SUBJECT: M-803 Dash-Mount Installation InstructionsDATE: August 16, 2001
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This document describes the procedure for
installing the M/A-COM OpenSky
Dash-Mount Mobile Radio in a vehicle, such as
an automobile, truck, or van. This is a general
guide only, and assumes that the installation will
be performed by a professional radio installer.
The M-803 Dash-Mount Radio is designed to mount under or onto the dash inside
the passenger compartment of a vehicle. The installation kit (M/A-COM Part No.
MAMROS0017) needed to install the Radio is described below. The following table
describes the different accessories that are included in the kit:
Table I – Installation Kit Items
Model M-803
ItemQtyPart NumberDescription
111000003774Dash-Mount Bracket
211000005187-0001Unity Gain Antenna, Quarter-wave
311000005809-0002Fuse Kit, 15A
411000005824-0002DC Power Cable (3m)
511000005828-0002Speaker Cable Assembly
611000005928-0001Microphone Head
711000005975-0002Microphone Cable Assembly
81AD00006Pkg. of 4 Screws, #8-32 PAN HD, Black
* GPS Antenna Kit is o nly include d if the cor responding radio is eq uipped
with an optional GPS Unit.
Upon removing all items from the box and verifying that all have been included,
follow the following steps to install the M-803 Dash-Mount Radio. Refer to Figure 1
for location of connectors on the Radio.
SUBJECT: M-803 Dash-Mount Installation InstructionsDATE: August 16, 2001
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GPS Antenna
CAN Port
Figure 1 Rear Panel
1. Plan the mounting locations of all
components (Radio, Speaker,
Microphone, and Antenna), an d
determine the routes for all wiring and
2. Mount the bracket in the interior of the
Determine the customer’s preferences, if any, for
location of components. Com pl y with these
preferences insofar as they are consistent with
safety, manufacturer specifications, and
generally accepted profess ion al prac tic es.
Make certain that drilling holes or inserting
screws will not damage or interfer e with any
existing vehicle components or wiring. Follow all
manufacturer requirements and guidelines for the
location of components.
Mount the Bracket (Item 1) under or on top of the
dash according to the available space in the
vehicle. Screws for mounting the Bracket to the
dash are not included, as all installations are
different. The Bracket must be firmly held to the
surface in order to prevent unreasonable
vibration from damaging the Radio or loosening
For mounting on the transmission hump, select
appropriate hardware such as a mounting wedge
(not included in the Radio Installatio n Kit).
3. Mount the Radio onto the Bracket.Install the Mobile Radio into the Bracket using
the 4 screws (Item 8) and tighten with a
screwdriver until the bracket is firm and flush to
the surface of the Radio.
SUBJECT: M-803 Dash-Mount Installation InstructionsDATE: August 16, 2001
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4. Assemble the Microphone Cable
Assembly onto the Microphone Head.
Connect the Microphone Cable Assembly (Item
7) to the Microphone Head (Item 6) by sliding the
2-pin connector of the cable into the cavity of the
Microphone Head. Make sure the tab on the 2pin connector is on the same side as the cable
release hole on the back of the Microphone
Head. You will hear a click if properly inserted.
5. Install the Microphone Assembly into
the Mobile Radio.
6. Mount the Microphone Clip in the
interior of the vehicle.
7. If an optional CH-103 Control Head is
not being used with the M-803 Mobile
Radio, a CAN Terminator needs to be
8. Mount the Speaker in the interior of
the vehicle and connect it to the
Plug the 14-pin connector of the Microphone
Cable (Item 7) into the mating connector on the
face of the Mobile Radio by aligning the
connector appropriatel y and push ing. You will
again hear a click if properly inserted.
The Microphone Clip is included in the package
with the Microphone Head (Item 6). Ensure that
the Microphone Clip is connected to the vehicle’s
chassis ground by either screwing the mounting
screws directly into the chassis or by providing a
jumper wire to a lug that is attached to the Clip.
The Radio has a monitor function that can be
used when the Microphone is cradled in the Clip.
Install the CAN Terminator (Item 9) onto the 3pin connector at the rear of the Radio by aligning
the connector appropriately and twisting the
outer housing clockwise until it stops.
Install the Speaker (Item 10) in an area of the
front or rear dash that will allow for proper
listening range for voice operation. Use the
hardware and mounting bracket supplied with it.
