Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Navigation, Entertainment, Communication Owner's
Congratulations on your choice of a BMW.
The mo re fa miliar you a re with the sys te ms of yo ur BMW, the
more you can ma ster their operation. We would t herefore like to
offer you the f ollowing advice:
Pl ease read the Owner's Handbook befor e setti ng out i n y our new
BM W . A l so use the i ntegrat ed Owner's Handbook i n y our v ehi cl e.
It contai n s import ant not es on how to operate y our Navigation,
Enter tai nment, Communi cations systems, enabl ing you to derive
max imum benefit from the technical advantages of these system s .
U pdates to t he pr inted or integr ated Ow ner ' s Handbo ok after going to press are located as needed i n the appendi x to the pri nted
quick reference to t he vehicle.
Su pplem e ntary in forma tion is p ro vid ed in the oth er d ocu me nts of
on-board lit erature.
We wish you a safe and enjoy able journey,
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Conte nts
For quick access to a particul ar topi c or it em,
please consul t the detail ed alphabetical index,
see page 132.
Na vigat io n
8Navigatio n system
9De s tination inp ut
18Route guidance
21Map view
24Traffic information
27N avigation data
28W h at to do if.. .
Ent e rt ainm e n t
49M usic collection
56External devices
64Television, TV
68Audi o remote control in the rear
69Rear entertainment
102 ConnectedDrive
112 Exten de d BMW Online servic es
113 Rear telephone
Re fere nc e
132 From A to Z
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig atio n
Various examples of how the navigation system
re liab ly g uid es you to your de s tinatio n are sh own
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nNavigation system
Navigation system
Vehicle Equipment
Thi s chapt er describes al l standar d, nat i onal and
sp e cial e quipm en t provide d in th e m odel s e rie s .
Theref ore equi pment not avail abl e i n a v ehi cl e i s
also de scri b ed, f o r examp le th e select ed spec ial
equipment or national v er si on. That also appl i es
to safety-r elevant functi ons and systems.
Ge n e ra l
The navigation sy stem can determine the precis e pos itio n of th e veh icle by me an s of s ate llite s
and v ehi cl e sensors and gui de y ou r el i abl y to a ny
sp e cifie d d e stin ation .
Nav igation data i s sav ed in the vehicle and can
be updated.
No t e
Inputs when the vehicle is stationary
Only enter data when the car is stati onary,
and al w ays obey the tr affic regulati ons and ro ad
signs in the event of any contradiction between
the traff i c si tuation and the i nstructions gi v en by
the navigation system. You could otherwise
commit an offence and put vehicle occupants
and other road users at risk.◀
Call up navigation system
1. Press the button on t he controller.
2. "Na viga tion"
The navigati on system can al so be di r ectl y
called up with the button on the control ler.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Destination input
Destination inputNaviga tio n
Vehicle Equipment
This cha pte r de scribe s all stand ard, n ation al an d
sp e cial e quipm en t provided in the m ode l s e rie s .
Theref or e equ ipment no t a v ailable i n a v eh icl e is
al so described, for exampl e the sel ected specia l
equi pment or n ational v er si on. T hat also applies
to safety-relevant functions and systems.
Manual des tination input
Ge n e ra l
When you are entering a town/city or street
na me, the system supp orts you, for example,
with automati c name completion.
Saved t ow n /ci t y and str eet names can be call ed
up quick ly.
▷ You can skip input of t he country, town or
city if you wish to retain previous inputs.
▷ If only t he town /city h a s been en t ered, route
guidance to the town/city centre is started.
▷ If part of an address is not entered or not
uniquely entered, a list with corresponding
se le ctio ns is sh own whe n the des tina tion is
accepted . If cities or address are pr esent
more than once, these are shown in split
For inform ation on th e s p lit s cree n, s ee
Own er's H andbook for the vehicle.
Country input
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Destination input"
3. Select "Country" or the country displayed.
Entering a town/city
1. Select "Place/postcode" or the town/ci ty
dis played.
2. Se le ct le tte rs, if ap plic able .
The lis t is g ra dually narrowe d down with
each input.
3. Tilt the controller to the right.
4. Sel ect the name of a town/ city from the l ist.
If there are several places with t he same na me:
1. Move to the list of place names.
2. Sel ect the town/city.
Entering the postcode
1. Select "Place/postcode" or the town/ci ty
dis played.
2. Sel ect digits.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nDestination input
3. Mov e to the l ist of postcodes and towns/ci t-
ies .
4. Select an entry.
Entering a hous e number and s treet
1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.
2. Enter street in the same way as town/city.
3. "House number"
4. Select digits.
5. Move to the l ist of house numbers.
6. Sel ect the house number or a r ange of house
numbe rs.
Alternative: entering a street and
1. Select "Street" or the displayed street.
2. Enter the street or junction in the same way
as the town/ city.
If there ar e several streets with t he same name:
1. Mov e to the li st of street names.
2. Select the street.
Searching by street
The desired road /street is not in the entered
town/city be cau se it is pa rt of an othe r city dis tric t.
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Destination input"
3. Select "Street" or the displayed street.
4. Mov e to the li st of street names.
5. "In" select country listed.
