HARVARD PHD 4400 Hpsi Programmable, PHD 4400 Hpsi Remote Programmable User Manual

PHD 4400 Hpsi Programmable MA1 70-2200
PHD 4400 Hpsi Remote Programmable MA1 70-2201
PHD 4400
Syringe Pump Series
User's Manual
Publica tion 5406-00 1-R EV-D
To Our Valued Customers:
We are committed to being a good corporate citizen. As part of that commitment, we strive to maintain an environmentally conscious manufacturing operation. The European Union (EU) has enacted two Directives, the first on product recycling (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, WEEE) and the second limiting the use of certain substances (Restriction on the use of Hazardous Substances, RoHS). Over time, these Directives will be implemented in the national laws of each EU Member State.
Once the final national regulations have been put into place, recycling will be offered for our products which are within the scope of the WEEE Directive. Products falling under the scope of the WEEE Directive available for sale after August 13, 2005 will be identified with a “wheelie bin” symbol.
Two Categories of products covered by the WEEE Directive are currently exempt from the RoHS Directive – Category 8, medical devices (with the exception of implanted or infected products) and Category 9, monitoring and control instruments. Most of our products fall into either Category 8 or 9 and are currently exempt from the RoHS Directive. We will continue to monitor the application of the RoHS Directive to its products and will comply with any changes as they apply.
• Do Not Dispose Product with Municipal Waste
• Special Collection/Disposal Required
WEEE/RoHS Compliance Statement
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User 's Manual
Publica tion 5406-00 1-R EV-D
Table of Contents
General Information:
Manual Description ..............................................4
Warranty ..............................................................4
Repairs ................................................................4
Serial Numbers ....................................................4
Calibrations ..........................................................4
General Safety Summary ........................................5
Technical Specifications..........................................6
Theory of Operation ................................................7
Pressure and Speed ............................................8
Built-in Syringe Table and Custom Syringes ......8
Infusion and Refill Rates......................................8
Target Volume ......................................................8
Auto Fill ................................................................8
Modes of Operation ............................................8
External Connections ..........................................9
Nonvolatile Memory ............................................9
Stall Detection ......................................................9
Visual/Audible Alarm ............................................9
Power Up Options................................................9
Program Storage..................................................9
User Interface:........................................................10
Description of Keys ............................................11
Entering Data ....................................................12
Special Features Table ......................................12
Initial Setup ............................................................14
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User 's Manual
Publica tion 5406-00 1-R EV-D
Table of Contents
Syringe Loading ................................................15
Running the Pump ............................................16
Diameter ............................................................16
Infuse Rate ........................................................16
Refill Rate ..........................................................16
Target Volume ....................................................17
Auto Fill ..............................................................17
Selecting the Run Mode ....................................17
Program Mode:
Program Description ..........................................19
Entering a Program............................................19
Sequence Operation..........................................20
Program Printout................................................23
Program Run Time Error Messages..................23
External Control and Interfaces:
RS-232C Devices ..............................................24
Configuring Pump for RS-232C Devices ..........24
User I/O Devices................................................24
Programming Tutorial:
Multiple Infusion Example..................................26
Ramping Up Infusion Rate Example ................27
Multiple Dispensing Example ............................28
Periodic Dispense Loop Example......................29
Combination of Infusion and Withdraw
Profiles Example ................................................30
Use of Events ....................................................31
Pump Chain Commands:
Model 22 Protocol..............................................33
Model 44 Protocol..............................................34
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User 's Manual
Publica tion 5406-00 1-R EV-D
Table of Contents
A Table of Syringe Diameters ........................45
B Stainless Steel Syringe ..............................46
C Nominal Min/Max Flow Rates ....................48
D Custom Applications ..................................48
E Pressure and Force Specifications ............49
F PHD 4400 Hpsi to PC Connection ............49
G RS-232C Specifications..............................50
H Symphony ..................................................50
I User I/O Connector Specifications ............51
J Accessories and Spare Parts ....................51
K Maintenance and Troubleshooting ............52
L 'Auto-Fill' Valves..........................................53
Figure 1 Programmable Model Keypad ..............11
Figure 2 Rear Panel and Serial Number Label ..14
Figure 3 Fuse Replacement................................15
Figure 4 Syringe Loading ....................................16
Figure 5 Rear Panel External Connections ........24
Figure 6 Multiple Infusions ..................................26
Figure 7 Ramping Up Infusion Rate....................27
Figure 8 Multiple Dispensing ..............................28
Figure 9 Periodic Dispense Loop........................29
Figure 10 Comb. Infusion & Withdraw Profiles ....30
Figure 11 Use of Events........................................31
Figure 12 Use of TTL Signal ................................32
Figure 13 PHD 4400 Hpsi to PC Connection ......49
Figure 14 RS-232C Specifications ........................50
Figure 15 User I/O Connector Specifications ......51
Figure 16 'Auto-Fill' Valves ....................................53
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User 's Manual
Publica tion 5406-00 1-R EV-D
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: NNoott ffoorr cclliinniiccaall uussee oonn hhuummaann ppaattiieennttss..
