A Oct/09 Updated the format of the manual to the Harris Corporate identity and improved consistency throughout the
B Jul/10 Added OpenSky support and SAR information for the 700/800 MHz portable radio. Added Immersion-Rated
C Apr/11 Updated for OTP 17; consolidated EDACS, Conventional, and P25 operation into one section.
D Oct/12 Added stealth mode and PIN entry (ECP R16A). Incorporated addendums. Added cleaning instructions.
E Dec/12 Updated parts list and caution in Section 7.
F May/13 Added Audio Playback, included OTP R20A features, updated OpenSky operation. Updated Options and
G Sep/13 Updated Options and Accessories table. Updated cleaning instructions.
H Mar/14 Updated Options and Accessories and data TX/RX indications; add Radio TextLink, view GPS information, and
J Oct/14 Updated for XGP R4A – added Voice Annunciation.
The software contained in this device is copyrighted by Harris Corporation Unpublished rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
This device is made under license under one or more of the following US patents: 4,590,473; 4,636,791; 5,148,482; 5,185,796; 5,271,017; 5,377,229;
4,716,407; 4,972,460; 5,502,767; 5,146,497; 5,164,986; 5,185,795; 5,226,084; 5,247,579; 5,491,772; 5,517,511; 5,630,011; 5,649,050; 5,701,390;
5,715,365; 5,754,974; 5,826,222; 5,870,405; 6,161,089; and 6,199,037 B1. DVSI claims certain rights, including patent rights under aforementioned U.S.
patents, and under other U.S. and foreign patents and patents pending. Any use of this software or technology requires a separate written license from DVSI.
Harris, OpenSky, and EDACS are registered trademarks and ProScan, Failsoft, and TECHNOLOGY TO CONNECT, INFORM AND PROTECT are
trademarks of Harris Corporation.
RBRC and 1-800-8-BATTERY are registered trademarks of Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation.
AMBE is a registered trademark and IMBE, AMBE+, and AMBE+2 are trademarks of Digital Voice Systems, Inc.
TORX is a registered trademark of CAMCAR division of TEXTRON, Inc.
All other product and brand names are trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders.
The material contained herein is subject to U.S. export approval. No export or re-export is permitted without written approval f rom the U.S. Government.
Rated: EAR99; in accordance with U.S. Dept. of Commerce regulations 15CFR774, Export Administration Regulations.
Information and descriptions contained herein are the property of Harris Corporation . Such inf o r mation and descriptio n s may not be copied or reproduced by
any means, or disseminated or distributed without the exp ress prior written permission of Harris Corp oration, PSPC Business, 221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway,
Lynchburg, VA 24501.
manual with the documentation of the operation of the radio.
Accessories table. Updated warranty.
Control and Status Services.
This product conforms to the European Union WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU. Do not dispose of this product in a public landfill. Take it to a
recycling center at the end of its life.
Harris products comply with the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (RoHS)
The voice coding technology embodied in this product is protected by intellectual property rights including patent rights, copyrights, and trade secrets of
Digital Voice Systems, Inc. The user of this technology is explicitly p rohibited from attempting to decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Object
Code, or in any other way convert the Object Code into human-readable form.
Repairs to this equipment should be made only by an authorized service technician or facility designated by the supplier. Any repairs, alterations, or
substitution of recommended parts made by the user to this equipment not approved by the manufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the
equipment in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.
This manual is published by Harris Corporation, without any warranty. Improvements and changes to this manual necessitated by typographical errors,
inaccuracies of current information, or improvements to prog rams and/or equip ment, may be made by Harris Corporation, at an y time and withou t notice.
Such changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose, without the express written permiss ion of Harris Corporation.