Al l t h e road s/streets of the sel ec ted c o u n t ry
are offered. The respective town or city is
shown af ter the street name.
6. Sel ect the letters.
7. Mov e to the li st of street names.
8. Select the street.
Starting route guidance
1. "Accept destination"
2. "Start guidance" or "A dd as another
de s tinatio n"
Ent er, see page 16, d es tin ation as a fur-
the r d es tin ation .
Address book
Sele cting a destina tion from the
address book
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Address book"
Cont acts wit h addresses are display e d if
th ese add resses for t h e co n t a ct s h ave been
che cke d a s d estin ation s.
3. Sel ect a contact from the list or use "A -Z
4. W here applicable, "Work address" or
"Home a ddress"
Saving a destination in the addres s
Afte r de stin atio n inp ut, s a ve the de s tina tion in
the address book.
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Map"
"G uidance"
4. Call up "Options".
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Destination inputNaviga tio n
5. "Save as new contact" or "Add to contact"
6. If app licab le , s e lec t an existin g c ontact.
7. "Work address" or "Home address"
8. Ente r "S urnam e " and , if app licab le , "Firs t
9. "Save contact in vehicle"
Saving position
The cur r ent posi tion can be saved in the addr ess
1. "Na viga tion"
2. Call up "Optio ns ".
3. "Save position as contact " or "Add position
to contact"
4. Call up "Options".
5. "Edit in Contacts" or "Delete entry"
Accepting y our home addr ess as a
The home address must be created.
1. "Navigation"
2. "Address book"
3. "Home address"
4. "Start guidance"
Last destinations
Ge nera l
The las t de s tina tions reached are s a ve d au tomatically.
These destinations can be called up and i ncorpor a ted i n t o route guidance.
4. Select an existing contr act from the l ist, de-
pending on the selection. Select ty pe of address and enter surname a nd first names.
5. "Save in car"
Edit or delete the address
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Address book"
3. Mark entry.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Calling u p la s t des tinations
1. "Navigation"
2. "Recent d esti nations"
Na vig a t io nDestination input
Starting route guidance
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Rec ent de stinatio ns "
3. Se le ct d e stin ation .
4. "Start guidance"
Editing a destination
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Rec ent de stinatio ns "
3. Hig hlig ht de s tina tion.
4. Call up "Op tions ".
5. "Edit de s tina tion"
De leting the la s t des tinations
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Rec ent de stinatio ns "
3. Hig hlig ht de s tina tion.
4. Call up "Op tions ".
5. "Delete entry" or "Delete all recent de st."
Points of interes t
Ge n e ra l
Ev en with the most up-to-date navigation data,
inform ation on ind ivid ual p oints of inte re s t ma y
hav e changed, f or ex ampl e, serv i ce stat i ons may
not b e in op eratio n.
Searching points of interest
Selection of poi nt s of inter est, for example hotels or sights:
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Points of interest"
3. Select search.
Google™ local search
1. "Google™ Local Search"
2. "Location"
Se le ct o r e nte r loca tion.
3. "Search term"
4. Enter keyword.
Suggestions are displayed .
5. Select suggestion.
The lis t of p oints of inte re s t is dis pla ye d.
6. Se le ct a point of intere s t.
De tails are dis p layed .
If se ve ral de ta ils a re inc lude d , you c an
browse through the tabs.
I f a phone number is sav ed, a tel ephone con-
necti on can be established.
Select the symbol.
"Start guidance" or "A dd as another
de s tinatio n"
Ente r d es tin ation as a furth er de s tina tion,
see page 16.
A-Z se arch
1. "A -Z search"
2. "Location"
Se le ct o r e nte r loca tion.
3. "Cate g o ry"
4. Se le ctin g a c ate go ry.
5. "Cate gory de tails "
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Destination inputNaviga tio n
Se veral ca te gory de tails ca n be s e lec te d fo r
ce rtain p oints of inte re s t. Tilt the co ntrolle r
to the left to exit the category details.
6. "Search term"
7. Enter keyword.
The lis t of p oints o f inte res t is d isp laye d.
8. Se le ct a point of intere s t.
De tails are dis pla yed.
If se ve ral de tails a re inc lude d , you c an
browse through the tabs.
If a phone number is saved, a telephone
connection can be established.
Additional information can be shown for
many special destinations through BMW
Online .
Many sp ec ial d es tinations c an b e s a ve d
as a contact in the addr ess book.
Select the sym bol.
"Start guidance" or "Add as anot her
de s tinatio n"
Ente r d es tin ation as a furth er de s tina tion,
see page 16.
"Start search": without enteri ng a search term,
the sea rc h is re pe ated us ing the las t stored
search term.
Category search
1. "Category search"
2. "Location"
Se le ct o r e nte r loca tion.
3. "Catego ry"
4. Sel ecting a category.
5. "Cate go ry de tails "
Se veral ca te gory de tails ca n be s e lec te d fo r
ce rtain p oints of inte re s t. Tilt the co ntrolle r
to the left to exit the category details.
6. "Start search"
The lis t of p oints o f inte res t is d isp laye d.
