HARRIS TR-0004-A Operational Manual

Suite 1400 FCC ID: OWDTR-0004-A Herndon, VA 20170 MODEL: TR-0004-A {Panther 300M VHF (150-174 MHz)} http://www.rheintech.com
360 Herndon Parkway COMPANY: Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
WORK ORDER: 2001057 / QRTL01-031 / {REV-3}
Page 41
Accredited by the National Voluntary A ccreditation Program for the specific scope of accreditation under Lab Code 200061-0.
Note: This report may not be used by the client to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S. Government.
MM101030V2 R1A
300M VHF
Mobile Radio
Operator’s Manual
SAFETY TRAINING INFORMATION..........................................3
TRANSMITTER HAZARDS......................................................5
SAFE DRIVING RECOMMENDATIONS..................................6
OPERATING RULES AND REGULATIONS ..............................7
OPERATING TIPS ...................................................................8
RADIO INDICATORS ................................................................10
OPTION BUTTON FUNCTIONS............................................11
HOOKSWITCH FUNCTIONS.................................................13
DISPLAY STATUS AND ERROR CODES ...............................14
BASIC OPERATION..................................................................17
SELECTING A CHANNEL .....................................................17
TRANSMITTING A BASIC CALL...........................................17
PUBLIC ADDRESS MESSAGE .............................................17
CHANNEL GUARD ................................................................18
SELECTIVE SIGNALING ..........................................................20
TYPE 99 OPERATION...........................................................20
PROGRAMMABLE PTT FUNCTIONS......................................22
CHANNEL BUSY LOCKOUT.................................................22
TYPE 99 DISABLE AFTER PTT............................................22
IGNITION SENSE TX DISABLE ............................................22
EXTERNAL ALARMS.............................................................23
RESETTING THE CAR HORN ALERT..................................23
WARRANTY ..............................................................................25
This manual is published by without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to programs and/or equipment, may be made by
Systems, Inc.
new editions of this manual. No part of t his manual m ay be reproduc ed or transmi tted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
Copyright © 2001, Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
, at any time and without notice. Such changes will be incorporated into
Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio Systems, Inc.
Com-Net Ericsson Critical Radio
Your Com-Net Eric sson P
300M VHF Mobile Radio generates RF elec tromagnetic energy during transmit mode. This radio is designed for and classified as “Occupational Use Only,” meaning it must be used only during t he cours e of em ployment by individuals a ware of the h azards a nd the wa ys to
minimize such ha zards. This radio is not intended for use by the “General Population” in an uncontrolled enviro nment.
This radio has been tes ted and com plies with the F CC RF exposure limits for “Occupational Use Only.” In addition, your Com-Net Ericsson radio com plies with the f ollowing Standards and G uidel ines with regard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and evaluation of such levels for exposure to humans:
FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C, Evaluating
Compliance with FCC G uidelines for Hum an Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
American National Standards Institute (C95.1-1992), IEEE
Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Expos ure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
American National Standards Institute (C95.3-1992), IEEE
Recommended Practice for the Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields – RF and Microwave.
To ensure that your exp os ur e to RF electrom agnetic energy is within the FCC allowable limits for occupational use, always adhere to the following
DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attached,
as this may damage the radio and may also cause you to exceed FCC RF exposure limits. A proper antenna is the antenna supplied with this radio by Com-Net Ericsson or an antenna specifically authorized by Com-Net Ericsson for use with this radio.
DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50%
duty cycle). Transm itting more than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radio is transmitting when the “TX” LED in the ra dio displ ay is lit. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressing the PT T button.
ALWAYS use Com-Net Ericsson authorized accessories
(antennas, speaker/mics, etc.). Use of unauthorized accessories may cause the FCC Occupational/Controlled Exposure RF compliance to be exceeded.
ALWAYS keep at least 25 cm (10 inches ) between the antenna
and operator/bystanders while trans mitting . This r adio has bee n tested and found compliant with SAR limits for uncontrolled exposure at a distance of 25 cm (10 inches) or more using a 50% duty cycle.
The information listed abo ve is provided to make the us er aware of an RF exposure and what to do to assure that this radio operates within the FCC RF exposure limits of this radio.