Table 8-9: Status of Selective Call ................................................................................................................. 45
Table 8-10: Status of Selective Alert Messages ............................................................................................. 46
Table 9-11: Emergency Calls vs. Emergency Alerts ..................................................................................... 48
Table 9-12: Band Definitions ......................................................................................................................... 58
Table 10-1: Buttons, Knobs, and Switch Functions ....................................................................................... 60
Harris Corporation, Public Safety and Professional Communications (PSPC) Business continually evaluates its
technical publications for completeness, technical accuracy, and organization. You can assist i n this process by
submitting your comments and suggestions to the following:
Harris Corporation
PSPC Business or fax your comments to: 1-434-455-6851
Technical Publications
221 Jefferson Ridge Parkway or e-mail us at: PSPC_techpubs@harris.com
Lynchburg, VA 24501
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Do not
proceed beyond a WARNING symbol until the conditions identified are fully
The following conventions are used throughout this manual to alert the user to general safety precautions
that must be observed during all phases of operation, service, and repair of this product. Failure to comply
with these precautions or with specific warning elsewhere in this manual violates safety standards of
design, manufacture, and intended use of the product. Harris assumes no liability for the customer’s
failure to comply with these standards.
The WARNING symbol calls attention to a procedure, practice, or the like, which, if
not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in personal injury.
understood or met.
The CAUTION symbol calls attention to an operating procedure, practice, or the like,
which, if not performed correctly or adhered to, could result in damage to the equipment
or severely degrade the equipment perfo r mance.
The NOTE symbol calls attention to supplemental information, which may improve
system performance or clarify a process or procedure.
The ESD symbol calls attention to procedures, practices, or the like, which could expose
equipment to the effects of Electro-Static Di scharge. Proper precautions must be taken to
prevent ESD when handling circuit modules.
The electrical hazard symbol indicates t here is an electrical hazard present.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
The Harris P7300 portable radio generates RF electromagnetic energy during
Only,” meaning it must be used only during the course of employment by
individuals aware of the hazards and the ways to minimize such hazards. This
radio is NOT intended for use by the “General Population” in an uncontrolled
To ensure that exposure to RF electromagnetic energy is within the FCC allowable
transmit mode. This radio is designed for and classified as “Occupational Use
The P7300 portable radio has been tested and complies with the FCC RF exposure limits for
“Occupational Use Only.” In addition, this Harris radio complies with the following Standards and
Guidelines with regard to RF energy and electromagnetic energy levels and ev aluation of such levels for
exposure to humans:
• FCC OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 Supplement C, Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for
Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
• American National Standards Institute (C95.1 – 1992), IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect
to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz.
• American National Standards Institute (C95.3 – 1992), IEEE Recommended Practice for the
Measurement of Potentially Hazardous Electromagnetic Fields – RF and Microwave.
limits for occupational use, always adher e to the following guidelines:
• DO NOT operate the radio without a proper antenna attach ed, as this may d amage the radio an d may
also cause the FCC RF exposure limits to be exceed ed. A p roper anten na is the anten na supp lied with
this radio by Harris or an antenna specifically authorized by Harris for use with this radio. (Refer to
Table 7-1.)
• DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (“50% duty cycle”). Transmitting more
than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded . Th e rad io
is transmitting when the “TX” indicator appears in the display. The radio will transmit by pressing the
“PTT” (Push-To-Talk) button.
• ALWAYS transmit using low power when possible. In addition to conserving battery charge, low
power can reduce RF exposure.
• ALWAYS use Harris authorized accessories (an tennas, batteries, bel t clips, speaker/ mics, etc ). Use of
unauthorized accessories may cause the FCC Occupational/Controlled Exposure RF compliance
requirements to be exceeded. (Refer to Table 2-1.)
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
• As noted in Table 2-1, ALWAYS keep the device and its ant enna AT LEAST 1.1 cm (0.43 inches)
from the body and at least 2.5 cm (1.0 inch) from the face when transmitting to ensure FCC RF
exposure compliance requirements are not exceeded. However, to provide the best sound quality to
the recipients of your transmission, Harris recommends you hold the microphone at least 5 cm (2
inches) from mouth and slightly off to one side.
450-512 MHz 1.1 cm 2.5 cm
700/800 MHz 1.1 cm 2.5 cm
The information in this section provides the information needed to make the user aware of RF exposure,
and what to do to assure that this radio operates within the FCC RF exposure limits of th is radio.
