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4 Contents
port Administration
Copyright and trademarks
Harris is a registered trademark and TECHNOLOGY TO
CONNECT, INFORM AND PROTECT is a trademark of Harris
The word TAIT and the TAIT logo are trademarks of Tait
All trade names referenced are the service mark, trademark
or registered trademark of the respective manufacturers.
This manual is published by Harris Corporation without
any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual
necessitated by typographical errors, inaccuracies of
current information, or improvements to programs and/or
equipment, may be made by Harris Corporation at any
time and without notice. Such changes will be
incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of
this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the
express written permission of Harris Corporation.
Inquiries and comments
If you have any inquiries regarding this document, or any
comments, suggestions and notifications of errors, please
contact your regional harris office.
Equipment Repair
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an
authorized service technician or facility designated by the
supplier. Any repairs, alterations or substitution of
recommended parts made by the user to this equipment
not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment in addition to the
manufacturer’s warranty.
Intellectual property rights
This product may be protected by one or more patents or
designs of Tait Limited together with their international
equivalen ts, pend ing patent or design applications, and
registered trade marks: NZ409837, NZ409838, NZ415277,
NZ415278, NZ508806, NZ519742/NZ516280, NZ524369,
NZ524378, NZ524509, NZ530819, NZ534475, NZ547713,
This product may also be made under license under one or
more of the follow ing U . S . P a te nts: 5,1 46, 4 97, 5,148,482,
5,164,986, 5,185,795, 5,185,796, 5,271,017, 5,377,229 and
The AMBE+2™ voice coding Technology embodied in this
product is protected by intellectual property rights including
patent righ ts, c opyr ig hts an d trade secrets of Digital Voice
Systems, Inc. This voice coding Technology is licensed solely
for use within this Communications Equipment. The user of
this Technology is expl icit ly pro hibi te d from attempting to
decompile , reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object
Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into a
human-readable form. Protected by U.S. Patents 5,870,405,
5,826,22 2, 5,75 4, 974, 5,7 01,3 90, 5,71 5,36 5, 5,649,050,
5,630,011, 5,581,656, 5,517,511, 5,491,772, 5,247,579,
5,226,084 and 5,195,166.
Environmental responsibilities
Tait Limited is an environmentally responsible company
which suppor ts was te mini miza ti on, ma ter ial recov ery and
restrictions in the use of hazardous materials.
The Europ ean Union ’ s Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipmen t (WEEE) Direc tive requires that thi s prod u ct be
disposed of separately from the general waste stream when
its servi ce life is over. For more info r mat ion about h ow to
dispose of your unwanted Tait product, visit the Tait WEEE
website at Please be
environmentally responsible and dispose through the original
supplier, or contact Tait Limited.
Tait Limited also complies with the Restriction of the Use of
Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (RoHS) Directive in the European Union.
In China, we comply with the Measures for Administration of
the Pollution Control of Electronic Information Products. We
will comply with environmental requirements in other markets
as they are introduced.
For your safety
Before using your radio, please read the following
important safety and compliance inform a tio n.
Radio frequency exposure information
For your own safety and to ensure you comply with the
radio frequency (RF) exposu re gu ide line s of th e
United States Federal Communication Commission’s
(FCC), Industry Canada, and those from other
administrations, please read the following in formation
before using this radio.
Using this radio
You should use this radio only for work-related
purposes (it is not authorized for any other use) and if
you are fully aware of, and can exercise contro l over,
your exposure to RF energy. To prevent exceeding
FCC RF exposure limits, you must control the amount
and duration of RF that you and other people are
exposed to.
It is also important that you:
■Do not remove the RF Exposure label from
the radio.
■Ensure this RF exposure information accompa-
nies the radio when it is transferred to other users.
■Do not use the radio if you do not adhere to the
guidelines on controlling your exposure to RF.
Controlling your exposure to
RF energy
This radio emits radio frequency (RF) energy or radio
waves primarily when calls are made. RF is a form of
electromagnetic energy (as is sunlight), and there are
recommended levels of maximum RF exposure.
For your safety 7
To control your exposure to RF and comply with the
maximum exposure limits for occupational/controlled
environments, follow these guidelines:
■Do not talk (transmit) on the radio more than th e
rated transmit duty cycle. This is important
because the radio radiates more energy when it is
transmitting than when it is receiving.
■When listening and talking on the radi o, hold it
upright in front of your face so that it is at least one
inch (2.5 cm) away from any part of your face.
