Game 1 – Grade Level Challenge
1. Place the money gameboard and the grade gameboard close to all the players.
2. Each player chooses a player pawn (apple, pencil, globe or books) and places it
near the money gameboard. Each player takes the three matching color Peek, Copy
and Save tokens. Place any unused pawns and tokens out of play.
3. Place the magic reader sleeve, the 10 grade markers and the $1,000 tokens next to
the gameboards.
4. Separate the deck of question cards into 6 decks: one each for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,
5th grade, and Million Dollar. Place each deck into a section of the plastic tray.
5. Each player takes a piece of paper and a pencil (not included).
Your goal is to correctly answer 10 questions (2 from each grade level), and then
correctly answer one Million Dollar question. Each question is based on material from
actual 1st through 5th grade curricula.
There are two ways to win money!
• Answer questions correctly on your turn.
• Answer questions correctly when another player asks you for help.
Choose a player to go first. Game play continues in a clockwise direction as each
player takes a turn.
On Your Turn
1. Take the top card from any 1st through 5th grade deck
you’d like, as long as that grade is not yet covered up on
the grade gameboard. The heading on top of the card
indicates the subject.
2. Slide the card into the magic reader sleeve as shown. The
question will be revealed in the red reader window. Read
the question aloud to all players.
3. All players write down their answer on their own piece of
paper. You then do one of two things:
• If you feel condent that you know the answer – tell
everyone your answer. Then reveal the correct answer by
pulling the card through the top of the magic reader until
the answer is revealed in the red window.
• If you are not sure of the answer – you may choose to peek or copy another player’s
answer as described in the Peek or Copy section found later in the instructions.

First Answer Round
Correct Answer: If your answer is correct,
keep the card and then place your player
pawn on the $1,000 space of the money
gameboard. Your turn is then over.
Incorrect Answer: If your answer is
incorrect, you are out of the running for
the million dollar prize, but you can keep
playing the game and winning money on
your future turns. However, right now you must announce to everyone: “I am NOT
smarter than a 5th grader!” Put your card out of play. Your turn is now over.
Note: You have one opportunity during the game to “save yourself.” See Save on the
next page.
The next player takes a turn by choosing another question card from the same grade
level as the first player. (The card doesn’t have to be the same subject.) Continue play
as described previously for each player till all players have taken a turn. Each player
who answers correctly moves his/her player pawn onto the $1,000 space of the
money gameboard. Each player who answers incorrectly must again announce: “I am
NOT smarter than a 5th grader!”
Once all of the players have taken a turn at the same grade level, cover over one
matching grade level space on the grade gameboard with a matching grade marker.
Note: There are two spaces for each grade. Once both spaces from the same grade
level have been covered over, cards from that grade can no longer be played.
Remaining Answer Rounds
The next player in rotation now gets to choose which grade level will be played next
by choosing a new card. The game continues as previously described. Each player
who answers correctly moves his/her player pawn up to the next dollar level on the
money gameboard. Each player who answers incorrectly leaves his/her player pawn
where it is, and must again announce: “I am NOT smarter than a 5th grader!”
The Million-Dollar Question
If you successfully answer all 10 grade school questions, you may immediately try
for the one million dollars! Select the top card from the Million-Dollar card deck and
insert it into the magic reader. Read the question aloud and then give your answer.
You cannot get help from any other player.
• If you answered correctly, the game is over – you are the winner!
• If you answered incorrectly, you are out of the running for the million dollars and
take no more turns. (You still help other players if asked, and may earn more money
that way.) Leave your player pawn where it is on the money gameboard, as you may
be able to count this amount toward your total. Play continues with the next player.