(worst case scenario)
During transmissions, this Harris radio generates RF energy that can possibly cause interference with
other devices or systems. To avoid such interferen ce, turn off the radio in areas where sig ns are posted to
do so. DO NOT operate the trans mitter in areas that are sensitiv e to electromagnetic radiation such as
hospitals, aircraft, and blasting sites.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
may result if a damaged antenna comes into contact with the skin. Replace a
or attachments could cause damage to the radio unit and may violate FCC
RF energy from portable radios may affect some electronic equipment. Most modern
Antenna location and condition are important when operating a portable radio. Operating the radio in low
lying areas or terrain, under power lines or bridges, inside of a vehicle or in a metal framed building can
severely reduce the range of the unit. Mountains can also reduce the range of the unit.
In areas where transmission or reception is poor, some improvement may be obtained by ensuring that the
antenna is vertical. Moving a few yards in another direction or moving to a higher elevation may also
improve communications. Vehicular operation can be aided with the use of an externally mounted
Battery condition is another important factor in the trouble free operation of a portable radio. Always
properly charge the batteries.
Keep the antenna in a vertical position when r ecei ving or transmitting a message.
Do not hold the antenna when receiving a message and, especially, do not hold when transmitting a
Do NOT hold onto the antenna when the radio is powered on!
3.1.1 Antenna Care and Replacement
Do not use the portable radio with a damaged or missing antenna. A minor burn
damaged antenna immediately. Operating a portable radio with the antenna missing
could cause personal injury, damage the radio, and may violate FCC regulations.
Use only the supplied or approved antenna. Unauthorized antennas, modifications,
regulations. (Refer to Table 7-1.)
3.1.2 Electronic Devices
electronic equipment in cars, hospital s, homes, et c. is sh ielded from RF energ y. Howev er,
in areas in which you are instructed to turn off two-way radio equipment, always observe
the rules. If in doubt, turn it off!
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are often, but not always, clearly
3.1.3 Aircraft
• Always turn off a portable radio before boarding any aircraft!
• Use it on the ground only with crew permission.
• DO NOT use while in-flight!!
3.1.4 Electric Blasting Caps
To prevent accidental detonation of electric blasting caps, DO NOT use two-way
radios within 1000 feet of blasting operations. Always obey the "Turn Off Two-Way
Radios" signs posted where electric blasti ng caps are being used. (OSHA Standard:
3.1.5 Potentially Explosive Atmospheres
marked. These may be fuelling a reas, such as gas stations, fuel or che mical transfer
or storage facilities, and areas wh ere the air contains chemica ls or particles, such as
grain, dust, or metal powders.
Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or
even death.
Turn OFF two-way radios when in any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere.
It is rare, but not impossible, that a radio or its accessories could generate sp arks.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Keep the exterior of the radio, battery, antenna, and radio accessories clean.
Periodically clean using the following procedures:
1. To remove dust and dirt, clean using damp clean cloth (warm water and mild detergent soap).
2. Follow by wiping with damp (warm water) clean cloth. Wipe dry with clean cloth.
3. Remove the battery and wipe the battery and radio contacts using a soft dry cloth to remove dirt or
grease. This will ensure efficient power tran sf er from the battery to the radio.
4. Remove any accessories and clean the accessor ies Univer sal Device Connector (UDC) contacts usin g
a clean dry cloth. When the UDC is not in use, co ver the connector with the protective dust cap to
prevent the build-up of dust or water particles.
5. If the radio is used in a harsh environment (such as driving rain, salt fog, etc.), it may be necessary to
periodically dry and clean the battery and radio contacts with a soft dry cloth or soft-bristle nonmetallic brush.
For more rigorous cleaning, use the foll owing procedure:
Do not use chemical cleaners, spray, or petroleum-based products. They may damage
the radio housing. We recommend using Chemtronics® Electro-Wash® PR (ES-1603) or
1. Apply the cleaning solution to a clean damp cloth and clean the radio.
Do not spray cleaning solution directly on radio. To clean the radio in the speaker and
microphone areas, carefully wipe these areas but prevent the cleaning solution from
entering the speaker or microphone openings.
