A February 2004 Initial release.
B April 2004 Add MPE and FCC information for VHF, UHF-L, UHF-H, and 800MHz M7100IP
C Feb. 2005 Add MPE, VHF maritime channel, and FCC information for 50W VHF mobile
M/A-COM Technical Publications would particularly appreciate feedback on any errors found in this
document and suggestions on how the document could be improved. Submit your comments and
suggestions to:
Wireless Systems Business Unit or fax your comments to: (434) 455-6851
M/A-COM, Inc.
Technical Publications or e-mail us at: techpubs@tycoelectronics.com
221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway
Lynchburg, VA 24501
At this time, the M7100IP mobile radio may not be operated while in a desktop station in the European Community since it does not
meet immunity requirements when operated in this mode. The M7100
mobile radio can be used in both trunked and conventional
This device is made under license under one or more of the following US patents: 4,590,473; 4,636,791; 5,148,482; 5,185,796;
5,271,017; 5,377,229; 4,716,407; 5,502,767; 5,146,497; 5,164,986; 5,185,795.
The voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights,
and trade secrets of Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The user of this technology is explicitly prohibited from attempting to decompile,
reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into human-readable form.
EDACS is a registered trademark and ProGrammer, SCAT, Failsoft, ProSound, ProScan, Aegis, ProFile, ProVoice, and G-STAR are
trademarks of M/A-COM, Inc.
IMBE is a registered trademark of Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
All other brand and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders.
This manual covers M/A-COM products manufactured and sold by M/A-COM, Inc.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs,
alterations or substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this equipment not approved by the manufacturer could void the
user’s authority to operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.
The software contained in this device is copyrighted by M/A-COM, Inc. Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright laws of
the United States.
This manual is published by M/A-COM, Inc., without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by
typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by M/A-COM, Inc., at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for
any purpose, without the express written permission of M/A-COM, Inc.
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to alert the user to general safety precautions
that must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply
with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of
design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. M/A-COM, Inc. assumes no liability for the
customer’s failure to comply with these standards.
The WARNING symbol calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if not
correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury. Do not proceed beyond
a WARNING symbol until the conditions identified are fully understood or met.
The CAUTION symbol calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not performed correctly or adhered to, could result in damage to the equipment or
severely degrade the equipment performance.
The NOTE symbol calls attention to supplemental information, which may improve
system performance or clarify a process or procedure.
The ESD symbol calls attention to procedures, practices, or the like, which could expose
equipment to the effects of Electro-Static Discharge. Proper precautions must be taken to
prevent ESD when handling circuit modules.
Before using your mobile two-way radio, read this important RF energy awareness and control
information and operational instructions to ensure compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure
This radio is intended for use in occupational/controlled conditions, where users have full
knowledge of their exposure and can exercise control over their exposure to meet FCC
limits. This radio device is NOT authorized for general population, consumer, or any
other use.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by M/A-COM, Inc. could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.
This two-way radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum to provide
communications between two or more users over a distance. It uses RF energy or radio waves to send and
receive calls. RF energy is one form of electromagnetic energy. Other forms include, but are not limited
to, electric power, sunlight, and x-rays. RF energy, however, should not be confused with these other
forms of electromagnetic energy, which, when used improperly, can cause biological damage. Very high
levels of x-rays, for example, can damage tissues and genetic material.
Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health, and industry work with organizations to develop
standards for exposure to RF energy. These standards provide recommended levels of RF exposure for
both workers and the general public. These recommended RF exposure levels include substantial margins
of protection. All two-way radios marketed in North America are designed, manufactured, and tested to
ensure they meet government established RF exposure levels. In addition, manufacturers also recommend
specific operating instructions to users of two-way radios. These instructions are important because they
inform users about RF energy exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it. Please refer to
the following websites for more information on what RF energy exposure is and how to control your
exposure to assure compliance with established RF exposure limits.
