Maximum Flow Rate Recommended Flow Rate Model Pleated Filter Area
Up to 50 GPM 35 GPM WBC 40SC-2 40 sq. ft.
Up to 100 GPM 70 GPM WBC 90SC-2 90 sq. ft.
Up to 150 GPM 105 GPM WBC 170SC-2 170 sq. ft.
Up to 300 GPM 210 GPM WBC 170SC-2 (two filters*) 340 sq. ft. (two filters*)
Up to 450 GPM 315 GPM WBC 170SC-2 (three filters*) 510 sq. ft. (three filters*)
Up to 600 GPM 420 GPM WBC 170SC-2 (four filters*) 680 sq. ft. (four filters*)
Up to 750 GPM 525 GPM WBC 170SC-2 (five filters*) 850 sq. ft. (five filters*)
Filter Model Cartridg e
Product Code
Micron Rating
Cartridge Dimensions
L x OD x ID
Ship Wt./Ctn.
(One Cartridge)
WBC 40SC-2
HC/40-0.35 0.35 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-1 1 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-5 5 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-10 10 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-20 20 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-50 50 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-100 100 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-150 150 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
HC/40-EZ-CLEAN NR* 9-5/8” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 4 lbs.
WBC 90SC-2
HC/90-0.35 0.35 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-1 1 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-5 5 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-10 10 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-20 20 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-50 50 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-100 100 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-150 150 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
HC/90-EZ-CLEAN NR* 19-1/2” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 7 lbs.
WBC 170SC-2
HC/170-0.35 0.35 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-1 1 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-5 5 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-10 10 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-20 20 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-50 50 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-100 100 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-150 150 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
HC/170-EZ-CLEAN NR* 30-3/4” 7-3/4” 3” FPT 10 lbs.
Model A Height Inlet Outlet Drain
WBC 40SC-2
25-1/8” 2” MNPT 2” MNPT 1/2” FNPT
WBC 90SC-2
35” 2” MNPT 2” MNPT 1/2” FNPT
WBC 170SC-2
46-1/4” 2” MNPT 2” MNPT 1/2” FNPT
WBC Filters
are rated for pressures
to 150 psi
and temperatures
to 140°F.
Use the chart shown below to size WBC Filters for your application:
*Parallel installation with valves to isolate filters for service while other filters are operational.
Note: Lower flow rates and pressures result in longer cartridge life. Designing to 70-80% of maximum flow will increase overall performance.
Pressure Drop
The total head loss data shown below was developed by NSF International and indicates pressure drop with
Filter and one micron filter cartridge in clean water.
WBC Filter Housings Utilize Hurricane
Filter Cartridges
Hurricane® replacement
cartridges are available in
a wide range of nominal
ratings, shown right.
Cartridges are rated for
temperatures to 140˚F
and may be used to
separate solids in liquids
with a pH of 3 to 11.
Packaged one cartridge
per carton.
Activated carbon and Poly-Pleat Hurricane® cartridges available. Please see catalog. * NR - not rated
Cartridge Cleaning Instructions
Hurricane® cartridges are made of Polyester Plus™,
a proprietary blend of polyester fibers which can be
cleaned in most applications and micron ratings to
make Waterbetter
filter elements reusable! For best
results, follow the directions described below:
When Cartridge Cleaning
is Possible
Clean cartridge when pressure differential is 12 psi
above startup differential.
Non-cleanable Applications
Replace cartridge when pressure differential is 30 psi
above start-up differential or when flow has diminished
to an unacceptable level, indicating cartridge is at
Cartridge Removal
To remove filter cartridge, drain filter housing. Remove
lid. Hold lifting handle and pull upward to remove filter
cartridge from filter housing. Follow cleaning
instructions described herein.
Lid Replacement
Clean o-ring and contacting surfaces of tank and lid.
Reposition o-ring, lid and clamp band making sure that
clamp covers housing flange and lid flange. Tighten
clamp band slowly insuring proper engagement of
clamp to flanges. Continue tightening clamp closure
bolt and, if necessary, strike the clamp with a mallet in
an inward radial direction and all around its circumference to prevent sticking between clamp and flanges.
When Cartridge Cleaning is Not Possible
For best results, clean
cartridges with pressure
nozzle using standard
hose. Direct spray at
an angle to remove
particulate (see photo).
Follow these directions
to remove oils, organic
matter, algae and mineral
OILS: Soak cartridge in
a solution of tri-sodium
phosphate or similar
strong detergent (2 lbs. to
10 gallons of water). Soak
up to 12 hours for best
results. Rinse after bath.
ORGANIC MATTER, ALGAE: Use tri-sodium phosphate solution
as described above, plus 1 pint of liquid chlorine to kill organic matter
and algae. Soak cartridge one hour or longer until surface is no
longer “slippery.” Rinse after bath.
CALCIUM MINERAL DEPOSITS: Follow directions for “oils”
described above. Soak cartridge for approximately ten minutes in a
solution of one part of muriatic acid to twenty parts of water. Rinse
cartridge thoroughly with water.
Generally, it is not possible to clean Hurricane
filter cartridges when
filtering petroleum-base liquids, toxic substances, and one and
below micron applications.
Note: Pressure gauges are recommended to indicate when cartridge
cleaning or replacement is necessary.
Cartridge Care
Cartridge Cleaning in Aqueous Applications
Caution: Do not rinse cartridges with acid
until oils and organic matter are removed.
Use detergent first and follow with acid bath
for mineral removal. Flush cartridges with water
after muriatic or tri-sodium phosphate baths.