2. Wipe off the radio with clean damp cloth usi ng mild warm soapy water.
3. Follow up by wiping off the radio with clean damp cloth using warm water only.
4. Wipe dry with clean cloth.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Harris authorized chargers and conditioners. Use of unauthorized chargers
lt in
The P7300 series portable radios use rechargeable, recyclable Nickel Cadmium (NiCd), Nickel Metal
Hydride (NiMH), Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion), and Lithium Polymer batter ies. Please carefully read the battery
information provided to maximize the useful life of each type of battery.
Do not disassemble or modify Lithium ba ttery packs. The Lithium battery packs
are equipped with built-in safety and protection features. Should these feat ures be
disabled or tampered with in any way, the battery pack can leak acid, overheat,
emit smoke, burst, and/or ignite.
If the battery is ruptured or is leaking electrolyte that results in skin or eye contact
with the electrolyte, immediately flush th e affected area with water. If the battery
electrolyte gets in the eyes, flush with water for 15 minutes and consult a physician
Always use
and conditioners may void the warranty.
5.1.1 Conditioning NiMH Battery Packs
Condition a new NiMH battery before putting into use. This also applies to rechargeable NiMH batteries
that have been stored for long periods (weeks, months, or longer). Conditioning requires fully charging
and fully discharging the battery three (3) times using the tri-chemistry charger. The first time the battery
is put into the charger, this unit will condition Nickel-based battery packs by automaticall y charging and
discharging (cycling) the battery. Refer to the appropriate charger manual for details.
Failure to properly condition NiMH battery packs before initial use will resu
shortened performance by the battery.
5.1.2 Conditioning NiCd Battery Packs
A new NiCd battery does not require conditioning before use. However, Harris recommend s periodically
conditioning NiCd batteries to avoid t he memory effect which results when a NiCd bat tery is repeatedly
charged and not fully discharged, further resulting in a lower voltag e and a lower capacity. Fortunately,
both nominal voltage and capacity are restored through battery conditioning.
Conditioning requires fully charging and fully discharging the battery three (3) times using the trichemistry charger. The first time the battery is put into the charger, this unit will condition Nickel-based
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
battery packs by automatically chargi ng and discharging (cycling) the battery. Refer to the approp riate
charger manual for details.
5.1.3 Conditioning Lithium Battery Packs
Lithium-based battery packs do not suffer from memory effect and therefore do not require conditioning.
5.1.4 Storing Li-Ion Battery Packs
If a battery pack is expected to be idle for a month or more, it should be properly prepared. Li-Ion battery
packs should not be stored fully charged. Before storing the battery pack, discharge it to 40% capacity. If
the battery is not discharged prior to storage, i ts overall capacity may be reduced. Although all battery
packs experience some capacity loss during storage, the shelf life for Li-Ion battery packs is about 3
months. However, note that any capacity drop which occurs during storage is permanent and cannot be
reversed. Li-Ion battery packs should be purchased and used immediately. They should not be stockpiled without a rotating stock plan.
5.1.5 Additional Information
For more information regarding the proper care of portable radio battery packs or establishing a battery
maintenance program, refer to ECR-7367 which may be ordered by calling toll free 1-800-368-3277
(international - 1-434-455-6403) or via https://premier.pspc.harris.com/infocenter/.
Battery chargers are available fr om Harris with nominal charge times. Combination s include single and
multi-position charge units.
Harris chargers are specifically designed for charging Nickel-based and Lithium battery packs. The
chargers are chemistry-specific for the battery packs and automatically adjust the charging profiles
accordingly. Refer to the appropriate charger manual for specific operating instructions.
Observe the following guidelines when charging a battery pack:
• Avoid high temperature during charging.
• Discontinue use if the charger is overheating.
• Only charge Harris battery packs using a charger approved for use by Harris.
• Do not leave batteries in the charger indefi nitely. For best results, l eave the battery in t he charger for
two to six hours after the Green Ready LED comes on. Then place the battery pack into service and
fully discharge (as indicated by the radio lo w battery warning) before re-charging.
If any faults are encountered while charging the battery pack, con sult the charger’s manual to determine
the cause and possible corrective action.
Both Nickel-based and Lithium batteries vary in capaci ty and life cycle. For instance, Ni Cd batt eries have
a longer life cycle than NiMH batterie s whereas NiMH batteries have a larger capacity. Howev er, both
Nickel-based and Lithium type batteries require basic usage g uidelines be followed in order to optimize
the battery runtime or shift life.
