Harmonic MediaGrid ContentBridge 4000 Installation Manual

Harmonic MediaGrid ContentBridge
Release 5.0
Installation Guide
Revision B
Manual Part No. N/A October 2018 Copyright © 2017–2018 Harmonic Inc. All rights reserved. Harmonic, the Harmonic logo, Omneon, the Omneon logo, [all other Harmonic products mentioned] are trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks of Harmonic Inc. in the United States and other countries. Dolby, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus and Dolby E are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Implementations of AAC and HE-AAC by Fraunhofer IIS. Other company, product and service names mentioned herein may be trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. All product and application features and specifications are subject to change at Harmonic's sole discretion at any time and without notice.
Harmonic® reserves the right to alter the product specifications and descriptions in this publication without prior notice. No part of this publication shall be deemed to be part of any contract or warranty unless specifically incorporated by reference into such contract or warranty. The information contained herein is merely descriptive in nature, and does not constitute a binding offer for sale of the product described herein. Harmonic assumes no responsibility or liability arising from the use of the products described herein, except as expressly agreed to in writing by Harmonic. The use and purchase of this product does not convey a license under any patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, or any intellectual property rights of Harmonic. Nothing hereunder constitutes a representation or warranty that using any product in the manner described herein will not infringe any patents of third parties.
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Dolby is a registered trademark of Dolby Laboratories. Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby Pulse, aacPlus, AC-3, and Dolby® E are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. Level Magic and Jünger are trademarks of Jünger Audio Studiotechnik GmbH. MPEG Audio technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS http://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/amm/. PitchBlue® is a registered trademark of Vigor Systems. QuickTime and the QuickTime logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., used under license therefrom.
Third-party copyright notes
Harmonic software uses version 3.15.4 of the FreeImage open source image library under FreeImage Public License (FIPL). See http://
freeimage.sourceforge.net for details. The product may include implementations of AAC and HE-AAC by Fraunhofer IIS; and MPEG Audio technology
licensed from Fraunhofer IIS. The software described in this publication may use version 2.8 of FFmpeg open source package under Lesser General Public License (LGPL).
The software described in this publication is furnished under a nondisclosure agreement, or the License Agreement and Limited Warranty stated below, and the end user license agreement (which is furnished with the software), which may have additional terms. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of those agreements. By using the software, you acknowledge you have read the end user license agreement and the License Agreement and Limited Warranty provision.
The product described in this publication maybe covered by one or more of U.S. Patents, their foreign counterparts and pending patent applications.
The product is distributed with certain other software that may require disclosure or distribution of licenses, copyright notices, conditions of use, disclaimers and/or other matter. Use of this product or otherwise fulfilling their conditions constitutes your acceptance of it, as necessary. Copies of such licenses, notices, conditions, disclaimers and/or other matter are available in any one of the following locations: the LEGAL NOTICES AND LICENSES section of the documentation directory of the product, user guide, or by contacting us at support@harmonicinc.com.
Information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice or obligation. While every effort has been made to ensure that the information is accurate as of the publication date, Harmonic Inc. assumes no liability for errors or omissions. In addition, Harmonic Inc.assumes no responsibility for damages resulting from the use of this guide.
License agreement and limited warranty
1. AGREEMENT: This is a legal agreement ("Agreement") between you ("you" or "your") and Harmonic, or its appropriate local affiliate ("Harmonic", "we", "us" or "our"). Use of our product(s) and any updates thereto purchased or validly obtained by you (the "Products"), and/or the Software (as defined below) (collectively, the "System"), constitutes your acceptance of this Agreement. "Use" includes opening or breaking the seal on the packet containing this Agreement, installing or downloading the Software as defined below or using the Software preloaded or embedded in your System. As used herein, the term "Software" means the Harmonic owned software and/or firmware used in or with the Products and embedded
into, provided with or loaded onto the Products in object code format, but does not include, and this Agreement does not address, any third-party or free or open source software separately licensed to you ("Third Party Software"). If you do not agree to this Agreement, you shall promptly return the System with a dated receipt to the seller for a full refund.
2. LICENSE: Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (including payment), we hereby grant you a nonexclusive, nontransferable license to use the object code version of the Software embedded into, provided solely for use with or loaded onto the Product, and the accompanying documentation ("Documentation") for your internal business purposes. The Software and any authorized copies are owned by us or our suppliers, and are protected by law, including without limitation the copyright laws and treaties of the U.S.A. and other countries. Evaluation versions of the Software may be subject to a time-limited license key.
