Harris RF Communications Division RF-7800B-VU104, RF-7800B-DU024 User Manual

4.3.3 Statistics Page
See Figure 4-3. The Statistics page provides an estimate of the amount of Packet Switched data sent and received, along with time spent on a CS call. The data is broken up into three types.
Trip: The trip counter is similar to the trip counter on a vehicle. It can be zeroed out at anytime (select Reset data button) and it will track the statistics until it is reset.
Lifetime: The Lifetime counter is similar to the odometer on a vehicle. It shows the statistics of the BGAN terminal since the software version that added this feature was loaded onto the BGAN terminal. These counters cannot be reset.
If power is suddenly lost for some reason, statistics will not be saved to flash for the session and may be inaccurate.
Figure 4-3. BGAN Terminal Statistics
4.3.4 PDP Contexts
See Figure 4-4. The PDP Context page is used to setup and configure PDP contexts for any computer that is connected to the BGAN terminal.
Before attempting a connection, ensure that
the terminal is
Registered. Refer to Paragraph 4.3.1.
o activate a PDP Context, go to the bottom of the page. Look for the Context Activation, Local IP Address, APN,
T Requested Quality-of-Service (QoS), Username and Password fields.
CID: The Context Identifier (CID) of each context is automatic by default. Automatic is the preferred setting for most uses. Use the CID when managing multiple contexts, either by a single computer or multiple computers connected.
Local IP Address: This is the local IP address of the computer to be setup with a PDP context. The default IP address octets are entered by default from the setup screen. Do not use the default IP address entered in this field. Enter the correct IP address of the connected computer, as only IP data from this IP address will be sent across this context.
To find the IP address of a computer,
a. Open a command window (select Start > Run, type cmd, and select OK).
b. Type ipconfig in the command window.
c. Press Enter.
Requested QoS: Use the drop down list to see all of the different QoS types: background, streaming 32 k, streaming 64 k, streaming 128 k, and streaming 256 k. Select the appropriate QoS required for the PDP context being set up.
APN Name: This field is configurable, but it will always show the default APN that has been provisioned on the USIM. If the USIM has been provisioned with multiple APN's, type in any of these secondary APN names as part of the PDP context setup. Consult with your BGAN service provider to understand the conditions under which each APN is appropriate.
APN Username and Password: The APN Username and Password may be required for authorization to the network. Additionally, the APN Username and Password can be used to ensure a static public Satellite IP Address is received from the network. The APN Username and Password fields are case-sensitive. Activating a PDP Context
In order for a user to be able to transfer data across a network, a PDP Context must be activated in the Terminal and associated Core Network. To activate a PDP context, do the following:
a. Enter an unused CID number into this field, where the default is CID=1.
b. Enter the IP Address of the specific computer which will be used with this PDP context. Only packets
with this IP address will be sent across this PDP Context.
c. Select the QoS that is needed by selecting it from the drop down list.
d. If the Service Provider requires a username and password, enter it in the Username and Password boxes,
then click Apply.
e. The new connection appears in the PDP Connections table. Once the context has been setup, whether it
is successful or not, the properties will remain in the table above. In the table above, the entry can be cleared by clicking the associated Clear button.
There are two buttons to the right of each CID definition in the table. When a context is defined but inactive, the Activate button is available to try and start the connection. If the connection is active, the button changes to Deactivate to break the connection (See CID #1 in Figure 4-5). The Clear button is used to delete an Inactive connection and make the CID available for reuse.
Figure 4-4. BGAN Terminal Connections
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