The voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights,
copyrights, and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The user of this technology is explicitly prohibited from
attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code
into a human-readable form.
This manual covers products manufactured and sold by Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the
supplier. Any repairs, alterations or substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this equipment not
approved by the manufacturer could void the user's authority to operate the equipment in addition to the
manufacturer's warranty.
The software contained in this device is copyrighted by Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc. Unpublished
rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
This manual is published by Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual
necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by Com-Net
Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of
this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any
purpose, without the express written permission of Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
EDACS is a registered trademark, and Aegis, ProVoice and SitePro are trademarks of Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
MM101271V1 R1A
Copyright August 20001, Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
6.6Dual Port Ram..........................................................................................................................................46
6.2Dual Port RAM..........................................................................................................................................48
6.5.1Quad ADC and Single DAC...................................................................................................................50
6.5.28-Bit I/O Expander for I2C Bus.............................................................................................................50
6.5.3–5 Volt Generation.................................................................................................................................50
6.5.4High-Speed Data Transmit Filters.........................................................................................................51
6.5.7Dual Digital Pot.....................................................................................................................................52
6.7.1Serial Port Data Format........................................................................................................................54
6.7.2Failsoft Data Format.............................................................................................................................54
Without 9600 baud modem900ma (typical), 1.5 Amps (maximum)
With 9600 baud modem1.5 Amps (typical), 2 Amps (maximum)
OPERATING TEMPERATURE-22°F to +140°F (-30°C to +60°C)
DIMENSIONS (H x W)1.75 x 19 inches (4.5 x 48.3 cm)
High Speed9600 ±1bps (EDACS Wideband)
Low Speed150 ±1bps
Site Controller (trunked)
Data Format1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and 8 data bits
Data Rate19.2 kilobaud
Back-up Serial Link (Failsoft)
Data Levels0 to 13.8 VDC swing (nominal)
Data Format1 start bit, 1 stop bit, and 8/9 data bits
Data Rate19.2 kilobaud
4800 ±1bps (EDACS Narrow band)
These specifications are intended to be used by the service technician during servicing. Refer to the appropriate
Specification Sheet for the complete Specification.
MM101271V1 R1A7
The SitePro Controller trunking shelf is used in several applications, broadly including
Voting, EDACS®,Aegis, and Digital Voice. In each of these applications the same
SitePro Controller shelf is used, however, the Logic Board operates differently because
of different jumper configuration, interfacing hardware, and software. Refer to the
appropriate Com-Net Ericsson technical publication for additional information on each
application as follows:
MM#######V1Rockwell Modem ROA 117 2247
LBI-31981Digital Voice Voting Tone Board Maintenance Manual
LBI-38462EDACS Voter Interface Board Maintenance Manual
LBI-38896EDACS Site Downlink and CEC/IMC Uplink Configuration
LBI-38985EDACS Site Controller Maintenance Manual
LBI-39004EDACS Guardog Installation and Operation Manual
MM#######V1SitePro Shelf Programming Manual
SitePro Installation Manual
EDACS Voter Digital Receiver and Selector ProSite
EDACS Single Channel Autonomous Trunking (SCAT) SitePro
and Downlink SitePro Configuration Manual
EDACS Station ProSite Configuration Manual
EDACS Test Unit and Alarm Interface (TUAI) SitePro
Configuration Manual.
MM101271V1 R1A8
The WARNING symbol calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal
injury. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING symbol until the conditions
identified are fully understood or met.
The CAUTION symbol calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or
the like, which, if not performed correctly or adhered to, could result in
damage to the equipment or severely degrade the equipment performance.
The NOTE symbol calls attention to supplemental information, which may
improve system performance or clarify a process or procedure.
The ESD symbol calls attention to procedures, practices, or the like, which
could expose equipment to the effects of Electro-Static Discharge. Proper
precautions must be taken to prevent ESD when handling circuit modules.
MM101271V1 R1A
The Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems group has developed a Motorola
PowerQuicc-based CPU to replace the 8051-based GETC board due to memory
limitations. In addition to replacing the functionality of the GETC module, other
capabilities have been added. including support of ethernet.