7. Se le ct a point of intere s t.
De tails are dis pla yed.
If se ve ral de ta ils a re inc lude d , you c an
brow se through the tabs.
If a phone number is saved, a t elephone
connection can be established.
Additional inf ormation can be shown for
man y s p ec ial des tina tions th ro ugh BMW
Online .
Ma ny sp ecial d es tination s c an b e sa ve d
as a contact in t he address book.
Select the symbol.
"Start guidance" or "Add as another
de stinatio n"
Enter d es tination as a furthe r de s tinatio n,
see page 16.
Displ aying points of interest
Lis t of p oints o f inte res t: p oints o f inte res t are
arr anged according to di stance and mark ed wi t h
an arrow showing the direction.
In the s p lit s cree n, poin ts of intere st in the se lec ted ca te gory are d isp layed as s ymbo ls in the
map view. The display depends on the map
scale and the category.
Destination input via BMW Assist
1. "Navigation"
2. "Destination input"
3. "BMW Assi s t dest. inpu t"
A conne ctio n to th e in formation s e rvice is es tablis he d .
Dis playing p oints of inte rest in the ma p
The categories of t h e points of interest can be
shown as symbols on the map.
Set categories:
1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
3. Call up "Options".
4. "Dis pla y point s o f inte res t"
5. Sel ect the setting.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nDestination input
▷ "All"
▷ "None "
▷ "Sel ected": up to five categories can be
pres et.
The displays can be switched on and off in the
map view, see page 22.
Des tination input via map
Sele cting a d e stina tion
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
The curr ent posi tion of t he v ehicle is shown
in the ma p.
"Interactive map"
4. Se le ct the de stination with the c ro ss -h airs.
▷ To change the scale: turn the controller.
▷ To m ove the m ap: tilt the controller in the
corresponding direction.
▷ To m ove the m ap d iag ona lly: tilt the con -
tro ller in the corre s pon ding direction
and turn it.
Specifying the street/road
If the system does not detect a street/road, one
of the following item s of information is dis played:
▷ A street name in the vicinity.
▷ The county.
▷ The co-ordina tes of the de s tinatio n.
Additional functions
Press the contro ller to ac cess the following addition al functio ns availab le in the inte ractive
▷ "Points of interest in vicinity": search for
poin ts of interes t is s tarte d.
"Sh ow de tails ": a ny de tails on the de s ti-
nation can be shown.
"Start guidance": route gui dance is star-
"Exit interactive map": changes back to
the map view.
"Change map view": changes to map
view pointing north.
"Dis pla y c urre nt lo catio n": th e m ap se c-
ti on ar ound the current l ocation i s displ ay ed.
"Show destinati on": map section around
the de s tination is dis pla yed .
De stination input by voice
Ge nera l
▷ For the handbook for the voice control sy s-
tem, see Owner's H andbook for the vehicle.
▷ A changeover between voice operatio n and
iDrive is possible when entering destinations using spoken commands.
▷ Hav e possible voice commands r ead
aloud: ›Voi ce commands‹
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Destination inputNaviga tio n
Voice commands
▷ The location, str eet and house number can
be entered in a single command.
▷ Countr ies, locations, roads and j unct ions
can be spoken as whole words in the language of th e system or spelled out.
Example: to enter a town/ city withi n G ermany as an enti re wor d, the language of the
system m ust be German.
▷ Sp ell out th e in put if the lan gua ge s poke n
and the l anguage of the system differ.
▷ Pronounce letters fluently and avoid exces-
sive intonati on and pauses.
▷ The options for i nput depend on the specif i c
navigation data, country and language settings .
En tering an addr ess in a command
1. Press the button on the steering
whee l.
2. ›Destination input‹
3. Wait for the sy stem prompt.
4. Say t he addr ess al oud in the sequence sug-
5. Contin ue inpu t as s pe cified b y the sys te m.
If required , say each part of the add ress separately, for example town/city.
Entering name of town/city on its own
The place name can be spoken as a word or
sp e lled out.
Whe n th e de stination inpu t me nu is d isplaye d:
2. ›Place‹ or ›Spell name of place‹.
3. Wait for the system to ask for the town/ci ty.
4. Say the name of the town/city or say at least
Press the button on the steering
whee l.
the fi rst three letters.
D epending on the input, up t o 20 t owns/ cities are suggested.
5. Sel ect the town/city.
▷ Sel ecting the suggested town /
city: ›Yes‹
▷ Se le ctin g a d iffe rent town/city: ›Ne w
▷ Select an entry, ›Entry ...‹ , f or example
ent ry 2
▷ Sp e ll the input: ›Sp ell n ame of plac e‹
6. Contin ue inpu t as s pe cified by the s yste m .
If there are several places with t he same na me:
Where applicable, places that sound the same
ar e shown in a list and displayed as a place fol lowed by th ree dots.
1. Select the entry: ›Yes ‹ or ›Entry ...‹ e.g. En-
try 2.
2. Sel ect the desired location.
Entering street or junction on its own
Enter t he street or junction in the same way as
the town/ city.