2.1.1 Federal Communications Commission Regulations
Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100IP mobile two-way radio is designed and tested to comply with the
FCC RF energy exposure limits for mobile two-way radios before it can be marketed in the United
States. When two-way radios are used as a consequence of employment, the FCC requires users
to be fully aware of and able to control their exposure to meet occupational requirements.
Exposure awareness can be facilitated by the use of a label directing users to specific user
awareness information. Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100
product label. Also, your M7100
Installation and Operator’s Manuals include information and
two-way radio has an RF exposure
operating instructions required to control your RF exposure and to satisfy compliance
Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100IP mobile two-way radio is designed and tested to comply with a number of
national and international standards and guidelines (listed below) regarding human exposure to RF
electromagnetic energy. This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP exposure limits for
occupational/controlled RF exposure environment at duty factors of up to 50% talk-50% listen and is
authorized by the FCC for occupational use. In terms of measuring RF energy for compliance with the
FCC exposure guidelines, your radio antenna radiates measurable RF energy only while it is transmitting
(talking), not when it is receiving (listening) or in standby mode.
Your M/A-COM, Inc. M7100
standards and guidelines:
•United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR
§§ 2 sub-part J.
•American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE) C95.1-1992.
•Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999.
mobile two-way radio complies with the following RF energy exposure
800 MHz
Table 2-1 lists the recommended minimum lateral distance for a controlled environment
and for unaware bystanders in an uncontrolled environment, from transmitting types of
antennas (i.e., monopoles over a ground plane, or dipoles) at rated radio power for mobile
radios installed in a vehicle. Transmit only when unaware bystanders are at least the
uncontrolled recommended minimum lateral distance away from the transmitting antenna.
Table 2-1: Rated Power and Recommended Minimum Lateral Distance
110 Watts
(Antenna P/N: 19B209568P6)
50 Watts
(Antenna P/N: AN102800V1/V2)
50 Watts
(Antenna P/N: AN102800V1)
50 Watts
(Antenna P/N: AN102800V1)
35 Watts
(Antenna P/N: AN102800V1)
92.87 cm 207.67 cm
63.52 cm 142.00 cm
57.93 cm 129.50 cm
46.64 cm 104.29 cm
32.60 cm 72.90 cm
2.2.1 Mobile Antennas
Install the radio’s antenna (refer to Table 2-1 for applicable antenna part numbers) in the center of
the vehicle’s roof. These mobile antenna installation guidelines are limited to metal body motor
vehicles or vehicles with appropriate ground planes. The antenna installation should additionally
be in accordance with the following.
1. The requirements of the antenna manufacturer/supplier included with the antenna.
2. Instructions in the M7100
3. The installation manual providing specific information of how to install the antennas to
facilitate recommended operating distances to all potentially exposed persons.
Use only the M/A-COM approved/supplied antenna(s) or approved replacement antenna.
Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the radio and may violate
FCC regulations.
Radio Installation Manual, including minimum antenna cable
2.2.2 Approved Accessories
This radio has been tested and meets the FCC RF guidelines when used with the M/A-COM
accessories supplied or designated for use with this product. Use of other accessories may not
ensure compliance with the FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, and may violate FCC regulations.
For a list of M/A-COM approved accessories refer to the product manuals, M/A-COM’s Products
and Services Catalog, or contact M/A-COM at 1-800-368-3277.
2.2.3 Contact Information
For additional information on exposure requirements or other information, contact M/A-COM,
Inc. at 1-800-528-7711 or at http://www.macom-wireless.com
The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain hazards common to the
operation of vehicular radio transmitters. A list of several possible hazards is given:
•Explosive Atmospheres – Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with the motor running, similar
hazards exist when operating a mobile radio. Be sure to turn the radio off while fueling a vehicle. Do
not carry containers of fuel in the trunk of a vehicle if the radio is mounted in the trunk.
Areas with potentially explosive atmosphere are often, but not always, clearly marked. Turn OFF your
radio when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere. It is rare, but not impossible that the
radio or its accessories could generate sparks.