Warranty and Repair Information
This manual is designed to provide all operational and program information required to operate and maintain the PHD 4400 Hpsi series pumps. The functions and features are described in the Technical Specifications section.
Harvard Apparatus warranties this instrument for a period of two years from date of pur­chase. At its option, Harvard Apparatus will repair or replace the unit if it is found to be defective as to workmanship or materials. This warranty does not extend to damage result­ing from misuse, neglect or abuse, normal wear and tear, or accident. This warranty extends only to the original consumer purchaser.
incidental or consequential damages so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. THERE ARE NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE, OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE. Some states do not allow this limitation on an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
If a defect arises within the two-year warranty period, promptly contact Harvard Apparatus, 84 October Hill Road, Holliston, Massachusetts 01746 using our toll free number 1–800–272–2775, or outside the U.S. call 508-893-8999. Email Address is bio­science@harvardapparatus.com. Goods will not be accepted for return unless an RMA (returned materials authorization) number has been issued by our customer service department. The customer is responsible for shipping charges. Please allow a reasonable period of time for completion of repairs or replacement. If the unit is replaced, the replace­ment unit is covered only for the remainder of the original warranty period dating from the purchase of the original device.
This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
Harvard Apparatus stocks replacement and repair parts. When ordering, please describe parts as completely as possible, preferably using a part number obtained from our Customer Service department. If practical, enclose a sample part or sketch. We offer a com­plete reconditioning service.
All inquiries concerning our product should refer to the serial number of the unit, located on the rear panel (See Figure 2).
All electrical apparatus is calibrated at rated voltage and frequency. While the flow and vol­ume will stay calibrated, the peak pressure may vary.
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
General Safety Summary
Please read the following safety precautions to ensure proper use of your syringe pump. To avoid potential hazards and product damage, use this product only as instructed in this manual.
To Prevent Hazard or Injury:
UUssee PPrrooppeerr LLiinnee CCoorrdd
Use only the specified line cord for this product and make sure line cord is certified for country of use.
GGrroouunndd tthhee PPrroodduucctt
This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electric shock, the grounding conductor must be connected to earth ground. Before making any connections to the input or output terminals of the product, ensure that the product is properly grounded.
MMaakkee PPrrooppeerr CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
Make sure all connections are made properly and securely. Any signal wire connec­tions to the unit must be no longer than 3 meters.
OObbsseerrvvee aallll TTeerrmmiinnaall RRaattiinnggss
Review the operating manual to learn the ratings on all connections.
UUssee PPrrooppeerr FFuussee
Use only specified fuses with product.
AAvvooiidd EExxppoosseedd CCiirrccuuiittrryy
Do not touch any electronic circuitry inside of the product.
DDoo NNoott OOppeerraattee wwiitthh SSuussppeecctteedd FFaaiilluurreess
If damage is suspected on or to the product do not operate the product. Contact qual­ified service personnel to perform inspection.
PPllaaccee PPrroodduucctt iinn PPrrooppeerr EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt
Review the operating manual for guidelines for proper operating environments.
OObbsseerrvvee aallll WWaarrnniinngg LLaabbeellss oonn PPrroodduucctt
Read all labels on product to ensure proper usage.
