Harris RF-590a User Guide

a versatile receiver
with world-proven
The RF-590A is a high performance LF/MF/HF receiver ideally suited for a wide range of fixed site, transportable and shipboard communications or surveillance applications.
The low noise synthesizer and high-intercept front end provide high instantaneous dynamic range and result in excellent performance in the face of severe spectral congestion in the LF/MF/HF bands. Addition of the optional internal digitally­tuned preselector further enhances this performance for severe collocation environments.
The receiver covers 10 kHz to 30 MHz in 1-Hz increments and provides memory storage for up to 100 channels of frequency, mode, bandwidth, and AGC time constant settings. Modes of operation include USB, LSB, ISB (optional), CW, AM, and FM and are supported by a range of six IF bandwidths and four AGC speeds, including a LINK 11-compliant DATA selection. Optional filters are available which are fully compliant with LINK 11 and suitable for other high speed HF modems to 9600 bits per second.
The RF-590A is fully remote controllable for applications such as large multi-channel systems and split-site configurations. Essentially all parameters may be controlled and signal strength and BIT results monitored via the MIL-STD-188, RS-232, and RS-422 interfaces pr
Built-in test features diagnose and isolate malfunctions to the module level allowing for rapid troubleshooting and module replacement, minimizing time to repair.
Specifications for the RF-590A
Frequency Range 10 kHz to 29.999999 MHz in
1 Hz steps
Frequency Stability + 1 part in 106– Standard
1 part in 108– Optional
External Frequency
Channel Memory 100-channel capacity
Modes of Operation USB (J3E, A3J), LSB (J3E, A3J),
Sensitivity For 10 dB (S+N)/N, above 50 kHz
IF Bandwidths Mode 3 dB BW (kHz)
Intermodulation In Band: –50 dB or better for (2)
Reciprocal Mixing –107dBc in 3 kHz @ 100 kHz
Image and IF Rejection –100 dB
1/5/10 MHz, 0.5 VRMS
2-ISB (B8E, A3B) (optional), CW (A1A, A1), AM (A3E,A3), FM (F3E,F3)
SSB: 0.35 µv CW: 0.15 µv (300 Hz) AM: 1.5 µv (6 kHz)
USB 2.8 LSB 2.8 CW 0.3 CW 1.0 AM 3.2 AM 6.0 AM/FM 16
–7 dBm signals within the IF passband Out of Band: –50 dB or better for (2) 0 dBm signals separated 30 kHz or more
Spurious Rejection Internal –123 dBm, external –80 dB
Maximum Signal Input Receiver pr
otected to 100 watts
available power input
AGC Range: < 3 dB audio output
variation for 1 µv to 1v input
Attack T
ime: <20 msec
Hang/Decay Times:
Short, <30 msec.; Medium, 200
50 msec.; Long, 2.5 ± .5 sec. Data
BFO + 9.99 kHz in 10Hz steps
Hum and Noise < –50 dB
Ultimate (S+N)/N 50 dB
Audio Outputs Line Output: –16 to +10 dBm/600
ohms Phone: +10 dBm/600 ohms Internal Speaker: 2.0 W/8 ohms External Speaker: 2.5 W/8 ohms
Temperature Operating: –10˚C to +55˚C
Non-Operating: –62˚C to +71˚C
Humidity 0 to 95%
Power Supply 115/230 VAC +20%, 47 to 420 Hz,
Power Consumption 75 watts
Size 5.25”H x 19”W x 19.5”D max
(13.3H x 48.3W x 49.5D cm)
40 lb (18.2 kg)
High stability frequency standard – RF-593 Digitally-tuned preselector – RF-596A-02
2-Channel ISB – RF-595A-01
2-Channel ISB (Delay compensated filters)
Syllabic squelch – RF-597A-02
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Internal Options for the RF-590A
Noise blanker – RF-597A
– RF-595A-02 AFSK converter – RF-599A
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RF Communications Division |
venue | Rochester, NY USA 14610
www.harris.com 1-585-244-5830
opyright © 2004 Harris Corporation 8/04 DS-230A