3. RESTRICTIONS: You (and your employees and contractors) shall not attempt to reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, translate, create derivative works of, rent, lease (including use on a timesharing, applications service provider, service bureau or similar basis), loan, distribute, sublicense or otherwise transfer the System, in whole or part except to the extent otherwise permitted by law. The Software may be operated on a network only if and as permitted by its Documentation. You may make one (1) back up copy of the object code of the Software for archival purposes only. Evaluation Software will be run in a lab, nonproductive environment. Results of any benchmark or other performance tests may not be disclosed to any third party without our prior written consent. Title to and ownership of the Software and Documentation, and all copyright, patent, trade secret, trademark, and other intellectual property rights in the System, shall remain our or our licensors' property. You shall not remove or alter any copyright or other proprietary rights notice on the System. We reserve all rights not expressly granted.
4. LIMITED WARRANTY: (a) Limited Warranty. We warrant to you that, commencing on your receipt of a Product and terminating 1 year thereafter, the System will perform substantially in accordance with its then-current appropriate Documentation. The Product (including replacements) may consist of new, used or previously-installed components. (b) Remedies. If the System fails to comply with such warranty during such period, as your sole remedy, you must return the same in compliance with our product return policy, and we shall, at our option, repair or replace the System, provide a workaround, or refund the fees you paid. Replacement Systems are warranted for the original System's remaining warranty period. (c) Exclusions. EVALUATION SOFTWARE IS LICENSED ON AS-IS BASIS AND SUBJECT TO 4(d). We will have no obligation under this limited warranty due to: (i) negligence, misuse or abuse of the System, such as unusual physical or electrical stress, misuse or accidents; (ii) use of the System other than in accordance with the Documentation; (iii) modifications, alterations or repairs to the System made by a party other than us or our representative; (iv) the combination, operation or use of the System with equipment, devices, software or data not supplied by us; (v) any third party hardware or Third Party Software, whether or not provided by us; (vi) any failure other than by us to comply with handling, operating, environmental, storage or maintenance requirements for the System in the Documentation, including, without limitation, temperature or humidity ranges. (d) Disclaimers. We are not responsible for your software, firmware, information, or data contained in, stored on, or integrated with any Product returned to us for repair or replacement. SUCH LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF, AND WE SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM, ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE SYSTEM WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. NO ADVICE OR INFORMATION, WHETHER ORAL OR WRITTEN, OBTAINED FROM US OR ELSEWHERE, WILL CREATE ANY WARRANTY NOT EXPRESSLY STATED IN THIS AGREEMENT. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on how long an implied warranty may last, so such exclusions may not apply to you. In that event, such implied warranties or limitations are limited to 60 days from the date you purchased the System or the shortest period permitted by applicable law, if longer. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state or country to country.
6. CONFIDENTIALITY: Information in the System and the associated media, as well as the structure, organization and code of the Software, are proprietary to us and contain valuable trade secrets developed or acquired at great expense to us or our suppliers. You shall not disclose to others or utilize any such information except as expressly provided herein, except for information (i) lawfully received by the user from a third party which is not subject to confidentiality obligations; (ii) generally available to the public without breach of this Agreement; (iii) lawfully known to the user prior to its receipt of the System; or (iv) required by law to be disclosed.
7. SUPPORT: Updates, upgrades, fixes, maintenance or support for the System (an "Upgrade") after the limited warranty period may be available at separate terms and fees from us. Any Upgrades shall be subject to this Agreement, except for additional or inconsistent terms we specify. Upgrades do not extend the limited warranty period.
8. TERM; TERMINATION: The term of this Agreement shall continue unless terminated in accordance with this Section. We may terminate this Agreement at any time upon default by you of the license provisions of this Agreement, or any other material default by you of this Agreement not cured with thirty (30) days after written notice thereof. You may terminate this Agreement any time by terminating use of the System. Except for the first sentence of Section 2 ("License") and for Section 4(a) ("Limited Warranty"), all provisions of this Agreement shall survive termination of this Agreement. Upon any such termination, you shall certify in writing such termination and non-use to us.
