For 2 Players/ AGES 7+
Your Mission
Be the first to sink all five of your opponent’s ships.
2 Game Units • 10 Ships • Red and White Scoring Pegs
The First Time You Play
Carefully remove the game pieces from the plastic frame. If needed use an
emery board or sandpaper to remove the excess plastic from the game pieces.
Discard the frame after removing all of the game pieces.
Prepare for Battle
• Separate the game units by sliding them apart. Each player
takes a game unit.
• Players sit facing each other with the game units open. The lid
of each game unit will form a barrier to hide the ocean grid from
the opposing player. Keep the lids open throughout the game.
• Each player takes a eet of ve ships.
• Secretly place your eet on
your ocean grid by pressing
the ships into the raised holes;
your opponent does the same.
Ships can be placed vertically or
horizontally but NOT diagonally
see Figure 1
). Do not position
a ship in such a way that any
Your Fleet of Five Ships:
Carrier (5 Holes) Battleship (4 Holes)
Cruiser (3 Holes) Submarine (3 Holes)
Destroyer (2 Holes)
Target Grid
part of it is off the grid. Once
the game has begun, you cannot
move the position of a ship.
Ocean Grid
• Each player takes half of the red
pegs and half of the white pegs
and places them in the storage
areas on the sides of his or
ee Figure 2
her ocean grid (s
White Peg
Red Peg
1. Decide who goes rst. You and your opponent then alternate turns calling
out one shot per turn to try and hit each other’s ships. To call out a
shot, pick a target hole on your target grid and announce its location
by corresponding letter and number.
2. When you’re red upon, you must tell your opponent if the shot was
a hit or a miss. If it’s a hit, mark the hit ship on your ocean grid with
a red peg.
3. The player ring the shot records it on his or her target grid (on the
game unit’s lid). Use red pegs to record hits and white pegs to record
Sinking a Ship
When all of a ship’s holes have been lled with red pegs, it is sunk and
must be removed from the ocean grid. Tell your opponent which ship
was sunk.
The rst player to sink his or her opponent’s eet of ve ships wins the game!
Locate the ve ships anywhere on the ocean grids and place the pegs
in the storage areas. Close the game units and slide them together.
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Way, Newport NP19 4YH. %00800 22427276. Hasbro Australia Ltd., Level 2, 37-41
Oxford Street, Epping, NSW 2121, Australia. % 1300 138 697. Hasbro NZ (a branch
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