Hasbro 85357 User Manual

The hands are interchangeable.
85357/85179 Asst.
Squeeze legs together for lightsaber attack.
Some poses may require additional support. Product and colors may vary. © 2005 Lucasfilm Ltd. & ® or TM where indicated. All Rights Reserved. ®* and/or ™* & © 2005 Hasbro. All rights reserved. ® denotes Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Office.
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Missile hand
Crusher hand
Missile launcher hand: Insert projectile. Press button to launch. Crusher hand: Pull apart to open. Place object in hand. Release – hand springs closed. Robotic hand: Can hold lightsaber.
Remove lightsaber blade to show lightsaber in “deactivated” mode. Re-attach blade for “activated” mode.
Robotic hand
P/N 6449290000