HARRIS TR-0017-E TX Synth

Maintenance Manual
DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Front Cover
GEN ERAL SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
VOLTAGE CONTROLLE D OSCILLATOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
RF AMPLIFIERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
REFERENCE BUFFER AMPLIFIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
PRESCALER AND SYNTHESIZER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
LOOP BUFFER AMP LIFIERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
AUDIO FREQUENCY AMPLIFIER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
VOLTAGE REGULATORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
LOGIC CIRCUITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
MAINTENANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
TEST PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
ALIGNME NT PROCEDURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
TROUBLESHOOTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ASSEMBLY DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PARTS LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
PRODUCTION CHANGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
IC DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
The principle function of the Transmitter Synthesizer Module is to provide the RF excitation for input to the MASTR III station power amplifier. The output of the syn­thesizer is a freq uency modulate d signal at the desired fre ­quency. The module contains the following functional blocks:
A voltage controlled oscillator.
A chain of integrated circuit RF Amplifiers.
A reference buffer amplifier.
Dual modulus pr escale r and syn thesize r inte grate d circuits.
Loop amplifiers and passive loop filter.
An audio amplifier and a pre-modulation integrator .
IC voltage regulators for +5 and -5 Vdc . A discrete component regulator for +8 Vdc, and an Opera­tional Amplifier regulator for +4 Vdc.
Logic circuitry: address decoder, input signal gates, and a lock indicator circuit.
M/A-COM Wireless Systems
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macom-wireless.com Printed in U.S.A.
Table 1 - General Specifications
in 4 bands 136 to 144 MHz
142 to 152 MHz 150 to 162 MHz 160 to 174MHz
RF POWER OUT(50 Ohm load) 10 to 13 dBm
1 to 200 MHz <-90 dBc
input level 0 dBm ±1.5dB
input impedance 50 Ohm
frequency 5 to 17.925 MHz (must be integer divisible by
channel spacing)
Figure 1 - Block Diagram MODULATION SENSITIVITY 5 kHz peak dev/1 Vrms AF INPUT IMPEDANCE 600 Ohm AF RESPONSE
10 Hz 1000 Hz 0 dB reference
3 kHz
Sq wave droop HUM & NOISE -55 dB POWER REQUIREMENTS 13.8 Vdc @ 275 mA
Transistor Q1 and associated cir cuitry comprise a low n oise Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). Inductor L1 and associ­ated capacitors form the oscillator resonant circuit (tank). The noise characteristic of this oscillator is dependent on the Q of
1.5 dB
1.5 dB
-12.0 Vdc@ 10 mA
this resonant circuit. The components used in the tank are specified to have especially high Q. Diode D1 aids in setting the bias point for low noise operation. (Any field replacement of oscillator parts should use identical parts).
Switches SWIA, SWIB, SWIC and SWID set the fixed capacitance in the tank and therefore set the frequency range over which the oscillator can be voltage tuned. Table 2 shows the switch settings for the various frequency ranges.
Table 2 - Frequency Range Switch Settings
SW1A (SW#1)
Switches SW1E (SW#5) and SW1F (SW#6) also set the fixed capacitance in the tank and perform the frequency trimming function. These two switches are factory set and should not need resetting unless any oscillator components are changed. (See alignment procedure section of this man­ual for instructions on resetting SW1E and SW1F).
The oscillator frequency is voltage tuned by the signal applied through R5 and L5 to the two varica p diodes D2 a nd D3. Additionally, audio modulation is applied as an AF voltage to the two varicap diodes. This AF voltage varies the oscillator frequency at an audio rate (i.e., it frequency modu­lates the oscillator). Low frequency audio is applied along with the varicap control voltage through R5 and L5 while high frequency audio (MOD) is applied via C16.
Resistors R6 th rough R9 provide a two vo lt negative bi as on the varicap diodes.
Transistors Q101 and Q102 and associated circuitry form the oscillator enable switch. This switch allows the station control circuitry to turn the VCO ON or OFF via the ANT_REL line. Setting the ANT_REL line to a logic low causes Q102 to conduct. The five (5) volt output at Q102 collector (OSCON) enables the fault indicator gates, U705C and U705D, and turns on Q101. Q101 starts to conduct, providing a ground path for Q1. This turns ON the VCO.
Integrated ci rcuits U20 1 and U202 an d U203 and tran ­sistor Q201 form a ch ain of RF a mp lifie rs . Th es e am plif ier s serve two purpose s; amplify ing the RF sign al for input to the power amplifier and provid ing a sig na l to th e Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) .