•Interference to Vehicular Electronics Systems – Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic anti-
skid braking systems, electronic cruise control systems, etc., are typical electronic systems that can
malfunction due to the lack of protection from radio frequency energy present wh en transmitting. If
the vehicle contains such equipment, consult the dealer and enlist their aid in determining the expected
performance of electronic circuits when the radio is transmitting.
•Electric Blasting Caps – To prevent accidental detonation of electric blasting caps, DO NOT use
two-way radios within 1000 feet of blasting operations. Always obey the “Turn Off Two-Way Radios” signs posted where electric blasting caps are being used. (OSHA Standard: 1926-900)
•Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas Powered Vehicles – Mobile radio installations in vehicles powered
by liquefied petroleum gas with the LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the
interior of the vehicle must conform to the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 58
¾ The LP gas container and its fittings.
¾ Outside filling connections shall be used for the LP gas container.
¾ The LP gas container shall be vented to the outside of the vehicle.
(Recommended by AAA)
• Read the literature on the safe operation of the radio.
• Keep both hands on the steering wheel and the microphone in its hanger whenever the vehicle is in
• Place calls only when the vehicle is stopped.
• When talking from a moving vehicle is unavoidable, drive in the slower lane. Keep conversations
•If a conversation requires taking notes or complex thought, stop the vehicle in a safe place and
continue the call.
•Whenever using a mobile radio, exercise caution.
Two-way FM radio systems must be operated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the local,
regional, or national government.
In the United States, the M7100
regulations of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). As an operator of two-way radio
equipment, you must be thoroughly familiar with the rules that apply to your particular type of radio
operation. Following these rules helps eliminate confusion , assures the most efficient use of the existing
radio channels, and results in a smoothly functioning radio network.
When using your two-way radio, remember these rules:
•It is a violation of FCC rules to interrupt any distress or emergency message. As your radio operates
in much the same way as a telephone “party line,” always listen to make sure that the channel is clear
before transmitting. Emergency calls have priority over all other messages. If someone is sending an
emergency message – such as reporting a fire or asking for help in an accident – KEEP OFF THE AIR!
• The use of profane or obscene language is prohibited by Federal law.
• It is against the law to send false call letters or false distress or emergency messages. The FCC
requires that you keep conversations brief and confine them to business. To save time, use coded
messages whenever possible.
Series mobile radio must be operated in accordance with the rules and
•Using your radio to send personal messages (except in an emergency) is a violation of FCC rules. You
may send only those messages that are essential for the operation of your business.
•It is against Federal law to repeat or otherwise make known anything you overhear on your radio.
Conversations between others sharing your channel must be regarded as confidential.
•The FCC requires that you identify yourself at certain specific times by means of your call letters.
Refer to the rules that apply to your particular type of operation for the proper procedure.
•No changes or adjustments shall be made to the equipment except by an authorized or certified
electronics technician.
Under U.S. law, operation of an unlicensed radio transmitter within the jurisdiction of the
United States may be punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to two
(2) years, or both.
The following conditions tend to reduce the effective range of two-way radios and should be avoided
whenever possible:
• Operating the radio in areas of low terrain, or while under power lines or bridges.
• Obstructions such as mountains and buildings.
• In areas where transmission or reception is poor, some improvement can be obtained by moving a few
yards in another direction or moving to a higher elevation.
As part of FCC Equipment Authorization Part 80 licensing a maritime frequency usage plan has been
included in this manual for reference.
This manual describes how to use the M7100IP Series Mobile Radio. The M7100IP is a synthesized,
microprocessor-based, high performance mobile FM radio providing reliable two-way communications in
both the Enhanced Digital Access Communications System (EDACS
conventional communication systems.
In the EDACS or trunked system mode, the user selects a communications system and group. In this mode,
channel selection is transparent to the user and is con trolled via digital communication with the system
controller. This provides advanced programmable features and fast access to communication channels.
