This equipment should not be installed, operated or maintained
by any person who has not read and understood all the
contents of this manual. Failure to read and comply with the
contents of this manual can result in serious bodily injury or
death, and/or property damage.
Table of Contents
Section Page Number
1.0 Important Information and Warnings………………………………………………………………………. 4
1.1 Terms and Summary
1.2 Warning Tags and Labels
2.0 Technical Information ………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
9.0 Parts List…………………………………………………………………………………………………….37
9.1 Electrical Parts
9.2 Pendant Parts
9.3 Power Supply Parts
9.4 Side Plate and Suspension Parts
9.5 Motor Parts
1.0 Important Information and Warnings
1.1 Terms and Summary
This manual provides important information for personn el involved with the insta llation, operation an d maintenance
of this product. Although you may be familiar with this or similar equipment, it is strongly recommended that you read
this manual before installing, operating or maintaining th e product.
Danger, Warning, Caution and Notice - Through out this manual there are steps and procedures that can pre sent
hazardous situations. The following signal words are used to identify the degree or level of hazard seriousness.
Danger indicates an imminently hazardou s situation which, if not avo ided, will result in death or
serious injury, and property damage.
These general instructions deal with the no rmal installatio n, operation, and maint enance situation s encountered with
the equipment described herein. The inst ructions sh ould not be interp reted to anticipate eve ry possible co ntingency
or to anticipate the final system, crane, or configuratio n that uses this e quipment. For syst ems using the equipment
covered by this manual, the supplier and o wner of the syst em are responsible for the system’s compliance with all
applicable industry standard s, and with all app licable federal, state and local regulations/codes.
This manual includes instructions an d parts information for a v ariety of trolley an d hoist types. Therefore, all
instructions and parts information may n ot apply to any one type or size of specific trol ley or hoist. Disrega rd those
portions of the instructions that do not apply.
Warning indicates an imminently hazardous situatio n which, if not avoided, could result in death or
serious injury, and property damage.
Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situation whi ch, if not avoided, may re sult minor or
moderate injury or property damage.
Notice is used to notify people of installation, operation, or maintenanc e information whi ch is
important but not directly hazard-related.
Record your trolley’s Code, Lot and Serial Number on the front cover of this manual for identification and future
reference to avoid referring to the wrong manual for informatio n or instructions o n installation, ope ration, inspection,
maintenance, or parts.
Use only Harrington authorized replacement pa rts in the servi ce and maintena nce of this trolley.
Equipment described herein is not designed for and MUST NOT
or for lifting or supporting loads over peop le.
Equipment described herein should not be used i n conjunction with other equi pment unless necessary and/ or
required safety devices applicable to the system, crane, or appli cation are instal led by the syste m designe r, system
manufacturer, crane manufacturer, installer, or user.
Modifications to upgrade, rerate, or otherwise alter this equipm ent shall be auth orized only by the ori ginal equipment
Equipment described herein may be used in the desi gn and manufactu re of cranes or mon orails. Additional
equipment or devices may be required for the crane and monorail to comply with applicabl e crane design and safety
standards. The crane designer, crane manufactu rer, or user is respo nsible to furnish the se additional items for
compliance. Refer to ANSI/ASME B30.17, “Safety Standard for Top-Running Single Girder Cranes”; ANSI/ASME
B30.2 “Safety Standard for Top-Running Double-Girder Cranes”; and ANSI/ASME B30.11 “Safety Standard for
Underhung Cranes and Monorails”.
If a below-the-hook lifting device or sling is used with a hoist, refer to ANSI/ASME B30.9, “Safety Standard for Slings”
or ANSI/ASME B30.20, “Safety Standard for Below-the-Hook Lifting Devices”.
be used for lifting, supporting, or transporting people,
Hoists, trolleys and cranes, used to handle hot molten material may re quire additional equipment or devi ces. Refer to
ANSI Z241.2, “Safety Requirements for Melting and P ouring of Metals i n the Metalcasting In dustry”.