Integrated circuits U201, U203 and transistor Q201 provide amplification for the RF signal which will be fed to the station power amplifier. U201 operates with a gain of about 5 dB. Its output is fed to a resistive signal splitter composed of R203 through R210.
One of the resistive signal splitter outputs drives U203. U203 operates with a gain of about 10 dB. Q201 and associ­ated circuitry comprise the output amplifier which has a gain of about 6 dB. This amplifier is followed by a 190 MHz cutoff low -pass filter (C216, C217, L203 and L204) and a 6 dB resistive attenuator (R219 through R221). The final out­put at the front panel BNC connector (J2) is nominally 11.5 dBm into a 50 ohm load.
Copyright © 1992-2002, M/A-COM Private Radio Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The other output of the resistive splitter drives U202. U202 is a buffer amplifier with a gain of about 10 dB. U202 drives the synthesizer prescaler (i.e. it provides a signal to the PLL).
Transistor Q401 and associated components comprise a buffer amplifier for the reference oscillator signal. (The reference oscillator signal is produced by the receiver syn­thesizer module of a MASTR III station.) The 0 dBm refer­ence oscillator signal is fed through the front panel BNC connector J1. Resistor R405 provides a 50 ohm load to the reference oscillator. The output of the Reference Buffer Amplifier is fed directly to the synthesizer in tegrated circuit. The output level at TP9 is approximately 3 volts peak to peak.
Integrated circuit U402 is the heart of the synthesizer. It contains the necessary frequency dividers and control cir­cuitry to synthesi ze output freque ncies by the technique o f dual modulus prescaling. U402 also contains an analog sample and hold ph ase dete cto r an d a loc k de tec tor circ uit.
Within the synthesizer (U402) are three programmable dividers which are loaded serially using the CLOCK, DA TA, and ENABLE inputs (pins 11, 12, and 13 respectively). A serial data stream (DATA) on pin 12 is shifted into internal shift registers by low to high transitions on the clock input (CLOCK) at pin 11. A logic high (ENABLE) on pin 13 then transfers the program information from the shift registers to the divider latches.
The reference signal is applied to U402 pin 2 and divided by the "R" divider . This divide s the refe rence s ignal down t o a divided reference frequency (Fr). The typical reference frequency is 12.8 MHz and the typical divided reference frequency is 5 kHz providing for synthesizer steps of 5 kHz for use with both 25 kHz and 30 kHz channel spacing. Other channel spacings are possible by providing proper program­ming.
The "A" and "N" dividers process the loop feedback signal provide d by the VCO (by w ay of the dual modu lus prescaler U401 ). The outpu t of t he "N " div ider is a divi ded version of the VCO output frequency ( F v).
Synthesizer U402 also contains logic circuitry to control the dual m odulu s presc aler U4 01. If t he lock ed syn thesi zer output freque ncy is 150 MHz. The prescal er output nomi­nally will be equal to 2.34375 MHz (150 MHz/64). This frequency is further divided down to Fv by the "N" divider in U402. Fv is then compared with Fr in the phase detector section.
The phase detector output voltage is proportional to the phase difference between Fv and Fr. This phase detector output serves as the loop error signal. This error signal
voltage tunes the VCO to whatever frequency is required to keep Fv and Fr locked (in phase).
The error signal provided by the phase detector output is buffered by operational amplifiers (op-amp) U501A and U501B. The audio modulation signal from U601B is also applied to the input of U501B. The output of U501B is the sum of the audio mod ula ti on and th e bu ffered er ro r si gnal .
The output of the second buffer (U501B) is applied to a loop filter consisting of R506, R507, R508, C505 a nd C506. This filter controls the bandwidth and stability of the synthe­sizer loop. The VHF transmitter synthesizer has a loop bandwidth of o nly se vera l Hertz . Thi s is very n arro w, result­ing in an excessively long loop acquisition time. To speed acquisition, switches U502A and U502C bypass the filter circuit whenever an ENABLE pulse is received by the Input Gates.
The transmitter synthesizer audio input line is fed to U601A. U601A is configured as a unity gain op-amp. Resis­tor R601 sets the 600 ohm input impedance of this amplifier. (NOTE: Data for digital modulation is fed to the sy nthesizer through the audio input line).
The amplifier output is split into two components and fed to two variable res istors VR601 a nd VR60 2. VR60 1 set s the level in the low frequency audio path and VR602 sets the level in the hig h frequency audio path. (There is no clear break between the low and high frequency ranges. All voice frequencies are within the high frequency range. The low frequency range contains low frequency data components).
