For 2 Players
Connect 4TM has risen to new heights in this advanced challenge. Play on a 4 x 4 x 4 matrix,
building carefully to ensure you make a row of four before your opponent does. There are 64
possible spaces to use to your advantage.
• Game Arena • 32 Yellow Discs • 32 Red Discs • 4 Rubber Feet
• Remove all contents from the plastic bags. Throw away the empty bags.
• Turn the game arena upside down and insert the four rubber feet into the
holes on the underside.
Place the game arena on a flat surface. One player uses all of the yellow
discs; while the other player uses all of the red discs.
To be the first player to make a row of four discs
of your color, horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
Figure 1
Discs fit together
like this.
1. Decide who will play first. That player places one of his/her discs
anywhere on the arena.
2. Now it's the other player's turn to place a disc either on any free space,
or on top of the first player's disc (see Figure 1).
3. Continue alternating turns, playing one disc at a time. The only limit is
that you cannot build higher than four discs upwards.
4. Try to make a row horizontally, diagonally or vertically, either on the
same level, or going upwards (see Figures 2 and 3)!
The first player to make a row of four discs wins! If the game ends in a tie,
play again to determine the Connect 4
Stackers Champion!
Try playing a “Best of…” game, where the first to reach a certain number
of wins is the overall Connect 4
Figure 2
You can do this.
Figure 3
You cannot do this.
Stackers Champion.
Diagonal Vertical
535 45
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