Entering house number on i ts own
D ependi ng on t he data pr esent in the nav igati o n
system, house numbers u p to 2000 can be entered .
1. ›Hou s e n u mbe r‹
2. Say the house number.
3. Contin ue inpu t as s pe cified by the s yste m .
Planning a trip
Ge nera l
To plan a trip, mor e than one stopover can be
New trip
1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nDestination input
3. If nec e ss ary, tilt the contro ller to th e le ft.
"G uidance"
5. "Ente r ne w de s tina tion"
6. Se le ct th e m od e o f de s tina tion e ntry.
7. Ente r a n inte rme diate d es tin ation.
8. "Start guidance"
E n te ring a trip de s tination
For one tr i p, a maxi mum of 20 i nt ermedi ate destinations can be entered.
1. "Map"
"G uidance"
3. "Ente r ne w de s tina tion"
4. Se le ct th e m od e o f de s tina tion e ntry.
5. Ente r a n inte rme diate d es tin ation.
6. "Add as another desti nat ion"
The inte rme diate d estination is add e d to the
de s tinatio ns lis t and is h ighlig hte d.
7. Turn the co ntroller un til the inte rme diate
stop appears at the desired location in the
8. Press the co ntroller.
Starting the trip
1. Highl ight the first destination after entering
all inte rme dia te destin ation s .
If, for example, th e sec ond intermed iate
de s tinatio n is the one h ighlig hte d whe n you
sta rt route g uidance, the first intermediat e
de s tinatio n is s kippe d.
2. "Start guidance"
symbol indicates the active stage of the
Saving a trip
Up to 30 trips can be s tored in the trip lis t. If
necessary, delete ex i sti ng tri ps so that new tri ps
can be saved.
1. "Map"
"G uidance"
3. Call up "Options".
4. "Sa ve in My trips "
5. Enter names.
6. "OK"
Sele cting a trip s aved in me mory
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Saved trips"
U n til th e r o ut e ca t ego r y is op ened , t h e nu mber of newly arrived rout es is shown behind
the relevant category.
3. Sel ect route category.
4. Se le ct trip.
5. "Start guidance"
Re versin g the trip direction
The i nt ermediate destinations are shown in the
list in re verse ord er.
1. "Map"
"G uidance"
3. Call up "Options".
4. "Reverse sta g e d est. or d er"
Options for the intermediate
1. "Map"
"G uidance"
3. "Dis pla y a ll s tage des tin."
4. Se le ct a n inte rme dia te de stin ation .
▷ "Edit de s tina tion"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Destination inputNaviga tio n
▷ "Reposition stage d est.": move th e in-
terme d iate de s tination in th e lis t.
▷ "Delete stage dest ination"
▷ "Sk ip stage destination"
Some options are not possible for some trips.
De leting a trip s aved in me mory
1. "Saved trips"
2. Highli gh t the desired trip.
3. Call up "Optio ns ".
4. "Delete all trips" or "Delete trip"
Importing trips via a USB medium
1. Switch on ignition.
2. Connect USB medi um to t he USB interface
in the ce ntre armres t.
3. "Na viga tion"
4. "Saved trips"
5. "Import trips"
6. "USB"
7. "OK"
The maximum number of tr i ps that can be saved
on the USB medium and in the navigation system tog ethe r is 3 0, othe rwis e imp ort is not p os sible.
Importing trips via BMW Online
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Saved trips"
3. "Import trips"
4. "BMW Online "
BMW Routes
Ge nera l
Recommended routes can be taken up in the
route guidance.
Start BMW rou te
1. "Navigation"
2. "Saved trips"
U nt il route categories are opened, t he number of newl y arrived routes is shown behi nd
the relevant cat egory.
3. "BMW R outes"
Th e routes available are shown with th e
followin g informatio n:
▷ Re gion
▷ Remov al of the starting point of the
rout e
▷ Name of route
The ti me and di stance are shown i n the spl it
screen for the relevant route.
4. Sel ect desired r o u te.
"Star t guidance"
6. "Start guidance"
Ending route guidance
1. "Navigation"
2. "Map"
4. "Stop guidance"
Call u p las t trip
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Saved trips"
3. "L ast trip"
4. Se le ct a stage d de s tinatio n.
5. "Start guidance"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nRoute guidan ce
Route guidance
Vehicle Equipment
Thi s chapt er describes al l standar d, nat i onal and
sp e cial e quipm en t provide d in th e m odel s e rie s .
Theref ore equi pment not avail abl e i n a v ehi cl e i s
also de scri b ed, f o r examp le th e select ed spec ial
equipment or national v er si on. That also appl i es
to safety-r elevant functi ons and systems.
Route guidance
1. "Na viga tion"
2. Ent er destination, see page 9.
3. "Acc ep t de s tinat ion"
4. "Start guidance"
▷ The route i s di spl ay ed on the control di spl ay.
▷ The distance to the destination/intermedi-
ate destinati on and the estimated time of arrival are shown in th e map view.
▷ An arrow vie w is d is playe d in the ins trume nt
cl u ster , and o n th e contr ol display and in the
He ad -U p Display and as appropr iate. Arrow
view, see page 19.