Protective Ground
Refer to Manual
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
Accuracy ±0.35%
Reproducibility ±0.05%
Syringes (Min. / Max.) 0.5 µ l/140 ml
Syringe Diameter 50 mm
Flow Rate:
Minimum 0.0001 µ l/hr (with 0.5 µ l syringe)
Maximum 220.82 ml/min (with 140 ml syringe)
374.39 ml/min (with 50 mm diameter syringe)
Calibration Automatic
Display 2-line, 40-character fluorescent
Memory Nonvolatile (stores all settings)
Interface RS-232C multiplexed dual bidirectional ports
RS-232C RJ11 4-conductor telephone plug
TTL 9-pin D-SUB connector
Linear Force (Max.) 200 lbs
Motor 1.8˚ stepper
Control Microprocessor (from 1/2 to 1/32 microstepping)
Step/Revolution from 800 to 12,800
Step Rate:
Minimum 27.3 sec/step
Maximum 416.7 µ sec/step
Pusher Travel Rate:
Minimum 0.18 µ m/min
Maximum 190.676 mm/min
Timing Belt Drive 2:1
Lead Screw Pitch 24 threads/in
Power 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 75 W, 0.75 A fuse
Dimensions, H x W x D 17 x 23 x 29 cm (6.7 x 9.0 x 11.4 in)
Weight 6.4 kg (14 lbs)
Cable Length (max.) 9.1 m (30 ft) for Remote Model only
15 m (50 ft) for RS-232C
9.1 m (30 ft) for User I/O
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
Theory of Operation
The PHD 4400 Hpsi series employs a microcontroller which controls a small step angle stepping motor that drives a lead screw and Pusher Block. Microstepping tech­niques are employed to further reduce the step angle, eliminating flow pulsation. A keypad is used for entry of operating data to the pump. Data can also be entered via an RS-232C connector located on the rear panel. The microcontroller, using the inter­nal Syringe Look Up Table, calculates the cross-sectional area of the syringe selected and calibrates the flow rate and volume accumulation. The numerous features of the PHD 4400 Hpsi result from the use of microprocessor technology.
The PHD 4400 Hpsi Programmable model provides full programmability along with Infuse/Withdraw capability. Use of the REFILL RATE key, INFUSE/REFILL key, PRO­GRAM key, AUTO FILL key, Retaining Brackets and Adjustable Stops are all described in detail in Section 8 of this manual.
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
PPrreessssuurree aanndd SSppeeeedd
PHD 4400 Hpsi can deliver up to 220.82 ml/minute with a single 140 ml syringe. Maximum pressure is dependent on syringe size.
BBuuiilltt--IInn SSyyrriinnggee TTaabbllee aanndd CCuussttoomm SSyyrriinnggeess
The user may select the syringe to be used from the pump’s built-in syringe table. Syringes are arranged according to manufacturer and material, and then according to size. The pump will look up and use the diameter for the syringe you select. (See Appendix A for a listing of the standard syringes.) If a syringe is to be used, which is not listed in the syringe table, enter the inside diameter of the syringe in millimeters.
IInnffuussiioonn aanndd RReeffiillll RRaatteess
Specify independent rates for infusing and refilling. This allows a slow infusion rate then a fast refill. If Refill Rate is not set, the software defaults to the set Infuse Rate value.
TTaarrggeett VVoolluummee
Specify the volume that is to be infused or refilled. The pump will run at the rate spec­ified until this volume has been delivered when in the Volume mode.
AAuuttoo FFiillll
Auto Fill automatically activates an externally attached solenoid (refer to Appendix L for part number) and refills the syringe when it is empty. This permits infusions to be virtually independent of syringe capacity.
MMooddeess ooff OOppeerraattiioonn
Runs continuously in the infuse or refill directions until stopped.
Runs until a specified volume has been pumped or refilled.
Pump operates according to a specified sequence of instructions.
Note: All modes interact with Auto Fill.
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
EExxtteerrnnaall CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
User I/O
Allows pump operations to be synchronized with external devices or by a person at a distance from the pump. Connector pins are available to control direction of pump travel to control an external valve for refilling, and for general use. A simple contact clo­sure to ground or TTL level signals may be used for inputs. (See Section 10 and Appendix I.)
Multiple pumps can be 'daisy chained' together and remotely controlled from a com­puter or any device communicating via RS-232C.
A scale can be connected, enabling the pump to infuse by weight instead of by vol­ume. (Section 10).
A printer can be connected to record final volumes or weights whenever the pump stops. In addition the program entered for the program mode can be listed on a con­nected printer. Both a scale and a printer may be connected simultaneously. (See Section 10).
RReemmoottee UUnniitt ((CCaattaalloogg NNoo.. MMAA11--7700--22220011 OOnnllyy))
Allows connection to the remote syringe pump unit. The remote unit may be posi­tioned up to 30 feet away from the control unit.
NNoonnvvoollaattiillee MMeemmoorryy
All operational data entered into the pump from the keypad or from a computer will be stored, including the program. On power up, the display will blink until the pump receives its first command and all settings from when it was powered down will be recalled.
SSttaallll DDeetteeccttiioonn
An optical detector is used to verify expected movement of the motor. If the motor is prevented from turning due to jamming or excessive back pressure, the pump will stop and the display will read: PUMP STALLED.
VViissuuaall//AAuuddiibbllee AAllaarrmm
After a power interruption the alarm can be selected to be a silent flashing display or an audible signal in addition to flashing display. Refer to Section 6 for details on setting the Alarm Mode.