The following guidelines will help optimize the battery runtime or shift life:
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Although the P7300 has been designed to tolerate changing the battery pack without
• Ensure Nickel-based battery packs are fully discharged (as indicated by the radio low battery
warning) before re-charging. Full discharge is not required for Lithium battery packs.
• Periodically condition Nickel-based battery packs. The frequency should be determined based on
usage patterns (refer to ECR-7367). If the battery is fully discharged (to radio Low Battery warning)
during routine use, the frequency of conditioning may be reduced. Lithium batteries do not suffer
from memory-effect and therefore do not require conditioning.
Do not leave any Harris rechargeable bat teries in a charger for more than a few days.
5.4.1 Removing the Battery Pack
Make sure the power to the radio is turned OFF.
turning power off, Harris recommends turning the radio off before changing battery packs
to ensure safety and best operation.
1. Press or pull both latches on either side of the battery pack toward the bottom of the radio
2. Pull the battery away from the radio.
3. Remove the battery pack from the radio.
Figure 5-1: Removing the Battery Pack
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
you have
useful life, under various state and local laws, it may be illegal to dispose of this
for information and/or procedures for
5.4.2 Attaching the Battery Pack
Make sure the power to the radio is turned OFF.
1. Align the tabs at each side on the bottom of the battery pack with the slots at the bottom of the battery
cavity .
2. Push the top of the battery pack down until the latches click to attach the battery to the radio.
3. Tug gently to verify that the latches are secure and the battery pack is properly attached to the radio.
Figure 5-2: Attaching the Battery Pack
In no instance should a battery be incinerated. Disposing of a battery by burning
will cause an explosion.
purchased contains a rechargeable batt ery. The battery is recyclable. At the end of i ts
battery into the municipal waste stream. Check with you r local solid waste officials for
details in your area for recycling options or proper disposal. Canadian and U.S. users
may call Toll Free 1-800-8-BATTERY®
returning rechargeable batteries in y our locality.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
The P7300 series portable radio is availabl e in two mo dels: th e P7350 Scan model wi th a li mited 6 -button
front-mounted keypad and the P7370 System model with a 15-button DTMF front-mounted keypad.
Figure 6-1: P7350 andP7370 Portable Radios
The Harris P7300 portable radio delivers end-to-end encrypted digital voice and IP data communications.
It is designed to support multiple operating modes including:
• OpenSky
(Enhanced Digital Access Communication s System) or ProVoice™ Trunked Modes
Trunked Protocol (OTP)
• P25 Trunked Mode
• P25 Digital Conventional Mode
• Conventional Analog Mode
The P7300 portables can include all of these modes or just one. Additional modes of operation can be
added with software updates.
The P7300 supports a full range of advanced digital trunking features, including Talk Group calls, priority
scanning, emergency calls, late call entry , and dynamic reconf iguration. It p erforms autonomou s roaming
for wide area applications. High quality voice coding and robust audio components assure speech clarity.
In the trunked modes, the user selects a communicati ons “operating” system (i.e., EDACS, ProVo ice, or
P25) and group. While communicating in a trunked mode, channel selection is transparent to the user and
is controlled via digital communication with the system controller (e.g., a CSD in an EDACS system).
This provides advanced programmable features and fast access to communication channels.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
In Conventional Analog mode, the user selects a ch annel and communicates directly on that chan nel. A
channel is a transmit/receive radio frequency pair.
The exact operation of the radio depends on the operating mode, the radio’s programming, and the
particular radio system. Most features described in this manual can be enabled through programming.
Consult your System Administrator for the particular features programmed into your P7300. Then refer
to the corresponding section(s) within this manual for feature and operation information.
The P7300 series radios operate reliably un der adverse conditions. These portable radios meet military
standards MIL-STD-810F specifications for high and low operating and storage temperatures, low
pressure extremes, thermal shock, solar radiation, driven rain, humidity, salt fog, blowing dust, shock, and
The Universal Device Connector (UDC) provid es connections for external accessories such as a h eadset,
a speaker-microphone, audio test box, audio test cables, and programming cables. The UDC is located o n
the right side of the radio, opposite the PTT Button. The UDC facilitates programming and testing the
radio. The UDC pins perform different functions depending on the accessory attached to the UDC.
arris authorized accessories (antennas, batteries, belt clips,
speaker/mics, etc). Use of unauthorized accessories may cause the FCC
Occupational/Controlled Exposure RF compliance requirements to be exceeded.
