-the-ready.
Make sure both players are ready, and then, at the
same time, both players ip over their top cards onto
the table so both players can see.
• If you both ip a number card or an ace, the higher
card wins (aces are equal to 14). The winner takes
both cards and puts them in a faceup pile off to the
side. This is your Collected Card pile. Keep your Collected Card pile separate from your opponent’s.
• If the ipped cards tie, keep your played card on the
table. Each player then ips over a new card faceup.
The player with the higher card wins all of the played
cards. If those cards tie, do it again and keep repeating
until there is a winner. The winner adds all of the played
cards to his/her Collected Card pile.
• If one player ips over a Robot card, both of you race
to grab a blaster, cock it and shoot the matching Robot
target. The player who hits the correct target rst wins
both cards regardless of the value of the card he/she
played. Example: If I play a 3 and you play the Jack of
Spades Robot card, I can beat your Jack by shooting
the Jack of Spades Robot target before you do. I then
add both the 3 and the Jack of Spades cards to my
Collected Card pile.
• If both players ip over Robot cards, the rst player
to shoot either Robot target wins the cards.
• If one or both of the played cards are Heroes, don’t
touch a blaster. If either player does, the other player
gets to pick 3 cards randomly out of their opponent’s
Collected Card pile. If you both do, it’s a tie. Just continue playing. If no one touches a blaster, then the higher
card wins. The King is worth 13; Queen = 12, Jack = 11.
EXCEPTION: If one player ips over a Hero card, and the
other ips a Robot card, the rst player to shoot the matching Robot target wins that round. There is no penalty for the
Hero card.
• If both players shoot at a target and miss, that is
considered a tie. Leave those cards on the table and
each player ips a new card.
Players must ip over cards and put them on the
table faceup at the same time without rst looking to
see what the card is being ipped over.
The game ends when there are no more cards in your
draw pile.
Players add up their points. Face cards and aces are
worth 5 points; all other cards are worth 1 point.
The player with the most points wins!
3 - 6 players
Get rid of all of your cards by matching either the suit
or the number of the top card on the discard pile. Hero
cards are wild.
• Place the game mat where everyone can reach it.
• Place the targets about 5 feet from the game mat.
• Load the blasters and place them on the game mat
between you – blasters should be loaded but not cocked.
• Remove the jokers, shufe the card deck and deal 5
cards to each player.
• The remaining cards will be the draw pile. Place the
draw pile facedown in the center of the play area. Flip
over one card and place it faceup next to the draw pile.
This is the discard pile. If the draw pile runs out, take
the last discarded card, reshufe the pile to start a new
draw pile, placing the last discarded card next to it.
• Choose a player to go rst. NOTE: even if it’s not your
turn, pay attention and be ready!
On your turn, play one card from your hand onto the
discard pile if you can. The card you play must match
either the suit or the number of the top card in that pile,
unless it is a Hero – Heroes are wild, you can play them
on top of any card, regardless of suit or number.
• If you do not have a card you can play, draw one. If
you can play it, do so. If you can’t play it, put it into your
hand and your turn ends.
• If you play a Robot card, all other players race to grab
a blaster, cock it and shoot the matching Robot target.
The player who hits it rst is safe. The other players
must draw 1 card from the draw pile. Stand the target
back up and continue playing.
• If you play a Hero card and any players touch a
blaster, those players must draw 2 cards from the draw
pile. The player who played the Hero card now decides
which suit the next player must play.
The rst player to run out of cards wins!