OVER 12 months
Thank you for choosing this unique activity toy!
Includes 4 x 1.5V "D"/R20 batteries. Alkaline
batteries recommended. Phillips/crosshead
screwdriver (not included) required for battery
Around Town
Activity Center
Around Town
Activity Center

PLEASE NOTE: This product is shipped in "Demo" mode. Slide switch
on back of toy to "On" for full use at home.
The AROUND TOWN ACTIVITY CENTER set features lots of airpowered activities and happy music to amuse and fascinate
your toddler! To activate the toy, push the radar dish, move the fire
hydrant, move the train gate, or push the elevator button.
MMuussiicc ttoo mmaattcchh tthhee
ddiiffffeerreenntt aaccttiivviittiieess!!
HHeelliiccoopptteerr’’ss bbllaaddee
rroottaatteess!! CCaarr’’ss
hheeaaddlliigghhttss ttwwiirrll!!
SSlliiddee tthhee ffiirree hhyyddrraanntt ttoo
sseeee tthhee ddoooorr rreevvoollvvee!!
PPrreessss tthhee bbuuttttoonn
ttoo mmaakkee cclloocckk ttuurrnn
aanndd eelleevvaattoorr ggoo uupp
aanndd ddoowwnn!!
LLoowweerr tthhee ggaattee ttoo
wwaattcchh tthhee ttrraaiinn ggoo
‘‘rroouunndd aanndd ‘‘rroouunndd!!
RRaaiissee tthhee ggaattee ttoo
ssttoopp tthhee ttrraaiinn..
CChhaarraacctteerrss rriiddee iinn
tthhee vveehhiicclleess!!
PPllaaccee cchhaarraacctteerrss oonn
aannyy yyeellllooww cciirrccllee
ffoorr aa ffuunn ssppiinnnniinngg
33 ccoolloorrffuull
cchhaarraacctteerrss aanndd ttwwoo
vveehhiicclleess iinncclluuddeedd!!
ccaarrrryy hhaannddllee!!
When one or more air-powered activity functions improperly (though others
may work properly), you will need to replace the batteries.
VVeehhiicclleess ffiitt oonn eeiitthheerr ooff
tthheessee 22 yyeellllooww cciirrcclleess!!