Half Wave Whip Antenna, 806-870 MHz
KRE 101 1506/1
Wideband Whip, 764-870 MHz
KRE 101 1506/2
Helical Stub 470-512 MHz
KRE 101 1219/14
¼ Wave Whip 440-512 MHz
KRE 101 1223/12
Antenna, 764-870 MHz, Flex, End-Fed, Hi Gain
Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Battery, Immersible
Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) Battery, Immersible, [FM]
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery, Immersible
Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) Battery, Immersible, [FM]
Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) Battery, Immersible
Lithium Polymer Battery, 3600 mAH
Speaker Mic without Antenna (cc) provision, [FM]
Rugged Speaker Mic, Antenna, Strai ght, SBR
Earphone for Speaker Mic, [FM]
Earphone for Speaker Mic, Right A ngle Jack
Ruggedized Speaker Mic-Coil Cord
Standard Speaker Mic - Non Ant
Rugged Speaker Mic, Coiled Cord, Hi -Visibility
Speaker Mic, Straight Cord, 25.6in, A ntenna
Speaker Mic, Antenna, Straight, 18in
Speaker Mic, Antenna, Straight, 30in
Speaker Mic, Rugged, Coiled, Hir os e Port
Earphone Kit, Black
Earphone Kit, Beige
2-Wire Kit, Palm Mic, Black
2-Wire Kit, Palm Mic, Beige
Table 7-1 lists the Options and Acces sories tested for use with the P730 0 series portable radios. Refer to
the Harris Products and Services Catalog for a complete list of options and accessories, including those
items that do not adversely affect the RF energy exposure.
Always use H
(Refer to Table 2-1.)
Always use the correct options and accessories (bat tery , anten na, speaker/ mic, etc.) for th e
radio. Immersion rated options must be used with an immersion rated radio. Intrinsically
safe options (identified by [FM]) are certified by Factory Mutual (FM) and must only be
used with FM certified radios. (Refer to Table 7-1.)
Table 7-1: Options and Accessories
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
3-Wire Kit, Mini-Lapel Mic, Black
3-Wire Kit, Mini-Lapel Mic, Beige
Explorer Headset with PTT
Lightweight Headset Single Speaker with PTT
Breeze Headset with PTT
Headset, Heavy Duty, N/C Behind-the-Head, with PTT
Ranger Headset with PTT
Skull Mic with Body PTT and Earcup
Headset, Heavy Duty, N/C Over-the-Head, with PTT
Throat Mic with Acoustic Tube and Bod y PTT
Throat Mic with Acoustic Tube, Body PTT, and Ring PTT
Breeze Headset with PTT and Pigtail Jac k
Hurricane Headset with PTT
Hurricane Headset with PTT and Pigtail Jack
14011-0012-03 includes:
14011-0012-04 includes:
Belt Clip, Standard
T Strap Holder
Belt Loop, Leather with Swivel
KRY 1011 609/1
Case, Black Nylon, with Belt Loop
14011-0012-01 includes:
Case, Orange Nylon, with Belt Loop
Strap, Leather Retaining
Case, Leather with Bel t Loop
Case, Leather, with Shoulder Strap
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
To change from OTP operating mode to EDACS/P25/Conventional (ECP):
1. Use or
2. Use or to choose an available mode. Press and or to confirm (Y/N).
3. Press the button to confirm.
With a system model radio, press 1# to transition to ECP.
If configured, turn the A/B Switch to the A or B position.
to cycle through the menu until “App Mode” is displayed.
1. Use or to scroll through available systems un til OpenSky is displayed and wait.
2. The radio transitions to OTP mode.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Once an OpenSky system has been selected from the available systems on your P7300 series portable
radio, the characteristics described in the following sections will govern operation.