Transmitter Hazards
The operator of any mobile radio should be aware of certain hazards common to the operation of vehicular radio transmitters.
possible hazards is given:
A list of several
1. Explosive Atmospheres
- Just as it is dangerous to fuel a vehicle with the motor running, similar hazards exist when operating a mobile radio. Be sure to turn the radio off while fueling a vehicl e. Do not c arry cont ainers of fuel in th e trunk of a vehicle if the radio is mounted in the trunk.
Areas with potentially explosive atmosphere a re often, but not always, clearly marked. Turn OFF your radio when in any area with a potent ially explosive atmosphere. It is rare, but not impossible that the radio or its accessories could generate sparks.
2. Interference to Vehicular Electronics Systems
- Electronic fuel injection systems, electronic anti-skid braking systems, electronic cruise control systems, etc., are typical electronic systems that may malf unction due to the lack of protection from radio frequency energy presen t when transmitting. If the veh icle contains such equipm ent, consult the dealer and enlis t their aid in determining the expected performance of electronic circuits when the radio is transmitting.
3. Dynamite Blasting Caps
- Dynamite blasting caps may be caused to explode by operating a radio within 500 feet of the blasting caps. Always obey the
"Turn Off Two-Way Radios"
signs posted where dynamite is being used. When transporting blasting caps in your vehicle:
Carry the blasting caps in a closed metal box with a soft lining.
Leave the radio
whenever the blasting ca ps are being
put into or removed from the vehicle.
4. Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas Powered Vehicles
- Mobile radio installations in vehicles powered by liquefied petroleum gas with the LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior of the vehicle must conform to the
ational Fire Protection Association standard
(NFPA) 58
The space containing the radio equipment shall be is olated by a seal from the space containing the LP gas container and its fittings.
Outside filling connections shall be used for the LP gas container.
The LP gas container s hall be vented to the o utside of the vehicle.
(Recommended By AAA)
Read the literature on the safe operation of the radio.
Kee p both hands on the steering wh eel and the microphone in
its hanger whenever the vehicle is in motion.
Place calls only when vehicle is stopped.
When talking from a moving vehicle is u navoidable, drive in the
slower lane. Keep conversations brief.
If a conversation requires tak ing notes or com plex thought, stop
the vehicle in a safe place and continue the call.
Whenever using a mobile radio, exercise caution.
Two-way FM radio systems must be operated in accordance with the rules and regulations of the local, regional, or national government.
In the United States, the P operated in accordance with the r ules and r egulatio ns of the Fe deral Communications Commission (FCC). As an operator of two-way radio equipment, you must be t horoughly familiar with the rules that apply to your particu lar t ype of radio o perat ion. F ollo wing t hese ru les helps eliminate confusion, assures the most efficient use of the existing radio ch annels, and results in a sm oothly functioning radi o network.
When using your two-way radio, remember these rules:
It is a violation of FCC rules to interrupt any distress or
emergency message. As your radio operat es in much the sam e way as a telephone the channel is clear before transmitting. Emergency calls have priority over all other messages. If someone is sending an emergency message - such as re porting a fire or ask ing for help in an accident - KEEP OFF THE AIR!
The use of profane or obscene language is prohibited by Federal
It is against the law to send fals e call letters or false distress or
emergency messages. The FCC requires that you keep conversations brief and confin e them to business . To s ave tim e, use coded messages whenever possible.
Using your radio to send personal messages (except in an
emergency) is a violation of FCC rules. You may send only those messages that are essential for the operation of your business.
"party line"
300M mobile radio must be
, always listen to m ak e sur e that
It is against Federal law to repeat or otherwise make known
anything you overhear on your radio. Conversations between others sharing your channel must be regarded as confidential.
The FCC requires that you identify yourself at certain specific
times by means of your call letters. Refer to th e rules that apply to your particular type of operation for the proper procedure.
No changes or adjustments shall be made to the equipment
except by an authorized or certified electronic technician.
Under U.S. law, operation of an unlic ensed rad io transm itter with in the jurisdiction of the Un ited States may be pu nishabl e b y a fin e of up to $10,000, imprisonment for up to two years, or both.
The following conditions tend to reduce the effective range of two­way radios and should be avoided whenever possible:
Operating the ra dio in areas of low terrain , or while u nder power
lines or bridges.
Obstructions such as mountains and buildings.
In areas where transmission or reception is poor, some
improvement may be obtained by ensuring that the antenna is vertical. Moving a few yards in another direction or m oving to a higher elevation may also improve communication.
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