This manual provides maintenance and servicing information for Com-Net Ericsson
SitePro Controller Shelf Assembly EA101209V1
•Output Cable from the Power Supply (W2)CA101212V1
•Data Cable (W
The SitePro Controller can be installed and programmed for several different station
applications. The basic programming is for the Station Trunking Shelf
enables the station to function as part of an EDACS trunked communication system by
providing digital signaling and transmitter control of the associated base station. In
addition, the SitePro Controller provides an interface between the base station repeater,
the Site Controller or Site Interface Module (SIM) and other c hannel SiteProController(s) at the same time.
By reconfiguring the SitePro Controller shelf hardware and programming the operation
through the programming port, located on the front panel, the SitePro Controller can be
used as an/a:
•Uplink/Downlink – Configured as either an Uplink or Downlink, the SitePro
Controller provides the communications link between the Transmit Site and the
CEC/IMC switch.
The Service Technician(s) should always consult application manuals, Software Release Notes (SRN), and Specific
Customer information provided with the system whenever the equipment requires service or repair.
. This shelf
10MM101271V1 R1A
•SCAT –TheSitePro Controller can be programmed to provide command and
control of a Single Channel Autonomous Trunking (SCAT) Site.
•CNI –ProgrammedasaConventional Network Interface (CNI), the SitePro
communications site (analog) and an EDACS trunking system (digital).
•Satellite Receiver –TheSitePro Controller can be programmed to provide
command and control of Satellite (Auxiliary) Receivers and communication to the
Voter Digital Receiver.
•Voter Digital Receiver –TheSitePro Controller can be programmed to process
digital data from Satellite Receiver SitePro Controller(s) for input to the Voter
•Voter Selector –TheSitePro Controller can be programmed to control the voting
processes and select the sites with the best signals.
•VDI – Programmed as a Voter Digital Interface, the SitePro Controller provides a
path for Voter and Simulcast systems to the Jessica PBX system when making digital
•Simulcast Control Point and Tx Site – The SitePro Controller can be
programmed to provide Simulcast system command and control.
The following communication modes are available:
1. The SitePro Controller can communicate with Personal Computers (PC’s) through
ethernet ports J5 and J6.
2. The SitePro Controller can communicate with other devices, such as Site
Controllers or the CEC/IMC switch, through the Serial Ports at J14, using an RS-232
serial data format operating at 19.2 kilobaud. Connector J14 provides connection to 6
telephone lines and 6 serial ports.
3. The SitePro Controller can communicate with other SitePro Controller(s) in the
Failsoft or Enhanced mode, over two Backup Serial Links (BSL)ortwoRockwell
Modems (RM’s) through connector J4. This link uses 0-13.8 VDC levels at 19.2
4. The SitePro Controller uses the Frame Sync Line (FSL), also through connector
J4, to communicate timing between SitePro Controllers. This line uses a 0-13.8
VDC bus that carries a periodic negative pulse.
5. A 9600 or 4800 baud full-duplex, synchronous communication interface over an RF
6. The SitePro Controller can use synchronous modem data to communicate with
other sites via telephone lines or microwave links.
7. The SitePro Controller interfaces with an Enhanced Digital Access Communication
System (EDACS) through 24 Pin connector J12.
8. Power is connected to the SitePro Controller through 4 Pin POWER connector J7.
Installation and configuration of Simulcast SitePro Controllers is documented in a specific Simulcast Application Manual.
MM101271V1 R1A11
9. The SitePro Controller interfaces with a Conventional MASTR III base station or
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) through 20 Pin CONV/DSP connector J11.
10. The SitePro Controller interfaces with a GPS Simulcast system t hrough 26 Pin
SIMULCAST connector J13.
SitePro Controller interface functions vary from application to application and
between EDACS systems using MASTR II or MASTR III repeaters. It is necessary to
refer to the Application Configuration Manual for details regarding t he specific
hardware and software configuration of the SitePro Controller.
The SitePro Controller is compatible with Generic EDACS Trunking Card (GETC)
compatible devices with the exception of the Site Controller.