The wiper o f VR601 (low frequency path) connects to the input of U601B, the pre-modulation integrator. U601B performs the function of a low-pass filter and integrator. The integrator output is summed with the PLL control voltage at the input of loop buffer amplifier U501B. This integrated audio signal phase modulates the VCO. T he c ombinatio n of pre- integration and phase modulation is equivalent to fre­quency modulation.
The wiper of VR602 (high frequency path) is connected to the modulation input of the VCO through C16.
U301 and U303 are monolithic voltage regulators (+5 Vdc and -5 V dc respecti vely). These two vo ltages ar e used by synthesizer circuitry. The +5 V regulator output is also used as a voltage reference for the +8 Vdc discrete regula tor circuit.
U302A, Q302 and associated circuitry comprise the +8 volt regulator. Most module circuitry is powered from the +8 volt line. The regulator is optimized for especially low noise per­formance. This is critical because the low noise VCO is pow­ered by the +8 volt line.
The +8 Vdc line also feeds the +4 Vdc regulator, U302B and associated resistors. The +4 Vdc regulator provides a bias voltage for several op-amps in the module.
Logic circuitry (other than that inside the synthesizer IC ­U402) consists of the following:
An address decoder
Input gates and level shifters
Lock Indicator circuitry
The address d ecod er, U702, enab les th e Inpu t Ga tes whe n the A0, A1, and A2 input lines receive the proper logic code (110 for the tr ansmitter synthesizer). After r eceiving the proper code, Y3 (U702-12 ) sends a logic low signal to U7 01C. U701C acts as an inverter and uses the logic high output to turn on Input Gates U701A, U701B, and U701D. The Input Gates allow the clock, data and enable information to pass on to the synthesizer via the level shifters. The Level Shifter T ransistors Q701, Q702 and Q703 convert the 5 volt ga te logic level to the 8 volt logic level required by the synthesizer U402.
The Fault Indicator circuitry indicates when the synthe­sizer is in an out-of-lock condition. The fault detector latches, U705A and U705B are reset by the enable pulse during initial loading of data into the synthesizer. If at any time afterwards the lock detector signal (LD) goes low, the high output of U705B will cause the output of gates U705C and U705D to go low. The low output from U705C c auses Q704 to turn off, thus turning on the fron t panel LED (C R701). The o utput of U705D (FLAG) i s connected to J3-13C fo r extern al monitor ing of the Synthesizer Module. A logic low on the FLAG line indicates an out-of-lock condition.
The following test equipment is required to test the synthe­sizer Module:
1. RF signal source for 12.8 MHz, 0 dBm reference (in­cluded with item 10)
2. AF Generator or Function Generator
3. Modulation Analyzer; HP 8901A, or equivalent, or a VHF receiver
4. Oscilloscope; 20 MHz
5. DC Meter; 10 meg ohm (for troubleshooting)
6. Power Supply;13.8 Vdc @ 350 mA 12.0 Vdc @ 25 mA
7. Spectrum Analyzer; 0-1 GHz
8. Frequency Counter; 10 MHz - 250 MHz
9. Personal Computer (IBM PC compatible) to load fre­quency data
10.Service Parts Kit, (TQ0650), (includes software for loading frequency data)
(Steps 5, 6, and 7 can be done using a modulation analyzer
or VHF receiver with 750us de-emphasis switchable in or out.
1. Program synthesizer at 167.5 MHz using the System
Module personality (or Test Software if using RF Test Fixture TQ-0650).
Verify lock (flag = high) Verify front panel LED is off.
2. M easure output frequency.
Verify frequency = 167.5000 MHz ±100 Hz.
3. M easure harmonic content (335 MHz, 502.5MH z).
Verify 2nd harmonic is 30 dBc.
4. M easure RF power output into 50 ohm load.
Verify 10 to 13 dBm (10 to 20 mW).
5. M easure AF distortion with standard modulating sig-
nal input.
Verify <5%.
6. M easure Hum and Noise relati ve to 0.44 kH z average
deviation, (de-emphasis on).
Verify <-55dB
7. M easure AF response at 300 Hz, 1 kHz (ref) and 3
kHz, (de-emphasis off).
Verify within ±1.5 dB with respect to 1 kHz refer­ence.
8. V erify lock at di fferent frequencies.
a. Close switches SW1A and SW1C. b. Program synthesizer at 156 MHz.
Verify LED is off.
c. Open switches SW1A and SW1C and close
switches SW1B and SW1D.
d. Program synthesizer at 147 MHz.
Verify LED is off.
e. Close switches SW1A, SW1B, SW1C and
f. Program synthesizer at 139.5 MHz.