Keeping the radio at the recommended dist ance is
important because exposure to RF decreases ra pidly the further away the antenna is from
your body.
■Keep the antenna at least one inch (2.5 cm) from
your face at all times.
■If you wear your radio, you must always use a
carry accessory that has been specif ically
approved by Tait for this radio. Using nonapproved body-worn accessories may mean yo
expose yourself to higher levels of RF than r ecommended by the FCC’s occupational/controlled
environment RF exposure limits.
■Ensure you only use Tait-approved antennas, bat-
teries, and accessories.
For more information on what RF energy is and how
to control your exposure to it, visit the FCC website at
Compliance with RF energy exposure
This two-way radio complies with these RF energy
exposure standards and guidelines:
■United States Federal Communications Commis-
sion, Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR §§
1.1307, 1.1310, and 2.1093.
8 For your safety
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) /
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Enginee rs
(IEEE) C95.1-1992.
■Institute of Electrical and Electronic Enginee rs
(IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition.
■European Directive 2004/40/EC on minimum
health and safety requirements regarding the
exposure of workers to the risks arising from phys ical agents (electromagnetic fields).
This radio complies with the IEEE and ICNIRP
exposure limits for occupational/controlled RF
exposure environments at operating duty factors of up
to 50% talk to 50% listen.
Conformité aux normes d’exposition à
l’énergie RF
Cette radio émetteur-récepteur se conforme aux
normes et aux règlements d’exposition à l’énergie
RF :
■La Commission fédérale de la communication des
Etats-Unis, Code de règlements fédéraux (CFR)
Titre 47 Se ctions 1.1307, 1.1310 et 2.1091 (radio s
mobiles) ou 2.1093 (radios portatives).
■American National Standards Institute (ANSI) /
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Enginee rs
(IEEE) C95. 1-1992.
■Institute of Electrical and Electronic Enginee rs
(IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition.
■La directive européenne 2004/40/EC concernant
les prescriptions minimales de sécurité et de santé relatives à l'exposition des travailleurs aux risques dus aux agents physiques (champ
Cette radio se conforme aux limites d’exposition de
l’IEEE (FCC) et ICNIRP pour les environnements
d’exposition au rayonnement RF professionnel et
contrôlé aux cycles de marche de 50% en mode
transmission et 50% en mode réception.
For your safety 9
Radio frequency emissions limits in
the USA
CFR Title 47 Part 15.19 (a) (1) Receivers
Part 15 of the FCC Rules imposes RF emission limits
on receivers. This radio complies with Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that
this device does not cause harmful interference.
CFR Title 47 Part 15.19 (a) (3) - All other
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions.
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) This device must accept any interference
received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation .
Radio frequency emissions limits in
This device complies with Industry Canada licence
exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie
Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil
doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.
10 For your safety
USA public safety bands
(764 -776 MHz and 794 - 806 MHz)
The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 47
Subpart R deals with the use of fr equencies in the 764
to 776 MHz and 794 to 806 MHz bands.
Low-power channels
This radio complies with § 90.531 (b) (3) and
§ 90.531 (b) (4) of 47 CFR. These sections state that
only low-power transmission is permitted on the
following channels:
■Regional Planning channels, as defined in
§ 90.531 (b ) ( 3) .
■Itinerant channels, as defined in § 90.531 (b) (4).
Use of encryption
This radio complies with § 90.553 (a) of 47 CFR. This
states that:
■Encryption is not permitted on the nationwide
Interoperability calling channels. These channels
are defined in § 90.531 (b) (1) (ii).
■Radios using encryption must have a readily
accessible switch or control to allow the radio user
to disable encryption.
Frequency band reserved for
distress beacons
Frequency band 406 to 406.1 MHz is reserved for use
by distress beacons. Transmissions should not be
made within this frequency band.
For your safety 11
Interference with electronic devices
Warning Some electronic devices may be prone to
malfunction due to the lack of protection from RF
energy that is present when your radio is transmitting.
Examples of electronic devices that may be affected
by RF energy are:
■aircraft electronic systems
■vehicular electronic systems such as fuel injec-
tion, anti-skid brakes, and cruise control
■medical devices such as pacemakers and hear ing
■medical equipment in hospitals or health car e
Switch off the radio before boarding an aircraft. Using
your radio while in the air is not permitted.
Consult the manufacturer (or its representative) of any
such electronic devices to determine whether
electronic circuits in those devices will perform
normally when the radio is transmitting.
