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Added CH-100 control head and Unit y XG-100M mobile radio. Revi sed M obile R adi o
Operation section.
E Jul/16 Updated front and back covers.
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MM-018336-001, Rev. E
Section Page
4.3.3 Enable/Disable a Vehicular Repeater Mode via Control Head Button (If Programmed) ..... 34
1 REGULATORY AND SAFETY INFORMATION .................................................................... 5
Table 5-1: Publication Numbers for Quick Guides and Operator’s Manuals ....................................... 38
MM-018336-001, Rev. E
proceed beyond a WARNING symbol until the conditions identified are fully
which, if not performed correctly or adhered to, could result in damage to the
could void the user's
The following conventions are used in this manual to alert the user to general safety precau tions that must
be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply with
these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere violates safety standards of design , manufacture,
and intended use of the product. Harris assumes no liability for the customer's failure to comply with
these standards.
The WARNING symbol calls attention to a procedu re, practice, or the like, which,
if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury. Do not
understood or met.
The CAUTION symbol calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like,
equipment or severely degrade equipment performance.
The NOTE symbol calls attention to supplemental information, which may improve
system performance or clarify a process or procedure.
Before using the mobile two-way radio, read this important radio frequency (RF) energy awarenes s
and control information to ensure compliance with RF exposure guidelines.
This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions, where users
have full knowledge of their exposure and ca n exercise control over their ex posure
to remain below RF exposure limits. This radio is NOT authorized for general
population, consumer, or any other use.
This two-way radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum to provide
communications between two or more users ov er a distan ce. It use s RF ener gy or radio wav es to sen d and
receive calls. RF energy is one form of electro magnetic energy. Other forms include, but are not limited
to, electric power, sunlight, and x-rays. RF energy, however, should not be confused with these other
forms of electromagnetic energy, which , when used improperly, can cause biol ogical damage. Very high
levels of x-rays, for example, can damage tissu es and genetic material.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Harris
authority to operate the equipment.
Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health, and industry work with organizations to develop standards for exposure to RF energy. These standards provide recommended levels of RF exposure for both
workers and the general public. These reco mmended RF exposure levels include substantial margin s of
protection. All two-way radios marketed in North America ar e designed, manufactured, and tested to en-
MM-018336-001, Rev. E
rated RF power level. Transmit only when unaware bystanders are at least the
ecommended minimum safe lateral distance away from the mobile
sure they meet government-established RF exposure levels. In ad dition, manufacturers also recommend
specific operating instructions to users of two-way radios. These instructions are important because they
inform users about RF energy exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it. Please refer
to the following websites for more information on what RF energy exposure is and how to control exposure to assure compliance with established RF exposure limits:
1.2.1 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Regulations
Before it was marketed in the United States, the P25 Vehicular Repeater System was tested to ensure
compliance with FCC RF energy exp osure limits for mobile two-way radios. When two-way rad ios are
used as a consequence of employment , the FCC requires users to be fully aware of and able to control
their exposure to meet occupational requ irements. Exposure awareness can be faci litated by the use of a
label directing users to specific user awareness i nformation. The radio has an RF exp osure product label.
Also, this manual includes information and operating instructions required to control RF exposure and to
satisfy compliance requirements.
The P25 Vehicular Repeater System is designed and tested to comply with a number of national and
international standards and guidelines regarding human exposure to RF electromagnetic energy. This
radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF exposure
environment at duty-cycle times of up to 50% (50% transmit, 50% receive) for the VRMS radio
equipment, and up to 100% for the VRBS radio equipment. The radio equipment is authorized by the
FCC for occupational use. In terms of measuring RF energy for compliance with the FCC exposure
guidelines, the radio’s antenna radiates measurabl e RF energy only while it is transmitting (talking), not
when it is receiving (listening), or in standby mode.
The P25 Vehicular Repeater System complies with the following RF energy exposure standards and
• United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR
§ 2 sub-part J.
• American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
• Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-2005.
• IC Standard RSS-102, Issue 2, 2005: Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio
Standards Specification. Radiofrequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus
(All Frequency Bands).
