Harken 1782 User Manual

1816 Track: 6’915/16" (2.08 m) long track.
Number of sections will vary according to luff length.
Make sure you have the correct size track. System C track is 11/4" (32 mm) wide.
Track for Drilling and Tapping 516/758/1847 Track: You must use
516/758/1847 track for drilling and tapping. Use
" (8 mm) FH screws, not included. Do not use 1816 open backed track for drilling and tapping the mast. This track must have the support of the mounting slugs.
See page 8 for mounting instructions.
Make sure that you have the correct size Battcar system for your boat.
Maximum Sail Area
Monohull Multihull
Boat Length
1400 ft
130 m
1200 ft
111 m
24 m
Parts List
Flat Battslide®fitting with threaded post is shown. You may have toggle attachment, round batten ends or SDA batten fittings (not included).
Luff cars not required
if battens are close
enough to support sail.
Plastic spacers go
to sailmaker
One required for each track.
One required for each system.
2 - Headboard Cars
1 - Coupler
7 - 19 mm Rings
19 - Mounting Slugs
1” (25 mm)
1 - Connector Slug
/8" (105 mm)
2 - Tubes
Blue Loctite
21 - Flathead Screws
8 mm x 25 mm (1")
2 - End Stop Slugs
2" (51 mm)
4 - Flat Head Screws
8 mm x 40 mm (1
2 - End Stops
1 - Tube
Blue Loctite
(19 mm)
11/4” (32 mm)
” (32 mm)
2 - Headboard Plates
2 - Tubes Blue Loctite
1 - Batten Receptacle
1 - Battcar
6 - Screws
6 - Barrel Nuts
Sail Spacers
Required Tools Determining Track Length
Phillips screwdriver Drill Tape measure
/64" (8.5 mm) drill bit Putty knife File Hacksaw Tape Hammer Socket wrench Center punch Power driven screwdriver Step Ladder: If you are installing the system with
the mast up, use a step ladder that can be secured to the boat near the mast.
You will need to work at a hand height of about 7' (2.13 m) above the gooseneck.
Note: Track length is
greater than
luff length of sail.
The track must extend at least 9" (229 mm) above the point where the halyard is attached to the Harken headboard. Allow for sail stretch.
Make sure the top of the track does not interfere with the halyard exiting from the mast.
The set back for the halyard from the aft side of the mast is 41/2" (114 mm). See Diagram A.
Remember to leave 3/8" (10 mm) beyond each end of the track for the end stops. At the lower end, the track must extend as close to the gooseneck as possible
and ideally below the top of the boom.
Adjusting 1816 Track Length
The length of the track is matched to the mast by adjusting the number of 6'915/16
(2.08 m) track lengths and by cutting the top and bottom track pieces to length. Consult chart below to determine how many total track pieces you will need. Consult the charts below to determine whether you need to cut your top track to
length. All mast lengths will require cutting the bottom track. A short bottom track allows
cars to be easily loaded. See page 9.
How 1816 Many Track Sections?
Use the chart below to determine the total number of full length 6'915/
16" (2.08 m)
track sections required for installation. The variable length top and bottom tracks are included in this number.
Track Length of Mast
(As Described in Diagram A)
Number of 6'915/
" (2.08 m)
Track Sections Required
56'3" to 61'6"
(17.145 m to 18.745 m)
61'7" to 68'4"
(18.771 m to 20.828 m)
68'5" to 75'2"
(20.853 m to 22.911 m)
75'3" to 82'
(22.936 m to 24.994 m)
82'1" to 88'10"
(25.019 m to 27.076 m)
95'9" to 97'2"
(29.185 m to 29.616 m)
88'11" to 95'8"
(27.102 m to 29.159 m)
Full Length 6'91/8" (2.06 m) Top Track
Round your track length to the nearest 1" (25 mm). If your track length is one of the dimensions shown below, your track system does not need a special length top track. A full length 6'915/16" (2.08 m) track is used as the top track.