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
"G uidance"
4. "Stop guidance"
If you di d not reach your desti nat ion during the
last j ourney, route guidance may be continued.
"Continue guidance"
Route criteria
Ge nera l
You can i nfluence the route that i s cal culated by
se le ctin g vario us crite ria .
You can change the route cr i ter i a as of ten as you
like during destination input or during route
Roa d t ypes form part of the nav igation data and
are taken into account in route planning, for exampl e avoid motorways.
Route guidance with traf fi c inf ormation, see
page 25.
No t es
The suggested route can differ f rom your personal experience.
Th e settings are saved for the remote con trol
cur rently in use.
For BMW Routes the route criteria cannot be
Chan ge
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Map"
"Ro ute criteria"
"Ro ute criteria"
5. Se le ct a criterion:
"Fast": ti me-optimised route resulting from a combi n ation of a rou te as
shor t as feasible and fast ro ads.
"ECO PRO": fue l-op timis e d route
resulting f rom a combination of a route
low e st possible f uel consump tion and
fast roads.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Route guidanceNa vig at io n
▷ "Short": distance-optimised route
re s ulting from a co mb inatio n of a route
as short as feasible and fast roads.
6. To select supp lemen tary route criteria, if
▷ "Dynamic guidance": tra ffic information
can aut omatical ly be tak en into account ,
see page 25, with rout e guidance.
▷ "Avoid moto rways": motorway s are
avoided as far a s possible.
▷ "Avoid ferries": ferries are avoided as far
as po ss ib le.
▷ "Avoid toll roa ds ": route s with tolls are
avoided as far a s possible.
▷ "Avoid tax vignette roads": routes with
l ong-term tol ls are avoi ded as far as possible.
Alternative Routes
When route guidance is active, alternative
r ou t es are suggested if possible.
"Route c riteria"
"Alternat. routes"
An over vi ew of the current route and the
proposed alter native rout es i s shown. In addition, detai ls such a travel time and route
length and with alternativ e routes any data
on f uel consumpti on compared wi th the current route are shown. The rout es are illustra ted in c olou r in the s plit s cre en .
3. Sele ct to take an alternative route .
Course of route
Various views of the course of the r oute are
available dur ing route guidance:
▷ Arrow d isplay in the in strum e nt clu ster and
on the control display .
▷ L ist of routine sections.
▷ M ap vi ew, see page 21.
▷ D epending on equipment, arrow view in
Head-Up Display.
Arrow view
The follo wing informatio n is dis pla ye d during
route guidance:
Symbol for active route guidanc e with
remaining travel ti me and di stance to destination.
▷ Small arrow: instruction, for example, to next
tur n gi ving the distance and name of the new
▷ Large ar row: current heading.
▷ Road name of t he road you are currently
tr avelling along.
▷ Traffic information.
De pe nd ing on road guid anc e, the illus tratio n
changes to junction v iew. Any lane infor mation
is also shown here.
Show, see page 23, arro w vie w in split s cre en.
Driving lane inform atio n
In arrow vie w, a triangle ind icates the rec om me nded lane on a mu ltilane ca rriag ewa y.
Optimum lane.
Lane that is also p ossible. But a lane
change might soon be necessary.
Dis play list of routine s e ctions
With active route planning, a list of the route
section s can be di spl ay ed. F or each r oute stage,
the distance to be driven and th e traffic information are displayed.
1. "Navigation"
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nRoute guidan ce
2. "Route details"
3. Mark route s ection.
The secti on of the route i s al so shown i n the
split screen.
Bypassing a section of the route
Ca lculate a new route for a route stage.
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Route details"
"New route for"
4. Turn the controll er. Enter the di stance
withi n which you want to return to the original route.
5. Press the co ntroller.
Cancelling a bypass
In c ase y o u n o lon ger w ish t o by pa ss t his sect ion
of t he r out e:
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Route details"
"New route for:"
4. "Cancel closure"
Refuelling recommendation
The re m ainin g rang e is ca lcula te d an d, as nee ded, service stat ions along the way are displayed.
Ev en with the most up-to-date navigation data,
inform ation on ind ivid ual s e rvice s tatio ns may
hav e changed, f or ex ampl e, serv i ce stat i ons may
not b e in op eratio n.
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Route details"
"Re fu ellin g rec om me nd ."
A lis t of s e rvice s tations is d is playe d.
4. Hig hlig ht the s e rvice s tation .
The position of the service stat io n is shown
in the s plit- sc re e n.
5. Se le ct th e s e rvice s tatio n.
Select the symbol.
7. "Start guidance": route gui dance to the
service st ation y ou selected is started .
"Add as another destination": the ser vice
station is added to the course of the route.
Voice ins truction
Switching on/off
The setting is saved for the remote control currently in use.
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Map"
"S poke n ins tructions "
Re pe a t
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Map"
Highlight the symbol.
4. Pres s the controlle r twic e .
Volume control
Tur n th e volume knob during the voice instructions until the de s ire d volum e is o btained.