The P7300 portable radios feature two rotary control knobs, an emergency button, and a dual-position
A/B switch located on the top of the radio (Figure 9-1). The Push-To-Talk (PTT) button and two option
buttons are located on the side (Figure 9-2) of the radio. The front mounted keypad of the P7370
“System” model has 15 buttons and the P7350 “Scan” model has six buttons. Refer to Figure 9-3 and
Figure 9-4, respectively.
Figure 9-1: Top View Figure 9-2: Side View
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Rotating the control clockwise applies power to the radio. Rotating the control clockwise increases the
volume level. Minimum volume levels may be programmed into the radio to prevent missed calls due
he display will momentarily indicate the volume
(A minimum time that the emergency button must
be pressed may be configured into the radio before an emergency is declared. Check with your System
press the emergency button. Release both buttons when the “emergency cleared”
e encrypted disable voice encryption on
is voice encrypted enable voice encryption on
9.1.1 Buttons, Knobs, and Switch
The functions of the buttons, knob controls, and dual position A/B Switch vary depending on the mode of
operation. Their functions while in the OpenSky mode of operation are discussed in Table 9-1.
Table 9-1: Buttons, Knobs, and Switch Functions
The Power On-Off/Volume Knob is rotated to apply power to the radio and adjust audio volume up
to a low volume setting. While adjusting the volume, t
level (e.g., VOL=39). The volume range is from a minimum programmed level of 1 (displayed as OFF
in the display) up to 39, which is the maximum level.
Used to select Talk Groups when operating within an OpenSky system. This is a 16-position rotary
Press the emergency button to declare an emergency.
Administrator.) To clear an emergency, if programmed to do so, press and hold the Option 2 button .
While holding ,
tone sounds.
The Push-To-Talk button must be pressed before voice transmission begins.
Scrolls UP or DOWN thru available items within a sub-menu, such as available Talk Groups, preprogrammed speed dial numbers, canned alert messages, etc.
The following settings are configurable via the at@abcswitch command:
• N o Action.
• V-TAC Detach (same as *60).
• V-TAC Attach (same as *61, *62, or *62 depending on at@cmode setting).
• Change to ECP mode.
• Scan Mode - No Scan (See Section 9.24.1).
• Scan Mode - Normal (See Section 9.24.1).
• Scan Mode - Fixed (See Section 9.24.1).
• Voice Encryption OFF - If the Selected Talk Group is voic
• Voice Encryption ON - If the Selected Talk Group
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Primary function: Acts much as an “enter” button to activate a selection.
, and
(P7370 Only)
but it clears everything, not onl y t he last digit/character).
numeric keys for passwords and OpenSky
9.1.2 Keypad
The front mounted keypad of the P7350 “Scan” model has six buttons and P7370 “System” model has 15
buttons. Refer to Figure 9-3 and Figure 9-4, respectively.
Figure 9-3: P7350 “Scan” Model Front Panel Figure 9-4: P7370 “System” Model Front Panel
In OTP mode, numeric entry is the primary function of the keys. Each key is described in Table 9-2.
Table 9-2: Keypad Functions
(P7350 only)
(P7350 only)
(P7350 only)
(P7370 Only)
(P7370 Only)
Secondary function: While in the “d well display,” press repe atedly to scroll throug h and
view status display (on 2
Scrolls thru available menu items ( s ee Table 9-5).
Currently undefined in OpenSk y mode.
Toggles scan mode On/Off.
Currently undefined in OpenSk y mode.
The alpha-numeric keys are used t o ent er a l pha-numeric passwords for logging into the
OpenSky network, if not pre-configured for automatic registration at power-up.
Also used to place telephone int erconnect and individual (unit-to-unit) call s, operating
like a normal telephone keypad. Additiona l functions are also av ailable, such as speed
dial, quick access to V-TAC, voice scanning, and Stealth mode operation.
call, etc.). It is also used as an escape or to cl ear an entry (someth ing like backspace,
Used in conjunction with alpha-
functions to end a command string.
line) for current profile, caller, received Talk Group
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
9.1.3 Display
The P7300 display is made up of 3 lines. Lines 1 and 2 contain twelve alpha-numeric character blocks
each. The 3
line also contains twelve blo cks, each u sed to disp lay radi o stat us i co ns. If p rog ra mmed, t he
display backlighting will illuminate upon power-up or when radio controls are operated. Specific display
characteristics will be discussed in following sub-sections.
