This section describes the information c onta ine d in the manual and the
conventions used in its presentation.
1Reason for Reissue
This is the first issue of this user guide.
2A bout this User Guide
The target audience for the user guide is Radio Base Station (RBS) site
installation, site testing, and site maintenance personnel.
This manual contains the information required to install, troubleshoot, and
maintain the RBS 884 Macro with MCPA, 1900 MHz hardware.
2.1User Guide Contents
It is assumed that before the user guide is used to pe rform any activities at a
radio base station s ite, telephone transmission facilities, alternating current
(AC) electrical line power, and groun ding have been made available. Ensure
the antenna system is installed.
When the radio base sta tion equipment has been installed using the
information i n this manual, it will be left powered up ready for integr ation
into the network by personnel at the Mobile Services Switching Center
This user guide is divided into the following parts:
•Introduction – a description of the contents of the manual and how
the manual can be used.
•General Product Information – a description of the various systems,
platforms, and enclosures w it hin the RBS 884 family of Radio
Base Stations.
•System Description – a description of the hardware and functions of
the RBS 884 Macro with MCPA, 1900 MH z equipment.
•Installation – procedures for the installation of the RBS equipment
on the site.
•Hardware Replacement – procedures for basic troubleshooting and
replacement of equipment suspected to be faulty.
•Glossary of Terms – definitions of key terms used in the ma nual.
•Acronyms and Abbreviations – expanded versions of all of the
acronyms and abbreviations used in the manual.
•Appendix A, RF Guidelines.
•Appendix B, Documentation Overview.
•Appendix C, User Feedback.
•Appendix D, Conversion Table
Many of the procedures in the user guide require site-specific data from the
Site Inst allation Documentation relating to the particular radio base station
site where the installation i s to take place. This docum entation should be
available at the site.
The procedures in the user guide for installation and maintenance are
normally intended to be performed sequentially, in the order p resented.
3How to Use The User Guide
This user’s guide contains information required to install, test, operate, and
troubleshoot the RBS 884 Macro with MCPA, 1900 MHz system. Prior to
beginning a specific task or operation, do the following:
•Read the related Part or Appendix.
•Verify that all required materials and tools are available.
•Observe all dangers, warnings, and cautions for the task or operation.
The following document conventions apply to this user’s guide:
admonishments and typefaces. The admonishments alert the user to
hazardous or damaging actions. The typefaces emphasize text to enhance
the use of this user guide.
The General Product Information provides general information on
unconfigured radio base stations. Refer to the RBS 884 Site EngineeringManual for descriptions of the available working ba se station configurations
and for information on RBS interfaces (for instance, power, transmission,
and antennas).
The RBS 884 Series is a series of products in the CMS 8800 f ami ly. The
products in the RBS 884 Series are f ully featured modular RBSs for both
the analog AMPS EIA 553 and the digital D-AMPS EIA I S 136 systems
(Advanced M obile Phone System Electronics Industry Association 553
system and Digital American M obile Phone System Electronics Industry
Association Interim Standard 136 system).
General Product Information
A base station in the RBS 884 Series can s upport one, two, or three cells. A
cell is a defined area covered by one antenna system, and each cell has one
control channel for digital or one for analog, or both. There is one cell at an
omni site, and one to three cells at a sectorized site.
The RBS 884 Series utilizes multi-mode, multi-functional transceivers
(TRXs). The same hardware TRX module can be used for analog and digital
voice, contr ol and monitoring purposes.
The hot repair capability allows replacement of defective units when power
is still applied.
The RBS 884 Series is designed for remote control monitoring allowing
control and fine tuning of all functions and parameters, such as power output,
frequencies, and switching of redundant units from the M SC.
A Radio Frequency Test Loop (RFTL) is an optional feature that enables
precise output power settings, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) alarm,
and Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) test measurements.
The device software is stored in non-volatile memory within the RBS, and
the control part software is downloaded f rom the MSC, which ensures a
short time to service at power-up.