9. EXPORT CONTROL: You agree that the Products and Software will not be shipped, transferred, or exported into any country or used in any manner prohibited by the United States Export Administration Act or any other export laws, restrictions, or regulations (the "Export Laws"). You will indemnify, defend and hold us harmless from any and all claims arising therefrom or relating thereto. In addition, if the Products or Software are identified as export controlled items under the Export Laws, you represent and warrant that you are not a citizen, or otherwise located within, an embargoed nation (including without limitation Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, and Serbia) and that you are not otherwise prohibited under the Export Laws from receiving the Software. All rights to the Products and Software are granted on condition that such rights are forfeited if you fail to comply with the terms of this Agreement.
10. U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS: The Software and the documentation which accompanies the Software are "Commercial Items," as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101, consisting of "Commercial Computer Software" and "Commercial Computer Software Documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 through
3 Harmonic MediaGrid 5.0 Installation Guide
227.7202-4, as applicable, the Commercial Computer Software and Commercial Computer Software Documentation are being licensed to U.S. Government as end users (a) only as Commercial Items and (b) with only those rights as are granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Harmonic, 4300 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95134, U.S.A.
11. GENERAL:You shall not assign, delegate or sublicense your rights or obligations under this Agreement, by operation of law or otherwise, without our prior written consent, and any attempt without such consent shall be void. Subject to the preceding sentence, this Agreement binds and benefits permitted successors and assigns. This Agreement is governed by California law, without regard to its conflicts of law principles. The U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is disclaimed. If any claim arises out of this Agreement, the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the federal and state courts located in Santa Clara County, California. In addition to any other rights or remedies, we shall be entitled to injunctive and other equitable relief, without posting bond or other security, to prevent any material breach of this Agreement. We may change the terms, conditions and pricing relating to the future licensing of our Systems and other intellectual property rights, including this Agreement, from time to time. No waiver will be implied from conduct or failure to enforce rights nor effective unless in a writing signed on behalf of the party against whom the waiver is asserted. If any part of this Agreement is found unenforceable, the remaining parts will be enforced to the maximum extent permitted. There are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement. We are not bound by additional and/or conflicting provisions in any order, acceptance, or other correspondence unless we expressly agree in writing. This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of agreement between the parties as to its subject matter and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements, verbal or written, advertising, representations or communications concerning the System.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to comply with all licensing requirements for all components used in the system. Any oversight is unintentional and will be remedied if brought to the attention of Harmonic at support@harmonicinc.com.
Documentation conventions
In Harmonic documents, special symbols and fonts call your attention to important information.
DANGER: The Danger symbol indicates information that, if ignored, can cause physical harm to you.
CAUTION: The Caution symbol indicates information that, if ignored, can adversely affect the performance of your Harmonic product, or that can make a procedure needlessly difficult.
NOTE: The Note symbol indicates especially important information you need, or it may provide additional information that applies in only some carefully delineated circumstances.
IMPORTANT: The Important symbol indicates information that should stand out when you are reading product details and procedural information.
TIP: The Tip symbol indicates parenthetical information that is not necessary for performing a given procedure, but which, if followed, makes the procedure easier, smoother, or more efficient.
In addition to these symbols, this guide may use the following text conventions:
Convention Explanation
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Bold Indicates a button to click, or a menu item to select.
Screen Output
Emphasis The italics text used for emphasis and document references.
The text that is displayed on a computer screen.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: ContentBridge 4000 hardware.................................................................................... 7
Bezel components...............................................................................................................................7
Bezel status LED indicators............................................................................................................8
Front panel components......................................................................................................................8
Control panel buttons and LED indicators......................................................................................9
Drive LED indicators...................................................................................................................10
Rear panel components.................................................................................................................... 11
1 Gigabit Ethernet NIC Indicators............................................................................................... 12