Store in fa vo urite s bu ttons
The func tion Enable/dis able voice ins tructio ns
can be sav ed to a favo ur ites button for quick access.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Map view
Map viewNavig at io n
Vehicle Equipment
This cha pte r de scribe s all stand ard, n ation al an d
sp e cial e quipm en t provided in the m ode l s e rie s .
Theref or e equ ipment no t a v ailable i n a v eh icl e is
al so described, for exampl e the sel ected specia l
equi pment or n ational v er si on. T hat also applies
to safety-relevant functions and systems.
Dis pla ys
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
1 Function bar
2 Route sta ge with t raffic obstru ction
3 Road si gn f or t raffic obstr u c tion
4 Planned route
6 Upper stat u s fiel d
7Lower status field
Lines on the m ap
R oads and streets are displayed in various colours and lines in accordance with thei r cl assification. Dotted lines denote train and f erry connecti ons. National borders are denoted by thin
line s.
Traffic obstructions
Whe n re ce ivin g traffic info rm atio n from a ra dio
stati on, t raff i c obstr uctions can be shown on the
map, see page 24.
Lines along the planned rout e denote route
stages with traffic obstr u c tions, depending on
the map scale. The position of the lines on the
route show the direction of the obstruction.
Road signs classify the obstru ctions.
▷ Red road sign: the obstruction aff ect s the
planned route or direction of travel.
▷ Grey r oad si gn: the obstruction does not af-
fect the planned route or direction of travel.
Planned route
A fter starting route gui dance, the planned route
is shown on the map.
Status fields
Display/hide: pre ss the controller.
▷ Upper status field: time, telephone and en-
tertainment details.
▷ L ower status field: symbol f or active route
gui dance, status of tr af f i c i nf ormati on, arr i v al
time and distance to destinati o n.
Function bar
The follo wing functio ns are ava ilable us in g the
function bar:
Rout e guidance active/inactive.
Voice ins tru ctio ns active/inac-
Chan ge route criteria.
Se arch for po int of inte re s t.
Traffic information functions.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nMa p view
Proposed di ver sions are avail-
Int e ra c tive m ap .
Set map view.
To switch to the toolbar, tilt the controller to the
Chan ges th e scale.
Map section
Chang e
"Interactiv e map"
▷ To m ove the m ap: tilt the con tro ller in th e
correspondi ng direction.
▷ To m ove the m ap d iag onally: tilt the con tro l-
ler in th e c orre s pondin g dire ction and turn it.
The settings are saved for the remote control
curre n tly in us e.
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
Set map view.
"Map views"
"North-ori ented"
"In direct. of tr avel"
"Traffic info map": information on traffic
flow is s hown in a s pe cia l map vie w. Th e
symbo ls of the other additiona l informat ion
set are also sh ow n.
"Additional info"
"Points of interest": symbols for
points of i nterest are shown. Set displ ay,
see page 13.
"Traffic eve nts": symbols for traffic
information, see page 24, are shown.
"Traffic flow": depending on the
scale, the length, direction and effect, a
traffic obstruction are indicated by road
signs in the map or coloured l ines along
the calculated route. Inf ormation on traf fic flow in the map view, see page 25.
"Weather": weath er sym bols are
shown on the map.
D i sp l a y ed sy mbo l s: clear sk ies, over ca st
skies, rain, th under storms and snow,
with the curr ent temperature in each
The wea the r in formation is au tomatically updated.
The s ym bo ls are d isp layed in s p ec ific
select ed scales.
"Sa tellite im ages ": d ep e ndin g on
ava ilability a nd re solution, s a tellite im ages are shown as the background in
several scales.
▷ 3D "Pe rsp ec . view in 3D": dis tinc tive lo-
cati ons i n the nav igati on data are shown
on the map in 3D.
"Map mo de ": ac co rd ing to lighting c on-
ditions, select and make settin gs.
"S tatus info": fade in/out s tatus fields .
Status fields, see page 21.
Chan ge
1. Select the symbol.
2. To change the scale: turn the controller.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Map viewNavig at io n
Automatically set scale
"A u toscal e": in the nor th-pointi ng map view,
the route between location and destination is
sho wn . T his v iew i s a l so select ed w hen t he sca le
is se t s o wide th at the fo llowing is sh own:
Map view for split-s creen
R egar dless of t he ma i n sc r een, th e map v i ew can
be selected for the split-screen.
1. Call up "Optio ns ".
2. "Sp lit s cree n"
3. Tilt the co ntroller re pe ate dly to th e righ t until
the sp lit s cree n is s e lecte d.
4. Press the controller.
5. Select map view.
▷ "Arrow vi ew"
▷ "Map north-oriented"
▷ "M ap in direction of travel"
▷ "Map perspective"
▷ "Pos itio n"
▷ "G uidi ng Plus": selected secti ons of
route, for examp le mo torway intersections, are shown in perspecti ve.
▷ "Tra ffic inform ation map ": ma p is op ti-
mised to the displ ay of traffic information.
6. To change the scale: sw itch to split screen
and turn controller.
4. "Pictures at destin ation "
5. Depending on the offering, various photos
can be selected.
Images to the destination
Dis pla ys
Photos can be displa yed for cer tain desti nat i o ns
w hen route guidan ce is active.
