1.16 Specific Error Codes...................................................................................................34
Hand Piece HP054.....................................................................................36
2.1 Screening of Hand Piece HP054...............................................................................37
2.2 Service Mode for Hand Piece Testing......................................................................38
2.3 Record the value HP Procedures.............................................................................39
2.4 Record the value pf PM (Phase Margin).....................................................................40
2.5 Record the value of |Zr| (Impedance).........................................................................41
2.6 Record the value of Error Display Mode (SW 1.09)...................................................42
Hand Piece HPBlue....................................................................................43
3.1 Screening of Hand Piece HPBlue...............................................................................44
3.2 Service Mode for Hand Piece Testing......................................................................45
3.3 Record the value HP Procedures.............................................................................46
3.4 Record the value pf PM (Phase Margin).....................................................................47
3.5 Record the value of |Zrl (Impedance).........................................................................48
3.6 Record the value of Error Display Mode (SW 1.09)...................................................49
audible and visual alarms, as well as error codes displayed on
the unit’s LCD, to help in identifying and troubleshooting
Generator 300 System supports a series of
problems. This guide is meant as an adjunct to, but not a
substitute for, clinical judgment and observations. If the problem
cannot be resolved using the corrective actions contained within
this troubleshooting guide, contact 1-800-USE-ENDO. Please have
the model number, serial number from the rear panel of the
generator, and a detailed description of the problem. The description
of the problem should include power settings, accessories used,
procedure being performed, and software version of the unit.
1.1 Generator Power-Up Problems
Ensure the generator unit is plugged into a functioning
wall outlet and that the power cord is attached to the rear
panel of the generator. If the unit still does not respond,
have a biomedical engineer verify that the fuses
are intact and properly installed.
There are both external and internal fuses in the generator unit.
Refer to the Replacement Parts drawings in the back of the
system service manual for fuse locations.
1.2 Audible Indicators and Alarms
Tone Possible Cause and Corrective Action
No tone during
No tone when
system is
(brief pulses)
Alert (three-tone
Constant tone
Prolonged solid
tone during
activation (10s)
Alarm (two-tone
Generator failure. Contact 1-800-USE-ENDO.
• Confirm hand activation is enabled if hand-
switching adaptor or hand activation is being used.
• Confirm foot switch is fully connected (if hand
switching adaptor or hand activation is not being used).
• Confirm foot switch is not faulty.
• If hand-switching adaptor is used, confirm it is
connected and not faulty.
System is being activated or is in Test mode.
System is operating properly. MIN and MAX
power have unique tones.
• Activation is attempted while generator is in
Standby mode. Push the STANDBY button to
return the generator to Ready mode.
• Two or more foot or hand activation switches are
recognized by the generator as being activated
simultaneously. Release all activation switches and
reactivate using only one switch.
1. Instrument is in contact with too much tissue.
Reduce the amount of tissue in contact with the
instrument. If tone persists, carefully remove any
tissue that has collected in the distal end of the
instrument shaft.
2. Hand piece and/or blade fault. Press TEST to
identify source of fault.
• Hand piece and/or blade fault. Press TEST to
identify source of fault.
• A component or system problem has occurred.
Refer to the Error Codes section Guide.
Note: This alarm will activate for three seconds, then will silence
itself for 30 seconds. This cycle will continue until the error is
resolved or the main power switch is turned off.
1.3 Main Error Codes and Displays
The generator will recognize specific faults in five areas:
generator, hand piece, instrument, foot switch or hand switch.
When a fault is identified, an alarm will sound, the error
number will appear on the generator control panel, and the
source of the problem will appear on the graphic display (the
power levels will not be displayed).
For each error code, the generator will cycle between each of
the two screens shown in the examples below, with the faulty
component flashing.
Follow the procedures outlined within this troubleshooting guide
(or in the Troubleshooting Guide on the top of the generator unit)
to resolve the problem.
1.4 Error Code 1: Generator
Generator Error Code 1 indicates that either there is a
functional problem with the generator or the front panel
button(s) were activated during power-up sequence.
Cycle the power OFF then ON. If error persists, power the
system off and contact 1-800-USE-ENDO.
Fig. 1 Generator failure screen
1.5 Error Code 2: Generator Temperature
Error Code 2 indicates that the generator is overheating.
1. Power the system off. Remove any obstructions blocking the
air vents on the generator’s bottom and back panels. If
there is no apparent obstruction or external heat source,
contact 1-800-USE-ENDO.
2. Power on the system and wait for up to 30 minutes for the
generator error to clear.