Electrical equipment described herein is design ed and built in co mpliance with Harri ngton's interpretation of
ANSI/NFPA 70, “National Electrical Code”. The system designer, system manufacturer, crane designer, crane
manufacturer, installer, or user is resp onsible to a ssure that the i nstallation a nd associated wi ring of these electrical
components is in compliance with ANSI/NFPA 70, and all applicable Federal, State and Local Codes.
Failure to read and comply with any one of the limitation s noted herein can result in seriou s bodily injury or death,
and/or property damage.
Before performing ANY mechanical or electrical mainten ance on the equipme nt, de-energize (disconn ect) the main
switch supplying power to the equipment; and lock and t ag the main swit ch in the de-e nergized positio n. Refer to
ANSI Z244.1, “Personnel Protection – Lockout/Tagout of Energy Sources”.
Only trained and competent personnel should i nspect and repair th is equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to install, inspe ct, test, maintain, and op erate a trolley or hoi st in accordance
with ANSI/ASME B30.16, “Safety Standard for Overhead Hoists”, OSHA Regulations and ANSI/NFPA 70, "National
Electric Code". If the trolley is installed as part of a total li fting system, such as an overh ead crane or monora il, it is
also the responsibility of the owner/user to comply with the applicable ANSI/ASME B30 volume that addresses that
type of equipment.
It is the responsibility of the owner/user to have all personne l that will install, in spect, test, maint ain, and operate a
hoist read the contents of this manual and appli cable portions of ANSI/ ASME B30.16, “Safety Standa rd for Overhead
Hoists”, OSHA Regulations and ANSI/NFPA 70, “Natio nal Electric Co de”. If the trolley is inst alled as pa rt of a total
lifting system, such as an overhead crane, the applicable ANSI/ASME B30 volume that addresses that type of
equipment must also be read by all perso nnel.
If the trolley owner/user requires additional information, or if any informatio n in the manual is not clear, contact
Harrington or the distributor of the trolley. Do not inst all, inspect, test, maintain, or operate this trolley unless this
information is fully understood.
A regular schedule of inspection of the trolley in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/ASME B30.16 should be
established and records maintained.
1.2 Warning Tag and Labels
The warning tag illustrated below in Figure 1-1 is supplie d with each trolley ship ped from the factory. If the tag i s not
attached to the pendant cord for your hoist/trolley, order a tag from your dealer and install it. Read and obey all warnings
attached to this trolley. Tag is not shown actual size.
front back
Figure 1-1 Warning Tag Attached to Trolley
2.0 Technical Information
2.1 Specifications
2.1.1 Product Code for MR Trolley Alone:
2.1.2 Product Code for MR Trolley with ER Series Electric Hoist:
Table 2-1 Trolley Specifications
1 MR010L/S 2.28 to 5.00
2 MR020L/S 3.23 to 6.02
3 MR030L/S 3.23 to 6.02
5 MR050L/S 3.94 to 7.01
8 MR080L 5.91 to 8.66 8.67 to 12.00 98.4 1.0 5.1 2.5 315
10 MR100L 5.91 to 8.66 8.67 to 12.00 98.4 1.0 5.1 2.5 315
15 MR150L 5.91 to 8.66 8.67 to 12.00
20 MR200L 5.91 to 8.66 8.67 to 12.00
1 MR010SD 2.28 to 5.00
2 MR020SD 3.23 to 6.02
3 MR030SD 3.23 to 6.02
5 MR050SD 3.94 to 7.01
Optional Beam
Flange Range
5.01 to 6.02 OR
6.03 to 12.00
6.03 to 7.02 OR
7.03 to 12.00
6.03 to 7.02 OR
7.03 to 12.00
7.02 to 7.60 OR
7.61 to 12.00
5.01 to 6.02 OR
6.03 to 12.00
6.03 to 7.02 OR
7.03 to 12.00
