Not for children under 3 years.
Guess as you go, for a
game that’s exciting
until the end!
Gameboard (in 2 pieces), plastic tray, 5 movers,
6 ‘Who’ cards, 6 ‘Where’ cards, 6 ‘When’ cards,
1 All Guess card, 18 Guess tokens in 5 colours, 3 gold
tokens, Truth envelope, Detective sheets and a die.
Which game?
• The simple game is perfect for younger kids, or
kids that aren’t used to the game. Follow the blue
instructions on page 3.
• For kids that are older, or have mastered the simple
game, play the Clever Carnival game using the red
instructions on the last page.

Piece 1
2APiece 2
Guess Tokens
Piece 1A
1. Take everything out of the plastic tray. Leave
Piece 2A
the tray in the box and make sure the arrow on
the tray lines up with the arrow on the inside
of the box.
2. Press the coloured tokens out of the cardboard
sheet and the pieces out of gameboard (Piece 2)
to make slots. Discard the waste.
3. Put gameboard Piece 1 directly next to the box
on a flat surface, with Side 1A facing up, so
that the paths match up.
4. Put gameboard Piece 2 on top of the plastic tray
with Side 2A facing up, as shown.
5. Divide the Who, When and Where cards into
three separate piles and remove the Where pile
– these are for the Clever Carnival rules only.
6. Without looking at them, shuffle the Who
cards facedown in a pile and put the top one
in the Truth envelope. Do the same for the
When cards.
7. Shuffle the rest of the Who and When cards
all together.
8. Put the cards on the grey rectangles on the
gameboard, facedown. Some rectangles will
have one card and some will have two. It
doesn’t matter which!
Give the ALL GUESS card to the oldest player.
Plastic Tray
Box Base
Who Card
When Card