The requirements are that the SitePro Controller will only switch modes if the Control
Channel fails or a configuration command is received. The SitePro Controller will,
however, change modes as currently implemented by the GETC. For example, the
SitePro Controller Control Channel can switch modes, without failure or configuration
command, if it detects carrier.
For High Speed Data Modulation
(A4) providing software configurable filtering, which is compatible with high speed data
,theSitePro Controller has a separate Analog Board
(SitePro Trunked Interface Specification)
The following is a description of all electrical connections to the SitePro Controller.
All input/output definitions are relative to the SitePro Controller. This configuration
supports EDACS and Simulcast. The analog and digital control signals provide an
interface to a variety of base stations and are grouped by functionality.
4.4.1 Station Control
•LocRxAudio - Analog input
MASTR III level = 1 Vrms, Zin = 100Kohm, bias = ac coupled
MASTR IIe level = .750 Vrms
This signal is unfiltered local receiver audio from the base station also called
Volume/Squelch or VolSq andcarries either High Speed Data(control
signaling/digital audio) or Low Speed Data with analog audio. The two components
are internally separated.
•RUS - Digital TTL active high input
This signal is the Receiver UnSquelch signal from the base station and is activated
when a carrier of sufficient signal strength (as determined by the squelch pot setting)
is present.
This signal is the Low Speed Data output to the base station. The signal is
conditioned through a low pass filter to remove frequency components above 300 Hz
to allow multiplexing with analog voice audio.
•HSD - Analog output
level = 775 mVrms, Zout = 100ohm, bias = 0 volts
This signal is the High Speed Data output to the base station modulator. The signal is
conditioned through a specially designed filter needed to meet precise RF
modulation bandwidth limitations.
•LocPTT - Digital active low open collector output
This signal is the Local PT T control. This line, when low, will key up the base
station transmitter and select the local receiver audio source for transmission.
•RemPTT - Digital active low open collector output
This signal is the Remote PTT control. This line, when low, will key up the base
station transmitter and select the remote audio source for transmission.
•A/DmodCtrl - Digital output TTL
This is the Analog/Digital Modulation Control signal. When high, HSD is routed to
the base station transmit. When low, LSD/audio is routed to the base station
•HSAcq - Digital output open collector output
This is the High Speed Acquisition control signal. A high or low signal produces a
corresponding high or low time constant in the limiter circuit.
•LocRxMute - Digital active low output (8.5 volt low Z source)
This signal is the Local Receiver Mute control. This line, when low, blocks the
routing of receiver audio to the base station transmitter and line out. Muting occurs
during HSD transmission, no valid carrier present, or no valid LSD present.
•Walsh1/Walsh2 - Digital output TTL
These two signals are combined to form a two bit Walsh Function DAC. This signal
is the Low Speed Data source.
•Synth_Clk – Digital open collector output
This signal provides the clock source for loading the base station frequency
synthesizer (required for MIIe). Data is clocked on the negative edge of the clock.
The baud rate is approximately 2.4Kbaud.
•Synth_Data – Digital open collector output
This signal provides the data source for loading the base station frequency
synthesizer (required for MIIe). Data is clocked on the negative edge of the clock.
The baud rate is approximately 2.4Kbaud.
•Synth_LdEn – Digital open collector output
This signal is the Synthesizer Load Enable control. This line, when high, permits the
base station frequency synthesizer to be loaded and is used for protection against
invalid transitions on the clock and data lines.
•Synth_Locked – Digital TTL active high input
MM101271V1 R1A13
This is the Synthesizer Locked signal. This line, when high, indicates that the base
station synthesizer is locked. This is used for verifying successful synthesizer
loading and is also continuously monitored as a failure mode.
•PAFail - Digital TTL active high input diode isolated with pullup
This is the Power Amp Failure indicator. This line, when high, indicates that the
base station PA has failed. A floating line asserts PA Fail.
•RemAudioFlag - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This is the Remote Audio Present indicator. This line, when low, indicates that
remote audio from the IMC is present. This is generated by the base station in
response to 2175Hz or E&M from the IMC.