Warning If you have a pacemaker:
■immediately turn off the radio if you suspect it is
interfering with the pacemaker
■keep the radio at least 6 inches (15 cm) from the
pacemaker while the radio is on
■use the radio on the side opposite to the pace-
maker to minimize interference
■never carry the radio in a breast pocket.
If there is in
terference between your hearing aid and
the radio, please discuss an altern ative solution with
the hearing aid manu
12 For your safety
Potentially explosive atmospheres and
blasting areas
Warning Unless the radio is specifically certified for
use in a potentially explosive atmosphere, turn off the
radio before entering such an atmosphere. An
explosion could cause serious injury or death.
Examples of potentially explosive atmospheres
include filling stations, and any environment where
there are flammable liquids, gases, or dusts.
Warning Turn off the radio before approaching
blasting caps, a blasting area, or any area wh ere you
are instructed to turn off a two-way radio. Obey all
signs and instructions. Interference with blasting
operations could cause serious injury or death.
Radio installation and operation in
Warning Keep the radio away from airbags and
airbag deployment areas. Do not install, charge, or
place a radio near such areas. An activated airbag
can propel a portable radio with sufficient force to
cause serious injury to vehicle occupants. An airbag
may not perform to specification if obstructed by a
Warning T o avoid damage to existing wiri ng, airbags,
fuel tanks, fuel and brake lines, or battery cables, refer
to the installation guide for the radio, and to the vehicle
manufacturer’s manual, before installing electronic
equipment in the vehicle.
Using a handheld microphone or a radio while driving
a vehicle may violate the laws and legislation that
apply in your country or state. Please check the
vehicle regulations in your are a.
For your safety 13
Vehicle charger installation and
For detailed instructions necessary to the safe
installation and operation of the vehicle charger,
please refer to the documentation supplied with the
vehicle charger.
Multicharger safety information
Warning This device must be connected to an
earthed mains socket-outlet.
Norsk (no): Apparatet må tilkoples jordet stikkontakt.
Suomi (fi): Laite on liitettävä
Svenska (sv): Apparaten skall anslutas till jordat uttag.
14 For your safety
Unapproved modifications or changes
to radio
The radio is designed to satisfy the applicable
compliance regulations. Do not make modifications or
changes to the radio that are not expressly approved
by Tait. Failure to do so could invalidate compliance
requirements and void the user’s authority to oper ate
the radio.
Attaching of labels
Warning Do not obstruct the vent hole on the battery
or the vent hole on the radio chassis label. If the vent
on the battery is obstructed, the battery may explode,
causing personal injury and/or damage to property. If
the vent on the radio is obstructed, audio quality and/
or key function may deteriorate and radio seals may
be damaged.
Caution Tait recommends that you do not affix
additional labels to the surfaces between the radio
chassis and the battery. The fit between these
surfaces is intentionally firm and any added thickness
will damage the points of attachment between radio
and battery . If you must att ach a customized label, use
only a thin gummed paper label applied to the bottom
25% of the radio chassis label and/or to the top 25%
of the battery label. Do not obstruct the vent holes
(see Warning above). Do not allow the paper label to
extend beyond the recessed label area or to conceal
relevant product information.
Use of lithium-ion batteries
Warning A damaged battery can cause an explosion
or fire, and can result in personal injury and/or
property damage. To prevent personal injury and/or
damage to property, read the important safety
information supplied with the battery.
For your safety 15
Short-circuiting battery contacts
Warning Do not short-circuit the battery contacts,
neither intentionally nor accide n tally, e.g. by placing
the battery with conductive materials such as keys or
jewelry inside a pocket or container. Short-circuiting
the battery contacts can heat up the conductive
material and cause personal injury and/or d amage to
16 For your safety
1About this guide
This user’s guide provides information about the
TP9310 DMR portable radio.
The radio behavior described in this guide applies to
radios with firmware version 2.10. If your radio does
not operate as you expect, contact your radio provider
for assistance.
Safety warnings used in this
Please follow exactly any instruction that appears in
the text as an ‘alert’. An alert provides necessary
safety information as well as instruction in the proper
use of the product. This user’s guide uses the
following types of alert:
Warning This alert is used when there is a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury.
Caution This alert is used when there is a hazardous
situation which, if not avoided, could r esult in minor or
moderate injury.
Notice This alert is used to highlight information that
is required to ensure procedures are performed
correctly. Incorrectly performed procedures could
result in equipment damage or malfunction.
This icon is used to draw your attention to
information that may improve your
understanding of the equipment or procedure.