6.03 to 7.02 OR
7.03 to 12.00
7.02 to 7.60 OR
7.61 to 12.00
Radius for
31.5 0.5 3.2 1.6 66
31.5 0.5 3.2 1.6 84
39.4 0.5 3.2 1.6 104
70.9 1.0 5.1 2.5 157
31.5 0.4/0.1 2.9/2.2 1.5/1.1 75
31.5 0.4/0.1 2.9/2.2 1.5/1.1 93
39.4 0.9/0.2 3.6/3.1 1.8/1.6 110
70.9 0.9/0.2 3.6/3.1 1.8/1.6 165
1.0 x 2 5.1 x 2 2.5 x 2 611
1.0 x 2 5.1 x 2 2.5 x 2 633
Current Draw
208V or
2.1.3 Operating Conditions and Environment
Temperature Range: -4° to +104°F (-20° to +40°C)
Enclosure Rating: Trolley Meets IP 55, Pendant Meets IP 65
Supply Voltage: Standard 208-230/460V-3-60, Optional 575V-3-60, Special Voltages A vailable
Intermittent Duty Rating: Single Speed - 40% ED 240 starts per hour
2.2 Dimensions
Humidity: 85% or less
Dual Speed - 40/20% ED with 120/240 starts per hour
3.1.1 When the MR trolley is combined with a hoist, follow and complete all pr e-operational procedu res
provided with the hoist. For Harrington ER and NER mo del hoists, follow the p re-operational
procedures in the ER/NER Owner's Manual in conjuncti on with all informati on provided in thi s section
for mounting and electrical connections.
3.1.2 In addition to the information and procedures provided i n this secti on for the MR trolley, there are
specific details for using ER and NER h oists with MR troll eys. Special mounting a nd wiring
considerations must be taken if the trolley is used with a hoist other tha n an ER or NER mo del.
Never attempt to hook mount a hoist directly to the Suspension Shaft on trolleys
up to and including 5 Ton. These trolleys are de signed to be used with a suspender only an d do not
have the vertical clearance required for a hook to fit between t he Suspension Shaft a nd trolley beam .
3.1.4 Preparing ER and NER hoists for use wit h MR trolley.
1/8 to 3 Ton ER/NER – The standard susp ension co nfiguration u ses Suspender T which orient s the
hoist perpendicular to the trolley beam. Optional two-piec e suspension method u ses a Connection
Yoke and Suspender G, which orients the hoi st parallel to the troll ey beam. If the hoist is not eq uipped
with Suspender T or the Connection Yoke from th e factory, remove the Top Hook Assembly from the
hoist and install Suspender T or the Connection Yoke as follows:
1) Refer to Figure 3-1.
2) Remove the four Controller Cover so cket head bolts an d allow the co ver to swing fully open.
3) Loosen the three or four captive screws holding the electrical comp onent mounting Pla te against
the main body of the hoist and swing the plate out to access the req uired compone nts.
4)Loosen one of two Machine Screws attaching Pl ate A and remov e the second Machi ne Screw.
Allow Plate A to rotate out from the retaining slot in the bottom side of the Connection Shaft. Pull
out the Connection Shaft and remove the Top Hook Assembly.
5) Remove the Hoist Fixing Shaft.
6) Place Suspender T or the Connection Yoke on the top of the hoist. Line up t he holes for the
Connection Shaft and the Hoist Fixing Shaft and reinsert the shafts.
7) Reassemble the remaining hoist component s in reverse order of disassembly.
8) If installing the Connection Yoke, place the Connection Yoke Rubber and Suspender G in the top
of the Connection Yoke. Attach Suspender G to the Connection Yoke with the Yoke Bolt, Slotted
Nut and Split Pin (cotter pin).
9)There are two oil fill holes located in the top of the gear case on the ER hoist. For ER coupl ed to
MR trolley, there are some flange widths where it will be necessary to relocate the oil cap assembly
to the other oil fill hole. This will prevent interference with troll ey side plate.