In the conventional mode, the user selects a channel and directly communicates on that channel. In this
mode, a system refers to a set of channels. A channel is a transmit/receive radio frequency pair.
The exact operation of the radio will depend on the operating mode, the radio's programming and the
particular radio system. Most features described in this manual can be enabled or disabled through
programming. Consult the system administrator for the particular features that are programmed into the
) trunking environment and
The M7100IP operating controls are located on the radio's front panel (see Figure 7-1and Figure 7-2). A
keypad, vacuum florescent display for radio status information and a microphone jack are on the front
panel. The front panel also provides a rotary SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL knob, POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME control, a ramp up/ramp down control, Scan add/delete control, and a SCAN ON-OFF
control for scan operation.
The keypad is used for manual number entry for individual calls, access to a telephone interconnect system
and activation of various EDACS or conventional features such as menu selection. Each key has an
associated LED for status indication.
The display has two lines with eight alphanumeric-characters used to show the operational mode of the
radio. There is one LED for indicating transmitter ON and one LED to indicate CHANNEL BUSY located
below the POWER ON-OFF/VOLUME Control.
Figure 7-1: M7100
Figure 7-2: M7100
Series Mobile Radio System Model Front Panel
Series Mobile Radio Scan Model Front Panel
This section describes the buttons, keys and rotary knobs used to control the M7100IP Series Mobile Scan
and System Model radios. All functions and controls of the Scan radio operate the same as the
corresponding functions and controls on the System radio. The Scan radio is equipped with a 4-button
keypad and the System radio is equipped with a 16-button keypad.
Many of the control buttons and keys have or can be programmed to have a primary function and a
secondary function. The SCAN button can be programmed (as a secondary function) to toggle the keypad
keys between their primary function and their secondary function.
This rotary knob applies power to the radio and adjusts the receiver volume. Rotating the
control clockwise out of detent applies power to the radio. A single alert tone sounds (i
enabled through programming) to indicate the radio is operational.
Rotating the control clockwise increases the volume level. Minimum volume levels can be programmed
into the radio to prevent missed calls due to a lo w volume setting. While adj usting the volu me, the display
will briefly indicate the volume level (i.e. VOL = 3 1). The volume range is from a minimum level of zero
(displayed as OFF in the display) up to 31, which is the loudest level.
This rotary switch selects the systems or groups/channels, depending upon programming.
This 16-position rotary switch has no stop or detent. See SYSTEM/GROUP/CHANNEL SELECTION section for more details.
The primary function of this rocker type button is to scroll through the System list or the
Group/Channel list depending upon programming. The secondary function is to increment o
decrement items within a list (phone list for example). Press
and press
. to scroll in decreasing order. To auto-ramp, press and hold the button.
, to scro ll in increasing orde
The primary function of this button is to toggle scan operation ON and OFF. When the radio
is scanning, the SCAN LED is on and all groups or channels in the scan list of the currently
selected systems are scanned.
The secondary function of the SCAN button is to toggle the keypad buttons between their primary function
and their secondary function.
This rocker type button is used to display the current SCAN status for a group/channel and
then either add or delete the group/channel from the system scan list.
Pressing the add/delete button twice while the radio is actively receiving or three times when
the radio is not receiving selects the last scanned channel (Last Scanned Channel Recall).
Transmitter enabled - ON when the radio is transmitting.
BuSY - On indicates a carrier is being received (the channel is busy). Note that if the selected
channel is programmed for Channel Guard (CG), Digital Channel Guard (DCG) or Type 99
(T99) tone decode operation, the radio will not un-squelch if a valid tone or code is no
received; the BSY indicator will be on.
Figure 8-1: M7100
Figure 8-2: M7100
System Model Keypad
Scan Model Keypad
The keypad is similar to a telephone keypad but with four (4) additional buttons on the side for a total of 16
keys. In addition to numbers (1-9, *, 0 and #), which is a secondary function, most of the keys have or can
be programmed to have a primary function. A symbol or abbreviated word describing its primary function
is labeled on the keycap. Each labeled keycap is associated with a radio feature (or primary function). The
radio must be programmed to operate with the Standard or the Optional keycap configuration.
