AGE 6+
Jeu • Juego
2-6 Players
Hideway HavenHideway Haven
Gameboard • 4 Littlest Pet Shop Pet Pawns (Dragonfly, Dog, Tiger Cat, Ferret) • 6 Home cards
• 28 Littlest Pet Shop pet tiles • Spinner (Spinner Card, Arrow, Base)
*Littlest Pet figure’s foot contains magnets
All the pets are hanging out in their favorite hiding spots and it’s time for them to go home.
But first you have to find them. The Dragon Fly, Tiger Cat, Dog, and Ferret are here to help you
search the different locations to find all four of your pets (one Cuddliest Pet, one Fanciest Pet, one
Friendliest Pet and one Sportiest Pet). Then you’ll need to catch the Dragon Fly to help you get
home. Be the first to gather your pets and catch the Dragon Fly and you win!
The First Time You Play
1. Remove the game parts from their bags and cardboard sheets. Please recycle the waste.
2. Remove the four Littlest Pet Shop pawns from the plastic blister. Discard any elastic ties but be
sure to keep the blister for storage.
3. Assemble the spinner following the illustration in Figure 1.
Figure 2 shows the game set up and ready to play. Refer to it as you set up your own game.
Get Ready!
1. Shuffle the 28 Littlest Pet Shop Pet tiles, then (without peeking at the flip side) place them
facedown on the spaces in their matching gameboard areas. (The back of the tile matches the
color on edge of gameboard.)
2. Shuffle the 6 Home cards, then deal out one to each player. Place the extras out of the game.
Players keep their Home cards faceup in front of them.
During the game, you’ll be looking for the 4 Littlest Pet Shop Pet tiles that match the 4 Pets on
your Home card. Because all of the Home cards are different, you and your opponents will all be
searching for different pets.
The player who owns the most Littlest Pet Shop pets goes first. Play then passes to the left.
On Your Turn
Spin the spinner, then follow these rules.
• If you spun the dog, the cat or the ferret, you may move that pawn. See MOVING THE PAWNS.
• If you spun “Peek”, you may secretly peek under any tile. If it matches a Littlest Pet Shop pet on
your Home card, try to remember where it is! Then spin again.

• If you spun the Dragonfly, you may move the Dragonfly to any space on the board! Turn over the tile
on the space. If it is your tile, you may collect it.
Moving The Pawns
• You may move a pet pawn up to the number of spaces you spun. You don’t have to move a pet pawn at
all, if you don’t want to, nor do you have to move it the full number that you spun.
• Move a pet pawn from each space to any connected space, except diagonally.
• Pet pawns can move past other pawns, and can share spaces with other pawns.
• Pet pawns can move into any of the 4 gameboard locations, but they’re not allowed in the Littlest Pet
Shop square in the center of the gameboard.
• If you land on a space without a tile, your turn is over.
• If you land on a space with a tile, follow the rules for LANDING ON LITTLEST PET SHOP PET
Landing on Littlest Pet Shop Pet Tiles
If you land on a space with a tile, turn it over, so that everyone can see it. Then do the following:
• If it’s a tile you don’t need, show the other players and then place it facedown on the same space. Your
turn is over.
• If it’s a tile you do need, place it next to your Home card, beside the matching pet. Your turn is over.
• If it’s an “Oh no!” tile, return all pet pawns to their starting corners. Place the “Oh no!” tile out of the
game. Your turn is over.
Collecting instead of moving: If you begin a pet pawn’s move on a tile that you need, you may collect
the tile instead of moving the pet pawn. Your turn is then over.
Figure 3 shows an example of collecting a tile.
In the Ranch area, you move the Ferret pawn onto the tile you need. Place it next to the matching Littlest
Pet Shop Pet on your Home card.
Catch The Dragony To Win
After you’ve collected all 4 pet tiles on your Home card, on your next turn you may try to catch the
Dragonfly. To try to catch him, you must first move a pet pawn onto the same space the Dragonfly is on.
Spin the spinner and see if the pet you spun will get you there. (If a pet is already on the same space you
must still spin the spinner to see if the pet on the tile matches the pet on the spin.)
Once the pawn is on the space with the Dragonfly, spin the spinner again, to try to catch him.
• If you spin the Dragonfly, “Peek”, or any other Littlest Pet Shop Pet pawn that is not on the space with
the Dragonfly, he is not caught. Your turn is over. Better luck next time!
• If you spin any Littlest Pet Shop Pet pawn that’s on the same space as the Dragonfly, you catch him,
and YOU WIN the game!
Planchette de jeu • 4 pions d’animaux Littlest Pet Shop (libellule, chien, chat tigré, furet) • 6 cartes de
référence • 28 jetons illustrant des animaux Littlest Pet Shop • tourniquet (planchette, flèche et base).
* La patte des figurines Littlest Pet Shop contient un aimant.
But du jeu
Tous les animaux jouent dans leur cachette préférée, mais il est temps pour eux de rentrer à la maison.
La libellule, le chat tigré, le chien et le furet sont prêts à t’aider à chercher dans les différents endroits
pour trouver chacun de tes quatre animaux (un copain câlin, un copain bichonné, un copain sympa et un
copain sportif). Ensuite, tu devras attraper la libellule pour t’aider à retourner à la maison. Sois le premier
à rassembler tous tes animaux et à attraper la libellule pour gagner!