Refer to the Speaker manufacturer’s instructions
included in the Speaker Assembly kit for
additional installation guidance.
Install the Speaker Cable Assembly (Item 5) onto
the 15-pin connector at the rear of the Radio
using a screwdriver. Do not over-tighten the
Connect the 2-pin connector on the Speaker
(Item 10) to the mating connector on the Speaker
Cable Assembly (Item 5). Route the excess
SUBJECT: M-803 Dash-Mount Installation InstructionsDATE: August 16, 2001
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cable out of the way of casual contact.
9. Mount the Antenna at a suitable
location on the vehicle, and route the
Antenna Cable inside the vehicle for
connection to the Radio.
installation of the antenna may
lead not only to poor radio
performance, but to harmful
exposure as well. See
Mounting Configurations
The Antenna (Item 2) that is included in the kit
must be mounted by drilling a hole. The optimal
position of the antenna is in the direct center of
the roof of the vehicle. Refer to
Mounting Configurations
necessary to follow when selecting the proper
mounting area for the antenna. Also, refer to the
antenna manufacturer’s mounting and testing
instructions included in the Antenna Assembly kit
for installation guidance once the mounting area
is determined.
Route the cable from the Antenna (Item 2) to the
rear of the Radio out of the way of casual
contact. Install the Mini-UHF connector of the
cable to the mating connector at the rear of the
cable by tightening until finger -tight. It is
important that this connector is tight to prevent
RF leakage from occurring, but not too tight that
damage occurs.
Do not connect the antenna cable to the Radio
until satisfactory completion of testing into a
dummy load (refer to
Testing Into a Dummy
for requirements
10. If an optional GPS unit is included in
the Radio, the GPS Antenna needs to
be connected to the Radio.
11. Prepare for connecting the power to
the Radio through the vehicle’s
Connect the SMA connector of the GPS Antenna
(Item 11) cable to the SMA connector on the rear
of the Radio and route the cable out of the way of
casual contact. The GPS Antenna is to be
mounted on the roof of the vehicle with one of
the 3 mounting configurations: Show-Mount, No
Show-Mount, and Magnetic Mount. The Antenna
must be kept at least 1 foot from any other
antenna mounted on the vehicle and have at
least 6 inches of ground plane beneath it.
Plan the cable route carefully, using an existing
access hole through the engine firewall if
possible. Alternatively, drill a new hole
approximately 3/8" in diameter and install a
rubber grommet to protect the cable.
1011 Pawtucket Boulevard
Lowell, MA 01853
SUBJECT: M-803 Dash-Mount Installation InstructionsDATE: August 16, 2001
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12. The Fuse for Radio power must be
installed in-line with raw battery
Strip one end of the wire included in the Fuse Kit
(Item 3) and crimp the terminal lug onto it. Cut
the wire to a length of about 6 inches and strip
the end to a length indicated by the gauge on the
fuse holder. Insert this end into the fuse holder
until the wire cannot go any further and crimp the
connection to the fuse holder. Use heat-shrink
tubing to protect the connection from foreign
materials. Connect the remaining wire in a similar
fashion to the other end of the fuse holder.
Connect the terminal to the vehicle’s battery in
the engine compartment. Route the wire through
a wire loom and pass it through the firewall using
a grommet to ensure the wire is not damaged.
13. Prepare the ground and sense
connections prior to applying power to
the Radio.
14. Apply the DC power connection to the
radios, the OpenSky® Mobile Radio
powers up immediately upon
application of DC power.
Unlike many mobile
Connect the DC Power Cable (Item 4) to the 3pin connector at the rear of the Radio. Locate a
chassis ground close to the Radio and strip back
any jacket insulation around the wires to allow for
the shortest distance of the black wire. Cut the
negative (black) wire as short as possible, strip it,
and crimp the terminal to it. Screw it into the
chassis ground, ensuring a reliable metal-tometal contact.
Connect the sense (white) wire of the DC Power
Cable (Item 4) to an appropriate terminal to
connect to a fused ignition sense in the fuse box
and route the excess wire out of the way of
casual contac t.
Using a pigtail, butt-splice, or solder-sleeve,
connect the positive (red) wire of the DC Power
Cable (Item 4) to the fuse wire (Item 3) and route
the excess wire out of the way of casual contact.
15. Test the output of the installed Radio
into a dummy load to verify that it
meets specifications.