A keylight (LED) is associated with each key or button. This can light when the associated function is
active. In some conditions, the keylight can blink to indicate an action status.
The keypad key functions can be remapped to any of the primary function keys using the PC programming
software. It is suggested that the blank keypad (located at the back of this manual) be completed if the
keypad key functions are changed.
8.7.1 Standard Keycap Configuration
The Standard keycap package for the System radio includes five (5) labeled keycaps (MODE,
HOME, CHN, AUX1 and AUX2) and six (6) blank keycaps, which can be placed on any of the
five key locations (numbers 3-6 and 9) shown in Figure 8-3. The keycap represents the primary
function programmed for that key location. See Secion 8.7.3 for a description of the primary
function associated with these five (5) keycaps.
The standard keycap package for the Scan radio includes five (5) labeled keycaps [MENU,
which can be placed on any of the four (4) keypad keys. The keycap represents the primary
function programmed for that key location.
E or “E,” and OPTION] and five (5) blank keycaps,
Figure 8-3: Standard M7100
Keycaps Configuration
8.7.2 Optional Keycap Configuration
The optional keycap package for the System radio includes sixty (60) additional keycaps (shown
in Section 8.7.3), which can be placed on any key location desired. Keep in mind, the keycap
represents the primary function programmed for that key location.
8.7.3 Key Descriptions
MODE This key is used to enter the Conventional System selection mode.
HOME This key returns the radio to the Home System/Group where it is programmed.
CHN This key is used to enter the Channel select mode.
AUX1 & 2
S This key is used to enter the System select mode.
g This key is used to enter the Group select mode.
These keys are used to control output 1 or 2. Their definition is PC programmable.
The “OPT” or “OPTION” key is used to toggle a PC programmable feature ON
and OFF.
DELSecondary function - used to delete a digit during numeric entry (see Section
MPrimary function - accesses the menu list. This is a list of additional features that
are not available directly from the keypad. See Section 11.4 for details.
SELECTSecondary function - activates a selected item within a list. After the menus list is
accessed, select a menu item from the list via RAMP controls,
, or ., and
activate it with this key. Once activated, MENU continues its secondary function
for activating a selected parameter setting until the radio returns to its normal
receive state. This is similar to an enter key.
s The Status key permits the transmission of a pre-programmed status message to
an EDACS site.
nThe Message key permits the transmission of a pre-programmed message to an
EDACS site.
Serves several purposes depending on the operating mode. In trunked mode, the
CLR button exits the current operation and removes all displays associated with it.
The radio and display then return to the group receive state. In Conventional
mode, pressing this button unmutes the receiver so activity on the selected channel
can be monitored. When pressed and held for approximately 3 seconds, this button
toggles conventional channel decoding (Channel Guard, Digital Channel Guard,
T99) ON and OFF if programmed for the selected channel.
pUsed to place telephone calls through the radio by selecting the interconnect
special call function. See TELEPHONE INTERCONNECT CALLS for
d Used to adjust the current display intensity and the keypad backlight level.
i Used to call an individual or make an all-call by selecting the individual call
function. See INDIVIDUAL CALLS for details.
The Emergency key is used to declare emergencies.
ALMThis key toggles the external alarm ON/OFF. The external alarm is used to
indicate the radio is receiving an Individual Call. Press the key once to enable
external alarm and press again to disable external alarm.
SG1-SG5This key corresponds to five (5) pre-programmed System/Groups. Pressing a key
programmed for SG1 would switch the radio to the pre-programmed
System/Group 1. Pressing a key programmed for SG2 would switch the radio to
the pre-programmed System/Group 2, etc.