3 Ton (030C) and5 Ton ER/NER – The 3 Ton (030C) and5 Ton ER/NER hoists (double fall) alwa ys
use a Connection Yoke. The standard suspension confi guration uses S uspender T which orient s the
hoist perpendicular to the trolley beam. Suspen der G is availabl e as an option an d orients the h oist
parallel to the trolley beam. If the hoist is not equipped with Suspender T or G from the factory, remove
the Top Hook Assembly from the Connection Yoke and install the Suspen der T or G as shown in
Figure 3-2.
8 to 20 Ton ER/NER – Since the trolley suspen sion shaft (s) passes throug h the hoist top pl ates, no
additional hoist preparation is required to mount the E R hoist to the trolley. Ho ok mount ER hoist s can
not be converted to lug mount without replaci ng the hoist's to p Suspension Plat es.
Suspender G
Split Pin
Slotted Nut
Suspender T
Hoist Fixing Shaft
(Retains Shaft)
Connection Yoke Rubber
Connection Yoke
Yoke Bolt
Plate A
Machine Screw
& Spring Washer
Controller Cover Assembly
Figure 3-1 Installing Suspender T or Connection Yoke on ER Hoists –
Up Through 3 Ton (except 030C) Capacity
Suspender T
Suspender G
Suspender T
Yoke Bolt
Connection Yoke
Suspender G
Slotted Nut & Split Pin
Note: Unlike 3 Ton (Single Fall)and below (see Figure 3-1), Suspender G for 3 Ton (030C) and
5 Ton connects directly to the Connection Yoke without the Connection Yoke Rubber.
Figure 3-2 Installing Suspender T or G on 3 Ton (030C) and5 Ton ER Hoists
3.1.5 Trolley Assembly
1) Refer to Figure 3-3 or 3-4.
2) Remove the Shaft Stopper Pin, Side Plate S, and Spacers from th e Suspension S haft. For beam
flanges that are wider than the standard range, diffe rent suspension shaft an d/or spacer
arrangements are provided. Refer to Ta ble 3-1.
3) Insert the Suspension Shaft to Side Plate G and attach it with the Suspension Shaft Bolt, Slotted
Nut and Split Pin (cotter pin). Refer to Figure 3-5 and insure that correct Suspensi on Shaft holes
are used. Securely bend both branches of the Split Pin after insertion.
4) Referring to Figure 3-8,Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 install the inner adjusting Space rs and Suspen der
(Suspension Plates for 8 to 20 Ton) on the Suspension Shaft. Use all of the Spacers provided with
the trolley. If the beam width is not listed in Table 3-2, use the next size small er and ma ke
adjustments in accordance with Section 3.1.6.
5) Place Side Plate S into the Suspension Shaft.
6) Install the outer adjusting Spacers on the Suspen sion Shaft outside of Side Plate S. Insert the
Shaft Stopper Pin into Hole "A" so that Split Pin is to the left when seen from the front side of t rolley
switch box. Temporarily install the split pin in the Shaft Stopper Pi n and bend the split pin slightly to
hold it in place. The split pin should be fully bent after checking a nd attaining the proper beam
flange adjustment.
7) For ER Hoists up through 5 Ton with Su spender T - Insert the T rolley Fixing Shaft through Sid e
Plate G, Suspender T and Side Plate S. Secure it to Side Plate G with the two split pins. Securely
bend both branches of the Split Pin after insertio n.
8) For 8 and 10 Ton ER Hoists - Insert the Tr olley Fixing Shaft through Sid e Plate G, Suspension
Plates and Side Plate S. Secure it to Side Plate G with two split pins. Securely bend both
branches of the Split Pin after insertion.
Figure 3-3 Assembling the Trolley – Up Through 5 To n Capacity
Note: 15 and 20 Ton trolleys use 2 Suspension Shafts and do not use Trolley Fixing Shafts.
is behind the Suspension Shaft.
