HARRIS OWDTR-0006-E Users Manual

OWDTR-0006-E Exhibit 8 Com-Net Ericsson
2.1033 ( c ) 3
1. Receiver Circuit The FM dual-conversion super heterodyne receiver is designed for operation in the 851-870 MHz frequency range. The Receiver has intermediate frequencies (IF) of 115.65MHz and 450kHz. Adjacent channel selectivity is obtained by using two band pass filters, a 115.65MHz crystal filter and a 450kHz ceramic filter. The RX detector is the phase digitizer.
1-1 Receiver Front-end A RF signal from antenna is coupled though the low pass filter/antenna switch, a nd band pass filter t o the input of low noise amplifier Q101. The output of Q101 is coupled through band pass filter to input of 1’st Mixer Z101. Front End selectivity is provided by these band pass filter.
1-2 1’st Mixer The 1’st Mixer is a Double-Balanced-Mixer Z101, that converts a RF signal the 851-870MHz range to
115.65MHz 1’st IF frequency. The signal on the output of Z101 is provided to the input of 1’st IF amplifier Q102.
1-3 1’st IF The 1’st IF signal 115.65MHz from the output of the 1’st Mixer is coupled through 1’st IF amplifier Q102 to Crystal filter FL103. The highly-selective crystal filter FL103 provide the first portion of the receiver IF selecti vit y. The output of the f ilter is c ouple d thr o ugh th e i mpeda nce- mat c hing net w or k to IF Receiver U101.
1-4 2’nd Mixer, 2’nd IF filter and 2’nd IF amplifier IF Receiver U101 is an one-chip IC for digital communication system. It includes 2’nd Mixer, 2’nd IF amplifier and Limiter amplifier. With the internal circuits of U101, The 1’st IF signal is amplified an applied to the input of 2’nd Mixer. The 2’nd local injection frequency 115.2MHz is applied from 2’n local amplifier Q104 to another input of the 2’nd Mixer. The 2’nd Mixer converts a 1’st IF signal
115.65MHz to 2’nd IF frequency 450KHz. Then the 2’nd IF signal is applied to Ceramic Filter FL105(Wide Band) or FL106 (Narrow Band), which provides the 450KHz selectivity. Those IF filters are controlled by IF.NARROW signal from the microcomputer (HILLARY:U700). The o utput of the 2’nd IF filter is applied through 2’nd IF amplifier and Cera mic Filter FL104(Wide Band) to Limiter ampl ifier. This IF si gnal is a mplifie d an d bala nced out puts, R XIF and R XIF, are se nt to HI LLARY. These two lines, one positive and the other negative, are used to cancel out any noise that might get on the line. These ba lance outputs is applied to the phase digitizer on HILLARY and detected.
2, Transmitter Circuit The Tr ansmitter Circuit consists of Modulator IC (U203), Notch Filter, Variable attenuator (CR201), Buffer Amplifier (U202), Low Pass Filter, PA Module (U201). Automatic Power Control Circuit (Q207, Q201 and U301), Antenna Switch Module (Z302).
2-1 Modulator IC and Notch Filter The main VCO, in the synthesizer circuit, is programmed to generate the TX local Injection frequencies (806 to 815 MHz and 851 t o 870 MHz). The transmitter carrier frequencies are same o TX local Injection frequencies. Notch Filter consists of C212, C233, C244, and L210. The output of U203 is applied to Notch Filter that is through an attenuator pad R204-R206.
OWDTR-0006-E Exhibit 8 Com-Net Ericsson
Vcont voltage to PA
2-2 Variable attenuator The output of Notch Filter is applied to Variable a ttenuator circuit. Varia ble attenuator circuit consists of R202, R203, and CR201. The transmitter carrier power is controlled by applying control voltage from Power Control Circuit. This control voltage is applied through resistor R203 to the anode o variable capacitor CR201 and R202.
2-3 Buffer Amplifier and Low Pass Filter The output of Variable attenuator circuit is applied to the Buffer Amplifier U202 that is a mplified to +6dBm. The collector voltage for U202 is provided Switch circuit and is controlled by DPTT. Low Pass Filter consists of C207, C208, C232, and L201. The output of U202 is applied to PA module input through the Low Pass Filter.
2-4 PA Module The input of the PA Module is amplified to about 3W. B+ (7.5 V dc) is connected U201 through RF chokes L211. The PA Module consists of two stages RF amplifier. The first stage power supply voltage is supplied by power control circuit. The second RF amplifier operates in Class-C. This outpu can be regulated by power control circuit.
2-5 Automatic Power Control The Automatic Power Contr ol circuit samples the output power to the antenna to maintain a constan power level across the band. The Automatic Power Control circuit controls the Module U201. Directional coupler is include of Antenna Switch Module. Directional coupler provides a sample signal of transmit power for diode. Diode produce a positive DC voltage proportional to the transmitter circuit output power level, that is compared to a comparator (U301) from TX POWER CONT of control unit. The out put of U301 is applied to DC amplifier Q207, then the output voltage o Q207 controls to the Vcont of PA Module for constant output power level.
2-6 Antenna Switch Module The Antenna Switch Module consists of switch circuit and the Low Pass Filter. During transmit, DPTT line from HILLARY is high level. Tra nsistor Q205 turns on supply +7.2V to Antenna Switch Module Z302. When transmitting, the Antenna switch diode is low impedance.
3. Frequency Synthesizer Circuit It consists of the Reference Oscillator, PLL Freq uency Synthesizer chip U305, Loop filter, Rx VCO Z303, and Tx VCO Z304. PLL Freq u en cy S y nt hesi z er chi p r ec ei ve s P LL da ta , and c on tr ol i nformat i on fr o m t he microc omp ut er and from this generates the Tx/Rx RF frequencies. It also provides frequency lock status to the microcomputer. Rx VCO and Tx VCO are locked to the Reference Oscillator by a single direct-divide synthesis loop consisting of the Feedback Buffer, Prescaler, and PLL Frequency Synthesizer chip. The Tx VCO operates over a frequency range of 806-825MHz, 851-870MHz. The Rx VCO operates over a frequency range of 735.35-754.35MHz.
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