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
3. "Guidance "
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nTraffic information
Traffic information
Vehicle Equipment
Thi s chapt er describes al l standar d, nat i onal and
sp e cial e quipm en t provide d in th e m odel s e rie s .
Theref ore equi pment not avail abl e i n a v ehi cl e i s
also de scri b ed, f o r examp le th e select ed spec ial
equipment or national v er si on. That also appl i es
to safety-r elevant functi ons and systems.
Ge n e ra l
Traffic i nformation from radio stations sending
a tr aff ic war ning serv ice o n t he Traff ic Message
Chan ne l, TMC, is s ho wn in the map view an d
con sid e re d wh en calc ulatin g route . Informatio n
on traffic obstructions and dangers i s continuously updated.
Tra ffic info rm ation is dis playe d o n the ma p b y
Tra ffic info rm ation for the vic inity is sto re d in a
Dis pla y
The symbol in the functi on bar of the map
vie w turns ye llow, if the traffic info rm ation con cerns the calculated rout e and th e ex pected del a y is l e ss th an 20 m inut es. T h e sy mbo l tu r ns red
if the e xpe cted de lay is m ore than 2 0 m inute s or
the r out e is blocked or there i s a dan ger m essage for the route.
Th e symbol sho ws tha t t h ere ar e su ita b le diversions from the traffic information.
Real-Time Traffic In formation, RTTI
In some countries addit ional bookable services
se nd real-time traffic info rm atio n, RTT I, which is
then used and sh own instead of traffic information from the radio station.
The location of traffic obs truc tions is s pe cified
more comprehensively and precisely wi th realtime traffic information. In addition, the traffic
situati on off the motorways, f or example, on side
streets and urban roads, is extensively recorded
and shown. D iver si on recommendati ons can be
calculated more precisely on the basis of this
informa tion. This lo wers t he ris k of c om ing
across another tr af fic obstruction on di v ersi ons.
Several recommended diversions or further infor mation may be provided.
Whe n d riving in countries in whic h rea l-tim e traffic informatio n is availab le, the traffic info rm ation
continues to use radio stations.
It is shown in the low er status field, see
page 21, in map view whether TMC or RTTI in-
format ion is us e d.
Re c ep t io n
Switching on/off
1. "Naviga tion"
2. Call up "Options".
3. "Receive traffic info"
Traffic information list
Dis play s
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Map"
"Traffic information"
"Traffic reports"
With acti ve route guidance traffic information affecting the computed route is f irst
sho wn wit h red sy m b ols. The n t h e tra ffi c information not affecting the route with grey
symbo ls. The variou s items of traffic information are sorted by distance from th e vehicle's current position.
5. Se le ct th e it em of t ra ffic informa tion.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Traffic informationNaviga tion
"More info rm atio n": dis p lays further in-
If appli cable, br o wse to the next or
the prec eding item of traffic informatio n.
Recommended diversions
Dis pla ys
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
"Diversion": a li st of recommended di-
ve rs io ns is sh own.
Traffic information in the map
Traffic overview
With the function switched on, the map v iew
changes to grey scale, set to point north and
changes the scale as needed. Th e symbols for
additional information are greyed out. This opti mi ses the traf fic i nformati on di splay. D ay/night
mode i s not tak en i nto considerat i on f or thi s setting.
Information on traffic flow in the map
Dependi ng on the scale, the length, directi on
and ef fect of a traffic obstruction are indicated
by roa d signs in the map o r coloured lines a long
the calcul at ed route.
▷ Black: obstruction.
▷ Re d: traffic jam.
▷ Orange: queuing traffic.
▷ Yellow: he avy traffic.
▷ Green: free -flowing traffic.
▷ Grey: g ene ral traffic inform ation, for e xam-
ple roadworks.
The inf ormation displayed depend on the specific traffic information s ervice.
Traffic information with route
If there is inform ation on traffic ob stru ction s, the
system calculates the possi ble proposed diversions.
Show traffic ov erview
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
"Traffic information"
"Tra ffic info m ap "
Leave traffic overview
Tilt the co ntroller to the left. Th e orig inal m ap
view is shown.
Symbols in the map v iew
D epending on the scal e of the map and locati on
of the traf fic obstruction in relati on to the route,
the symbols f or traffic obstru ctions are displayed.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Ge nera l
Tw o types of r oute guidance are possi ble.
▷ Partially dyna mic rout e guidance: diver sion
sug gestions from the navigation system
may be t a ken.
▷ Dynamic route guidance: diver sion sugges-
ti ons are automatical ly recorded in the route
Pa rtially d yna mic route g uid an ce
Partia lly d ynamic route guidan ce is active whe n
tra ffic information re ce ption is s witche d o n.
The systems takes into account the existing
tr affic i nformation during the route gui dance. A
message is displayed depending on the route,
the tra ffic info rm ation and the pos sib le dive rs ion
Na vig a t io nTraffic information
routes. I f there is a traf fi c obstructi on, a di versi on
is offe red if po s sib le .
For particular dangers, for example objects on
the r o ad, a message is displayed with no div ersion option.