•FSL - Digital open drain bi-directional
output:100 mA sink (low), 10mA source (high)
input:Zin = 1Kohm
This is the bi-directional Frame Sync Line. The line is used as an output in the
Control Channel and as an input in the Working Channel.
•ADCin – Analog input
level = 0 to 5 volts, Zin = 100Kohm
This is the 8-bit Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) input. This may be used to
monitor station PA power.
4.4.2 Simulcast Control
•ext_PTT - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This is the external source for Local PTT and is only active in a Simulcast
•ext_A/Dmodctrl - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This is the external source for the Analog/Digital modulation control and is only
active in a Simulcast configuration.
•ext_150 - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This is the external source for Low Speed Data and is only active in a Simulcast
•ext_9600baud - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This is the external source for High Speed Data and is only active in a Simulcast
•bypass - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This is the Simulcast bypass control signal. This line, when low, forces the site to
operate in non-Simulcast mode and is driven by the Simulcast control equipment.
•inhibit - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This signal is the Simulcast alarm indicator. This line, when low, indicates the
presence of a Simulcast alarm and is driven by the Simulcast control equipment.
•txclk_in - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
14MM101271V1 R1A
This is the external source for High Speed Clock and is only active in a Simulcast
•txclk_alarm - Digital TTL active high output
This signal is the Simulcast Tx Clock alarm indicator. This line, when high, indicates
that the external source for High Speed Clock is missing and is only active in a
Simulcast configuration.
4.4.3 Conventional Control
•CPTT – Digital open collector output
This signal is the Combined PTT control. This line, when low, will key up the base
station transmitter.
•TxCGDis – Digital open collector output
This signal is the Transmit Channel Guard Disable control. This line, when low,
prevents the transmission of Channel.
•CGMon - Digital TTL active low input, diode isolated
This signal is the Channel Guard Monitor control.
4.4.4 Voter Control
•vot_emsq - Digital open collector output
This is the Voter E&M Squelch signal. This line, when low, indicates the presence
of E&M from the Voter.
•vot_rcvng - Digital active low input
This is the Voter Receiving signal. This line, when low, indicates that the Voter is
MM101271V1 R1A15
4.4.5 Asynchronous Serial Ports
The following asynchronous serial ports provide control links to the SitePro.
The following synchronous serial ports provide data and control paths from the SitePro
to the base station (High Speed Data), to the IMC (Phone Line), and to optional Voter
equipment (VDI).
Note that SSP0 is a new interface port providing unfiltered high speed data to/from a
DSP based modulator.
Table 2 - Synchronous Serial Ports
SSP04800/9600 baudLocal (RF)
Comm Link
SSP19600 baudRemote (PL)
Comm Link
SSP29600 baudVoter (VDI)
Comm Link
TxData, TxClock
RxData, RxClock
TxData, TxClock
RxData, RxClock
TxData, TxClock
RxData, RxClock
4.4.7 Power
•+13.8V - power supply input
+13.8 volts, 1.5 amps (nominal), input range 10 to 30 volts
This signal is the positive voltage supply for the SitePro Controller and should be
MM101271V1 R1A16
externally fused. An internal switching DC-DC converter will be used to supply +/12 and +5volts to the SitePro Controller sub-components.
•GND – power supply input
This signal is the ground connection for the SitePro Controller.
MM101271V1 R1A17
The SitePro Controller is essentially a processor with audio filtering and specialized
I/O capability. Flexibility in design allows the SitePro Controller to be configured to
function in many applications as suggested in the INTRODUCTION. Except for
Configuration Data, the SitePro Controller software is stored in flash memory.
Configuration Data is stored in NOnVolatile Random Access Memory (NOVRAM).
The Controller Board, Rockwell Modem, Analog Board, Power Supply, Display Module,
and Display Board are mounted on a tray and enclosed in a slide-out shelf (Figure 1).
The SitePro Controller shelf is a one-rack unit assembly (1.75-inches x 19-inches),
which mounts in a standard 19-inch wide equipment cabinet/rack.