PPoowweerr--UUpp OOppttiioonnss ((PPuummpp MMooddee OOnnllyy))
Enables the user to select between a standby mode (waiting for a command to begin running) after power is interrupted or a restart mode that begins running the pump at the settings that were in process when the power was interrupted. Refer to Section 6 for details on setting the power-up mode.
PPrrooggrraamm SSttoorraaggee
Programmable model can store up to 4 sets of 9 program sequences for later selection.
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
User Interface
The user interface consists of a keypad with a display area The display consists of a 2 line, 40 character alphanumeric vacuum fluorescent display. The display will show one of three types of messages: Default display, setting display, or an informational message.
The top line of the display is divided into three sections. The first consists of the deliv­ered volume, or time interval remaining in an operation, expressed with 5 digits plus a decimal point. Next is the units of the previous number expressed as ‘ml’ for milli­liters, ‘g’ for grams, if a scale is attached, or ‘time’ for a time interval. Third is the pump­ing direction, either ‘INFUSE’ or ‘REFILL’, or the current operating state of the pump. A diamond symbol in the last character of the display indicates pump chain commu­nication has been received.
Setting displays are used to facilitate entering control information and data into the pump. Data entry will be discussed in detail later in this section
Informational messages occur at various times to indicate such items as a data setting out of range, or a detected problem, such as the pump stalling. Pressing any key clears the message from the display.
The second line of the display is also divided into 3 sections. The first is the Running Mode (Pump, Vol, Prog). The second section is the AutoFill indication (no message if Auto Fill is Off, If On, AutoFill ON is displayed) The third section is a pair of direction­al arrow heads (< or >) indicating that the pump is running and in what direction.
The keys are used for entering control information and data into the pump. These keys are grouped into 3 sections (see Figure 1): Set keys, Toggle keys, and Data Entry keys.
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
Figure 1. Programmable Model Keypad
PPHHDD 44440000
User Interface: Description of Keys
SSeett KKeeyyss
SET – Allows modification of a data item in this group of keys. To modify a data item, press the relevant key after pressing the SET key. Pressing Set with an appropriate data entry key will also allow the selection of special features. Refer to
EEnntteerriinngg DDaattaa
on page 13.
INFUSE RATE – Displays/sets current infuse rate. Scrolls through rate units with each press of the key when setting. Displays current programmed rate while running in program mode.
TARGET VOLUME – Displays/sets current volume mode target volume.
PROGRAM – Displays current program number, program sequence and sequence number.
Held down, with a printer attached and the pump stopped, prints a program listing.
DIAMETER – Displays/sets current syringe diameter. When held down during setting, accesses built-in syringe table.
REFILL RATE – Displays/sets current refill rate. Scrolls through rate units with each press of the key when setting.
RS-232C – Displays/sets current RS-232C device(s) attached.
AUTO FILL – Turns Auto Fill feature setting on/off. Also, displays/sets syringe refill volume.
TTooggggllee KKeeyyss
in this group, when permitted, successive states of the keys’ function are selected when
the key is pressed.
RUN/STOP – Starts/stops–interrupts running of pump.
INFUSE/REFILL – Changes direction of pusher block travel during operation in Pump and
Volume modes. Pump must be stopped or in Pump Mode to reverse direction of pump.
SELECT MODE – Toggles in an incremental loop through PUMP, VOLUME or PROGRAM run modes with each press of the key. The current mode is displayed on the 2nd line of the display.
DDaattaa EEnnttrryy KKeeyyss
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0,.– Used to enter numeric data values or access special features.
ENTER – Saves and stores displayed data value in memory when setting a data item.
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
User Interface: Entering Data
SSeett KKeeyyss
Keys with rectangular outlines in this group are used to modify or review settings of the pumps control data. To review the current setting of a control data item, simply hold down the relevant key and the data setting will appear in the top line of the dis­play. In the case of the PROGRAM key, if it is held down the data will be sent to the printer if one is attached.
To modify a data setting, first press then release the green outlined SET key. The dis­play should then read ‘SET WHAT?’. Press the key in the SET key group whose data is to be modified. The display will display the current setting. Data is entered into the pump by either entering a numerical value or by scrolling through a menu of choices. Always press the green outlined ENTER key to terminate and store each data request by the pump.
If you are to enter a numerical value, the far left of the display will show ‘ENTER’ fol­lowed by the units of the number to be entered. Using the numerical keys on the right side of the keypad (see Figure 1) enter the new data value. Up to five digit numbers are accepted, including up to four decimal places.
