Suite 1400 FCC ID:OWDTR-0004-A
Herndon, VA 20170 MODEL:TR-0004-A {Panther 300M VHF (150-174 MHz)}
360 Herndon Parkway COMPANY:Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
WORK ORDER:2001057 / QRTL01-031 / {REV-3}
Page 42
Accredited by the National Voluntary Accreditation Program for the specific scope of accreditation under Lab Code 200061-0.
Note: This report may not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.
MM101031V2 R1A
300M VHF
Mobile Radio
Installation Manual
Repairs made to this equipment should be made only by an authorized
service technician or facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs,
alterations, or substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this
equipment not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s
The software contained in this device is copyrighted by Com-Net Ericsson
Critical Radio Systems, Inc. Unpublished rights are reserved under the
copyright laws of the United States.
This manual i s published by
warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors,
inaccurac ies of current informat ion, or improvement s to programs and/or eq uipment, may b e
made by
Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission
Figure 15 – Ignition Sense Option.........................................................30
Table 1 - P
300M Mobile Radio Options and Accessories.........8
Table 2 – Radio Option Connector P3 Interface Description ................23
The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain hazards
common to the operation of vehicular radio transmissions.
possible hazards is given:
A list of several
Explosive Atmospheres
the motor running, similar hazards exist when operating a mobile radio,
be sure to turn the radio off while fueling the vehicle. Do not carry
containers of fuel in the trunk of the vehicle if the radio is mounted in
the trunk.
Interference to Vehicular Electronics Systems
injection systems, electronic anti-skid braking systems, electronic
cruise control systems, etc., are typical electronic systems that may
malfunction due to the lack of protection from radio frequency energy
present when transmitting. If the vehicle contains such equipment,
consult the dealer and enlist their aid in determining the expected
performance of electronic circuits when the radio is transmitting.
Dynamite Blasting Caps
explode by operating a radio within 500 feet of the blasting caps.
Always obey the
dynamite is being used.
When transporting blasting caps in your vehicle:
a. Carry the blasting caps in a closed metal box with a soft lining.
"Turn Off Two-Way Radios"
- Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with
- Electronic fuel
- Dynamite blasting caps may be caused to
signs posted where
b. Leave the radio OFF whenever the blasting caps are being put into
or removed from the vehicle.
Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas Powered Vehicles
installations in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas with the
LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the
interior of the vehicle must conform to the National Fire Protection
Association standard (NFPA) 58 requiring:
a. The space containing the radio equipment shall be isolated by a
seal from the space containing the LP gas container and its fittings.
b. Outside filling connections shall be used for the LP gas container.
c. The LP gas container shall be vented to the outside of the vehicle.
- Mobile radio
Your Com-Net Ericsson radio generates RF
electromagnetic energy during transmit mode. This radio
is designed for and classified as “Occupational Use Only,”
meaning it must be used only during the course of
employment by individuals aware of the hazards and the
This radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF exposure limits
for “Occupational Use Only.” In addition, your Com-Net Ericsson radio
complies with the following Standards and Guidelines with regard to RF
energy and electromagnetic energy levels and evaluation of such levels for
exposure to humans:
Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radio
Frequency E l e ctromagne tic Fields.
ways to minimize such hazards. This radio is NOT
intended for use by the “General Population” in an
uncontrolled environment.
American National Standards Institute (C95.1 – 1992), IEEE Standard
for Safety Level s wit h Re sp e ct to Hu ma n E xp osur e to Ra di o Fr eq ue nc y
Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
American National Standards Institute (C95.3 – 1992), IEEE
Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous
Electromagnetic Fields – RF and Microwave.
To ensure that your exposure to RF electromagnetic
energy is within the FCC allowable limits for
occupational use, always adhere to the following
DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached, as this
may damage the radio, and may also cause you to exceed FCC RF
exposure limits. A proper antenna is the antenna supplied with this
radio or an antenna specifically authorized by Com-Net Ericsson for
use with this radio.
DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty
cycle). Transmitting more than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF
exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radio is
transmitting when the “TX” LED in the radio’s display is illuminated.
Pressing the “PTT” button on the microphone will cause the radio to
ALWAYS use Com-Net Ericsson authorized accessories (antennas,
speaker/mics, etc.). Use of unauthorized accessories may cause the
FCC Occupational/Controlled Exposure RF compliance requirements
to be exceeded.
ALWAYS keep at least 25 cm (10 inches) between the antenna and
user/bystanders while transmitting. This radio has been tested and
found to be compliant with Sp ecific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits for
uncontrolled exposure at a distance of 25 cm (10 inches) or more using
a 50% duty cycle.
The information listed above is provided to make the user aware of an RF
exposure and what to do to assure that this radio operates within the FCC
RF exposure limits of this radio.
The P
300M mobile radio is designed for installation as a front
mount radio. This manual provides the mobile installation i nstructions and
includes the instructions to install the external horn or external speaker
Carefully unpack the equipment and verify the items listed below are
included in the shipping container. If damage has occurred to the
equipment during shipment, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
Table 1 on page 8 provides a complete list of the options and accessories
available for the P
Power Cable.......................................................RPM 113 7674/10
or later
Radio Programming Interface CableRPM 113 2472/47TQ3393
Copy CatTM Cable, 300M-to-300MRPM 113 2472/42TQ3394
Copy CatTM Cable, 300M-to-300PRPM 113 2472/41TQ3395
Figure 1 shows an example of a typical connection diagram. Before
beginning, plan the radio installation carefully so that it will:
Be safe for the operator and passengers,
Be convenient for the operator to use,
Be neat in appearance,
Be protected from water damage,
Be easy to service,
Be out of the way of auto mechanics,
Be out of the way of passengers, and
Allow for good air flow around the unit’s cooling fins.
For passenger safety, mount the radio securely so the unit will not break
loose in the event of a collision. This is especially important in station
wagons, vans and similar type installations where a loose radio could be
extremely dangerous to the vehicle occupants.
The procedures in this section provide a guideline for installing the mobile
radio. In some applications, it may be necessary to deviate slightly from the
recommended procedure and the order in which the equipment is installed.
To assure the feasibility of the cable routes you p lan to use, it is suggested
that you run the cables before installing the radio. Be sure to leave some
slack in each cable so that the radio may be pulled out for servicing with the
power applied.
It is recommended the unit be installed by one of the many Com-Net
Ericsson Authorized Service Centers located throughout the United States.
Personnel at these centers are experienced in installations of this type and
can provide a safe, neat, and functional installation.
The following tools are required to install the P
300M Mobile
Electric drill for dr illing mou nti ng holes
Drills and circle cutters as follows:
No. 31 (1/8-inch) drill
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