Controller Board A2 uses Dual High Speed Diodes BAV99’s for lightning protection on
all RS-232C inputs and outputs. However, maximum lightning protection is achieved
when the SitePro Controller is grounded to the cabinet earth-ground using Lightning
Protection Circuitry Ground Kit 344A4500 and the Cabinet Grounding strap Kit
344A4730. Specific details for installing these grounding kits are found in the
of this manual.
This section describes the indicators and controls visible and accessible from the front
panel of the SitePro Controller Shelf Assembly.
There are two hinged doors on the front panel of the shelf assembly. Each door has a
window so that indicators mounted on Control Board A2 and Rockwell Modem Interface
Card A3 can be seen. Opening the Control Board door provides access to Reset
Pushbutton switch S1. This door also provides access to PROGRAMMING SERIAL
PORT J8. The circuit boards can be removed from the shelf assembly through these
doors. An extender card can be inserted providing access to a board in a hot system.
5.1.1 Indicators Controller Board Power Indicator
Green LED indicator D12 provided on the Controller Board indicates when power is
applied to the shelf. This indicator is visible through the window in the hinged door on
the front panel of the shelf. Controller Board Status Indicators
Four Red LED status indicators L1 t hru L4 (D1 thru D4) are visible through the window
in the hinged door. These indicators show the state of operation of the SiteProController. The interpretation of these indicators depend on the system application
(refer to the SitePro Controller configuration manual for the specific application).
Green ETHERNET indicators ETH0 and ETH1 are also visible through the window in
the hinged door. These indicators indicate when something is connected to ETHERNET1 or ETHERNET 2 ports.
MM101271V1 R1A18
There are six other LED indicators on the Controller Board that are not visible unless the
board is on an extender board. Yellow LED’s D7 and D10 indicate when there is
transmit activity. Yellow LED’s D6 and D9 indicate when there is receive activity.
Green LED’s D5 and D8 indicate when there is link activity (refer to the 10 Base-T
Transceiver section and the 10/100 Base-T Transceiver sections). Rockwell Modem Interface Card Indicators
There are five Red LED indicators on Rockwell Modem Interface Card A3. These LED’s
are visible through the window in the hinged door and indicate +5V, +12V, -12V, RLDS
and CTS respectively. Display
Eight-digit LED Display Board A6-A1 mounts between the two hinged doors on the
front panel of the SitePro Controller Shelf Assembly. Green LED D1 indicates
POWER ON to the Display Board. This display displays Channel Status and Channel
Reset Pushbutton Switch S1 is the only control available on the front panel of the
SitePro Shelf Assembly. It is used to restart the logic of the SitePro Controller.Itis
especially useful when a circuit board has been hot swapped.
The 9600 Baud Rockwell Modem Board RYTUZ 921 01/1 mounts on top of Modem
Interface Card A3 (ROA 117 2247). This Modem Board is used to generate a fast-train,
synchronous, serial data stream suitable for transmission over audio (phone) line or
microwave link. The data stream is sent to a full-duplex, four-wire, dedicated 3002 grade
telephone line.
Controller Board A2 (CB101069V1) controls the associated modem to provide a high
speed synchronous serial interface between the SitePro Controller and other EDACS
elements. Receive and Transmit Phone Data Lines are two balanced pairs carrying
Modem data to and from the station where the data is combined with station audio
(voice) and routed to the Remote Line input and Line output.
In addition to transformer isolation and conditioning provided by the SiteProController, the modem provides automatic adaptive signal equalization, allowing normal
operation using input signal levels from -40 dBm to 0 dBm. The Rockwell Modem
demodulates the input signal and the resulting data is transferred using a serial interface
between the Rockwell Modem and the controller.
The modem senses a received signal by initiating a training state upon detecting an
increase in the input signal level. The modem begins processing data at the end of the
training state if the input signal is still above the nominal -40 dBm receiving threshold
value. Otherwise, the modem returns to an idle mode at the end of the training state if the
input signal is below the nominal receiving threshold value.
MM101271V1 R1A19
The duration of the modem training state is determined through control signals at the
time of power up. Resetting the SitePro Controller (pressing S1) or cycling the SiteProController shelf operating power, initializes the Rockwell Modem for proper operation.