About this guide 17
Related documentation
The following documentation is also available for
your Tait radio, which you can access from the
Harris Technical Support website
■Safety and Compliance Information—supplied
with each radio. (The same information is included
in this user ’s guide.)
■Li-ion Battery Safety Information—supplied with
each Li-ion battery.
■Battery Care and Charging Guide—supplied with
each charger. (The same information is in the section "Charging and caring for batteries" on
page 56.)
18 About this guide
2Before using your radio
Once you have unpacked your radio, there ar e a few
tasks you must do before you can use it. The most
important of these is to charge your battery for the first
time — allow 2.5 hours for this.
Warning Do not charge the battery or change the
antenna in a hazardous location. An explosion could
cause serious injury or death.
This section covers:
■For your safety — battery warning
■Attaching labels to the radio or battery
■Charging the battery before first use
■Attaching the battery
■Removing the battery
■Attaching the antenna
■Removing the antenna
■Attaching a belt clip
■Removing a belt clip
■Installing an audio accessory
Before using your radio 19
For your safety — battery
Warning This radio uses a Lithium-ion battery. If the
battery is damaged or handled in an unsafe manner , it
can cause personal injury and/or damage to prope rty .
Read the important safety information included with
your battery.
Attaching labels to the radio or
Warning Do not cover the battery vent hole or the
vent hole on the radio chassis. If the vent on the
battery is obstructed, the battery may explode,
causing personal injury and/or damage to proper ty. If
the vent on the radio is obstructed, audio quality and/
or key function may deteriorate and radio seals may
be damaged.
Notice Tait recommends that you do not affix
additional labels to the surfaces between the radio
chassis and the battery. The fit between these
surfaces is intentionally firm and any added thickness
will damage the points of attachment between radio
and battery.
20 Before using your radio
Attaching a label to the front panel
If a customer requires an additional label, attach the
label in the spare label recess in the bottom edge of
the radio front panel. In this position, the label is still
visible while the battery is attached to the radio.
spare label recess
The diagram below shows the specified dimension s of
the label.
R0.02 in
(0.5 mm)
0.28 in
(7 mm)
1.22 in (31 mm)
maximum label thickness: 0.03 in (0.8 mm)
Charging the battery before first
Before using your battery for the first time, you must
charge it. Follow the instructions included with your
Tait charger. This information is repeated in the
section "Charging and caring for batteries" on
page 56.
For best charging perform ance , s witc h off the
radio before placing it in the charger.
Before using your radio 21
Attaching the battery
Notice Fit the bottom edge of the battery to the radio,
then the top edge. Attempting to fit the top edge first
may damage the contacts.
1Rotate the power/volume control switch
counterclockwise to turn off the radio.
If the battery has been attached while the radi o
is turned on, turn the radio off and then on again
before use.
2Holding the radio firmly, align the back of the
battery with the back of the chassis.
3Place the two lugs at the bottom edge of the
battery into the two slots in the bottom of the front
4Lightly press the top of the battery towards the
radio until the battery catc h clicks.
5Make sure that the battery is firmly in position.
Removing the battery
The battery is secured to the radio by a ba ttery ca tch
in the radio’s rear panel.
To remove the battery from the radio, so that the
battery can be charged or replaced:
1Rotate the power/volume control switch
counterclockwise to turn off the radio.
If the battery has been removed while the radio
is turned on, turn the radio off and then on again
before use.
2Slide the battery catch up.
3From the sides, pull the battery away from the
22 Before using your radio
Attaching the antenna
Before using the radio, screw the antenna clockwise
into the antenna connector. The antenna should be
screwed sufficiently tight so that it doesn’t unscrew
easily. This is important as it creates a seal.
Removing the antenna
Warning Do not change the antenna in a hazardous
location. An explosion could cause serious injury or
Use a firm grip and turn the antenn a counterclockwise
half a turn. Use a lighter grip to fully unscrew the
antenna, and carefully remove it.
Attaching a belt clip
To attach a belt clip to the radio:
1Slide the belt clip into the two groove s at the top of
the battery.
2Press down on the belt clip until it snaps into place.
Removing a belt clip
The belt clip has been designed to pre vent accidental
removal, but you can take it off, if required.
To remove a belt clip from a battery:
1Insert a flat screwdriver bla de or similar flat obje ct
under the lip of the release lock (that is, between it
and the metal slider).
2Lift the release lock up (away from the metal slider)
and hold it in position.
3Slide the belt clip out.
Before using your radio 23
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