Harris 884PS Instruction Manual

Instrucon Manual
880 Series
Audio Distribuon Ampliers
Edion I
Delivering the Moment
Publicaon Informaon
© 2014 Imagine Communicaons Corp. Proprietary and Condenal.
This publicaon is designed to assist in the use of the product as it exists on the date of publicaon of this manual, and may not reect the product at the current me or an unknown me in the future. This publicaon does not in any way warrant descripon accuracy or guarantee the use for the product to which it refers. Imagine Communicaons reserves the right, without noce to make such changes in equipment, design, specicaons, components, or documentaon as progress may warrant to improve the performance of the product.
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© 2014 Imagine Communicaons Corp. Proprietary and Condenal
880 Series
Audio Distribution Amplifiers
Instruction Manual
Edition I April 2006


Manual Information...............................................................................................ix
Unpacking/Shipping Information ........................................................................xii
Standards ............................................................................................................xiii
Chapter 1: 880 Series Mounting Frames
Overview ................................................................................................................ 1
Mounting Requirements ........................................................................................ 2
FR-883 ............................................................................................................ 2
FR-884 ............................................................................................................ 3
Frame Cooling .......................................................................................................4
Power Consumption ...............................................................................................4
884 PS Power Supply ............................................................................................ 5
Cable Harness Support Bracket ............................................................................. 6
Back Panel Pinout Assignments ............................................................................7
Back Panel Connections ........................................................................................8
Chapter 2: AMD-880 Mono Audio Distribution Amplifier
Overview ................................................................................................................ 9
Chapter 3: APD-880 Programmable Audio Distribution
Amplifier Module
Overview .............................................................................................................. 11
Configuring an APD-880-0 .................................................................................12
Chapter 4: ARG-880 Audio Remote Gain Distribution
Amplifier Module
Overview .............................................................................................................. 13
Remote Control Information ............................................................................... 14
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual v
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
Chapter 5: ASD-880 Stereo Audio Distribution Amplifier
Overview .............................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 6: ATG-880 Audio Tone
Generator Module
Overview .............................................................................................................. 17
Control Loop .......................................................................................................18
Output Stage .........................................................................................................18
Chapter 7: 884PS Power Supply Module
Overview .............................................................................................................. 19
Installing the 884PS-48 .......................................................................................20
Precautions ...................................................................................................20
Branch Circuit Schematic ............................................................................. 21
Suggested Protection Devices ......................................................................21
Maintaining the 884PS-48 ...................................................................................22
Power Supply Replacement Fuse Information .............................................22
Power Supply Connections ..........................................................................22
Specifications ...............................................................................................22
Chapter 8: Specifications
Overview .............................................................................................................. 23
FR-883 / FR-884 Mounting Frames ..................................................................... 24
Electrical ....................................................................................................... 24
Mechanical ...................................................................................................24
AMD-880 Mono Audio Distribution Amplifier Module .................................... 25
Input ............................................................................................................. 25
Output ........................................................................................................... 25
Performance ................................................................................................. 25
AMD-880 Mono Audio Distribution Amplifier Module (600Ω Impedance) ..... 26
Input ............................................................................................................. 26
Output ........................................................................................................... 26
Performance ................................................................................................. 26
APD-880 Programmable Audio Distribution Amplifier Module ........................27
Input ............................................................................................................. 27
Output ........................................................................................................... 27
Performance ................................................................................................. 27
APD-880 Programmable Audio Distribution Amplifier Module (600Ω Impedance)
Input ............................................................................................................. 28
Output ........................................................................................................... 28
Performance ................................................................................................. 28
ARG-880 Audio Remote Gain Distribution Amplifier Module .......................... 29
Input ............................................................................................................. 29
Output ........................................................................................................... 29
Performance ................................................................................................. 29
ASD-880 Stereo Audio Distribution Amplifier Module ..................................... 30
Input ............................................................................................................. 30
vi 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
Output ........................................................................................................... 30
Performance ................................................................................................. 30
ASD-880 Stereo Audio Distribution Amplifier Module (600Ω Impedance) ...... 31
Input ............................................................................................................. 31
Output ........................................................................................................... 31
Performance ................................................................................................. 31
ATG-880 Audio Tone Generator Module ...........................................................32
Appendix A: Safety Precautions, Certifications, and
Safety Terms and Symbols in this Manual ..........................................................34
Preventing Electrostatic Discharge ...................................................................... 35
EMC and Safety Standards .................................................................................. 38
EMC Standards ............................................................................................ 38
Additional EMC Information .......................................................................39
Safety Standards ...........................................................................................40
Keywords ............................................................................................................. 41
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual vii
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
viii 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation

Manual Information


This manual details the features, installation, operation, maintenance, and specifications for the 880 series audio distribution amplifers.


