This equipment should not be installed, operated or
maintained by any person who has not read and understood
all the contents of this manual. Failure to read and comply
with the contents of this manual can result in serious bodily
injury or death, and/or property damage.
Table of Contents
Section Page Number
1.0 Important Information and Warnings…………………………………………………………………4
9.0 Parts Information……………………………………………………………………………………. 41
1.0 Important Information and Warnings
1.1 Terms and Summary
This manual provides important information for personn el involved with the insta llation, operation an d maintenance
of this product. Although you may be familiar with this or similar equipment, it is strongly recommended that you read
this manual before installing, operating or maintaining th e product.
Danger, Warning, Caution and Notice - Through out this manual there are steps and procedures that can pre sent
hazardous situations. The following signal words are used to identify the degree or level of hazard seriousness.
These general instructions deal with the no rmal installatio n, operation, and maint enance situation s encountered with
the equipment described herein. The inst ructions sh ould not be interp reted to anticipate eve ry possible co ntingency
or to anticipate the final system, crane, or configuratio n that uses this e quipment. For syst ems using the equipment
covered by this manual, the supplier and o wner of the syst em are responsible for the system’s compliance with all
applicable industry standard s, and with all app licable federal, state and local regulations/codes.
This manual includes instructions an d parts information for a v ariety of hoi st types. Therefore, all i nstructions an d
parts information may not apply to any one type or size of specific hoist. Disregard those portions of the instructions
that do not apply.
Danger indicates an imminently hazardou s situation which, if not avo ided, will result in death or
serious injury, and property damage.
Warning indicates an imminently hazardous situatio n which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury, and property damage.
Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation whi ch, if not avoided, may re sult minor or
moderate injury or property damage.
Notice is used to notify people of installation, operation, or maintenanc e information whi ch is
important but not directly hazard-related.
Record your hoist’s Code and Serial Number (see S ection 3.11.6 a nd Figure 10-1) on the front cov er of this manual
for identification and future reference to avoid refe rring to the wron g manual for inf ormation or instru ctions on
installation, operation, inspection, maintenance, or part s.
Use only Harrington authorized replacement pa rts in the servi ce and maintena nce of this hoist.
Equipment described herein is not designed for and MUST NOT
or for lifting or supporting loads over peop le.
Equipment described herein should not be used i n conjunction with other equi pment unless necessary and/ or
required safety devices applicable to the system, crane, or appli cation are instal led by the syste m designe r, system
manufacturer, crane manufacturer, installer, or user.
Modifications to upgrade, rerate, or otherwise alter this equipm ent shall be auth orized only by the ori ginal equipment
Equipment described herein may be used in the desi gn and manufactu re of cranes or mon orails. Additional
equipment or devices may be required for the crane and monorail to comply with applicabl e crane design and safety
standards. The crane designer, crane manufactu rer, or user is respo nsible to furnish the se additional items for
compliance. Refer to ANSI/ASME B30.17, “Safety Standard for Top-Running Single Girder Cranes”; ANSI/ASME
B30.2 “Safety Standard for Top-Running Double-Girder Cranes”; and ANSI/ASME B30.11 “Safety Standard for
Underhung Cranes and Monorails”.
If a below-the-hook lifting device or sling is used with a hoist, refer to ANSI/ASME B30.9, “Safety Standard for
Slings” or ANSI/ASME B30.20, “Safety Standard for Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices”.
be used for lifting, supporting, or transporting people,
Hoists, trolleys and cranes, used to handle hot molten material may re quire additional equipment or devi ces. Refer to
ANSI Z241.2, “Safety Requirements for Melting and P ouring of Metals i n the Metalcasting In dustry”.
Failure to read and comply with any one of the limitation s noted herein can result in seriou s bodily injury or death,
and/or property damage.
Before performing ANY maintenance on the equipment, de-energize the supply of compressed a ir to the
equipment, and lock and tag the supply device in the de -energized p osition. Refer to ANSI Z244. 1, “Personnel
Protection - Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources.”
Only trained and competent personnel should i nspect and repair this equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to install, inspect, test, ma intain, and operate a hoist in accordance with
ANSI/ASME B30.16, “Safety Standard for Overhead Hoists”, OSHA Regulations. If the hoist is installed as part of a
total lifting system, such as an overhead crane or mono rail, it is also the respon sibility of the owner/user to compl y with
the applicable ANSI/ASME B30 volume that addresses that type of equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to have all personne l that will install, in spect, test, maint ain, and operate a
hoist read the contents of this manual and appli cable portions of ANSI/ ASME B30.16, “Safety Standa rd for Overhead
Hoists” and OSHA Regulations. If the hoist is installed as part of a total lifting system, such as an overhead cran e, the
applicable ANSI/ASME B30 volume that addresses that type of equipment must also be read by all personnel.
