Harmony SST-768, H768 User Manual

Harmony Remote SST-768 User Manual
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
This User Manual introduces you to the main features of your Harmony Remote SST-768. Please note that the HarmonyRemote.com web site and web wizards are constantly updated to improve your experience. At times the information in this manual may be out of date. If in doubt, follow the information and instructions on the web site. Select a topic from the Index to learn more about your Harmony Remote SST-768:
If you did not find what you were looking for, contact us.
Setting up your Harmony Remote
Using your Harmony Remote
Customizing your Harmony Remote
Interacting with your entertainment
controls just those devices that are needed. For example, in the "Watch a Videotape" Activity example
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
The Harmony Remote is an internet powered universal remote. For the first time you will be able to control your home entertainment devices as a system, not as a collection of components.
To configure your Harmony Remote, answer web wizard questions to create your own personal Harmony configuration. The web wizards allow you say how you have set up your home entertainment components, and what your preferences are.
Your Harmony Remote can control most devices that understand infrared (IR) signals. If one of your devices is not in the HarmonyRemote.com database, the web wizard will learn about your device and will automatically add it to the database.
At the end of the setup process, you will have your own configuration loaded onto your Harmony Remote and your own personal Harmony Member home page. Come back to your Member home page as often as you like to customize all of your Harmony Remote’s features, to update your interactive television listings, to explore your Zap links, or to add new entertainment devices.
How is the Harmony Remote SST-768 different?
The Harmony Remote SST-768 has fewer buttons than many other remotes. This is because the Harmony Remote takes care of many tasks automatically. For example, you do not need a separate button to choose between controlling your TV or your VCR. With the Harmony Remote, you say what you want to do (e.g. Watch a Videotape) and the Harmony automatically controls your TV and your VCR at the same time! You do not have to program any macros to achieve this level of automated and simple control.
The ways that you interact with your entertainment system are grouped into Activities. Each Activity
above, the Harmony Remote controls the television and VCR together.
There are two buttons and a scroll wheel on the right hand side of your Harmony Remote. The scroll
Harmony Remote showing side LCD control buttons.
- - - -
- - - - - -
- -
- - - - - - -
Scroll & Select
Change Mode / Cancel
- -
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
wheel can be rotated with your thumb or finger to view options on the LCD screen. The scroll wheel is also a Select button. Press it on your Harmony Remote to feel it click. This is used to select options that you see on the LCD screen. The oval button below the scroll wheel generally changes to a new Mode, Cancels a selection, or Exits a sub-menu.Take a moment to find these buttons in the picture, and on your Harmony Remote.
Smart State Technology
Smart State TechnologyTM is what allows the Harmony to command your entire entertainment system with just one touch. For example, when you select an Activity (e.g. "Watch a DVD"), the SSTTM
instantaneously evaluates the current state of all your individual components and then sends the appropriate commands for perfect configuration. In other words, the Harmony will turn on your TV,
DVD and receiver, set the inputs, and even start the DVD playing. With SSTTM, you will never need to program macros to control your system simply and perfectly.
If your Harmony Remote gets out of sync with your entertainment devices, press the Help button. For more information, read the "Using your Harmony Remote" chapter in this manual.
the LCD screen may show different commands. For example, when you watch a DVD, you can change
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
When your entertainment system is off, your Harmony Remote shows the main menu on its LCD screen. The main menu shows which Activities you can enjoy. Different homes have different entertainment devices, so your Harmony will only show you the Activities that are relevant to you!
Once you have selected an Activity to enjoy, your Harmony's LCD screen will show options that are available for that Activity. The functionality of the buttons on your Harmony is also tailored to the Activity.
Some Activities have more than one Mode. Press the side button (below the scroll wheel) to change Modes. In each Mode the buttons on the Harmony Remote may have slightly different functions, and
between Play Mode and Navigate Mode. In Play Mode the number buttons send the corresponding numbers to your DVD player. In Navigate Mode, the numbers 5 (Up), 0 (Down), 7 (left), 9 (Right) control the cursor on your DVD's onscreen menu, and the 8 (select) button selects an onscreen option.
Setting up your Harmony Remote
downloaded from the Internet to your computer. From there it is transferred to your Harmony Remote's
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
Step 1: Create a new User account
Enter information about yourself, such as your address and zip code. This information is used to determine which antenna, cable or satellite channels are available in your area.
Step 2: Answer web wizard questions about what devices you want to control as a system
This step is best performed by someone in your household who is familiar with your entertainment system. The web wizard will ask you questions about the make and model of your entertainment devices.
If your device model number is not in the HarmonyRemote.com database, you have the option of choosing a compatible device, or setting up the device you own. We recommend that beginners select a compatible device to start. This will get you up and running faster. Later you can come back to your Member Home Page, and tweak the functionality of the device you chose.
At times the wizards will ask you to press buttons on your current remote controls to identify infrared languages or teach infrared commands. This will allow your Harmony Remote to determine which infrared languages and commands control your entertainment devices. Gather all of your current remote controls and bring them to your computer. For more details on the best way to teach infrared, please read the "Customizing your Harmony Remote" chapter in this manual.