Trolley Fixing Shaft is shown in front of Suspension Shaft for clarity. Actual location
Figure 3-4 Assembling the Trolley – 8 Through 20 To n Capacity
Figure 3-5 Suspension Shafts
3.1.6 Adjusting the trolley width - After assembling trolley per Section 3.1.5, check the adjustment as follows:
1) Refer to Figure 3-6 or 3-7.
2) Make sure both side plates are spread fully outward and Meas ure Dimension "A". Compare
dimension "A" with the following values:
For trolleys up through 5 Ton, "A" must be 1/8 to 3/16" g reater than "B".
For trolleys 8 Ton and larger, "A" must be 7/32 to 9/32" g reater than "B".
3) If "A" does not fall within the specified range, move spacers from inner to outer or from outer to
inner as necessary to obtain the proper "A" dimension, irrespe ctive of the numbers in Tabl e 3-2.
4) After obtaining the proper adjustment, install the Shaft Stopper Pin in Hole A, insert the Split Pin
into the Shaft Stopper Pin, and securely bend both bra nches of the split pin.
Side Roller
Inner Adjusting Spacers
Side Plate S
Outer Adjusting Spacers
Shaft Stopper Pin
Figure 3-6 Adjusting the Trolley – Up Through 5 Ton Ca pacity
Figure 3-7 Adjusting the Trolley – 8 Through 20 To n Capacity
Note: Inner Spacer rows on Table 3-2 list two numbers. First number is the quantity of spacers located on the
left side of the Suspender or Suspension Plates, second number is the quantity on the right side.
Example: 1 + 2
Í Adjusting Spacers on the right side (Side Plate S side)
Adjusting Spacers on the left side (Side Plate G side)
Figure 3-8 Spacers Arrangement
Table 3-1 Suspension Shaft Adjusting Spacers, an d Suspension Sha ft Bolt
3.1.7 Counter Weight – For proper balance 1 T on, dual speed MR trolleys (code MR01 0SD) require a
Counter Weight when installed on a 3 7/8 inch or smalle r beam flange. The Co unter Weight mounts on
the Suspension Shaft as shown in Figure 3 -9 and is held in place with a Bolt, Slotted Nut and Split Pin.
The bolt is installed through holes B and C. Make sure t he weight is securely fastened to the shaft and
that the split pin is properly bent. All other trolley capacities do NOT re quire a counter weig ht.
Figure 3-9 Counter Weight installation for 1 Ton dual speed t rolleys o n
beam flanges 3 7/8 inch or smaller
3.2 Mounting Location
supporting structure are adequat e to support th e trolley, hoist and it s loads. If necessary consult a
professional that is qualified to evaluate the ade quacy of the suspen sion location and it s supporti ng
Prior to mounting the trolley (and hoist) ensure that the trolley beam and its
See Section 6.4 for outdoor installation considerations.
3.3 Installation of Trolley onto Beam
3.3.1 Assemble and adjust the trolley before attempting to install the trolley on the beam.
3.3.2 Preferred Method – Sliding the trolley connected with an electric chain hoist onto the traver sing beam
from the beam end is the most convenient and re commended metho d. If the trolley can be mount ed
from the end of the beam then: Remove the trolley end -stop from the beam an d set the trolley on the
beam from the end. Securely re-install the trolley end stop on t he beam.
3.3.3 Optional Method for Trolleys Up to 5 Ton – If the troll ey cannot be mounted from the end of the bea m,
complete the installation as follows:
1) Move the Shaft Stopper Pin to Hole B (see Figure 3-10).
2) Spread the trolley side plates apart.
3) Lift the trolley onto the beam so that the geared wheels (motor sid e of trolley) rest on the beam's
4) Hold Side Plate G securely so that it does not come off the b eam then push th e side plates
together so that all four wheels rest on the beam's flange .
5) Remove the Shaft Stopper Pin from Hole B and re-inst all in Hole A (see Figure 3-5). Bend t he Split
Pin securely. Never use trolley with Shaft Stopper Pin in Hole B. Hole B is ONLY used when
installing the trolley on the beam.
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