If the hoist owner/user requires additional information, o r if any information in the m anual is not clear, co ntact
Harrington or the distributor of the hoist. Do not inst all, inspect, test, maintain, or operate this hoist unless this
information is fully understood.
A regular schedule of inspection of the hoist in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ASME B30.16 should be
established and records maintained.
1.2 Warning Tags and Labels
The warning tag illustrated below in Figure 1-1 is supplied with each hoist ship ped from the factory. If the tag i s not
attached to your hoist (for pendant control, the warni ng tag is attached t o the pendant hose; for the pull cord control, the
warning tag is attached to the up cord), ord er a tag from you r dealer and install it. See parts li st in the parts section of
this manual. Read and obey all warnings attached to this hoist. Tag is not shown actual size.
front back
Figure 1-1 Warning Tag Attached to Air Hoist
2.0 T echnical Information
2.1 Specifications
2.1.1 Product Code
2.1.2 Operating Conditions and E nvironment
Temperature range: +14° to +140°F (-10° to +60°C)
Relative Humidity: 85% or less
Supply Air: 60 to 90 pounds per square inch
Air Consumption: 170 to 220 cubic feet minute
Air Lubrication Requirements: Minimum 10 to 15 drops p er minute (2-3 cc/mi n) of oil
Air Filtration Requirements: Maximum 5 micron air filter or finer
Load Limiter: Adjustable; Factory set to 125% of rated capacity
*Refer to Section 5.7 for inspection dimensions and limits.
2.3 Part Names
Figure 2-1 Hoist Part Identification Diagrams – 10 Ton TCR1 0000C2 a nd TCR10000 P2
Figure 2-2 Hoist Part Identification Diagrams – 25 Ton TCR2 5000P2 and T CR25000C2
3.0 Preoperational Procedures
3.1 Air Supply System Requirements
air hoist with required pressure and flow. Otherwise the hoist may operate poorly or may fail to
operate. See Section 3.2.
supply is the primary source of lubrication to the hoi st. Therefore, a dedicated air supply lubricator must
be used with the hoist. Refer to Section 3.3.
ensure its proper operation. The air must be clean and free of debri s such as dirt and rust. Refer to
Section 3.4 for filtration requirements. The air must al so be dry; free of moisture and wat er. Refer t o
Section 3.5.
Pressure and Flow - Verify that the air supply system has capacit y to supply your
Lubrication - The hoist requires lubricatio n for proper o peration. The oil in the ai r
Air Quality - Good air quality is essential to prevent dam age to your hoist a nd to
3.2 Air Supply Capacity And Regulation
3.2.1 Capacity - The air supply sy stem must be capable of deli vering the required airfl ow (cfm) to the hois t
inlet port. Without the required airflow the hoist will not operate prope rly or may not operate at all. See
Section 2.0 for your hoists air consumption re quirements. In dete rmining if your sy stem is capa ble of
supplying the required airflow, consider th e following:
Capacity of compressor(s) and tank
Other air consuming equipment
Flow restrictions such as pipes, hoses, v alves and f itting s
Inadequate capacity will cause a significant drop in pressure when the hoist i s operated, and co uld
cause poor performance or failure to operate.
3.2.2 Regulation - The hoist requires a con stant supply of air at a pressure of between 60 and 90 psi. If th e
air supply is not regulated or is regulated at a pressure greate r than 90 psi, then a regulator must be
used. The regulator may be located anywhere upline of the lu bricator in the air supply to the hoi st.
3.3 Lubrication
as follows:
1) Best location - At the hoist inlet. In this case the lubri cator can be either the mist type or drop
2) Second best location - No more than 15 feet away from the hoist, at the same el evation or
above the hoist inlet. In this case the mist type lubri cator must be used.
3) Third best location - No more than 15 feet away below the hoist. In this case the mist type
lubricator must be used.
minute (2 to 3 cc/minute). The hoist’s exhaust will emit a fine oil mi st when properly lubricated.
3.4 Filtration
microns in size. Therefore, the hoist must have a 5 mi cron filter
upstream of the lubricator.
The hoist must be supplied with its own lubri cator. The lubri cator must be located
The lubricator must be set to deliver the equivale nt of 10 to 15 drops of oil per
The air entering the hoist inlet must not contain any p articulate great er than 5
in its air supply. The filter must be
3.4.2 The filter servicing the hoist can also service othe r hoists and air consuming equip ment. In this case,
the air filter must be in sized for the total air con sumption of the equi pment it is servicing.
3.5 Air Dryer -
supply system to ensure that dry air
this moisture will cause corrosion on internal hoist components during periods when the hoist is idl e leading to
hoist malfunction.
3.6 Piping, Hoses And Fittings
Since moisture tends to accumulate in compressed air systems, corrosion may re sult if the system is
not periodically drained.
Arrange for a drain in the air supply piping at the lowest point in the piping, and
Periodically drain the system to remove moisture/water from the system and to prevent co rrosion.