56'3" (17.145 m) 63'1" (19.228 m) 69'11" (21.311 m) 76' 9" (23.393 m) 83' 7" (25.476 m) 90'5" (27.559 m) 56'4" (17.170 m) 63'2" (19.253 m) 70' (21.336 m) 76'10" (23.419 m) 83' 8" (25.502 m) 90'6" (27.584 m) 56'5" (17.196 m) 63'3" (19.279 m) 70' 1" (21.361 m) 76'11" (23.444 m) 83' 9" (25.527 m) 90'7" (27.610 m) 56'6" (17.221 m) 63'4" (19.304 m) 70' 2" (21.387 m) 77' (23.470 m) 83'10" (25.552 m) 90'8" (27.635 m) 56'7" (17.247 m) 63'5" (19.329 m) 70' 3" (21.412 m) 77' 1" (23.495 m) 83'11" (25.578 m) 90'9" (27.661 m)
DIAGRAM A: Determining Track Length
(114 mm)
Total Track Length (as defined on page 4)
Top Track Length
7" (178 mm)
57' (17.374 m) 63'10"(19.456 m) 70' 8"(21.539 m) 77' 6"(23.622 m) 84' 4"(25.705 m) 91' 2"(27.788 m) 9" (229 mm)
57' 2"(17.424 m) 64' (19.507 m) 70'10"(21.590 m) 77' 8"(23.673 m) 84' 6"(25.756 m) 91' 4"(27.838 m) 11" (279 mm)
57' 4"(17.475 m) 64' 2"(19.558 m) 71' (21.641 m) 77'10"(23.724 m) 84' 8"(25.806 m) 91' 6"(27.889 m) 13" (330 mm)
57' 6"(17.526 m) 64' 4"(19.609 m) 71' 2"(21.692 m) 78' (23.774 m) 84'10"(25.857 m) 91' 8"(27.940 m) 15" (381 mm)
57' 8"(17.577 m) 64' 6"(19.660 m) 71' 4"(21.742 m) 78' 2"(23.825 m) 85' (25.908 m) 91'10"(27.991 m) 17" (432 mm)
57'10"(17.628 m) 64' 8"(19.710 m) 71' 6"(21.793 m) 78' 4"(23.876 m) 85' 2"(25.959 m) 92' (28.042 m) 19" (483 mm)
58' (17.678 m) 64'10"(19.761 m) 71' 8"(21.844 m) 78' 6"(23.927 m) 85' 4"(26.010 m) 92' 2"(28.092 m) 21" (533 mm)
58' 2"(17.729 m) 65' (19.812 m) 71'10"(21.895 m) 78' 8"(23.978 m) 85' 6"(26.060 m) 92' 4"(28.143 m) 23" (584 mm)
58' 4"(17.780 m) 65' 2"(19.863 m) 72' (21.946 m) 78'10"(24.028 m) 85' 8"(26.111 m) 92' 6"(28.194 m) 25" (635 mm)
58' 6"(17.831 m) 65' 4"(19.914 m) 72' 2"(22.996 m) 79' (24.079 m) 85'10"(26.162 m) 92' 8"(28.245 m) 27" (686 mm)
59' 2"(18.034 m) 66' (20.117 m) 72'10"(22.200 m) 79' 8"(24.282 m) 86' 6"(26.365 m) 93' 4"(28.448 m)
59' (17.983 m) 65'10"(20.066 m) 72' 8"(22.149 m) 79' 6"(24.232 m) 86' 4"(26.314 m) 93' 2"(28.397 m)
58'10"(17.932 m) 65' 8"(20.015 m) 72' 6"(22.098 m) 79' 4"(24.181 m) 86' 2"(26.264 m) 93' (28.346 m)
58' 8"(17.882 m) 65' 6"(19.964 m) 72' 4"(22.047 m) 79' 2"(24.130 m) 86' (26.213 m) 92'10"(28.296 m)
35" (889 mm)
33" (838 mm)
31" (787 mm)
29" (737 mm)
59' 6"(18.136 m) 66' 4"(20.218 m) 73' 2"(22.301 m) 80' (24.384 m) 86'10"(26.467 m) 93' 8"(28.550 m)
59' 4"(18.085 m) 66' 2"(20.168 m) 73' (22.250 m) 79'10"(24.333 m) 86' 8"(26.416 m) 93' 6"(28.499 m)
59' 8"(18.186 m) 66' 6"(20.269 m) 73' 4"(22.352 m) 80' 2"(24.435 m) 87' (26.518 m) 93'10"(28.600 m)
37" (940 mm)
41" (1.041 m)
59'10"(18.237 m) 66' 8"(20.320 m) 73' 6"(22.403 m) 80' 4"(24.486 m) 87' 2"(26.568 m) 94' (28.651 m) 43" (1.092 m)