Verify LED is off.
g. Open switches SW1A, SW1B, SW1C and
1. Set all sections of SW1 to the open position.
2. Apply +13.8 Vdc and -12 Vdc. Verify the current drain on the 13.8 volt supply is <300 mA and the cur­rent drain on the -12 volt supply is <20 mA.
Perform step 3 on ly if switch SW1 has been replaced. Otherwise go to step 4.
3. Program the synthesizer at 175 MHz. Set SW1E and SW1F (4 possible Combinations = both closed, both open, E open and F closed, or E closed and F open) to set V
6.0 volts as possible, but always between 5.5 and 6.5 volts.
4. Program synthesizer at 167.5 MHz for the following three adjustments
Set VR602 for 4.5 kHz peak deviation with a standard modulating signal applied to the audio input.
Set VR601 for 4. 4 kHz pea k dev iation with 1. 0 Vrms, 10 Hz sine wave audio applied to module AF i n put.
Apply a 10 Hz 1.4 Vpk square wave (same peak value as 1.0 Vrms (sine wave) to module AF input. Adjust VR601 slightly for the flattest demodulated square wave using a mo du l at ion analyzer o r receiver (n o de­emphasis) and an oscilloscope . The maximum net variation in voltage over 1/2 cycle is 10%.
(pin 23A of 96 pin connector) as close to
The following service information applies when align-
ing, testing, or troubles hooting the TX Synthesizer:
Standard Modulating Signal = 1 kHz sinusoidal voltage, 1.0 Vrms at the module input terminals (600 ohm R in).
The input audio level for setting the 4.5 kHz or 10 Hz (or 7 Hz) deviation should always be 1.00 Vrms.
In the modulation adjustment, any reference to 0.6 V rms refers to the voltage level for a ST ANDARD signal, or usually 60% (3.0 kHz) of maximum deviation. The 0.6 Vrms will produce 60% of full deviation.
Logic Levels: Logic 1 = high = 4.5 to 5.5 Vdc
Logic 0 = Low = 0 to 0.5 Vdc
Transmitter Synthesizer Address = A0 A1 A2 = 110
Synthesizer data input stream is as follows: 14-bit "R" divider most significant bit (MSB) =
R13 through "R" divider least significant bit (LSB) = R0
10-bit "N" divider MSB = N9 throug h "N" divider LSB = N0
7-bit "A" divider MSB = A6 through "A" divider LSB = A0
Single high Control bit (last bit) Latched When Control Bit = 1
Latched When Control Bit = 1
Data in Last A0 ---- A6 N0 ---- N9 R0 ---- R13 Bit LSB MSB LSB MSB LSB
Control Bit
For the transmitter synthesizer, 5 kHz channel spacing R=2560 N = integer part of (freq ue ncy i n kHz ) / (32 0) A = (frequency in kHz)/(5 ) - 64 *N All numbers must be conve rte d to bin ar y.
ANT_REL line must be logic low (0V) in order to lock synthesizer.
Synthesizer lock is indicated by the extinguishing of the front pa nel LED ind icator and a logic hi gh on the fault flag line (J3 pin 1 3C).
Always verify synthesizer lock after each new data loading.
Low/No RF Output Check oscillator
No Modulation Check RF chain
No Modulation Check AF amplifier
+5 V @ U301 Pin 1 U301 or associated components +8 V @ Q301 collect or U302, Q301, Q302 or associated components
- 5 V @ U303 Pin 1 U303 or associated components
Check 12.8 MHz reference signal No reference signal to front panel BNC or 3V P-P, 12.8 MHz @ TP9 or U402 Pin 2 Q401
Check oscillator signal
11.5 1.5 dBm 125 to 180 MHz at Proceed to "Low/No RF output" below front panel BNC
Check prescaler output
1V P-P, 2.5 MHz @ U401 Pin 4 U202, U401
While loading frequency data into Wrong address or synthesizer Check 8V logic signals @ U701, U702, Q701, Q702, Q703 Pins 11, 12, 13 of U402
Check Phase detector output
5 kHz random signal @ U501 Pin 7 U402, U501
LESS than 0.5 Vdc @ TP3 or collector Synthesiz er not keyed (low on ANT relay li ne) of Q101 or Q101, Q102
50 mV, 125 to 180 MHz @ TP4 Q1
0 dBm, 125 to 180 MHz @ TP6 U201 +5 dBm, 125 to 180 MHz @ TP7 U203
11.5 ±1.5 dBm to 180 MHz at front Q201 panel BNC
Apply 1V, 1 kHz signal to TX/Audio/ Hi U601 Check 1V signal @ TP12 or U601 Pin 1
A troubleshooting guide is provided showing typical measurements at the various test points. The location of the test points and adjustments are shown in Figure 2.
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