10 Gigabit Ethernet Eth Indicator................................................................................................12
Power supply indicators..............................................................................................................13
Chapter 2: System installation with the ContentBridge 4000.....................................................14
Site preparation............................................................................................................................... 14
Required components................................................................................................................. 15
Unpacking the system.................................................................................................................15
Hardware Installation overview......................................................................................................... 15
Rack mounting the ContentBridge 4000...................................................................................... 15
Connecting the ContentBridge to the network switch.....................................................................19
Software Installation overview........................................................................................................... 20
Initial configuration.................................................................................................................... 21
Configuring ContentBridge 4000 with Embedded Management.................................................... 21
Accessing the ContentBridge 4000 through built-in accounts.........................................................23
Chapter 3: Joining a ContentBridge to Harmonic MediaGrid with Local User
Authentication.................................................................................................................................... 25
Creating Passwordless SSH Access from the ContentBridge to multiple Harmonic MediaGrid
ContentDirector units.........................................................................................................................25
Setting up the second ContentDirector unit.........................................................................................26
Setting up the ContentBridge.............................................................................................................27
Configuring omauthremote.conf.........................................................................................................27
Appendix A: Harmonic Technical Assistance Center contact information................................ 29
Harmonic corporate contact information............................................................................................ 30
Appendix B: Safety and regulatory compliance information..................................................... 31
Important safety instructions.............................................................................................................. 31
Safety symbols & safety, warning & caution instructions..................................................................... 32
Symboles de sécurité de sécurité, d'avertissement et Attention Instructions............................................ 34
Sicherheit Symbole und Sicherheit, Achtung & Vorsicht Anleitung........................................................37
Harmonic MediaGrid ContentBridge
Preparing the site............................................................................................................................. 41
Disassembling an end-of-life product................................................................................................. 43
Safety rules (English)........................................................................................................................ 44
Règles de sécurité.............................................................................................................................44
EU manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity.....................................................................................44
Electromagnetic compatibility notices – Class A..................................................................................44
Product regulatory compliance.......................................................................................................... 46
Product regulatory compliance markings............................................................................................47
Product environmental compliance.....................................................................................................48
EU RoHS................................................................................................................................... 49
EU REACH.................................................................................................................................49
China RoHS............................................................................................................................... 50
Taiwan BSMI RoHS.....................................................................................................................51
Other RoHS and REACH type regulations....................................................................................52
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).......................................................................52
Battery directive......................................................................................................................... 53
WEEE Take-Back Request Program.............................................................................................. 53
Compliance with country specific environmental, safety and EMC standards.........................................54
Chapter 1