The SitePro Controller has software configurable high speed and low speed data filters.
These filters are configured based on personality data.
5.3.1Low Speed Data Decode Filter
The Low Speed Data (LSD) Decode Filter, part of Analog Logic Board A4, provides
additional filtering to remove voice-audio from the receiver unfiltered audio ( vol/sq hi),
thus leaving only the low-speed subaudible data for input to the microprocessor.
5.3.2High Speed Data Encode Filter
The High Speed Data (HSD) Encode Filter, part of Analog Logic Board A4, selects only
the high-speed data (4800 or 9600 baud) from the receiver unfiltered audio (vol/sq hi).
This data can be control signaling or digital voice. The data is processed by the RF
modem and passed on to the microprocessor.
Table 3 - Interface Connections
ConnectorInterface Connections
J132 Pin connector interfaces with Controller Board CB101069V1.
J232 Pin connector interfaces with Analog Board CB101070V1.
J332 Pin connector interfaces with Rockwell Modem Interface Card ROA
117 2247.
J42 over 2 BSL/RM (Rockwell Modem). This connector consist of four
RJ11 connectors as follows:
J5Eithernet 0. Connects to external PC’s.
J6Eithernet 1. Connects to external PC’s
J74 Pin Power connector (+13.8 VDC).
J8Programming connector on the front of Controller Board A2
J9Power Supply Output +12V, -12V and +5V. Cable W2 connects
between J9 and J2 on Power Supply Module A5
J10Connects through cable A6-W1 to Display Module A6.
J1120 Pin connector for interfacing with a Conventional/DSP system.
20MM101271V1 R1A
ConnectorInterface Connections
24 Pin connector for connecting to an Enhanced Digital AccessCommunication System (EDACS)
J1326 Pin connector for interfacing with a Simulcast System.
J146 over 6 phone lines and serial ports. This connector consists of twelve
RJ11 connectors as follows:
RS 485
Communication Modes available to the SitePro Controller are:
1. The SitePro Controller can communicate with other devices such as the Site
Controller, IMC, and RF Station. Communication occurs primarily through an RS232C serial interface normally operating at 19.2 kilobaud. for a SitePro Controller
interfacing with a Site Interface Module (SIM) this is set to 38.4 kilobaud.
2. The SitePro Controller can communicate with other SitePro Controllers in the
Failsoft mode of operation, over a Backup Serial Link (BSL). The link uses 0-13.8
VDC levels and operates at 19.2 kilobaud and is ordinarily used in a bus
configuration. For a SitePro Controller interfacing with a SIM this is set to 38.4
3. A timing signal called the Frame Sync Line (FSL) helps arbitrate the use of the BSL
serial bus in the Voter configuration. The FSL is also used for timing purposes. In
the the station configuration, FSL signals use 0-13 VDC levels to produce a periodic
negative going pulse.
4. A 9600/4800 baud full-duplex, synchronous communication interface over an RF
5. A 9600 baud phone line or microwave communication interface (this may be RS-232or modem data) through a Rockwell Modem.
SitePro Controller interface functions vary from application t o application and
between EDACS systems using MASTR IIe or MASTR III repeaters. It is necessary to
refer to the Application Configuration Manual for details regarding t he specific
hardware and software configuration of the SitePro Controller.
MM101271V1 R1A21
4-Pin POWER, 20-Pin CONV/DSP
& 20-Pin SIMULCAST Connecto r s
Board (A4)
Board (A2)
24-Pin EDACS, 4-Pin POWER &
20-Pin CONV/DSP Connectors
Back Views
Ethernet, SERIAL PORT &
BSL/RM Connectors
Top View
Front View
MM101271V1 R1A22
Modem Daughter Board
Figure 1 - SitePro Controller Shelf Assembly
Power Supply (A 5)
MM101271V1 R1A23
The Theory of operation of each circuit board/card and module used in SitePro
Controller Shelf Assembly EA101209V1 is described in the following paragraphs.