The WAIL and YLP (Yelp) keys are designed to control an optional Siren
package. The SL1-SL8 (Siren/Light) keys are designed to control an optional
Siren/Light package. The RST (Reset) key is used to turn all sirens and lights
SPKThis key function is used to toggle the external speaker ON/OFF.
STO-ST9The status 0-9 keys are used to send a pre-programmed status message to the
EDACS site.
PVTThe PVT key enables or disables Private Mode for the System/Group displayed.
See the Private Operation section.
KEYDisplays the Encrypted Keys. This selects the DISP KEY operation from the
menu functions.
G* This key function is used in Conventional Mode to send G-STAR emergency
PA This key function enables and disables the Public Address feature.
# DTMF keypad function.
1 thru 9 Keypad numbers.
* DTMF Keypad function.
8.7.4 Primary Functions (Quick Access)
The secondary function of the k button is to toggle the keypad buttons between their primary
function and their secondary function. When the secondary keypad is active, i.e. entering phone
digits for an interconnect call, the k button can be used to toggle the keypad buttons back to
their primary function, perform a task (siren/light enable), and then toggle back to finish entering
the digits for the phone number. PRIMARY is displayed when the k button is used to
toggle the keypad keys back to their primary functions. This provides quick access to the primary
functions of the keypad. This is a programmable feature of the k button only. Careful
consideration should be given to possible operational conflicts before enabling this feature.
Several keys on the Scan version have a secondary function. The m key is the SELECT
secondary function with the C key remaining the same for the secondary function. On the
System version, the o has a secondary function for DELETE, m is SELECT, and c
retains its CLEAR function.
The radio's display is shown in Figure 9-1. The two character lines are used to display system, group and
channel names and also operational messages. Each line contains eight alphanumeric character blocks. See
Figure 7-2 for a typical display.
Figure 9-1: M7100
Status icons are indicators that show the various operating characteristics of the radio. The icons appear on
the first line of the display.
Series Mobile Radio Display
• indicates selected group or channel is in scan list.
• indicates selected group or channel is programmed as Priority 1 in scan list.
• indicates selected group or channel is programmed as Priority 2 in scan list.
• indicates conventional channel enabled with Channel Guard function.
• indicates the EDACS system is in Failsoft™ mode (if enabled through
•indicates Type 99 Decode is enabled on a conventional channel.
During radio operation, various messages are displayed on either line 1 or line 2. Typical messages include
control channel status information, such as system busy or call denied, or messages associated with the
radio's operation, (i.e. volume adjust). These messages are described as follows:
Table 9-1: Display Messages
T99 ON
Call Queued Trunked mode only. Indicates the system has placed the call in a request queue.
System Busy Trunked mode only. Indicates the system is busy, no channels are currently
Call Denied Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is not authorized to operate on the selected
Control Channel Scan Trunked mode only. Indicates the control channel is lost and the radio has entered
Wide Area Scan Trunked mode only. Indicates the control channel is lost and the radio has entered
Talk-around Conventional mode only. Indicates the radio is operating on conventional channels
Receive Emergency Trunked mode only. Indicates an emergency call is being received. This message
Transmit Emergency Trunked mode only. Indicates an emergency call has been transmitted. This
Volume Level Indicates the current volume level. The volume level display ranges from OFF
Caller's ID Not
Transmit Data Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is transmitting a data call.
Receive Data Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is receiving a data call. Displayed on line 2.
Data OFF Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio is in the data disabled state. Displayed on
Data ON Trunked mode only. Indicates the radio has been toggled to the data enable state.
System Scan Features
System Scan Features
Type 99 Decode ON Conventional mode only. Indicates the Type 99 Decode feature is enabled.
Type 99 Decode OFF Conventional mode only. Indicates the Type 99 Decode feature is disabled.
Public Address ON Indicates that the public address function of the radio is enabled.
Public Address OFF Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that public address function of the radio was
External Alarm Enabled Indicates that the external alarm function of the radio is enabled.