ContentBridge 4000 hardware

The Harmonic MediaGrid ContentBridge 4000 provides access to Harmonic MediaGrid for those client platforms that do not have the FSD installed or do not use the Harmonic MediaGrid API.
Bezel components
Front panel components
Rear panel components

Bezel components

The bezel on the ContentBridge 4000 consists of a power indicator, air vents, and status LEDs.
Figure 1-1: Bezel components
Component Description
1. Power Indicator A bright blue power indicator is provided across the top of the front panel. This indicator also provides a “wink” function, which allows you to identify a unit from the SystemManager application.
2. Air vents Allows airflow through the unit. For optimum airflow, do not obstruct the air vents.
3. Status LEDs An array of four status LEDs is provided on the front panel.
Chapter 1: ContentBridge 4000 hardware

Bezel status LED indicators

The status indicators on the ContentBridge 4000 bezel provide information about network connectivity and disk drive status.
Figure 1-2: ContentBridge 4000 status indicators
LED Color/State Description
10 GbE NIC
HA Pair Indicator Currently unused
Solid State Drive Indicators 0 and 1
White Both ports are working normally.
Yellow 10 GbE port 2 is non-functional.
Magenta 10 GbE port 3 is non-functional.
Red Both 10 GbE connections have failed.
White Drive is online.
Yellow Drive replacement warning.
Red A drive failure has occurred.

Front panel components

Find important information about the components on the front panel of the ContentBridge 4000.
Figure 1-3: Front panel components
Indicator, Button, or Connector Description
1. System label pull-out tab Use to apply a product number and/or serial number label.
2. LCD panel Displays system ID, status information, and system error
Front panel components
Indicator, Button, or Connector Description
Blue indicates normal system operation.
Amber indicates a system error; an error code is also displayed, followed by descriptive text.
3. LCD menu buttons Allow you to navigate the LCD panel menu.
4. USB connector (2) Use to connect the front bezel.
5. Control panel Contains system status LEDs, hard reset button, and other system controls.
6. Solid-state drive 0 The High Bandwidth ContentBridge 4000 uses two solid­state drives.
7. Solid-state drive 1 The High Bandwidth ContentBridge 4000 uses two solid­state drives.

Control panel buttons and LED indicators

Some control panel buttons on the ContentBridge 4000 are recessed and require a tool to use them.
Figure 1-4: Control panel buttons and indicators
Component Description
1. System ID button with integrated LED The identification button can be used to locate a particular system within a rack. When this button is pressed, the ID LEDs on the front panel and on the back edge of the server board (viewable from the rear panel) flash until the button is pressed again.
2. Non-maskable interrupt (NMI) button
(recessed, tool required for use)
3. NIC 0 Activity LED When a network link is detected, the LED will turn on solid.
4. NIC 1 Activity LED
5. System cold reset button (recessed, tool
required for use)
The NMI button can be used to put the server into a halt state when diagnosing an issue. To prevent an accidental system halt, the physical button is located behind the Control Panel and is only accessible with the use of a small tipped tool.
The LED blinks when data is being sent or received over the network.
When pressed, this button initializes a hard system reset. To prevent an accidental reset, the physical button is
9 Harmonic MediaGrid 5.0 Installation Guide
Chapter 1: ContentBridge 4000 hardware
Component Description
located behind the Control Panel and is only accessible with the use of a small tipped tool.
6. System status LED Shows the current health of the server system. A second system status LED is located on the back edge of the server board and is viewable from the rear panel. Both LEDs will show the same state.
7. Drive activity LED Indicates drive activity.
8. Power/Sleep button with integrated LED Toggles the power on and off. The power-on indicator lights green when the system power is on. When the power-on indicator is off, this indicates that no power is supplied to the system.
Table 1-1: System status LED indicators
Color State Description
Off System is off.
Solid System is on and operating normally.Green
Blink Non-critical warning: The system is operating
in a redundant or degraded state but still functional. A loss of redundancy may have occurred, such as a power supply unit or fan.
Blink Non-fatal warning: The system is likely to fail,
but is still working. A critical threshold may have been crossed, such as temperature or voltage, or a disk drive failure has occurred.
Solid Fatal alarm: The system has failed or shut

Drive LED indicators

Learn the LED patterns for both the Status and Activity indicators on the ContentBridge 4000.
Figure 1-5: ContentBridge 4000 drive LED indicators
IMPORTANT: If replacing a drive, do not turn off power. As soon as the new drive is inserted, the system will begin replicating the data from the other drives.
Indicator State Description