Figure 9-5: Sample Radio Display
9.1.4 Radio Status Icons
Status Icons indicate the various operat ing characteristics of the radio. The icons sho w operating modes
and conditions and appear on the third line of the display (see Table 9-3).
Table 9-3: Status Icons Descriptions
Steady – Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
Steady – Radio is data registered.
Steady – Stealth mode is enabled, all tones and the display backlight are disabled, voice is still heard.
Steady – Radio is transmitting or receiving an encrypted voice call.
Animated – The radio is scanning for a V-TAC. Once the radio has attached to a V-TAC, the icon will turn off.
V-TAC Connection Indicator – Indicates the client is connected to a V-TAC.
Steady – Indicates Voice Scan mode is Normal or Fixed. Is not displayed when Voice Scan mode is No Scan.
Steady – Indicates Selective Call mode.
Steady – Battery charge indicator.
Flashing – Low battery indicator.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
Figure 9-6: Full Cycle Battery Charge Indicator
The battery charge indicator illustrates approximate charge only, based on battery voltage. Refer to
Figure 9-6.
Figure 9-7: Tri-Color LED
The Tri-Color LED changes color to indicate radio status and is visible from both the front and top of the
radio (see Figure 9-7).
In OpenSky mode the following radio states are ref l ected by the LED and the status they represent are:
Green: Receiving
Red: Transmitting
Orange: If the LED is flashing rapidly, the radio is receiving an emergency call. If the
LED is flashing every ½ second, the selected Talk Group is in the emergency
state (although not transmitting). I f the selected Talk Group is in the emergency
state, an asterisk will be displayed next to t he Talk Group name.
Log-in occurs either automatically (auto registration) if the radio has a valid registration or, if enabled,
requires the user to enter a User ID and password.
The user will be prompted with “Pls Login” if one Talk Group in the selected profile
can be encrypted. The user has to log-in to use that Talk Group in encrypted mode.
1. Press *1.
2. Enter the full 10-digit User ID.
3. Press the key.
MM-013994-001, Rev. J
in assistance and/or
4. Enter the password.
• If the radio is configured for alpha-numeric passwords and the password has consecutive
duplicate numbers (“MES33” for example), enter #, the key, between the consecutive
duplicate numbers so the radio will not interpret t he entry as a letter (“D” in this example).
• If the radio is configured for numeric-only passwords, do not press the key between
duplicated numbers.
5. Press the key twice for alphanumeric passwords or once for numeric only passwords.
The User ID may be remembered from the previous log-in. (Refer to Section 9.4 for further details
regarding log-off commands.) The password will be established before the radio is put into operation.
Contact the local OpenSky network administrator for more information.
If necessary, contact radio system administration personnel for logradio-specific log-in instructions.
The *0## command de-registers the radio. Typically, this is automatically performed when powering
down the radio. Using this method, the User ID is remembered by the radio so only the password is
needed at next log-in.
If a user is logged in, it is preferable to log-o f f to prevent unnecessary network resources being used.
As illustrated in Figure 9-8, a personality defines the profiles and Talk Groups available to the user. It is
the structuring of a collection of profiles and privileges established by the OpenSky network administrator
to provide the user with a comprehensiv e set of profiles to communicate effectively with the necessary
Talk Groups or individuals.
Personalities are stored on the network and downloaded over-the-air to the radio. This process is called
“provisioning.” Provisioning occurs at radio power-up (if the personality is not already stored in the
radio’s memory) and at user log-in (if the radio has been deregistered). When changes are made to the
personality, the radio is automatically re-provisioned. Each personality can contain up to sixteen (16)
profiles and each profile can contain up to sixteen Talk Groups.
9.5.1 Profiles
As stated above, each profile can contain up to sixteen (16) Talk Groups. A profile also defines the
radio’s emergency behavior. All transmissions are ma de on the sel ected Talk Group (displayed on the top
line of the dwell display). The user ca n change the selected Talk Group to any of the other Talk Groups
within the profile.
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