External Alarm
Private Mode Disabled Indicates that private mode is disabled or no encryption key has been programmed
Forced Private
available, the queue is full or an individual call is being attempted to a radio that is
currently transmitting.
the Control Channel Scan mode to search for the control channel.
the Wide Area Scan mode to search for a new system (if enabled through
in talk-around mode (no repeater).
will be flashing on line 2.
message will be flashing on line 2.
(silent) to 31 (loudest).
Indicates that an individual call is being received, but the caller's ID was not
line 1.
Displayed for two seconds on line 1 when toggled to enable state.
Trunked mode only. Indicates the System Scan features are enabled.
Trunked mode only. Indicates the System Scan features are disabled.
Momentary (2 seconds) indicates that the external alarm function of the radio was
for the selected group/channel or special call.
Indicates that forced private operation has been pre-programmed into r a dio.
Encryption Key Missing Flashing indicator indicates that no encryption key or an incorrect encryption key is
Backlight Indicates the display intensity and keypad backlight level.
Group ID Indicates that the call is a group call and is followed by the GID of the caller
Individual ID Indicates the call is an individual call and the ID number of the caller, example "ID
Who Has Called This display indicates the number from the Who Has Called list. Individual calls
Phone Call Displayed when a phone call is received from the site. It is displayed in line 1 of the
Conventional Failsoft Displayed when a failure of the EDACS system occurs. All communication will be
Displayed when the menu key is pressed and remains displayed in line 1 until a
System = 1 - 64 The system number for the current base station of the system displayed in line 1. It
Group = 1 - 64 The group number of the group displayed in line 2 of display. It is displayed in line
Individual = 1 - 99 Indicates which item in the individual call list is being displayed. It is displayed in
Phone = 1 - 99 Indicates which item in the phone list is being displayed. It is displayed in line 2 of
Select Phone After pressing the PHN key, selecting an entry from the phone list by typing the
Select Individual ID Displayed on line 1 when an entry from the individual ID list is selected after
System All Call Displayed on line 1 to indicate a system all-call has been received (trunked mode
Code Group and
Revision Number
Phone Call Displayed when an initiated phone call is in progress. This is displayed on line 2 of
Dual Control Operation Displayed on an idle control unit when configured as dual control operation.
Indicates that there is no data stored in one of the programmable items in either the
Invalid System Displayed when the current system is an invalid type.
Channel = 1 - 99 Displayed on line 1 of the display. This is a conventional channel index displayed
Fixed List The Priority scan list is fixed and cannot be changed using the add or delete keys.
Fixed Priority 1 The Priority 1 scan channel is fixed and cannot be changed using the add or delete
programmed into the radio.
(trunked mode only).
2725" (trunked mode only).
received but not responded to are stored in a Who Has Called list. This list is
accessible by pressing the # key and then the INDV key after the Individual call has
timed out or the Clear button is pressed. This display is on line 2 and the LID of the
caller is displayed on the top line. Currently the list is not implemented and the
display will always be WHC=1.
display. Line 2 of the display will contain the display *INDV* when line 1 contains
this message. The radio interprets a received phone call as an individual call.
in conventional mode (trunked mode only).
menu item is selected.
is displayed in line 2 of the display. Press the system key to obtain this display.
1 of the display. Press the group key to obtain this display. There are up to 48
groups available (i.e. 3 banks of 16). The maximum number of groups programmed
in a radio is determined by the personality.
line 2 of the display. The name or ID of the item in the list is displayed in line 1 of
the display.
the display. Line 1 of the display will be the last 3 characters of the list item
entry number will display this message on Line 1.
pressing the INDV key. The entry is a number between 1 and 32 inclusive (trunked
mode only).
This is code group and revision number that is displayed in line 2 when the menu
item “REVISION” is selected. The ‘gg’ is the group number of the software. The
first ‘v’ is the hardware version and ‘vv’ is the revision of the software.
the display.
phone list or individual call list. The user programmable items are items 1 through
10 in each list.
when the group key is depressed.
+ 47 hidden pages
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