Harvey-Wells TBS-50D INFO

Harvey-Wells TBS-50D
1947 AM/CW Amateur Transmitter
GENERAL The TBS-50D is a versitile general purpose AM Phone/CW transmitter capable of delivering RF power on all 1947 amateur bands from 3.5 to 148 mhz. It may be used with any power supply delivering up to 450 volts DC. The tube filiaments may be configured for 6 or 12 volt operation. Dynamotor and vibrator power supplies may be used for mobile operation. An AC power supply is used for fixed station use. Three transmitter models are availiable, TBS-50B for CW only, the TBS-50C for carbon microphones, the TBS-50D with a built-in, three tube preamplifier for crystal or high impeadance dynamic microphones. The TBS-50c/d models supercede the original TBS-50 and 50A, and are improved models.
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Size: 13-1/4" High x 9-1/4" Wide x 8-1/2" Deep Weight: 17 pounds Power Input: 50 watts HF Tubes
6AQ5 Oscillator/Multiplier 6AQ5 Multiplier 807 Final Amplifer 6L6(2) Modulators 6AU6 1st Speech Amplifier 6AU6 2nd Speech Amplifier 12AU7 Phase Inverter Frequencies: 3.5 , 7.0, 14.0, 21.0, 28.0, 50.0, 144.0 Microphone-TBS-50D Crystal or high impeadance dynamic at -50 db Microphone-TBS-50C Carbon 200 ohm FREQUENCY CONTROL Crystal- 3.5-14.0= 3.5, 21/28= 7.0, 50.0=5.555, 144= 8.0 VFO (with output in same ranges) OUTPUT COUPLING Simplified pi type designed for non-reactive anatennas or feeders between 50-500 ohms
3.5 & 7.0 Mhz band require 500-1000mmfd antenna bypass condenser Use of a balanced Output Antenna Tuner suggested. POWER JACK: Octal type MODIFICATIONS PTT Relay Addition (Power and Antenna) 160 meter Operation TVI shielding Antenna Coupling Network/Switch