Table 1-1 through Table 1-5 list the recommended minimu m safe l ateral dist anc es fo r a
controlled environment and for unaware bystanders in an uncontrolled environment,
from transmitting antennas (i.e., monopoles over a ground plane, or dipoles). Table 1-1
through Table 1-4 specify mini mum distances for the respective VRM S section of the
vehicular repeater on a per antenna basis. Table 1-5 specifies minimum distances for
the VRBS section of the vehicular repeater on a per antenna basis. This data is based
upon the mobile radio installed in a motor vehicle with the radio transmitting at its
The antennas for the radio must be installed in accord ance with guidelines and procedures contained in
the Installation and Product Safety Manual. These mobile antenna installation guidelines are limited to
metal body motor vehicles or vehicles with appropriate ground planes. The antenna must be installed in
accordance with:
• The requirements of the antenna manufacturer/supplier included with the antenna.
• Instructions in the Installation and Product Safety Manual, including minimum antenna cable lengths.
The Installation and Product Safety Manual contains specific information on how to install the
antennas to facilitate recommended operating distances to all potentially exposed persons.
Use only the Harris-approved/supplied antenna(s), or an approved replacement antenna. Unauthorized
antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the radio and may violate FCC regulati ons.
MM-018336-001, Rev. E
from Transmitting Antenna for Mobile Radio-to-Network Radio Link
Standard Rooftop-Mount with LowLoss Cable and 700/800 MHz Low-
Profile 2 dBd Gain Element
Thick Rooftop-Mount with Low-Loss
Cable and 700/800 MHz Low-
2 dBd Gain Element
Magnetic-Mount with Low-Loss
Cable and 700/800 MHz Low-
2 dBd Gain Element
7.9 Inches
(20 Centimeters)
7.9 Inches
(20 Centimeters)
1.3.2 Approved Accessories
The radio has been tested and meets FCC RF guidelines when used with accessories supplied or
designated for use with it. Use of other accessories may not ensure compliance with the FCC’s RF
exposure guidelines, and may violate FCC regulations.
For a list of approved accessories refer to the product manuals, the Products and Services Catalog, or
contact Harris Corporation at 1-800-368-3277.
1.3.3 Contact Information
For additional information on exposure requirements or other information, contact Harris Corporation at
1-800-528-7711 or at
1.4.1 FCC Part 15
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
1.4.2 Industry Canada
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is sub ject to the
following two conditions: (1) this dev ice may not cause interfer ence, and (2) this dev ice must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux C NR d'Industri e Canada appli cables aux app areils radio exe mpts de
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de
MM-018336-001, Rev. E
brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le
brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.
To ensure bodily exposure to RF electromagnetic energy is within the FCC allowable limits for
occupational use, always adhere to the following basic guidelines:
• The push-to-talk button should only be depressed when intending to send a voice message.
• The radio should only be used for necessary work-related communications.
• The radio should only be used by authorized and trained personnel. It should never be operated by
• Do not attempt any unauthorized modification to the radio. Changes or modifications to the radio may
cause harmful interference and/or cause it to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. Only qualified
personnel should service the radio.
• Always use only Harris-auth orized accessories (antennas, contr ol heads, speakers/mics, etc.). Use of
unauthorized accessories can cause the FCC RF exposure compliance requiremen t s to be exceeded.
The information listed above provides the user with information needed to make him or her aware of a RF
exposure, and what to do to assure that this radio operates within the FCC exposure limits of this radio.
The operator of any mobile radio shou ld be aware of certain hazards common to
the operation of vehicular radio transmissions. Possible hazards include but are
not limited to:
•Explosive Atmospheres — Just as it i s dangero us to fuel a vehicle with its engine i s running, be sure
to turn the radio OFF while fueling the vehicle. If the radio is mounted in the trunk of the vehicle,
DO NOT carry containers of fuel in the trunk.
Areas with potentially explosive atmosphere are o ften, but not alway s, clearly marked. T urn the radio
OFF when in any area with a potentially expl osive atmosphere. It is rare, but not impossible that the
radio or its accessories could generate sparks.