This manual is written for technicians and operators responsible for installation, setup, maintenance, and/or operation of the product, and is useful to operations personnel for purposes of daily operation and reference.

Revision History

Table P-1. Manual Revision History
Edition Date Comments
Edition D March 2001


•Changed format
• Removed Theory of Operation and schematics
• Consolidated Specifications into one separate chapter
Edition E October 2001 Made changes to figure illustrating
FR-883/FR-884 back panel connections
Edition F November 2002 Added configuration information for
Edition G August 2003 Added specifications for ASD-880-GR stereo
audio distribution amplifier module
Edition H June 2004 Made changes to figure illustrating FR-882-M
back panel connections
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual ix
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation


Table P-1. Manual Revision History (Continued)
Edition Date Comments
Edition I April 2006 Removed information on obsolete products:
• FR-881 and FR-882 mounting frames
• 882 power supply
• ADA-815 audio distribution amplifier
• ADA-880 audio distribution amplifier
• ADA-881 audio distribution amplifier
• ADA-882 stereo audio distribution amplifier
• ADA-883 stereo audio distribution amplifier
• ADA-885 mono / stereo audio distribution amplifier
• APD-880-3, -4, -5 programmable audio distribution amplifiers
The 880 series platform is ideal for space-constrained operations demanding full local and remote control capabilities in a routing solution.
880 series products are perfect for
Television production facilities
Cable operators
Production and post-production facilities
Outside broadcast vans/trucks
DBS satellite operations

Writing Conventions

To enhance your understanding, the authors of this manual have adhered to the following text conventions:
Table P-2. Writing Conventions
Term or Convention
Bold Indicates dialog boxes, property sheets, fields, buttons, check
Italics Indicates email addresses, the names of books or publications,
CAPS Indicates a specific key on the keyboard, such as ENTER, TAB,
boxes, list boxes, combo boxes, menus, submenus, windows, lists, and selection names
and the first instances of new terms and specialized words that need emphasis
Code Indicates variables or command-line entries, such as a DOS
entry or something you type into a field
x 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
Table P-2. Writing Conventions (Continued)
Term or Convention
> Indicates the direction of navigation through a hierarchy of
hyperlink Indicates a jump to another location within the electronic
Internet address

Obtaining Documents

Technical documents can be viewed or downloaded from our website. Alternatively, contact your Customer Service representative to request a document.
menus and windows
document or elsewhere
Indicates a jump to a Web site or URL
Indicates important information that helps to avoid and troubleshoot problems
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual xi
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation

Unpacking/Shipping Information

Unpacking a Product

This product was carefully inspected, tested, and calibrated before shipment to ensure years of stable and trouble-free service.
1. Check equipment for any visible damage that may have occurred during transit.
2. Confirm that you have received all items listed on the packing list.
3. Contact your dealer if any item on the packing list is missing.
4. Contact the carrier if any item is damaged.
5. Remove all packaging material from the product and its associated components before you install the unit.
Keep at least one set of original packaging, in the event that you need to return a product for servicing.

Returning a Product

In the unlikely event that your product fails to operate properly, please contact Customer Service to obtain a Return Authorization (RA) number, then send the unit back for servicing.
Keep at least one set of original packaging in the event that a product needs to be returned for service. If the original package is not available, you can supply your own packaging as long as it meets the following criteria:
The packaging must be able to withstand the product’s weight.
The product must be held rigid within the packaging.
There must be at least 2 in. (5 cm) of space between the product and the container.
The corners of the product must be protected.
Ship products back to us for servicing prepaid and, if possible, in the original packaging material. If the product is still within the warranty period, we will return the product prepaid after servicing.
xii 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation


Appendix A: “Safety Precautions, Certifications, and Compliances” contains
product compliance and safety standards.

Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Compliance

Directive 2002/95/EC—commonly known as the European Union (EU) Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS)—sets limits on the use of certain substances found in electrical and electronic equipment. The intent of this legislation is to reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals that may leach out of landfill sites or otherwise contaminate the environment during end-of-life recycling. The Directive, which took effect on July 1, 2006, refers to the following hazardous substances:
Lead (Pb)
Mercury (Hg)
Cadmium (Cd)
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr-V1)
Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE)
According to this EU Directive, all products sold in the European Union will be fully RoHS-compliant and “lead-free.” (See our website for more information on dates and deadlines for compliance.) Spare parts supplied for the repair and upgrade of equipment sold before July 1, 2006 are exempt from the legislation. Equipment that complies with the EU directive will be marked with a RoHS-compliant emblem, as shown in Figure P-1.
Figure P-1. RoHS Compliance Emblem

Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Compliance

The European Union (EU) Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) deals with the collection, treatment, recovery, and recycling of electrical and electronic waste products. The objective of the WEEE Directive is to assign the responsibility for the disposal of associated hazardous waste to either the producers or users of these products. Effective August 13, 2005, producers or users will be required to recycle electrical and electronic equipment at end of its useful life, and may not dispose of the equipment in landfills or by using other unapproved methods. (Some EU member states may have different deadlines.)
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual xiii
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
In accordance with this EU Directive, companies selling electric or electronic devices in the EU will affix labels indicating that such products must be properly recycled. (See our website for more information on dates and deadlines for compliance.) Contact your local sales representative for information on returning these products for recycling. Equipment that complies with the EU directive will be marked with a WEEE-compliant emblem, as shown in Figure
Figure P-2. WEEE Compliance Emblem
xiv 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation


Carefully review all safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it. You will find a complete list of safety precautions in Appendix A. Any user-serviceable components (such as fuses or batteries) are only replaceable by those components listed in the manual.
IMPORTANT! Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures.

Safety Terms and Symbols in this Manual

Statements identifying conditions or practices that may result in personal injury or loss of life. High voltage is present.
Statements identifying conditions or practices that can result in damage to the equipment or other property.
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual xv
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
xvi 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
Preliminary—Contents are proprietary and confidential. Do not photocopy or distribute.

880 Series Mounting Frames


The 880 series, 8-output audio distribution amplifiers meet the most demanding requirements for AM/FM/TV broadcast and program production systems. Heading the list of the amplifier’s exceptional performance characteristics is the 100 dB S/N ratio. Flat frequency response, carefully controlled roll-off and very low distortion ensure a virtually transparent transmission path.
The amplifier’s input is overvoltage protected up to 120 volts AC or DC. The transformerless, balanced input is normally bridging, but can be terminated by installing a suitable resistor. Unbalanced input is converted to balanced output.
Chapter 1
Isolation between modules in the mounting frame is better than 100 dB over the entire audio frequency band.
The modular concept with two fully wired mounting frame options facilitates system design. The options are as follows:
The FR-883 and FR-884 mounting frames accept up to twelve 880 series audio distribution amplifier modules.
The FR-883 frame accepts one 884PS power supply, while the FR-884 frame accepts two 884PS power supplies. A fully loaded FR-884 frame will operate with a single power supply; however, we recommend that a second optional power supply be included for cooler operation and power redundancy.
The high efficiency, shielded switching power supply accepts line inputs from 90 to 135 VAC without changing transformer taps.
880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual 1
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
Preliminary—Contents are proprietary and confidential. Do not photocopy or distribute.
Chapter 1: 880 Series Mounting Frames

Mounting Requirements

All Leitch equipment is carefully inspected and calibrated before shipment to ensure years of stable and trouble-free service.
•Review “Unpacking/Shipping Information” on page xii in the Preface to this manual.
Inspect the equipment for any visible damage which may have occurred during transit before installation.
Make sure that all modules are properly seated in the mounting frame.
The mounting requirements of the 880 series frame options are as follows.


The FR-883 mounting frame requires 1 unit of rack space: 1¾ in. (44 mm) high × 19 in. (483 mm) wide × 11 in. (280 mm) deep. This frame can house 4 modules.
Figure 1-1. FR-883
Figure 1-2. FR-883 Back Panel
2 880 Series Audio Distribution Amplifiers Instruction Manual
Copyright © 2001-2004, 2006, 2008, Harris Corporation
+ 40 hidden pages