Step 3: Answer web wizard questions about how you have set up your entertainment devices
As described in the previous chapter, your Harmony Remote organizes functionality into Activities. The web wizard will ask you questions about how your entertainment devices are connected so that appropriate Activities can be created and automatically configured.
The web wizard not only creates a configuration that is perfect for your entertainment system, but also for your preferences. Therefore there will also be questions related to your favorite channels, channels you would like to hide, etc.
Update your Harmony Remote with your configuration
Once you have finished answering the questions, the wizard compiles a configuration that is then memory via the USB cable. Your Harmony contains Flash memory to store your configuration, so it is
never lost, even if you take out the batteries.
Whenever you wish to make changes (such as when you buy a new entertainment device), simply logon to your Member Home Page at HarmonyRemote.com and update your Harmony Remote with the new configuration.
Keep in mind that because everyone's entertainment devices are different, the wizards may not get
things exactly right the first time. That's ok. Just go back to your Member Home Page and tweak the
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
settings, or run one of the setup wizards again. Update your Harmony Remote with the new configuration and try again.
Something to remember is that whenever your configuration file is transferred to your Harmony Remote's memory, all of your TV listings are transferred as well. This transfer can take a few minutes depending on how many channels are transferred.
Using your Harmony Remote SST -768
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
Important: Please read before using your Harmony Remote for the first time.
After your Harmony Remote has been programmed for the first time you must synchronize it with your entertainment devices. This will tell the Harmony Remote which devices are on and off, and what their inputs are set to. You will only have to do this the first time that you try an Activity. From then on your Harmony Remote will rememeber these settings and will control all of your entertainment devices for you.
Synchonization Steps:
1. Start by turning off all of your entertainment devices by hand or with their original remote controls (you can put them away after this because you shouldn't need them again).
2. Use the scroll wheel on the side of your Harmony Remote to choose an Activity you would like to try (see below for more details on how to select Activities).
3. If your Harmony Remote did not seem to turn on the correct devices for that Activity, or if an input or setting is not correct (for example, you do not see a picture on your TV or hear sound) press the Help button on your Harmony Remote. Answer the questions on your Harmony Remote's LCD screen by selecting Yes or No with the scroll wheel. This will synchronize the Harmony Remote with your entertainment devices.
4. Press the Harmony Remote's power button to turn off your entertainment system.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 to try other Activities.
6. After you have tried each Activity (and used Help if necessary), if your Harmony Remote is not controlling your entertainment system as you expect it to, then return to your Harmony Member home page. Click on the "Troubleshoot" button and the Troubleshooting web wizard will help you find the problem and make the necessary changes to get all of your Activites working perfectly.
Selecting an Activity
Scroll and select an Activity
- - - -
- - - - -
- -
- - - - - - Resynchronize
Scroll & Select Activity
- -
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
When your entertainment system is turned off, your Harmony Remote LCD display shows Activities that you can enjoy. The Harmony Remote only displays Activities that you have set up for your entertainment system. The picture below shows some of the Activities that you may have set up.
Select Fav. Activity
To select an Activity that you wish to enjoy, simply rotate the scroll wheel with your thumb until you see the Activity on the LCD screen. Then press the scroll wheel in to select the Activity (you will feel it click). The Harmony Remote will send all the appropriate commands to your entertainment system so that it is configured for that Activity. For example, if you have a television and a satellite receiver, the Harmony Remote will turn on your television, turn on your satellite receiver, and set your television to the correct input.
When your entertainment system is off, press the Power button to quickly select your favorite Activity. By default this is the “Watch Television” Activity. You can use this tip to explain quickly to friends, relatives, or the baby sitter how to turn on your entertainment system and
start channel surfing.
Changing Activities
So if you use your television, stereo receiver and DVD player to watch DVDs, when you select "Watch
Before resynchronizing, make sure the cause of the problem has been addressed. For example,
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
To change to a different Activity, simply press the POWER button once. The LCD screen will prompt you to "Press the POWER button again to switch off your entertainment system, or scroll for more options". Rotate the scroll wheel with your thumb until you see the desired Activity on the LCD screen. Then press the scroll wheel in to select the Activity. The Harmony Remote will send all the appropriate commands to your entertainment system so that it is configured for that Activity.
An alternative method of changing to a different Activity is to use the Mode/Cancel button to switch into Control Mode. Once in Montrol Mode you can use the scroll wheel to select the "Change Activity" menu item and the use the scroll wheel again to select the desired Activity. The Harmony Remote will send all the appropriate commands to your entertainment system so that it is configured for that Activity.
Status Light
The green status light located at the top of your Harmony Remote blinks or shines at various times to remind you that your Harmony Remote is sending infrared commands to your entertainment devices.
a DVD" the status light may stay on for 3 to 5 seconds.
Make sure that you keep your Harmony Remote pointing at your entertainment devices while the green status light is on.