Refer to the Block Diagram in Figure 2 and Outline and Schematic Diagrams as listed in
The SitePro Controller is a Base Station Controller with redundant communication
links [BackupSerial Links (BSL’s)]. TheBSL’s providefor inter-channel
communication with two 10Mbit Ethernet Ports. The BSL’s provide trunking
communications as well as site configuration and database messaging. One Ethernet port
is dedicated to Management System information. The second Ethernet Port is not
supported at this time.
The SitePro Controller and System Interface Module (SIM) will use the primary BSL
for trunking information and limited management system information. T he secondary
link will ensure continued trunking operation in the event of a primary BSL failure
The SitePro Controller/base station interface for digital information, both receive and
transmit, is 9.6k baud synchronous data. Additional digital control information is
provided via discrete I/O at both the base station and controller. The following diagram
(Figure 2) is a high level picture of the SitePro Controller and external interfaces.
The SitePro Controller, main controller board (A2) and AMPS modem board, replaces
SitePro shelf Assembly EA101209V1 is a 19” Rack Mount, one Rack Unit device. It is
enclosed to reduce emissions and interference with other devices. Serial, Ethernet,
power, and I/O connections are accessible at the back of the shelf (Figure 1). The Serial
connections (6 OVER 6 PHONE LINES & SERIAL PORTS) are stacked, two high
using RJ type connectors (J14). The Ethernet connectors J5 & J6 (ETHERNET 0 &
ETHERNET 1) are single height RJ connectors. The power connector (J7) and I/O
connector (J
The front panel has two hinged access doors for insertion/removal of the Controller
Board and the Rockwell Modem card for troubleshooting and ease of maintenance.
These doors have RF fingers to reduce emissions. Diagnostic LED’s and the eight-digit
display are viewable from the front panel.
The Shelf Assembly consists of Interconnect Board A1, which provides connectors to
Interconnect Board CB101073V1 is a passive printed circuit board that provides
interconnections between all internal components of the SitePro Controller shelf and
interfaces the SitePro Controller shelf with the outside world (Refer to
Interface Connections, and Interconnection, Outline and Schematic Diagrams). Pi
filters U1 thru U29 eliminate any Electro Mechanical Interference (EMI).
Controller Board CB101069V1 contains all SitePro Controller logic and control
functions except the power supply and Rockwell Modem (Refer to the Outline and
Schematic Diagrams for the Controller Board as listed in the TABLE OFCONTENTS).
This Controller Board is based on an MPC860 microprocessor, the primary
responsibility being message processing. This board has multiple high-speed serial ports,
two of which are used for primary and secondary BSL’s. It has hardware and dual port
RAM to support the Modem Board and a 10/100 Mbit ethernet port. This port is
available for Voice Over IP traffic. A second 10 Mbit ethernet port is available for
management functions.
Figure 2 - SitePro Shelf Assembly Block Diagram
Table 3 -
This board has sufficient memory to support 1M LID’s and 64k GID’s. It has LID and
GID validation for all calls.
6.3.1Block Diagram
Figure 3 – Controller Board Block Diagram shows the connection of major components
from a high level viewpoint. Schematic Diagram WD-CB101069V1, Sheet 2 also
provides a Block Diagram for the Controller Board. These diagrams show the major
components of this board as:
•CPU (MPC860P)•Memory
•Eithernet 10 Base T•Electronically Programmable Logic Device
•Eithernet 10/100 Base T•Quad UART (QUART)
•EEPROM•Interconnect Board
•Daughter Board
6.3.2System I/O
The System I/O circuits for the Controller Board are shown on Schematic Diagram WDCB101069V1, Sheet 3 and include:
•Oscillator For PHY’s•3.3V Power Monitor
•JTAG Port•Test Points
•Board Insert Detection Circuit•Programming Serial Port J8
26MM101271V1 R1A
•Hot Swap Controller•Decouplers
•3.3V Regulator
MM101271V1 R1A27
8M x 32
Enet PHY
10/100 Base T
Enet PHY
10 Ba seT
59 Mhz
I/O Backplane
1M x 32
32K x 8
Modem Daughtercard
MM101271V1 R1A28
Figure 3 - Controller Board Block Diagram
MM101271V1 R1A29
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