Rear panel components

Off No access and no fault.
Solid (amber) Drive fault has occurred.
Blink (amber) RAID rebuilt in progress.
Off Power on with no drive activity, drive spun down
or drive spinning up.
Blinks on (green) when processing a command
Power on with drive activity.
Rear panel components
Learn how each port on the rear panel of the ContentBridge 4000 is used.
Figure 1-6: Rear panel components
Component Description
1. Power supply 1 Dual redundant power supplies provide power to the system.
2. Release lever Use to secure the connection of the power cord
3. Power supply 2 Dual redundant power supplies provide power to the system.
4. 10 GbE port 3 Use to connect to the network switch (Private VLAN).
5. 10 GbE port 2 Use to connect to the network switch (Private VLAN).
6. GbE port 0 Use to connect to the network switch (Public VLAN).
7. GbE port 1 Use to connect to the network switch (Public VLAN).
8. Video connector (VGA port) Use to connect a monitor to the system (for maintenance only).
9. RJ-45 serial port Serial cable is not provided.
10. USB ports (3) Used for maintenance purposes only.
11. Diagnostic LEDs For Service only. LEDs are located on the back edge of the server board.
11 Harmonic MediaGrid 5.0 Installation Guide
Chapter 1: ContentBridge 4000 hardware
Component Description
12. System status LED Located on the back edge of the server board, this LED matches the state of the System Status LED on the front Control Panel.
13. System ID LED Located on the back edge of the server board, this LED matches the state of the System ID LED on the front Control Panel. When that button is pushed, this LED flashes blue until the button is pressed again.
14. Baseboard Management Controller
(BMC) connector
Connect for BMC access.

1 Gigabit Ethernet NIC Indicators

The onboard 1 GbE ports on the ContentBridge 4000 have two LED indicators, one for link and the other for activity.
When the link and activity indicators are off, the Ethernet NIC is not connected to the network.
When the link indicator is green, the Ethernet NIC is connected to a valid link partner on the network.
When the link indicator is amber, the Ethernet NIC is connected to a valid network link at 10/100 Mbps.
When the activity indicator is blinking amber, network data is being sent or received.

10 Gigabit Ethernet Eth Indicator

Ethernet ports 2 and 3 on the ContentBridge 4000 have a single LED indicator.
NOTE: During setup, the indicator does not light until you have completed the Configuration Assistant for the ContentBridge.
State Description
Steady on Eth is connected to a valid network link.
Blinking Eth is connected and data is being sent or
Green Link speed is 10 Gbps.
Yellow Link speed is 1 Gbps.
Power supply LED indicator
Each power supply module on the ContentBridge 4000 has a single LED indicator.
CAUTION: When correcting a power supply mismatch, replace only the power supply with the flashing indicator. Swapping the opposite power supply to make a matched pair can result in an error condition and unexpected system shutdown. To change from a High Output configuration to a Low Output configuration or vice versa, you must power down the system.
CAUTION: AC power supplies support both 220 V and 110 V input voltages. When two identical power supplies receive different input voltages, they can output different wattages, and trigger a mismatch.
State Description
Off AC power is not connected.
Rear panel components
Steady green A valid power source is connected to the power supply and the
power supply is operational.
Blinks green (1Hz) AC power is connected but operating in a cold redundant state
due to low system power load.
Blinks green (2Hz) Power supply firmware is updating.
Blinks amber Power supply is operational, but experiencing a warning event.
CAUTION: If two power supplies are used, they must be of the same type and have the same maximum output power.
Steady amber A power supply failure has occurred, causing it to shut down.
13 Harmonic MediaGrid 5.0 Installation Guide
Chapter 2

System installation with the ContentBridge 4000

Review step-by-step installation instructions for a Harmonic MediaGrid system with the ContentBridge
Site preparation
Hardware Installation overview
Software Installation overview