From time to time when you select an Activity, your system will not be configured perfectly. This can happen when the Harmony Remote is sending many infrared commands to set up all your devices for an Activity, and some of the commands are not received by one or more devices. The Harmony Remote is then "out of sync" with your devices because it thinks one of your devices is on, for example, but it is still turned off. These are some of the reasons why the Harmony Remote can get out of sync with your system when selecting an Activity:
Someone walks between the Harmony Remote and your entertainment system while the red status light is on
You point your Harmony Remote away from your system while the red status light is on
There is an object blocking the line-of-sight between your Harmony Remote and the system
You are very far away from your entertainment system
remove all obstructions so that the infrared commands that the Harmony Remote sends can be received by the entertainment devices.
To resynchronize, press the Help button. The Harmony Remote will ask you a series of questions such as "Is the Television On?" and "Is the Stereo Receicer set to the DVD input?". Answer the questions on your Harmony Remote's LCD screen by selecting Yes or No with the scroll wheel. When you're done, the Harmony Remote will be back in sync with your devices.
If after answering a few questions you believe the Harmony Remote is in sync again, press the
side button (below the scroll wheel) to skip the rest of the resynchronization questions.
the LCD screen may show different commands. For example, when you watch a DVD, you can change
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
Menu and Button Functions (Modes within Activities)
When you select an Activity, the Harmony Remote will not only turn on all the correct entertainment devices and set their inputs correctly, it will also set up its LCD menu and buttons to match that Activity. For example, if you select the "Watch Television" Activity, the LCD will show a list of channels that you can select, and the Recall button will send "Previous Channel".
Some Activities have more than one Mode. Press the side button (below the scroll wheel) to change Modes. In each Mode the buttons on the Harmony Remote may have slightly different functions, and
between Play Mode and Navigate Mode. In Play Mode the number buttons send the corresponding numbers to your DVD player. In Navigate Mode, the numbers 5 (Up), 0 (Down), 7 (left), 9 (Right) control the cursor on your DVD's onscreen menu, and the 8 (select) button selects an onscreen option.
The diagrams below show the various Modes within each type of Activity. They show example LCD menus, and the default function of each button.
"Watch Television" Activity
"All Channels" or "Favorite Channels" Modes
- - - -
Change Activity / System
Volume Up
Volume Down
Show Listings
+10, +100,
or .
- - - - -
Previous Channel
Scroll & Select
Change Mode / Cancel
Channel Up
Channel Down
Enter / Select
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
Favorite Channels Mode: In this mode, the LCD shows a list of all of your favorite channels. To change your favorite channels, from your Member Home Page, click on the "Edit this Activity" link next to the Watch Television icon, and then click on the "Change Settings" link.
All Channels Mode: In this mode, the LCD shows a list of all channels for you to select from. The list will not contain channels that you have deselected (i.e. channels you do not like). To hide channels that you never watch, from your Member Home Page, click on the "Edit this Activity" link next to the Watch Television icon, and then click on the "Change Settings" link.
The button functions are quite similar in each of the modes in the "Watch Television" Activity. The Zap button bookmarks what you see on television. The Volume buttons control the volume on your television or stereo receiver (whichever you have specified to the web wizard). The Channel and number buttons change channel on your television, VCR, cable box, or satellite receiver, etc. (whichever you have specified to the web wizard).
"Watch Television" Activity,
Power Off
Favorite Shows Mode: In this mode, the LCD shows a list of the TV shows that are on your favorite channels at a particular time. To change your favorite channels,
from your Member Home Page, click on the "Edit this Activity" link next to the Watch Television
"All Shows" or "Favorite Shows" Modes
- - Previous Time Slot
Change Activity / System
Volume Up
Volume Down
Channel Listings
+10, +100,
or .
- - Next Time Slot
- -
Previous Channel
Scroll & Select
All Shows / Fav. Shows
Channel Up
Channel Down
Enter / Select
Harmony Remote User Manual
March 25, 2003
icon, and then click on the "Change Settings" link. All Shows Mode: In this mode, the LCD shows a list of all TV shows that are on
your channels at a particular time. The list will not contain TV shows on channels you have deselected (i.e. channels you do not like). To hide channels that you never watch, from your Member Home Page, click on the "Edit this Activity" link next to the Watch Television icon, and then click on the "Change Settings" link.
In the "All Shows" or "Favorite Shows" modes, the ">>" button allows you to see what's on in later time slots. This can be especially useful close to the hour (or half hour) when programs are about to change. Press this button to see what's on next. The "<<" button shows what was on in previous time slots.
"Watch Television" Activity,
Power Off
In "All Channels" or "All Shows" modes, the list on the LCD can be quite long (depending on how many channels you receive). To rapidly scroll to a channel or show, the list is
scrolled by pages when the cursor is at the top or bottom of the LCD screen. The arrow bars on the left side of the LCD screen remind you of this. To disable this rapid page scrolling mode, from your Member Home Page, click on the "Edit this Activity" link next to the Watch Television icon, and then click on the "Change Options" link.
+ 25 hidden pages