60" (18.288 m) 66'10"(20.371 m) 73' 8"(22.454 m) 80' 6"(24.536 m) 87' 4"(26.619 m) 94' 2"(28.702 m) 45" (1.143 m)
60' 2"(18.339 m) 67' (20.422 m) 73'10"(22.504 m) 80' 8"(24.587 m) 87' 6"(26.670 m) 94' 4"(28.753 m) 47" (1.194 m)
60' 4"(18.390 m) 67' 2"(20.472 m) 74' (22.555 m) 80'10"(24.638 m) 87' 8"(26.721 m) 94' 6"(28.804 m) 49" (1.245 m)
60' 6"(18.440 m) 67' 4"(20.523m) 74' 2"(22.606 m) 81' (24.689 m) 87'10"(26.772 m) 94' 8"(28.854 m) 51" (1.295 m)
60' 8"(18.491 m) 67' 6"(20.574 m) 74' 4"(22.657 m) 81' 2"(24.740 m) 88' (26.822 m) 94'10"(28.905 m) 53" (1.346 m)
60'10"(18.542 m) 67' 8"(20.625 m) 74' 6"(22.708 m) 81' 4"(24.790 m) 88' 2"(26.873 m) 95' (28.956 m) 55" (1.397 m)
61' (18.593 m) 67'10"(20.676 m) 74' 8"(22.758 m) 81' 6"(24.841 m) 88' 4"(26.924 m) 95' 2"(29.007 m) 57" (1.448 m)
61' 2"(18.644 m) 68' (20.726 m) 74'10"(22.809 m) 81' 8"(24.892 m) 88' 6"(26.975 m) 95' 4"(29.058 m) 59" (1.499 m)
61' 4"(18.694 m) 68' 2"(20.777 m) 75' (22.860 m) 81'10"(24.943 m) 88' 8"(27.026 m) 95' 6"(29.108 m) 61" (1.549 m)
61' 6"(18.745 m) 68' 4"(20.828 m) 75' 2"(22.911 m) 82' ((24.994m) 88'10"(27.076 m) 95' 8"(29.159 m) 63" (1.600 m)
61' 8"(18.796 m) 68' 6"(20.879 m) 75' 4"(22.962 m) 82' 2"(25.044 m) 89' (27.127 m) 95'10"(29.210 m) 65" (1.651 m)
61'10"(18.847 m) 68' 8"(20.930 m) 75' 6"(23.012 m) 82' 4"(25.095 m) 89' 2"(27.178 m) 96' (29.261 m) 67" (1.702 m)
62' (18.898 m) 68'10"(20.980 m) 75' 8"(23.063 m) 82' 6"(25.146 m) 89' 4"(27.229 m) 96' 2"(29.312 m) 69" (1.753 m)
62' 2"(18.948 m) 69' (21.031m) 75'10"(23.114 m) 82' 8"(25.197 m) 89' 6"(27.280 m) 96' 4"(29.362 m) 71" (1.803 m)
62' 4"(18.999 m) 69' 2"(21.082 m) 76' (23.165 m) 82'10"(25.248 m) 89' 8"(27.330 m) 96' 6"(29.413 m) 73" (1.854 m)
62' 6"(19.050 m) 69' 4"(21.133m) 76' 2"(23.216 m) 83' (25.298 m) 89'10"(27.381 m) 96' 8"(29.464 m) 75" (1.905 m)
62' 8"(19.101 m) 69' 6"(21.184 m) 76' 4"(23.266 m) 83' 2"(25.349 m) 90' (27.432 m) 96'10"(29.515 m) 77" (1.956 m)
79" (2.007 m)
63' (19.202 m) 69'10"(21.285 m) 76' 8"(23.368 m) 83' 6"(25.451 m) 90' 4"(27.534 m) 97' 2"(29.616 m) 81" (2.057 m)
Cutting Top Track To Length
62'10"(19.152 m) 69' 8"(21.234 m) 76' 6"(23.317 m) 83' 4"(25.400 m) 90' 2"(27.483 m) 97' (29.566 m)
56' 8"(17.272 m) 63' 6"(19.355 m) 70' 4"(21.438 m) 77' 2"(23.520 m) 84' (25.603 m) 90'10"(27.686 m)
56'10"(17.323 m) 63' 8"(19.406 m) 70' 6"(21.488 m) 77' 4"(23.571 m) 84' 2"(25.654 m) 91' (27.737 m)
39" (990 mm)
5" (127 mm)
Cutting Top Track To Length
Use a file to deburr the cut. Slightly round off the corners of the track
that will slide against the mast so it will not catch when sliding the track up the mast.
If your track length is shown in the chart on page 4, use a hacksaw to cut a special length of top track from a 6'915/
