“Secret Star Talent” Space – Land on
this space and take the top card from the
“Secret Star Talent” deck and read it out
loud. You will be asked to perform solo and
with other players and to answer questions
about your own secret talents. A “Secret
Star Talent” card might read: “Hip-hop is
not Hannah Montana’s strong point. Can you do better? You have
one minute to make up a rap about the other players and then
perform it.” If you land on this space, get ready to share your
secret, superstar talents!
Double It!: Earn double points if the Hannah or Miley pawn is in
your gameboard area.
“Be Your Own Star” Space – Land on this
space and earn points by using your best
talent! Choose a “Smarts,” “Friends,” “Sports”
or “Secret Star Talent” card and do as
instructed. Be sure to double your points
if Hannah or Miley is in your gameboard area!
“Miley Stewart” Space – Land here and
move the Miley pawn to your area of the
board or any area of your choosing. Move
the Hannah pawn off the board so that Miley
and Hannah are never in the same place at
the same time! If you are on a “Smarts” or
“Friends” space, play a card and collect
double the points.
“Hannah Montana” Space – Land here
and move the Hannah pawn to your area
of the board or any area of your choosing.
Move the Miley pawn off the board so that
Hannah and Miley are never in the same
place at the same time! If you are on a
“Sports” or “Talents” space, play a card
and collect double the points.
“Move Miley/Hannah Anywhere” Space –
Land here and move the Miley or Hannah
pawn (whichever one is on the board) into
an area of your choice: “Surf Shack,”
“Gym Class,” “Bedroom,” “Bathroom,”
“Living Room” or “Closet.” Collect double
the number of “Smarts” and“Friends” points
if you move Miley to that location. Collect double the number
of “Sports” and “Secret Star Talent” points if you move Hannah
Montana to that location.
“To the Hannah Montana Concert” Space –
Land on this and move your “Shooting Star”
token immediately to the “Hannah Montana
Concert” area and end your turn.
On your next turn:
• If you roll a 3, 4, 5 or 6, stay at the concert
and collect one “Secret Star Talent” or “Friend”
point (you choose).
• If you roll a 1 or 2, move out of the concert and place your pawn
on “Start.” Your turn is over.
If you are the first player to get back to “Start” after collecting all the
points (or more) on your “True You™” profile card – you win! Stand
up and celebrate by showing off your own special talent to the other
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For 2 to 4 players
How do you roll?
With Smarts or
Friends? As a Sport?
Or are you a pop
star like Hannah
Montana? Play the
game and discover
your own talents!
5 16

The object of the game is to become a TRUE YOU superstar by
winning points with your own smarts, creativity and talents!
• Gameboard • Hannah Montana pawn and base • Miley Stewart
pawn and base • 108 cards – 25 “Smarts” cards, 25 “Friends”
cards, 25 “Sports” cards, 25 “Secret Star Talent” cards, and
8 TRUE YOU profile cards • Pad of TRUE YOU profile score sheets
• 4 “Shooting Star” tokens • 1 Die
Not Included: Pens or pencils.
To win, be the first player to earn all your TRUE YOU profile points,
move back to “Start” and celebrate like a pop star! Each player
collects points by answering “Smarts” and “Friends” questions,
doing silly “Sports” things and by performing “Secret Star Talents.”
Players can earn more points by visiting Miley at school and home
and by sharing the stage with Hannah Montana!
Before playing, remove the Hannah and Miley pawns from the
cardboard sheet and assemble them into the plastic pawn bases.
Be sure to recycle the cardboard waste.
• Before setting up the TRUE YOU gameboard, choose an open
area in your house to play. You’ll need room to move to show off
your talents and perform stunts!
• Separate and shuffle the
playing cards into 5 decks –
“Smarts,” “Friends,”
“Secret Star Talent,”
“Sports” and the
“True You™” profile
cards – and place them
near the gameboard.
• Give each player a blank score sheet and a pen or pencil.
• Let each player choose a “Shooting Star” token and place it on “Start.”
• Let each player pick a TRUE YOU profile card. Put the remaining
cards back in the box. For a super top-secret strategy, keep your
profile hidden from your opponents!
Choosing TRUE YOU Profile Card:
Each card asks for different points depending on your unique
strengths and talents. Depending on the profile you choose, you
must collect all of those required points to win.
Example 1: If your TRUE YOU
profile card asks for 7 “Smarts,”
9 “Friends,” 6 “Sports” and
4 “Secret Star Talent” points,
be ready to share your secret
friend stories and Hannah-Miley
trivia if you choose this profile!
• The youngest player goes first. Play then passes to the left.
• From the “Start” space, each player rolls the die and moves in any
direction. “Start” counts as one space.
• Follow the arrows to move through “Closet,” “Living Room,”
“Bathroom,” “Bedroom,” “Gym Class,” and “Surf Shack.”
• Each player earns points for answering a question or performing
for the other players when landing on a “Smarts,” “Friends,”
Sports,” or “Secret Star Talent” space. P.S.: Earn double points
when Hannah or Miley is in your area!
• Write points on your score sheet as you earn them.
• When you land in the blue flower area (one of six spaces around
“Start”), you may move in either direction, but you may not move
over or land on the same space twice on the same turn. Once you
leave the “Start” space, you may not enter it or use it as a
shortcut to the other spaces.
• You may share a gameboard space with other players.
• If you have earned all of your TRUE YOU profile points and
are moving back to “Start” for the win, you can skip answering
questions or performing stunts – or do them for fun!
For each of the “Smarts,” “Friends,” “Sports,” and “Secret Star
Talent” spaces, write points on your score sheet as you earn them.
If you do not answer a question correctly or to the other players’
satisfaction, or if you skip a stunt, do nothing. Your turn ends and
the game continues.
“Smarts” Space – Land on this space and
have the player to your left take the top card
from the “Smarts” deck and read it to you.
You will be asked to answer questions about
Miley’s school life, friends, and, of course,
her biggest secret of all – Hannah Montana!
A “Smarts” question might be: “What team
does Hannah get to sing the National Anthem
for?” Play to find out!
Double It!: Earn double points if the Hannah or Miley pawn is in
your gameboard area.
“Friends” Space – Land on this space and
take the top card from the “Friends” deck
and read it out loud. You will be asked to
answer questions about your friendships and
how you would handle situations like the
weird or quirky ones that Miley or Hannah
face every day! A “Friends” question might be:
“Lilly and Oliver distract Robby Ray while Miley sneaks out to a
party. Have you ever covered for a friend who was doing something
they weren’t supposed to do? Were you caught?” If you land on this
space, be ready to share some secrets!!
Double It!: Earn double points if the Hannah or Miley pawn is in
your gameboard area.
“Sports” Space – Land on this space and
take the top card from the “Sports” deck
and read it out loud. You will be asked to
perform stunts by yourself and with other
players and to answer questions about your
favorite escapades. A “Sports” card might
read: “Miley practices her tennis “grunt”
when she agrees to play as Hannah in a charity tennis match.
Pretend you are playing tennis for 30 seconds. Perform your best
grunt when you hit the ball!” If you land on this space, get ready to
leave your chair!
Double It!: Earn double points if the Hannah or Miley pawn is in
your gameboard area.
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