Hasbro Lightsaber Duel Pen Game User Manual

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MODEL 88-510
As the battle of Naboo rages outside the Queen's palace, a smaller battle of no less importance is being waged inside the power generator room of Theed. Patterns of the Force converge and the confrontation of Jedi and Sith is at hand. Will the skill of 2 Jedi, master and apprentice, be enough to withstand the power of the Dark Side and the Sith who wields it? Now it’s your turn to take part in this epic showdown. Choose your allegiance and prepare to fight for control of the universe!
When you turn on the unit you will see game introduction. The title screen will then appear followed by the MODE screen. There are 4 different game modes to choose from: FIGHT, TRAINI NG, EN DU R ANCE, and OPTIONS. Use the LEF T/R IGHT buttons to view the different game modes and press the ATTACK button to select.
FIGHT - Here you will play out the battle of this epic confrontation. Once this mode is selected you must first choose your character. You can select either Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Darth Maul. Use the LEFT/RIGHT buttons to view the characters and press the ATTACK button to select. If you choose either Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon, you will fight Darth Maul. If you choose Darth Maul, you can fight either one or both Jedi.
QUI-GON JINN - An accomplished Jedi Master, he is closely attuned to the living Force. Though he is in his sixties, he remains an active and powerful warrior.
OBI-WAN KENOBI - The young apprentice of Qui-Gon Jinn, he is energetic and quick to action. Though naive at times, he is quick to impress his Master and shows the makings of a great Jedi Knight.
DARTH MAUL - Soaked with the evil of the Dark Side, his ferocity is lethal when unleashed. With his double-bladed Lightsaber, Maul can lay waste to multiple adversaries with fluid grace. If you choose Darth Maul you have the option of fighting either of the Jedi or BOTH. Simply push left or right to scroll through Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or both Jedi and press ATTACK to confirm your selection.
" "
" "
ON/OFF - Press this to turn your game ON. "
" - Block high.
" - Block low.
" - Block middle.
" - Block middle.
ATTACK - Attack at the midsection of an opponent.
- Press again to turn your game OFF.
- Hold Up and press the ATTACK button to attack high.
- Play a sound effect when the unit is turned OFF.
- Hold Down and press the ATTACK button to attack low.
- Play a sound effect when the unit is turned OFF.
- Move left.
- Move right.
- Play a sound effect when the unit is turned OFF.
- When used with the direction keys your fighter can do many more attacks (see above under CONTROLS, and below under GUIDE TO LIGHTSABER FIGHTING)
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TRAINING - Here you can practice your fighting techniques with any combination of characters. You can spar one Jedi against the other, have either or both fight Darth Maul. You can fight Darth Maul against either or both of the Jedi.
ENDURANCE - This mode is similar to FIGHT mode except the goal is to fight as many enemies as possible in a row. Your energy will never be replenished but the enemies will always attack you fully charged.
OPTIONS - Here you can change both the difficulty level and the time allowed for each round.
DIFFICU LTY - If you choose either Qui-Gon Jinn or Obi-Wan Kenobi you can select from Apprentice, Jedi Knight, or Jedi Master difficulty levels. If you choose Darth Maul you can select from Apprentice, Sith, or Sith Lord difficulty levels.
TIME - This determines the length of each round. If time expires during a round and neither character has been defeated, the character with the least amount of damage wins the fight. This can be set to 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 90 seconds, or Infinite.
If time expires during a round, the character with the least amount of damage wins. If you want to have a fight to the finish and don't want time to decide the winner be sure to set the Time Limit to Infinite on the Options Screen.
Nothing is more glorious or deadly than a Lightsaber duel. To survive you will need the virtue of a Jedi or the treachery of a Sith!
BLOCKING - One of the fundamental skills of Lightsaber combat is defense. Sensing where your opponent will attack and being prepared to block his strike may be the most important skill you develop. Learn to parry an attack and you will become a more effective warrior. Clear your mind and let the force guide your actions!
Besides your normal block you also have a more powerful block that should be used with caution. Tap in the direction you wish to block 2 times quickly. This executes the SUPER BLOCK. There are positives and negatives to using this. If you successfully SUPER BLOCK an attack you will stun your opponent for a moment. This gives you the chance to step in and land an uncontested blow! However, if you miss or block the wrong spot, your momentum will leave you vulnerable to a counter strike.
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