Harris 353 355 schematic

How to use your HARRIS amplifiers RF-353 or RF-355 in
automatic mode, without
Rev 1 December 2009
the HARRIS transceiver RT-1446
Technical Harris documents available:
RF-353 / AM-7224 Operation manual and service manual. RF-355 / AM-7223 Operation manual and service manual.
Step 1:
Inside amplifier, detection of the band to be used for amplification by the automatic band decoder, and, then, move the bandswitch to the right band. This is done, in by-pass, when you tune the antenna coupler, or transmit without amplifier. Power >= 5 watts is required.
Step 2:
With amplifier in service, make the “ Tune For Max “, either manualy, or automaticaly. This vary the tuning coil inductance inside output PI network. This is done in the remote control box, either with a manual switch CW / CCW, or with the automatic “ Tune For Max “ board . Power >= 20 watts is required.
Adaptations are described in 4 parts.
Part 1: Remote control box With 2 LCD’s bargraphs.
Part 2: AGC voltage inverter and FWD power voltage buffer.
Part 3: Automatic band decoder with PIC 16F628A.
Part 4: Tune For Max with PIC 18F1320.
That’s All Fox !!!!! Enjoy …..
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