Filter, regulator (if equipped), and lubricator must be arranged in the ord er shown in Figure 3 -2.
System Configuration - The system should be configured as sh own in Figure 3-1.
To prevent corrosion and hoist malfun ction, employ an air dryer in the air
is supplied to the hoist. If there is moisture in the air supplied to the hoist,
Figure 3-1 Diagram of Air Supply Configuration (Ty pical)
Figure 3-2 Typical Air Supply Filter, Regulator and Lub ricator.
Piping - Pipe should be sized to accommodate the hoi st airflow requi rements.
Table 3-1 gives recommended pipe si zes.
Table 3-1 Air Supply Pipe and Hose Sizes
Diameter of Supply
Diameter of Supply
Inside diameter
1.25 inch or larger
Inside diameter
1.0 inch or larger
Hoses - The connection from the ai r supply system piping to the hoi st must be
made with a flexible pressure hose. Due to normal li ne losses in air su pply lines:
Do not use hose smaller than specified in Table 3-1, and
Limit the length of the hose to that specified in Figure 3-3.
If your application exceeds these requirements consult factory.
Figure 3-3 Typical Arrangements of Filter, Regulator an d Lubricator and
Maximum Air Supply Hose Lengths
Fittings - Important considerations regarding fitting s in the hoist's ai r supply
When connecting air supply components, remove all dirt or debris from the con necting surfa ces of
the hoses, pipes, fittings, or threaded fasteners to prevent contaminants from entering the hoist.
Keep airflow restrictions such as quick disconnect fittings, bends, elb ows, and adapters to a
purging procedures to prevent contaminants or moist ure from enteri ng the hoist.
Before connecting the hoist to its air supply line; perf orm the proper d raining and
3.7 Mounting Location
are adequate to support the hoist and its loads. If ne cessary consult a p rofessional tha t is qualified to
evaluate the adequacy of the suspension location and its supp orting structure.
Prior to mounting the hoist ensure that the suspension and it supp orting structure
See Section 7.6 for outdoor installation considerations.
3.8 Connecting Hoist to Air Supply
3.8.2 Shut off the air supply and stop th e airflow compl etely. Lock out and tag out in a ccordance with ANSI
Z244.1 “Personnel Protection -Lockout/Tagout of Energ y Sources”.
3.8.4 Apply approximately 10-15 drops of turbine oil (see approved lub ricant under Section 6.0 Lubricants)
3.8.5 Make connection s to air supply; ref erence Figure 3-4. Use a red ucing adapter at the hoi st valve
clear any debris and water.
into the hose before attaching to the hoist.
section for hose sizes larger t han 1 inch.
the hoist first (Section 3.9) followed by connecting the air supply (Section 3.8).
3.9 Mounting the Hoist
3.9.1 Manual Trolley - Follow instructi ons in Owner’s Ma nual provided with t he trolley.
3.9.2 Motorized Trolley - Follo w instructions i n Owner’s Manual provided with the trolley.
3.9.3 Hook Mounted to a Fixed Location - Attach the hoist’s top hook to the fixed suspension point.
that the hook’s latch is engaged .
Figure 3-4 Typical Air Supply Connection
Before connecting the air supply hose to the hoist, always purge the ai r hose to
Where conditions dictate, the installation sequen ce can be reversed by mounti ng
Ensure that the fixed suspension point re sts on t he cente r of the h ook’s sad dle and
3.10 Non-Stationary Application
3.10.1 For applications such as rental fleets or construction sites where the hoist is moved from place-toplace, a filter and lubricator are still required. Consult factory for recommended meth ods.
3.10.2 Connections and fittings must be kept clean and care taken to prevent dirt, debris and moisture from
entering the hoist.
3.10.3 Recommended practice for removing the hoist fro m an installation:
Run the hoist briefly with well lubricated air
Disconnect the air supply line
Inject a small quantity (approximately 20 drops) of oil into the hoist’s inlet port
Plug the inlet port
3.11 Preoperational Checks and Trial Operation
Check for the availability of required operating air pressure of between 60 PSI to
90 PSI at the hoist's inlet port before trying to operate the hoist.
Verify that the load chain is not twisted or tangled and that the bottom hook is not
capsized prior to operating the ho ist. Correct all chain irregularities before conducting the first hoist
operation. See Figures 3-5 and 3-6.
Figure 3-5 Twist in Load Chain
Figure 3-6 Capsized Hook and Chain
Confirm the adequacy of the rated capacity for all slings, chains,
wire ropes and all other lifting attachments before use. Inspect all load suspension
members for damage prior to use and replace or repair all damaged parts.
Verify that the Chain/Limit Levers are operational and can move
freely in both the up and down directions. For reference see Figure 3-7.
Figure 3-7 Limit Switch Components – 10 Ton T CR10000C2 and T CR10000P2
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