3. If the error code persists, contact 1-800-USE-ENDO.
Fig. 2 Generator over temperature screen
1.6 Error Code 3: Hand Piece
Error Code 3 indicates a problem with the hand piece.
Please also refer to “HP054” or “HPBLUE” hand piece section.
1. Confirm the hand piece connector is fully inserted and
properly oriented – white dot on hand piece is aligned with
white dot on front panel. If the error code does not clear
within three seconds after the hand piece is properly
connected, press TEST.
2. The instrument may not be tightened properly or tissue may
have collected in the distal end of the instrument shaft.
Tighten instrument using torque wrench and carefully
remove tissue from distal end of instrument sheath. Press
STANDBY to clear error code and return to Ready mode.
Activate system. If the pre-run test is running, ensure
instrument is in air. If using shears, ensure jaws are open
and not in contact with any objects during pre-run test.
For HP054:
Inspect the torque wrench hub for cracks or wear before use.
If damage is seen, replace the blade wrench. Before using after
autoclaving, cool the blade wrench at room temperature for at
least 45 minutes or soak it in room temperature sterile water for 5
minutes. Please loosen the instruments with the blade wrench.
3. If the error persists, install a test tip to isolate the problem.
Press TEST button.
• If system indicates a hand piece error, hand piece is bad
or test tip is bad. Replace hand piece or install a new
test tip and press TEST.
• If no error occurs with test tip attached, replace
• Press STANDBY to return to Ready mode. Activate
Fig. 3 Hand Piece generic error screen
1.7 Error Code 4: Hand Piece Temperature
Error Code 4 indicates that the hand piece has exceeded its
specified operating temperature. This error code pertains to
the HP054 only.
For immediate recovery use another hand piece, or follow
the steps below to determine the cause of the error
condition and recovery methods.
The following are possible causes of an increase in hand piece
temperature. To correct this condition, complete the
appropriate steps below and
before resuming operation
1. The hand piece is still warm from recent steam sterilization.
Allow the hand piece to cool at room temperature for at
least 45 minutes
The hand-switching adaptor (HSA07) should not be submerged
for rapid cooling purposes. This may render the hand switching
adaptor inoperable for an extended period of time. After steam
sterilization, allow the hand switching adaptor to air cool at
least 15 minutes prior to use.
allow the hand piece to cool
If the error persists, install a test tip to isolate the problem.
Press TEST button.
•If system indicates a hand piece error, hand piece is bad
or test tip is bad. Replace hand piece or install a new
test tip and press TEST.
•If no error occurs with test tip attached, replace
3. Press STANDBY to return to Ready mode. Activate system.
4. If the hand piece does not show evidence of overheating
and troubleshooting steps 1-3 do not appear to resolve
the problem, perform the following:
•Leave the hand piece at room temperature for 24 hours
or more.
•Remove any test tip or instrument from the hand piece.
•With the generator turned off, plug the hand piece into
any Generator 300.
•Power up the generator in Biomed mode while pressing
and holding down the STANDBY button and down arrow.
•Wait for a steady display – approximately 10 seconds.
•If a “Generator” error occurs one of the buttons was
not properly held down. If this happens repeat the
power up procedure in Biomed mode.
•If necessary, press the STANDBY button until it illuminates.
•Use the up and down arrows to get to “Page 2 of 21”.
•Record the number opposite “XDUCER CAPACITANCE”.
•Press the STANDBY button until the Standby light turns off.
•Leave the hand piece plugged into the generator. Do
not remove hand piece during entire procedure. Do not
activate the MIN or MAX activation buttons on the foot
switch or hand switch if either is attached.
•After 30 or more minutes, press the STANDBY button
until the STANDBY icon is illuminated.
•Again, read the “XDUCER CAPACITANCE” on Page 2 of 21.
•If the number has changed, the update was successful.
•If the number has not changed, then this update
attempt did not succeed. Power down the generator
and repeat this procedure.
As the hand piece ages, the generator performs measurements
and updates a key hand piece parameter. This function is
performed when the internal temperature of the hand piece is
stable at room temperature. Certain usage patterns may
prevent this update from occurring and subsequently make the
hand piece diagnostics more sensitive to temperature. The
steps above will cause an update of the hand piece parameter
and return the system to designed sensitivity.
Do not run the Test mode while an electrosurgical
generator is being activated in the room. Interference
from the electrosurgical generator may affect test results.
To avoid user or patient injury, ensure that the instrument
is clear of the patient, other instruments, drapes, or other
objects before pressing TEST. Safety measures (in accordance
with hospital protocol) taken in the presence of aerosols should
be in effect while in Test mode.
Fig. 4 Hand Piece over temperature error screen
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