•Interference To Vehicular Elec tronic Systems — Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic anti-
skid braking systems, electronic cruise control systems, etc., are typical of the types of electronic
devices that can malfunction due to the lack of protection from radio frequency (RF) energy present
when transmitting. If the vehicle contai ns such equipment, consult t he dealer for the make of v ehicle
and enlist his aid in determining if such electronic circuits perform normally when the radio is
•Electric Blasting Caps — To prev ent accidental detonation of electric blasting caps, DO NOT use
two-way radios within 1000 feet (305 meters) of blasting operations. Always obey the “Turn Off Two-Way Radios” (or equivalent) signs posted where electric blasting caps are being used (OSHA
Standard: 1926.900).
•Radio Frequency Energy — To prevent burns or related physical injury from radio frequency
energy, do not operate the transmitter when anyon e outside of the vehicle is wi thin the minimu m safe
distance from the antenna as specified in Table 1-1 and Table 1-5. Refer to Section 1.2 for additional
MM-018336-001, Rev. E
•Vehicles Powered By Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas — Radio installation in vehicles powered by
liquefied petroleum gas, where the LP g as container is located in the trunk or other seal ed-off space
within the interior of the vehicle, must conform to the National Fire Protection Association standard
NFPA 58. This requires:
The space containing the radio equipment must be isolated and sealed from the space containing
the LP gas container and its fittings.
Outside filling connections must be used for the LP gas container.
The LP gas container space shall be vented to the outside of the vehicle.
•Vehicles Equipped with Airbags — For driver and passenger safety, avoid mounting the radio’s
control head (or any other component) above or near airbag deployment areas. In addition to driverside and passenger-side front-impact airbags, some vehicles may also be equipped with side-impact
airbags. For occupant safety, verify the location of all airbags within the vehicle before installing the
radio equipment.
The American Automobile Association (AAA) advocates the following key safe driving recommendations:
• Read the literature on the safe op er ation of the radio.
• Keep both hands on the steering wheel and the microphone in its hanger whenever the vehicle is i n
• Place calls only when the vehicle is stopped.
• When talking from a moving vehicle is unavoidable, drive in the slower lane. Keep conversations
• If a conversation requires taking notes or complex thought, stop the vehicle in a safe place and
continue the call.
• Whenever using a mobile radio, exercise caution.
Two-way radio systems must be operated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the local,
regional, or national government.
In the United States, the P25 Vehicular Repeater System must be operated in accordance with the rules
and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Operators of two-way radio
equipment, must be thoroughly familiar with the rules that apply to the particular type of radio operation.
Following these rules helps eliminate confusion, assures the most efficient use of the existing radio
channels, and results in a smoothly functioning radio network.
When using a two-way radio, remember these rules:
• It is a violation of FCC rules to interrupt any distress or emergency message. The radio operates in
much the same way as a telephone “party line.” Therefor e, always listen to make sure the channel is
clear before transmitting. Emergency calls have priority over all other messages. If someone is
sending an emergency message – such as reporting a fire or asking for help in an accident, do not
transmit unless assistance can be offered.
• The use of profane or obscene language is prohibited by Federal law.
MM-018336-001, Rev. E
• It is against the law to send false call letters or false distress or emergency messages. The FCC
requires keeping conversations brief and confined to business. Use coded messages whenever
possible to save on-the-air time.
• Using the radio to send personal messages (excep t in an emergency ) is a violation o f FCC rules. Send
only essential messages.
• It is against Federal law to repeat or otherwise make known anything overheard on the radio.
Conversations between others sharing the channel must be regarded as confidential.
• The FCC requires self-identification at certain specific times by means of call letters. Refer to the
rules that apply to the particular type of operation for the proper procedure.
• No changes or adjustments shall be made to the equipment except by an authorized or certified
electronics technician.
Under U.S. law, operation of an unlicensed radio transmitter within the jurisdiction of
the United States may be punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to
two (2) years, or both.
The following conditions tend to reduce the effective range of two-way radios and should be avoided
whenever possible:
• Operating the radio in areas of low terrain, or while under power lines or bridges.
• Obstructions such as mountains and buildings.
In areas where transmission or reception is poor, communication improvement may
sometimes be obtained by moving a few yards in another direction, or moving to a
higher elevation.
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