Entering more than five digits will clear the previous five digits entered in the display. Press the green outlined ENTER key when the desired data value is displayed.
If the far left of the display does not show ‘ENTER’, then a menu of choices is being displayed. Pressing the relevant key, according to the choices being displayed, selects successive menu entries. When the desired selection is displayed, press the green out­lined ENTER key.
If the data value entered is outside the pump’s operating parameters, the display will read ‘OUT OF RANGE’. Pressing any key will restore the display with the original data value. Enter another data value within the pump’s parameters or just press the green outlined ENTER key to reuse the original data value.
The data value entered can be reviewed as described above. Note: Certain data items have multiple settings. For these, after the ENTER key is pressed, the display will prompt you for the additional information. Various rules apply to when, what and how data can be set at various times. See the relevant section for further details.
Pressing the green outlined SET key and then the appropriate numerical key will allow the setting of several special features. Pressing the appropri­ate numerical key again will scroll between the options provided. Refer to the table below. When the desired option is displayed, press the green out­lined ENTER key.
RS-232C Protocol SET 1 Alarm Mode SET 2 Power Up Mode SET 3
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
User Interface: Entering Data
Step Key Setting RS-232C Protocol Description
1 SET SET WHAT? Press and release SET key
Pump Mode
21MODEL 44 PROTOCOL Press and release 1 key
Pump Mode Current RS-232C protocol
31MODEL 22 PROTOCOL Press and release 1 key to
Pump Mode change RS-232C protocol
enter XXXXX ml INFUSE Press ENTER to accept +
Pump Mode return to main display
Step Key Setting Alarm Mode Description
1 SET SET WHAT? Press and release SET key
Pump Mode
22ALARM: VISUAL ONLY Press and release 2 key
Pump Mode Current alarm mode
32ALARM: VISUAL & AUDIBLE Press and release 2 key to
Pump Mode change alarm mode
enter XXXXX ml INFUSE Press ENTER to accept and
Pump Mode return to main display
Step Key Setting Power-Up Mode Description
1 SET SET WHAT? Press and release SET key
Pump Mode
23POWER UP: STANDBY Press and release 3 key
Pump Mode Current power-up mode
33POWER UP: RUNNING Press and release 3 key to
Pump Mode change POWER-UP mode
enter XXXXX ml INFUSE Press ENTER to accept and
Pump Mode return to main display
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
1. Read the entire manual to become familiar with all features and functions of the PHD 4400 Hpsi.
2. The operating voltage range for the PHD 4400 Hpsi is 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz. Use only the specified line cord for this product and make sure line cord is cer­tified for country of use.
3. Take this opportunity to fill out and mail the Warranty Card. The Catalog and Serial numbers are located on the Serial Number label on the rear panel. Refer to Figure 4.
4. Turn on main power switch (see Figure 2a) located directly above the power cord receptacle on the rear panel. The two-line display will illuminate indicating that the power connections are correct. The flashing display indicates that power has just been applied. Pressing any key will reset the blinking display to constant illumination .
5. See Section 8 for operating Instructions on next page.
6. Fuse Replacement. Turn off power, remove power cord from power module. Use straight blade screw driver, pry open access door. Remove fuse holder, remove fuse(s) from holder. Replace fuse(s) and fuse holder. For continued fire protec­tion, replace fuse only with 250 V fuse of the specified type and rating. (3 AG 0.75 AMP SLO-BLO) (See Figure 3.)
7. Remote Unit Connection (Catalog no. MA1-70-2201 only). Connect the control unit to the remote pump unit with the cable provided.
Initial Setup
Figure 2a. Rear Panel: Power Entry and Serial Number Label
Figure 2b. Remote Unit Connection
Harva rd Apparatus PHD 4400 Hpsi Syringe Pump Series User's Manual
Publica tion 5406 -00 1-R EV-D
Because of the wide range of functions that the PHD 4400 Hpsi is capable of per­forming, certain information about your application must be entered into the pump. At minimum, the pump needs to know the diameter of your syringe, the infusion rate and direction of travel.
This is the only information needed to run the pump in the Pump Mode. If not speci­fied, the refill rate will default to the infuse rate. The pump will need additional infor­mation to utilize its more advanced features. See Section 6, User Interface, for general information on data entry.
UUssee iinn mmaannnneerr nnoott ssppeecciiffiieedd bbyy tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr mmaayy iimmppaaiirr tthhee pprrootteecc--
ttiioonn pprroovviiddeedd bbyy tthhee eeqquuiippmmeenntt..
Figure 3. Fuse Replacement
+ 39 hidden pages