[HX-DU1006D User Manual] Harxon Corporation
HX-DU1006D Wireless data transceiver
User Manual
Version: V1.0

[HX-DU1006D User Manual] Harxon Corporation
1 SUMMARY...........................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Frequency Range ................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Operating Mode .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Application .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 INSTALLATION DESIGN...................................................................................................................5
2.1 Installation of Radio ............................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Main Power Supply (3.3 Vdc) ............................................................................................. 6
2.3 Data Interface Connector .................................................................................................... 7
3 RADIO MODEM CONFIGURATION AND DIAGNOSTIC COMMANDS......................................8
3.1 Errors Messages .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Initialize Configuration ....................................................................................................... 9
4 TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................................................10
5 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................10

[HX-DU1006D User Manual] Harxon Corporation
Copyright Information
This products operation manual and all the related software are protected by
Harxon Corporation, and all rights reserved. All rights of this manual include
copyright only belongs to Harxon Corporation (short for Harxon as below), unless the
copyright holders allowed, strictly forbid to copy this manual by printing、copying、
recording and other means.
We strive to guarantee the accuracy and completeness of this manual content
when compiling, but for possible errors or omissions, Harxon will not assume any
responsibility. Due to the continuous development of technology, Harxon reserves the
rights to change the technical specifications or functions of their products without any
notification to users.
Antenna Installation Warning
1. Any antenna only can be installed and maintained by professional technician.
Please make sure that the radio station is closed when you maintain or work nearby
the antenna.
2. In general, data transmitter module will be connected to a directional (high-gain)
antenna. Under normal circumstance, only the professional technicians can close to
the antenna area, anyone can’t touch the antenna or close to 0.6m in diameter range of
the antenna.
Antenna Gain vs Safe distance recommended
Antenna Gain
0–5 dBi 5–10 dBi 10–16.5 dBi
The minimum safe distance
The product's antenna gain is 3.5dBi.
0.6m 1.06m 2.3m

[HX-DU1006D User Manual] Harxon Corporation
1 Summary
This manual is the installation and operating instructions of HX-DU1006D
wireless data transceiver. HX-DU1006D is a universal wireless data transceiver
module, adopted compact、modular plat-shaped structure, which is very suitable for
designer-users to integrate RTUs、PLCs、banking automation equipments or similar
Figure 1 HX-DU1006D Data transceiver
1.1 Frequency Range
HX-DU1006D operating frequency range is 410MHz~470MHz,frequency of
transmitting and receiving can be set by programming.
1.2 Operating Mode
Half-duplex mode is sending data for master transmitter input, receiving data if
no input. When HX-DU1006D operates in half-duplex mode, emission will be started
when data appears.
Note: HX-DU1006D does not support duplex operating (Such as transmitting and
receiving simultaneously).
1.3 Application
Radio modem apply to point to multi-point and point to point and other
applications, one point to multi-point (MAS) is the most common application of radio,
which consists of a central master station and several related remote units, like figure
2. MAS network supply communication between a central host and remote terminal
units (RTUs) or other data acquisition equipments. As to computer equipments, the
radio operating is transparent, so, radio transmitting data as its original form, there is
no change in the data format.