16" (2.08 m)
track. Round your track length to the nearest
/2" (10 mm) and extrapolate to determine the top track length.
Drill two 21/64" (8.5 mm) holes in the cut end of the top track centered at 9/16" (14 mm) and 15/
8" (41 mm) from the track end.
Slip the rubber end stop over the cut end of the top track.
Before You Start...will mounting slugs and cars fit?
NOTE: You will cut the bottom track in Step 10.
Clear of Trysail Track?
To make sure the track will tighten against mast, put a mounting slug in the groove, a track section on the mast and use a screw to test.
Also, make sure mounting screw is long enough for your mast groove.
Check to make sure the 41/8" (105 mm) long connector slug will fit in the feeder opening. If necessary, use a file to make the feeder opening longer.
Use a halyard to run the 41/8" (105 mm) long connector slug up the entire mast. Use a retrieval line. If it jams, clean the groove.
If there is prebend in the mast, you may need to straighten it out somewhat to install the battcar system.
Warning! Screws must have three (3) or
more threads engaged to hold track to mast. Make sure screw makes three (3) full 360°
rotations after threads engage in slug.
Cars are 23/4" (70 mm) wide. Make sure they do not hit trysail track or other obstruction up the entire spar. Note: tracks often converge above the spreaders.
Check Fit
Will Tighten
Will Not Tighten
35/16" (84 mm)
Slip the slugs for the
top track into the mast groove starting with 2" (51 mm) end stop slug.
Make sure the 41/
(105 mm) connector slug is at the bottom.
If the mast is up, tape the 2" (51 mm) slug in place so it will be even with the top of the upper track.
Tape the other slugs in place.
Installing Track
Put a drop of blue
Loctite into each connector slug hole.
Thread a 19/16"
(40 mm) long end stop screw through the rubber end stop, track and into end stop slug.
If the mast is up, remove the tape and tighten the screw enough to hold the track in place.
Loosely install the other 1
" (40 mm) screw.
Use a putty knife to
slide the next slugs into place and loosely install the 1" (25 mm) screws.
Loosen the top screw
and slide the top track up far enough to place the next 6'915/16" (2.08 m) track in place.
Mast up: tighten bottom screw to hold the track in place.
Slide 19 mounting
slugs and a connector slug into the mast groove.
Mast up: tape in place. Put a drop of blue
Loctite®in each hole.
Tip: Use the putty knife as a feeler gauge to make sure the screws are loose enough to slide easily in the groove.
REMEMBER: The tracks may slide up the lower part of the mast but may hang up when they reach a spliced area of the mast.
+ 11 hidden pages