Site preparation

Review environmental, power, and site requirements before installing your system.
Harmonic MediaGrid equipment is designed to operate in a clean, air-conditioned control room environment. Care must be taken to avoid temperature and humidity extremes.
When connecting equipment, care must be taken to avoid power lines that are subject to noise and voltage spikes. Do not install units on a power circuit that is common to such equipment as air conditioners and refrigeration units. For optimum protection, AC noise filters and surge protectors are recommended if unstable power conditions are present.
Harmonic MediaGrid equipment is designed for rack mounting. Be sure to read racking precautions before you begin unpacking system components.
Be aware of the weight of the ContentServer and ContentStore so that you may safely move and lift devices.
An unpopulated ContentStore 5840/5840A weighs approximately 46 kg (101 lb), and 131 kg (288 lb) with all disk drives installed.
A fully populated ContentServer 4000 weighs approximately 47 kg (104 lb).
A fully populated ContentStore 4240 weighs approximately 29 kg (64 lb).
A fully populated ContentServer 3000 and ContentStore 3160 each weighs approximately 34 kg (75 (lb).

Hardware Installation overview

Required components

Both a client computer and SystemManager platform are required for installation.
See the Harmonic MediaGrid Release Notes for your particular client platform for the latest supported client operating systems.
A SystemManager platform including keyboard, monitor and mouse, is also required. The latest version of the SystemManager application should be installed. See the Release Notes accompanying this release for the exact version required. See the Harmonic SystemManager Installation Guide for more information.

Unpacking the system

Inspect each shipping container for signs of damage. Contact your local Harmonic representative and the carrier immediately if you suspect any damage has occurred during shipping.
Check the contents of each box against the packing list to ensure that all parts are included. If any items are missing, contact your local Harmonic representative immediately.
A rack mounting kit is provided with each Harmonic MediaGrid component, which provides the items needed to mount each component on a rack. Mounting instructions are also included.
The type, quantity and length of the cables depends on the customer site and will likely differ for each separate installation.
IMPORTANT: CX4 cables have a limit of 15 meters. The cables must be factory terminated and ordered in appropriate lengths to meet specifications.
Hardware Installation overview
Before you begin, ensure that the site is properly prepared, with adequate power, ventilation and rack space.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to leave a space for the SystemManager keyboard/monitor tray. It is recommended that you mount the keyboard monitor and tray 71.12 cm (28.0 in.) off the floor. This height is ideal for using the platform while seated or standing.
1. Read all rack mounting precautions.
2. Rack the devices from the bottom of the rack in the following order:
a. ContentServer and ContentStore units b. SystemManager unit c. ContentBridge units, followed by ContentDirector units d. Network switches
Refer to the network switch product manual for rack mounting instructions.
3. Connect the network cables, SAS cables, and power cables.

Rack mounting the ContentBridge 4000

The ContentBridge 4000 ships with the Intel AXXVRAIL Mounting Rail Kit.
NOTE: The figures in this section show a two-rack unit server; however, the same rack rails are used for the ContentBridge 4000.
15 Harmonic MediaGrid 5.0 Installation Guide
Chapter 2: System installation with the ContentBridge 4000
1. Pull the blue release button (component F) to remove inner member (D) from the slides.
Figure 2-1: AXXVRAIL mounting railside-mount
2. Install the slides to the rack. a. Align the brackets to desired vertical position on the rack.
b. Using the screws provided, fasten the rear brackets to the rear rack posts. Use two screws for each
c. Fasten the front brackets to the front rack posts. Use one screw for each bracket and place it in the
topmost hole. Leave the other holes open for the chassis.
Figure 2-2: Fastening slides to front rack posts
Hardware Installation overview
d. Move the ball retainer to the front of the rack.
3. Install the inner member (component D in the "AXXVRAIL Mounting Railside-mount" diagram) to the chassis.
a. Align inner member key holes to the standoffs on the chassis. b. Move the inner member in the direction shown in the example below.
Figure 2-3: Installing inner member to chassis
4. Install the chassis to the fixed slides by pulling the release button in the inner member to release the lock and allow the chassis to close.
17 Harmonic MediaGrid 5.0 Installation Guide
+ 38 hidden pages