The upper pa rt of the message shows:
▷ Symbol of th e first traffic disruption, or with
distance to the start of the traffic di srupti on.
▷ Distance to the start of the diversion.
The lower part of the message shows:
▷ Remai n i ng r oute t o be dri v en an d ar riv al time
on th e o rig inal route , with white symbol.
▷ Differe nce in route le ng th a nd g ain in time of
the diversion compared wi th the original
route, with coloured symbol.
The follo wing is s hown in the s plit s creen:
▷ Original route, white .
▷ Diversion, coloured.
Accepting a diversion
In the me ssage:
"Diver sion"
Via t he t oo lb ar:
als o po s sib le that th e route is calculate d s o
that it cuts across the traffic congestion.
▷ Particul ar dangers are displa yed independ-
ently of the setting.
Activating dynamic route guidance
1. "Naviga tion"
2. "Map"
"Ro ute criteria"
"Ro ute criteria"
5. "Dynam ic g uida nce "
Country-specific information
via BMW Online
Specific i nformation on countr ies can be tr ansferred via BMW Online , for examp le s p ee d limits
on B roads.
1. "Naviga tion"
2. Call up "Options".
3. "Country info (BM W Online)"
1. "Na viga tion"
2. "Map"
"Traffic information"
5. Open desi red diversi on.
Dynamic route guidance
The ro ute is auto matically cha nged if a traffic
obstruction is encountered.
▷ The sy stem does not indicate traff ic ob-
structions on the original route.
▷ Traffic inform ation is s till d is playe d o n the
▷ Dependi ng on th e type of road and the na-
ture and l ength of the traffic congesti on, it is
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Navigation data
Navigation dataNavigat io n
Vehicle Equipment
This cha pte r de scribe s all stand ard, n ation al an d
sp e cial e quipm en t provided in the m ode l s e rie s .
Theref or e equ ipment no t a v ailable i n a v eh icl e is
al so described, for exampl e the sel ected specia l
equi pment or n ational v er si on. T hat also applies
to safety-relevant functions and systems.
Information on navigation
1. "Na viga tion"
2. Call up "Optio ns ".
3. "Na viga tion s ys tem version" Inform ation re -
gar ding the versio n of the data is displayed.
Ge n e ra l
N avigation data is saved in the vehicl e and ca n
be updated using USB medium.
You can obtain up-to-date navigation data and
the acti vation code from your Service centre.
1. Connect USB medi um with the new naviga-
tion data to the USB interface in the centre
armres t.
2. Follow th e in struc tions o n the c ontrol d is-
3. Enter activ ati on code f or the navi gati on data.
The naviga tion data are updated. After an
inte rrup tion in the trip, follow the in struc tions on the control display.
4. A fter updating, r emove the media with nav-
igatio n data.
Checking status
1. Press the button.
2. "Nav igation update"
No t e s
D epending on the volume of data, u pda ting the
data can take several hours.
Update whi l e the v ehicl e is i n motion, to save the
batte ry.
Only the basic functions of the navigation system are ava ilable while an upd ate is in prog re s s .
You can check the status of t he update pr ocess.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Na vig a t io nWha t to do if...
What to do if...
Vehicle Equipment
Thi s chapt er describes al l standar d, nat i onal and
sp e cial e quipm en t provide d in th e m odel s e rie s .
Theref ore equi pment not avail abl e i n a v ehi cl e i s
also de scri b ed, f o r examp le th e select ed spec ial
equipment or national v er si on. That also appl i es
to safety-r elevant functi ons and systems.
What to do if...
▷ The curr ent posi t ion cannot be displ ayed.
Th e c ar is in a n are a no t c o ve red b y th e d at a ,
is in a poor re c ep tion a rea o r the s ys tem is
currently c alcu lating the po sition. Rece p tion
will normally be p os sible outd oors .
▷ A destination without a street is not trans-
ferred to the route guidance system.
No city centre can be determined for the
place enter ed.
Enter any street in the place selected and
start route guidance.
▷ A destination is not transferred to the route
guidanc e system.
The da ta fo r th e d e stinatio n is not a vailable
i n the navigation data. Choose a destination
as close as possible to the original one.
▷ Le tte rs canno t be s ele c ted for de s tination
inpu t.
The data stor ed do not contain the desti na-
tion data.
Choo se a de s tinatio n as c los e as pos s ible to
the origina l one .
▷ Map view shown in grey scales?
"Traffic info map" Active: indications on the
Control Displ a y are toggled to grey - scale.
This fac ilitate s op timum traffic info rm atio n
dis pla y. De ac tiva te tra ffic informa tion m ap ,
see page 25.
▷ S p oken ins tructions ce as e to be given im-
mediately before junctions during route
guid ance?
Area is not f ully recorded, or you have deviated fr om t he sug gested route and the sy s tem requi res a few seconds to calculate a
new route.
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Wha t to do if...Navig at io n
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
En te rt a in m e n t
This chapter ensures your enjoyment when
re ce iving radio and te levisio n s tatio ns or when
playing CD s, DVDs and tracks from the music
Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 912 836 - 07 12 510
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