Attach ment to FCC Fo rm 731
FCC I D: A QZ-VSR-4141-0 01
Exhibit 8
TX Op erat e Instructions
Paragraph 2. 1033(c)3
The f ull con tents of Exh ibit 8 ar e c ontained in 2 files as f ollows:
1. File 1: th is header sheet
2. File 2: an electronic copy of the document: LAAS Host Simulator User
Manu al. Th e SCAT VHF Trans m itter, mod el numb er VSR-4141- 001,
refer enced in this applicat ion for c er tification, has exactly the sam e
har dware as t he LAAS VHF Transmit ter, m odel number VLR-4141001, referenc ed in this documen t. The installed sof tware d iffers sl ightly
between th e two units, sol ely due t o the sligh t modul ation wavefor m
differences bet w een the t wo, the contr ol of the outp ut power l evel , and
the somewhat narrower frequen cy range for the SCAT Transmitter,
VSR-4141-00 1. The inform ation c ontained herein is app licabl e to both
mo de l number s .